
Solo root - therapeutic properties, indications, contraindications. How to take a licorice root - instructions for use. Solo root for adults and children - how to drink properly

Solo root - therapeutic properties, indications, contraindications. How to take a licorice root - instructions for use. Solo root for adults and children - how to drink properly
Solo root: features and properties of plants, indications and contraindications for use, recipes and recommendations.

A licorice is a plant that has received just such a name for a reason. Its roots are characterized by a sweet and rather clumsy taste that surpasses even the sweetness of sugar. The plant has certain beneficial properties, which is often used for therapeutic purposes.

Solo root: Properties

  1. Basically, two types of this plant are used: the licorice is naked and Ural. The most important part of them are the roots that are usually collected before the summer or after it to preserve all useful components.
  2. Since ancient times, it was believed that the root of the licorice could be taken in order to extend the lifetime and preserve the young appearance along with beauty. These opinions of scientists of ancient China are not so far from the truth. After all, all medicinal substances created on the basis of this plant decrease quite well cholesterol in the blood, help strengthen the immune system, normalize the endocrine system, have a tonic effect and serve as an excellent antidepressant. That is, the root of the licorice is a continuous benefit to the body.
  3. It is extremely often used as a medicine against tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, coughing of different types and other diseases of the respiratory system.
  4. A positive effect is also on the gastrointestinal tract. The licorice heals ulcers, copes with constant constipation, normalizes the amount of juice in the stomach and helps to improve intestinal peristalsis.
  5. Decoctions with such an extract improve the work of the central nervous system, allow you to get rid of a sense of constant fatigue. They bring the sleep and the release of hormones to normal. Infusions can increase the body's ability to withstand the lack of oxygen.
  6. The root of the licorice has healing properties that can normalize the work of the urinary system. Therefore, the extract of its root is often prescribed by doctors in the presence of renal disease, to treat urolithiasis and eliminate inflammation of the bladder.
  7. The grass has an amazing effect if it is combined with extracts of other plants. Most often, a knotweed, birch buds and horsetail are combined with it. Such compounds are perfectly coping with the treatment of cirrhosis and liver cancer.
  8. Sometimes this plant is used as a detoxicator for poisoning and to eliminate toxins secreted by some types of drugs.
  9. It is also used to eliminate some external type problems. It perfectly eliminates dermatitis, all types of fungus, eczema, burns and even bubble wounds. Compresses based on this plant are extremely effective.
  10. The licorice root extract provides enveloping, antipyretic, antispasmodic, antiviral, anti -allergic and healing effect.
  11. It is important to understand the difference between children's norms and adults in treatment and prevention. The root of the licorice is not dangerous for adults, so its use is permissible in more concentrated doses and for a long time.

Solo root: Composition

  1. This plant contains many useful components:
  • salts;
  • starch;
  • glucose;
  • asparagin;
  • pectins;
  • minerals;
  • sucrose;
  • gum;
  • vitamins;
  • acids;
  • flavonoids.
  1. The greatest value has a compound with unique properties similar to those that differ the adrenal glands. It is an excellent anti -inflammatory substance that has a quick effect.

Solo root: contraindications

  1. For a long time the plant was used without any fears, but today everything is different. Doctors conducted many studies that showed that it is better not to use it if:
  • pain in the heart appears;
  • blood pressure begins to increase;
  • the head often hurts;
  • swelling occurs.
  1. Men should be extremely careful, because the licorice can lower the level of testosterone, even there is a possibility of developing impotence.
  2. With frequent administration of such drugs, potassium begins to be excreted from the body.
  3. It is also forbidden to use drugs based on plants:
  • with increased pressure;
  • the root of the licorice cannot be drunk during pregnancy;
  • children under 1 year old;
  • if there is an increased activity of the adrenal glands;
  • people who have serious liver diseases;
  • with poor blood coagulation;
  • people with predispositions to bleeding or the formation of blood clots.
  1. You can not use such infusions along with drugs that contribute to the elimination of urine from the body and a decrease in blood pressure. In this case, the problem can be greatly aggravated.

Solo root: application

  1. At home, you can prepare a medicine from the root extract of this plant yourself. The main types of healing substances based on it are:
  • decoctions;
  • juices;
  • infusions;
  • syrups;
  • tea.
  1. Often they are used to eliminate diseases of the respiratory system.

Solo root: recipes

  1. If you need to heal ulcers and calm gastritis, then try to cook juice.
  2. In this case, fresh roots will be required: 1 g of root juice must be stirred in 50 ml of hot water.
  3. The resulting substance must immediately be divided into 3 equal doses. These portions a person should drink in 1 day, preferably 20 minutes before eating.

Solo root: recipe number 1

Almost all diseases can be treated with decoctions. Consider the rules and sequence of preparation of tincture from the root of the licorice.

  1. It will take a dried root, which must first be chopped. 10 g of powder will be enough.
  2. Then place the substance in some deep container and pour 1 glass of hot water.
  3. Pour the mixture into a water bath and do not remove for 15 minutes.
  4. Let the liquids brew for about 40 minutes.
  5. Thoroughly strain through gauze of the entire volume.
  6. Found boiled water to the decoction so that its amount increases to 200 ml.

Take the medicine no more than 5 times on 1 day for 1 tbsp. l. If you increase the dose to 2 tablespoons, then you can drink a decoction no more than 3 times a day. One course is about 1.5 weeks. If the diseases are not too serious, then treatment can be reduced by 2 times.

Solo Root Tincture: Recipe No. 2

  1. Take dried licorice roots, about 1 tsp, and fry.
  2. Pour all this with 1 glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave the substance for 7 hours to infuse.
  4. Divide the tincture into 3 parts and drink three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Such a natural medicine will help with problems with the stomach, arthritis and tumors.

How to drink licorice root: recipe number 3

  1. Grind the dried rhizomes, it will be enough 1 tsp.
  2. Pour them 1 tbsp. l. hot water.
  3. Let the liquids brew for 60 minutes.
  4. Strain thoroughly.
  5. Every day drink the medicine 3 times before meals.
  6. This recipe will help in the treatment of gastritis.

How to take a malt root in the form of tea: recipe No. 4

  1. Take a small amount of roots and brew them like ordinary tea.
  2. The root of the licorice in this case can be used from cough. Only you need to use it every day for 1 cup.
  3. You can add some other components. For example, the root of the licorice will complement herbs such as lemon balm, mint or golden -haired. You can easily connect all these elements, only the ratio should be designed in a proportion of 4: 1: 1: 1.

How to take sidelines syrup: recipe 5

  1. In this case, a root extract is needed. It can be easily purchased at the pharmacy.
  2. Next, mix 4 g of this substance with 10 g of alcohol. Add to it syrup, which is made on the basis of water and a large amount of sugar, about 80 g.
  3. The prepared mixture is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator in a container that can be tightly closed.
  4. Drink the medicine only after eating 3 times a day.
  5. In addition, the sider syrup can be drunk not only from cough, but also from ulcer, gastritis, tracheitis and bronchitis. You can not take it for more than 1 month, after this time a break is required.

Cough licorice root: instructions for use

  1. In this case, you can prepare both tea and syrup, decoction or infusion. It is very important to observe the norms, a day can be taken from 3 to 5 tablespoons, and tea is brewed no more than 3 cups per day.
  2. For the treatment of cough, 1 week or 2 doses of such a drug per day is enough.

Adults can take all types of medicines based on the root of the licorice. However, exclusively for one instruction and dosage. It is important that the volume of the medicine is always equally normalized. The daily norm is not more than 5 tbsp. l. syrup or decoction, as well as no more than 3 cups of tea.

Solo root: Rules for applying for children

  1. For our children, treatment with syrup or decoctions will be the most suitable. Basically, they are used to treat wet or dry cough.
  2. You need to drink them only before eating, and no less than 30 minutes. You can not give medicine for babies more than 3 times a day. The one -time norm is only 1 tbsp. l. Regardless of the mass of the child.
  3. Syrup likes more kids than decoctions, because he is sweeter. With its help, mucus and immunity will be removed from the respiratory tract.
  4. Such natural syrup can be used as an analgesic. The root of the licorice for children from cough should be given in clear doses:
  • up to 3 years-2.5 ml;
  • up to 6 years - 5 ml;
  • up to 9 years - 7.5 ml;
  • up to 12 years - no more than 10 ml.
  1. The root of the licorice should be given carefully. Please note that it is best for the kids to drink it with water.

Solo root and enterosgel: Indications

  1. Very often, people wonder if the root of the licorice can be taken along with other drugs. In some cases, complex treatment will be quite appropriate. Try to take the root of licorice and enterosgel for lymph simultaneously. This will help clean it faster and normalize the pressure. Since the plant removes toxins into the intestines, the drug will help them leave the body faster.
  2. Prepare the syrup and drink 20 ml. Within an hour and a half, he will have the desired effect and make the lymph more liquid, breeding toxic substances from it.
  3. If you suddenly begin to watery or leaks from the nose, do not worry, this is quite normal.
  4. Drink 1.5 tbsp. l. Medicines and be sure to drink it with water. After that, you can only take food not earlier than after 2 hours. Spend such cleansing by the root of the licorice 3 times a day for 14 days.

Cleaning root of the licorice

  1. Using this extract, you can carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the whole organism. To do this, you can apply simple syrup. However, in order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary a few weeks before the start to adjust your diet. You can’t use:
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • meat and sausage products;
  • margarine;
  • semi -finished products;
  • sugar;
  • flour;
  • juices and water with gas;
  • salted and sharp dishes.
  1. Give preference to dietary varieties, vegetables and fruits. Peas, cottage cheese, pumpkin seeds, freshly squeezed juices, yogurts and kefirs based on cow's milk.
  2. Drink a lot of water, at least 2 liters per day. You can also drink green tea, as well as teas based on sea buckthorn and ginger. Try to brew rose hips or make infusions from herbs.
  3. Visit the bath several times before such cleaning, this will then help the body cleanse yourself by an order of magnitude faster.

Solo root: reviews

  1. Everyone who has already tested the action of the miracle expanse on themselves, were quite satisfied with the result. It helps to cope with many diseases for a short period of time.
  2. When using it, there are no side effects. This root can be prepared in several ways for different situations.
  3. Cooking each of the options is very simple, anyone can cope with this at home.
  4. In the case of a constant increase in acceptable norms of admission, a general deterioration of well -being is observed.
  5. Before acquiring the root of the licorice, you can view a photo on the network, which shows the appearance of the plant as a whole and chopped form. This will not make a mistake when buying.

Solo root: how and where to buy?

You can purchase the roots of this plant in a regular pharmacy, or you can order on the Internet. Today they are accessible enough for everyone. Another plus that the root of the licorice has is the price. Its cost is quite low, so getting it is very simple.

The root of the licorice allows you to treat any disease more simple and affordable. Thanks to a rich set of nutrients, it will become an indispensable component of each first -aid kit. A lot of efforts to prepare therapeutic compounds, as well as financial resources for its purchase, are not required, so such treatment is not only natural and extremely effective, but also profitable.



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