
Temple demodecosis - what looks like, photo. Demodecosis in person on face - causes, symptoms, analyzes. Treatment of demodicosis at home

Temple demodecosis - what looks like, photo. Demodecosis in person on face - causes, symptoms, analyzes. Treatment of demodicosis at home
Fighting demodecosis: the reasons for the reproduction of ticks, diagnosis. How to treat skin demodicosis and eyelids. Features of treatment with drugs, folk methods. Prevention measures and what can not be done during treatment.

Do not notice demodecosis on the face difficult, but you can confuse with rashes on the skin, especially in adolescence. The disease is accompanied by a strong itching, the affected places are squeezed, covered with a crust. They are not less, therefore, it is impossible to hope that everything will pass. It is necessary to cure demodecosis in humans.

Demodecosis: What is it and what symptoms

According to dermatologists, each person has a tick called "Demodex". Different areas can be different varieties. Normally, the tick does not harm the skin and in general the body, but under certain circumstances, a favorable reproduction environment is created. Then the products of the vital activity of a huge amount of ticks remain under the skin, which causes inflammatory processes, rashes, redness and itching.

Scared that the tick lives on the skin of each of us, as it is part of the process of updating tissues and blocks the reproduction of harmful bacteria. That is, it protects our skin from harmful effects and even adjusts the balance. But this is normal, if something was in the body, for example, chronic diseases were aggravated, the hormonal background was broken, there are not enough vitamins, then the subcutaneous tick begins to multiply rapidly.

Species, symptoms and signs of demodicosis

The disease can be:

  1. Primary. That is, the person first discovered that the skin had no changes for the better. Before that, there was no complaints about the tick.
  2. Secondary when the skin of the face (and body including) is a problematic and in this background, the tick is rapidly multiplied. This can be caused by skin diseases: excessive salinity, acne, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, etc.

The tick can settle anywhere: in any skin corner, not excluding the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows, as well as eyelashes. Therefore, the demodecosis of the eyelid and the demodecosis of the eyes is no exception.

Demodecosis in women occurs more often than representatives of the strong half of humanity due to the unstable hormonal background. The more skin produces skin fat, the more tick eats it, it ejects more toxins and other livelihood products.

Demodecosis is not found in every person, but according to statistics, the tick is present in 97% of the population (in healthy people) and does not exhibit themselves. But if favorable conditions arise for development, then this is already a problem from which you need to get rid of.

Demodecosis, reasons:

  • excessive or long-term use of hormonal means (cream, ointment, gel);
  • reduction of immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • infections and inflammation on the skin;
  • unbalanced nutrition, neglect of power rules, eating fatty foods, acute and fried, sweet carbonated drinks, swelling;
  • frequent stresses, lack of sleep, overwork;
  • incorrect skin care, namely, improper skin cleansing, if cosmetics remained overnight;
  • frequent hiking in the bath and solarium;
  • with endocrine pathology;
  • use of cosmetics with hormones;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines (chronic including);
  • long stay in the sun without protection against ultraviolet rays;
  • the use of common towels and other means (infection occurs with direct contact with the carrier);
  • with certain cosmetic procedures at home or in the beauty salon. To the choice of a beautician, doctors recommend to approach with full responsibility.

What are the symptoms of the disease? The tick can not be noticed rapidly on the skin, but it happens.

We list the symptoms for which you can recognize the problem:

  1. Itching: tolerant and strong. But mostly itching is such that it is impossible to tolerate it, I want to constantly touch your face to not get it. Some people have a habit and they do not notice what happens to them, and some this symptom may be absent.
  2. Changing the color of the skin: due to the fact that the tick begins to reproduce actively, there is a so-called "peeling" of the skin. Some skin sections are blushing, flakes, in general, the complexion becomes unhealthy, the skin is not flat, and the buggy.
  3. Pores are expanded, there are rashes. The subcutaneous tick causes the blockage of the glands, so the active reproduction is often accompanied by acne. Due to the blockage of the row, the skin will try to work out more fat, but it does not save the situation, but on the contrary, aggravates. Due to what the rashes appear, uluses, open wounds. And this is the direct path of infection.
  4. Symptoms of eye demodicosis: eyelids blush and swell, it seems that the sand hit the eyes. On the eyelids, they jump often to Yabni, eyelashes can stick together, and on the above-handing arcs appear peeling sites. Around eyelashes, the skin is constantly exfoliated. Demodecosis of the eyelashes is accompanied by the loss of hairs.

This is how demodicosis looks like, photo:

This is the initial stage of the disease.

Middle stage.

Heavy form of decoderciposis.

Diagnosis of demodicosis

Before considering ways to solve the problem, let's find out how to identify demodecosis. It happens that there is no clinical picture, and the tick is identified, some patients consider so. But it is impossible only visually and in sensations to diagnose the tick. There are special methods: this is an analysis on demodecosis or scraping on demodecosis. The analysis is taken from the site where there is a problem: itching, redness and rash. In the laboratory conditions there is a calculation of units per square centimeter of the skin. If the ticks are more than 5 in sight, then this is already a problem.


  1. Who to turn to pass the analysis? It is necessary to make an appointment with a dermatologist or oculist.
  2. How is diagnostics, if the eye demodicosis is suspected? It is necessary to make an appointment to the oculist, not specifically prepared. The doctor will remove several eyelashes and places them on a glass, which is then lowered into a special solution so that it is possible to consider and calculate the amount of ticks with an increase in the microscope.
  3. How is the scraping from the skin? Analysis takes a dermatologist. With the help of a scalpel, it removes the upper dry particles from the affected skin (without cut and pain) or if it is necessary, it will take the material from the acne (the contents are squeezed). The material is placed on the glass and are studied similarly independently (if there is a special device in the office) or under the laboratory conditions.
  4. How is the "Stickers" method? The principle similar to the previous ones, only a sticky tape (special) is pasted on the face of the face, it is done for the night, in the morning the tape is removed and glued on the glass. The material is delivered to the laboratory for the study. The diagnosis of "demodecosis" is confirmed if 5 or more adults of parasites was found on a square centimeter of the skin.

Eye Demodecosis: Symptoms and Treatment

Dry, redness, the feeling of sand in the eyes, crusts on the eyelashes, I want to constantly rub your eyes due to the enhancing itch. All this is signs of eye demodicosis. It is impossible to leave the problem without attention, urgent treatment is necessary.

The cakes are not as subcutaneous, they are very small, achieved in the amount of no more than 0.5 mm, they like to settle in places where fat and sweat accumulate. They are also normally present on the human body, but do not harm and activate if failures occur.

Causes of tick reasons:

  • accommodation in dry and hot room;
  • overheating, frequent visits to sauna, solarium, sunbathing abuse;
  • frequent bathing in hot tub;
  • failures in the work of immunity, disruption of the stomach and intestines;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • climate change;
  • the use of ointments and creams with hormones;
  • elderly age and improper skin care, eye diseases;
  • if the level of skin acidity has changed;
  • with farsightedness and nearsightedness.
  • stress;
  • pregnancy and prolonged breastfeeding.

Demodekoz mite looks like, photo:

What are the symptoms of the disease:

  • itching, swelling;
  • redness of the eyelids and swelling under the eyes;
  • formation of crusts and scales on the edge of the eyelid;
  • loss of eyelashes;
  • purulent discharge along the edge of eyelids;
  • redness;
  • dryness;
  • fatigue;
  • discharge from the eye of a yellowish and greenish shade;
  • strengthening itching after using a cream for an eyelid or means for removing the carcass;
  • strengthening itching, swelling and redness after visiting the sauna, solarium or staying in the open sun without hats and glasses.

How to cure demodecosis?

Treatment of eye demodicosis is not complicated, but long. The cycle of the life of an adult individual is 1-1.5 months. Therefore, to interrupt the treatment prescribed by the doctor is undesirable, otherwise it will have to start all.

How to treat demodecosis:

  1. Wash every day using special agents with the addition of active substances. Good eliminates the problem of a ternary soap.
  2. Making a massage to make faster out of the eyelids from the eyelid of ticks of ticks.
  3. The edge of the eyelids to block the vital activity of parasites, it is necessary to process alcohol tincture. Calendula or tincture of eucalyptus (if there is no allergies for these drugs).
  4. Eye drops of "Carbochol" helps against demodecosis. Only the liquid can not be buried directly into the eye, the method of use is: it is necessary to neatly lubricate the edge of the century to reduce the circular eye muscle. With this method, life products (separated, along with parasites) are derived from the gland. Other means from demodicosis: these are drops for the eye of this action: "Fizostigmine" and "Phosphall".
  5. If necessary, the specialist appoints drops for the eyes, removing the inflammatory process, is "Tobraks", "Levofloxacin" or "Levomycetin".
  6. Other funds are used in the treatment of the eyelids: this is the "Demolon" gel, which is applied to the edge of the century, in the zone of growth of eyelashes, not allowing eye entrances and to the mucous membrane. Gel is applied twice a day, in the morning after sleep and before bedtime. The duration of treatment is 1.5 months without a break.
  7. An excellent means in the fight against tick - "blepharogel", as part of extracts of natural components, hyaluronic acid and sulfur, applied to the eyelashes zone with a cotton wand.
  8. And the gel for the eyelid "Stopdex" deserves attention - as part of the hyaluronic acid, the main active ingredient and extracts of medicinal plants. It is applied after processing with alcohol solution to the edge of the century, it is left for 30 minutes, removed with a cosmetic napkin. The duration of treatment is also at least 1.5 months.
  9. Folk remedies in the fight against ticks: chamomile tinctures, linden, calendula use of aloe juice. All tools are used as compresses (appliques for ever for 15 minutes).

Treatment of demodicosis at home

Therapy should be complex, therefore specialists in each particular case are prescribed different treatments.

In general, the scheme will be the same:

  1. Reception of local drugs (ointment from demodicosis, gel, alcohol tinctures).
  2. Appointment of system tools to strengthen immunity and increase body resistance. These may be strengthening immunity tools, vitamin complexes + minerals and reception of amino acids, the reception of antiallergic drugs (for example, "Supratin") and the use of funds against parasites (Metronidazole).

It should be noted that a few days later, a relief will come, but it is impossible to throw treatment. The doctor will appoint individually how much you need to be treated when to take a break and when to repeat the course of treatment.

Well help in the fight against ointment parasites with gray, zinc and tar. For example, a sulfur ointment during demodecosis is just a salvation, since the drug quickly destroys ticks.

Patients are often wondering if it is possible to visit the solarium during treatment during treatment and go to the sauna? It is impossible to do this, because any warming procedures only exacerbate the problem.

Precautionary measures:

  • you can not swim and bathe in a hot bath;
  • sunbathe in solarium and for a long time to be on the beach under the open sunshine without protection;
  • attend sauna;
  • observe hygiene: on time to change linen and towels, be sure to stroke from two sides with a hot iron;
  • do not use other people's towels;
  • replace all pillows from the pen in a house on synthetone;
  • exclude all warming skin procedures, including sparing masks;
  • all excipients for making makeup (these are powders, tassels, etc.), it is necessary to throw away in order to avoid re-infection.

After getting rid of demodicosis, you must learn how to properly care for the skin, use the means suitable by the type of leather (tonic, wash, cream), and comply with the diet. In the course of treatment, as many people who got rid of the tick noted, it is very important to adhere to the right nutrition. It is necessary to eliminate sweet drinks, gas production, flour and sweet and generally, any pastry, there are more vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products (home yogurt, kefir), it is impossible a lot of fatty and fried, as well as canned food.

Demodecosis. Popular treatment

In addition to special equipment for skin care, gels and creams from demodecosis, folk remedies are perfectly helping. There are many recipes, not everything can be called correct, but this is the traditional medicine and in ancient times people tried many funds until they came to those who help get rid of the disease.

We share the recipes of traditional medicine:

  1. Prepare a decoction from dry wormwood. You need to take 5 tbsp. Dry raw materials, pour boiling water (in an amount of 1 l), peck for 5 minutes, insist for 3 hours, strain. You need to take a decoction inside, without interruptions (that is, if you started, even at night also). On the first day of the week, drink half a glass after every hour, on the second day - every 2 hours the same amount of beam, from Wednesday to Saturday - at half pasta every 3 hours. Every new day is a new burst portion. Drink more pleasant with a small number of honey. This tool drives out parasites from the body, cleans the intestines well.
  2. I do it yourself from pharmacy drugs and not only: 2 trichopol tablets + spoon of castor oil, grind, apply to problem areas in the evening, washed in the morning.
  3. Apple home cooking ucep 6%, rub every day. Careful so that he does not get into the eyes.
  4. The roots of Celebre (glass) are poured by the same amount of vegetable oil, put in the sun, leave for 2 weeks. Fixed, stored in a dark place. Before use, they take an oily liquid, add a little sour cream, applied as a mask on the face, leave for the night.
  5. Sticks from fresh juice juice, oak bark, as well as casis from fresh garlic. The main current component is put in gauze, then on the face, withstand half an hour, every 10 minutes you need to change the gauze.
  6. Making a homemade mask from juice of acid berries. All the sour kills the ticks, so the juice of currant, lemon, blueberries, in which the egg protein (for oily skin) and yolk (for dry) are suitable.
  7. We take 2 sour apples, rub on a children's grater (plastic with small notches), add fresh crushed horseradish. If it turned out 4 tbsp. Apple, then Khrena take only 2 tbsp. Mix the components, we apply to the prepared skin (clear from the remnants of makeup and skin salted).
  8. Surprisingly, this oil works wonders, it eliminates not only from demodecosis, but also smoothes small wrinkles! You need to take solidol (purified), tar birch (buy in retipetec), olive oil. We take everything in equal amounts, mix, wipe the skin.

Folk recipes are good, just so you can heal the problem, but not to get rid of forever. Therefore, do not self-medicate, contact a specialist to bring tick together.


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