
Glass wallpaper in the interior: features, characteristics, manufacturers, how to choose, photos. How to choose the right paint and glue for glass wallpaper for painting. How to glue glass wallpaper for painting with your own hands - instruction

Glass wallpaper in the interior: features, characteristics, manufacturers, how to choose, photos. How to choose the right paint and glue for glass wallpaper for painting. How to glue glass wallpaper for painting with your own hands - instruction
The article is dedicated to glass wallpaper. How to glue glass wallpaper? How to care for glass wallpaper? How safe are the glass wallpaper in the living room? Photo of glass wallpaper in the interior.

Modern wallpaper simply amaze with their diversity. You can find wallpaper with any pattern, from any material, any size, etc. If you are going to make repairs in your apartment, then you simply must find out about all the advantages of such a modern type of wallpaper as glass wallpaper. At first it may seem that this type of coating will look pretty sparing in the modern interior. But as soon as you look at the photos of wall decoration options with glass wallpaper, your doubts will be scattered. In this article, we will consider all the subtleties of gluing glass, we will learn about the advantages and possible disadvantages of glass wallpaper from different manufacturers.

Glass wallpaper. Characteristics of the material

If you want to make wall decoration in your apartment with a wear -resistant material, which will also be natural, then be sure to look at the fiberglass wallpaper. What is this material? There are many opinions about the benefits of glass wallpaper. Some believe that this type of coating does not differ from ordinary paper wallpaper, and the stories about their “special weaving” are only a marketing course adding the price.  Other people are sure that glass wallpaper cannot be used for wall decoration in residential premises due to their danger and similarity to glassy. Let us consider the main characteristics of this modern coating, which is gaining more and more popularity every year:

  • glass wallpaper - a special coating for walls, which is distinguished by its decorativeness;
  • glass wallpaper "weave" or even "knit" from glass threads;
  • for the manufacture of glass wallpaper, glass of a special type is required, which at high temperatures can stretch into long threads, which then will become “yarn” for glass wallpaper;
  • glass wallpaper - the most natural option for wall covering. They contain quartz sand, dolomite, lime and soda;
  • most of the production of glass wallpaper, which have earned the trust of buyers around the world, are in Sweden and Germany;
  • the service life of fiberglass wallpaper is about 30 years. Of course, this indicator depends on the quality of gluing such wallpaper, the frequency of their washing and painting;
  • glass wallpaper - a practical coating for surfaces not only in apartments, but also in hospitals, offices, hotels;
  • glass wallpaper can help create a diverse texture for the surface: Christmas tree, rhombuses, leaves, flower motifs, zigzags, etc.

Glass wallpaper and "web" - the difference in coatings

Very often they talk about the similarity of glass wallpaper with a “spider”. The “spider” also refers to fiberglass coatings, but has a number of differences from glass wallpaper:

  • The “cobweb” looks like a smooth canvas, and the glass wallpaper is a textured decorative coating with many options for patterns;
  • “Web”, or glass chloride, is designed to smooth out walls, ceilings in front of the next layer of coating. Glass wallpaper - this is the option of finishing walls;
  • glass chloride has less strength than fiberglass wallpaper;
  • the surface with a “cobweb” resembles a smooth painted surface, and the surfaces with glass wallpaper look like they are glued with the usual wallpaper.

Types of glass wallpaper

Glass wallpaper in quality

Depending on how much you have, you can opt for one of the three varieties of fiberglass wallpaper:

  • glass wallpaper 1st class. Dear walls of high quality. Rolls have side protection. This coating is most densified;
  • glass 2nd class. Glass wallpaper slightly smaller density, rolls are packed in polyethylene;
  • glass wallpaper of the 3rd class. This category may belong to the remains of rolls, glass wallpaper with small defects, a knocked down pattern, etc.

It is also worth noting that for decoration of walls in the room it is better not to choose glass wallpaper, the density of which is less than 100 g/sq.m. Among consumers, glass wallpaper from Leroy Merlin is in high demand.

Glass wallpaper in color

Depending on what effect you want to achieve in the interior, you can choose:

  • white or slightly beige glass wallpaper that can be painted;
  • color glass wallpaper.

Glass wallpaper in relief

As you already understood, glass wallpaper has a relief surface. The complexity of the pattern depends on which machine are made on which such wallpaper. There are the following types of glass wallpaper depending on the complexity of the picture:

  • textured fiberglass wallpaper. Such wallpapers are made on a regular weaving machine;
  • complex fiberglass wallpaper. This type of wallpaper is made on a jacquard machine.

Glass wallpaper if possible

Fiberglass wallpaper can be:

  • intended for further painting;
  • not intended for further painting.

Glass wallpaper in water resistance

If you carefully examine the label on the windshield roll. then you will definitely find information about the degree of water resistance there. This criterion is indicated by the icon of "wave".

  • The icon with one wave. This type of fiberglass coating will not differ in high water resistance. You can wash such wallpapers, but only with soft suede.
  • A badge with two waves. Glass wallpaper with an average degree of water resistance. Using a damp rag, such coatings can be cleaned.
  • The icon with three waves. This information means that glass wallpaper has a high level of water resistance. The use of detergents is allowed.
  • A badge with three waves and brush. The highest level of water resistance and strength. You can not be afraid to wash such glass wallpaper, use detergents.

Glass wallpaper according to the method of use

  • Fiberglass wallpaper that are designed for painting.
  • Wheak chip, which is designed for painting.
  • The glass chip, which is designed for putty.
  • The glass wallpaper is colored, which are a finished finish coating for walls.
  • Liquid wallpaper with fiberglass filler.

Glass wallpaper. Photo

The pluses of glass wallpaper

No matter how diverse people are about the qualities of glass wallpaper, it can be safely argued that this coating has the following advantages:

  • strength. If we compare glass wallpaper with vinyl wallpaper, then the strength of the first is exactly 2 times higher. In addition, the glass wallpaper can be cooked, do not break, do not wear out;
  • creating a favorable microclimate in the room. The glass wallpaper does not attract dust, which is especially true for families where there are children, allergies, asthmatics. Also, glass wallpaper has a “breathing” loop structure, without interfering with air circulation and water vapor;
  • environmental friendliness. The glass wallpaper is made of natural materials, are not able to become a nutrient medium for the propagation of harmful microorganisms, mold;
  • safety. The glass wallpaper is absolutely safe. This type of wall covering can be safely chosen for children's rooms and gaming zones;
  • wear resistance. Walls covered with glass wallpaper are absolutely not afraid of mechanical damage, touches, wet cleaning. If any section of the wallpaper is damaged. then it can be replaced without problems with a new one. Gorrizontal joints are invisible on glass wallpaper;
  • fire safety. The undoubted advantage of fiberglass wallpaper for residential premises is their absolute resistance to fire. Glass does not burn. Such wallpapers even when contacting with fire do not ignite and do not emit harmful gases;
  • ease of use. Glass wallpaper, although they relate to modern materials for wall decoration, do not require any special skills for pasting surfaces. You will not need to call a specialist at home so that he glues glass wallpaper. If at least once in your life you dealt with pasting walls with paper wallpaper, then you can handle such a task yourself;
  • color stability. The owners of juicy interiors with modern colored glass bearing confirm that such a coating does not lose juiciness and brightness of paints. The sun can shine on the walls as much as you like, but they will not turn pale;
  • resistance to moisture. Despite the fact that glass wallpaper can have a different level of water resistance. Most of them are not afraid of water or steam. That is why glass wallpaper is often chosen for wall decor in the bathroom or in the kitchen. The brightness of paints, relief and the structure of the wallpaper itself will not suffer when moisture hits;
  • long service life. It is difficult to find any more finishing material for surfaces. which could boast of such a long service life. The average duration of the use of glass wallpaper is 30 years;
  • the possibility of staining. You can purchase glass wallpaper for painting and repainting them several times in any color. This is a great output for those. Who craves constant changes in the interior. High -quality glass wallpaper can withstand 6 to 10 paints.

Glass wallpaper - disadvantages

Even the most modern coating for walls or ceilings can be distinguished by a number of disadvantages. What do people most often complain about. How much did you choose glass wallpaper? Consider the main disadvantages of this coating:

  • price. If you want to make a minimum of costs when buying wallpaper. then glass wallpaper will not work for you. Certainly. You can consider the wallpaper of the third class of quality. But you will not get much enthusiasm for their use. Such wallpapers will have a low level of water resistance, low strength;
  • if the glass wallpaper has a patterned pattern, which is mild, then with each painting it will become more and more inconspicuous;
  • if it is incorrectly selected for glass wallpaper. Then there may be problems with wet cleaning of such a coating. Spots may simply not wash off such paint;
  • if you overdo it with glue or paint for glass, then they can exfoliate from the surface under their weight;
  • glass wallpaper absorbs a lot of paint. If the flow of paint is indicated on the bank of the paint, then when staining glass wallpaper, it may increase;
  • when working with glass wallpaper, it is advisable to protect the body, hands and face;
  • you need to stick glass wallpaper to the surface, which is perfectly smooth.

Playing with glass wallpaper walls

Step 1. Preparation of materials and tools for gluing glass

Before proceeding with independent pasting walls with glass wallpaper, you must make sure that you have all the necessary tools and materials for work. You may need:

  • construction knife;
  • foaming roller;
  • construction spatula;
  • ladder;
  • cuvette;
  • plumb and others.

In addition, you will need glass wallpaper itself, glue, putty and primer.

Step 2. Removing from the walls of the old coating before gluing glass

If there is an old coating in the form of wallpaper on the walls, then it must be removed.

  1. If the wallpaper is paper, then they need to be removed with a spatula. In order to speed up the process, moisten the wallpaper with warm water with a foam roller.
  2. If the wallpaper is structural, then they are removed with one sheet, pulling it down.
  3. If the wallpaper is vinyl, then it is advisable to use the special composition to remove them, which will accelerate and facilitate the process. The lower layer of vinyl wallpaper can not be removed, leaving it as a base for glass wallpaper.

Step 3. Preparing the walls for glass wallpaper

Playing glass wallpaper involves perfectly even surfaces. After you removed the old coating. It is necessary to align the walls under the glass wallpaper with a putty.

  1. We cover the walls with a layer of putty.
  2. If there are irregularities and cracks, then we use a painting grid.
  3. A building roller applies a layer of primer.

Especially carefully should work around sockets. They are best de -energized and removed until the end of construction work.

Step 4. Marking walls for glass wallpaper

In order to stick glass wallpaper evenly. It is important to mark the wall:

  • stand on a high stool or stepladder and indicate with a building pencil at risk at the very top of the wall;
  • with the help of a plumb line or the level of a building, a perpendicular floor is drawn, which will serve as a guide;

  • using a roulette, measure the length of this line. This will be the required length of the glass wallpaper, to which you need to add 10 cm to the allowance;
  • cut the sheets of glass wallpaper of the required length. To do this, it is better to use a special sharp building knife. Remember that the wallpaper is twisted in the roll with the front side. The cutting of sheets is best done on a convenient flat surface, which is not terrible to damage with a knife.

Step 5. Preparation of glue for glass wallpaper

After the walls are prepared and the wallpaper sheets are cut, it's time to start the process of preparing the glue. Each manufacturer necessarily indicates detailed instructions on how to mix the composition. Usually you need to pour water, pour a dry mixture of glue there and stir thoroughly. You can use a special mixer nozzle for a construction drill. In modern construction stores, you can purchase the following types of glue for glass wallpaper:

  • dry mixture for the preparation of glue;
  • liquid finished glue for glass wallpaper;
  • frost -resistant glue for glass wallpaper.

The last variety of glue is designed to glue walls in rooms without heating. If it is not possible to purchase glue for glass wallpaper, then you can buy a universal glue for all types of wallpaper or universal glue for heavy wallpaper.

Step 6. Glass of glass wallpaper

We proceed to gluing glass wallpaper on the wall:

  • we apply a layer of glue with a thickness of 2-3 mm on the wall with a roller. It is very important to apply a sufficient amount of glue. In order to check the thickness of the applied layer, draw a finger along the wall. If there is a groove, then the layer is sufficient;

  • we apply a sheet of glass wallpaper to the wall, focusing on the marking previously made. The spatula thoroughly smooth the glass wallpaper to get rid of air bubbles, folds and irregularities;
  • glue any wallpaper from top to bottom;
  • it is very easy to cut the excess section of the glass wallpaper at the bottom of the bottom using a construction knife and spatula. We thoroughly bend the wallpaper with a spatula, and quickly cut off the required area along the fold line with a knife.

Thus the whole room is glued. After that, you need to let the glass wallpaper dry. The speed of drying of such wallpaper after pasting depends on the amount of glue. The quality of the track and quality and wallpaper. Typically, this requires 1-2 days. The room does not need to allow drafts at this time, maintain a stable temperature of 10-25 degrees, and prevent too long exposure to direct sunlight on pasted glass wallpaper.

How to paint glass wallpaper

Do I need to paint glass wallpaper? This is not always required. Perhaps you have purchased colored glass wallpaper that no longer require painting. The choice of color of the paint should depend on the initial color of the glass wallpaper. An attempt to repaint too dark glass wallpaper into delicate shades may be unsuccessful. The glass for glass wallpaper can be as follows:

  • alkyd enamel;
  • acrylic enamel;
  • water -based paints;
  • latex paint;
  • silicone paint.

When painting glass wallpaper, consider the following tips:

  • wait for the complete drying of the glass. If you start painting wallpaper that are not completely dry, then you can remove them or deform;
  • using a painting tape, swing all the places along the skirting boards, door and window openings. In order not to stain them with paint;
  • if the glass wallpaper has a pronounced relief, it is better to choose a roller with a long or medium pile;
  • some experts advise before painting to primer the glass wallpaper with glue in order to reduce paint consumption;
  • to proceed to the second layer of painting should be after the first layer is completely dry;
  • to work out the most inaccessible places, a thin brush may be needed.

Which glass wallpaper to choose - tips

Currently, it is not difficult to buy glass wallpaper in almost any large construction hypermarket. But how not to be confused in such a variety? How to buy really good glass wallpaper? Does the quality of the glass wallpaper have a strong price?  Pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • glass density;
  • the color of the glass wallpaper;
  • water resistance of glass wallpaper;
  • the length of glass wallpaper in the roll;
  • the possibility of painting glass wallpaper.

All these characteristics can be found on the label of the windshield of glass wallpaper. There are always bench samples in stores, which are also worth paying attention to. Choose thicker and stronger glass wallpaper options. It is they who will last you the longest and will be more pleasant and practical to use.

The harm of glass wallpaper - is it true or fiction?

Many mistakenly think that glass wallpaper has a similarity with glass wool, which allocates “glass dust” into the air, which causes a person to harm. Firstly. Glaud is used only for internal insulation of walls or floor. Secondly, glass wool has nothing to do with glass wallpaper. Fiberglass wallpapers consist of much thicker, flexible, not prone to fragility of glass "threads", which cannot stand out into the air. You can use glass wallpaper for wall decor in children's rooms without the slightest concern. This is an absolutely environmentally friendly material.

Glass wallpaper. Video

Glass wallpaper in the interior

Glass wallpaper in the bathroom

If you are categorically against banal ceramic tiles in the bathroom, then look at the photo of the interiors with glass wallpaper. It is this material that will help create a unique repair at your home. The glass wallpaper is known for the fact that they are absolutely not afraid of water, water vapor, and high temperature. A variety of colors of glass wallpaper will give a real scope for your imagination. The glass on the ceiling also looks quite spectacular.

Glass wallpaper in the room

Glass wallpaper is not only a practical coating for walls, but also amazingly beautiful. If you correctly place color accents, choose shades, then you can recreate a truly spectacular interior of the room, like from the pages of the magazine.

Glass wallpaper for the kitchen

Since the glass wallpaper is incredibly practical, do not require care, are excellent to wet cleaning, resistant to various temperature differences, they have found wide use in the walls of the walls in the kitchen.

Do not be afraid to use modern materials in the repair. Glass wallpaper are able to introduce a highlight to your interior and make it ultramodern.



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