
How to cure herpes on your lips

How to cure herpes on your lips
Symptoms of herpes, methods of treating the disease. Folk remedies for herpes on the lips.

Very often, especially in winter, in cold weather or with colds on the lips, herpes appears. What is it, how to deal with this disease?

Symptoms of herpes

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The entire cycle of the course of the disease, from its appearance on the lips to a complete disappearance, has several periods. At the first stage, itching, tingling and other unpleasant sensations on the lips appear. At the second stage, at the site of future rashes, the skin turns red, the lip swells. Next is the third stage when bubbles form on the lips. The next stage is the ulceration of bubbles, erosion. On the 3rd day, the shell of the bubbles breaks and the liquid comes out, the wound remains in place of the bubble. Then the crust forms and the wound heals. This occurs on the 5th - 6th day of the disease. The healing process can last a week - one and a half.

Herpes in men

This disease in men has the usual form of the first type virus. The cold flows in the form of several bubbles above the lip.

Herpes in women

The following symptoms are possible:

  1. Fever.
  2. Fatigue.
  3. Swelling of the cervical glands.
  4. The appearance of purulent bubbles and ulcers around the mouth.
  5. Pain in the mouth and gums.
  6. Sore throat.

Symptoms of herpes in women during pregnancy

  1. At the initial stage, a light burning sensation appears, pinching on the lips.
  2. Redness of the lips, swelling, the formation of bubbles with transparent liquid.
  3. Ulcers, as a result of a blade of bubbles. During this period, the disease becomes especially contagious.
  4. Healing of crusts - they appear on ulcers for a week, then disappear.

Is it possible to completely get rid of herpes on the lip?

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In principle, it is impossible to completely eliminate the body from the pathogen. You can defeat the external manifestations of the herpes simplex virus - vesicular rashes, generalized symptoms, pain. But it is still impossible to completely destroy the herpes virus in the body even theoretically.

The problem is that with the initial infection of the body, the virus embeds the genome into the genetic code of the affected nerve cell. From there it is impossible to remove it completely.

When is it necessary to start treatment of the disease?

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There is a stage of the separation of two stages of the development of the disease - the period of the appearance of red rashes and small bubbles on them. If effective measures were taken to this point until this moment, then most likely there will be no symptoms further, the bubbles will not appear.

If the first prodromal phase was missed, then rashes will inevitably appear, as well as damage on the lips. But even at this stage, with proper treatment using special drugs, the manifestations of the disease will be less pronounced. And the probability of complications with proper treatment will be minimized.

If in the places of future rashes - at the upper and lower border of the lips there is a slight pinching, then you should immediately proceed to take medications effective for the treatment of herpes - anti -Herpes drugs should be taken without waiting for the appearance of pain.

How to cure herpes at home?

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Medical treatment of herpes

Acyclovir from herpes

Most of the drugs effective for the treatment of herpes are based on acyclovir. This drug was created back in 1988. The creator is the American doctor Gertrude Elion. For this development, she received the Nobel Prize.

Tablets must be taken 5 times a day on a tablet for those who are in normal physical shape. If weakened immunity is observed, then 2 tablets should be taken.

For children whose age is up to 2 years, dosage is half as much as for adults. After that, age can be given an acyclovir in the same dosage as for adults.

Zovirax from herpes

This is an effective remedy for herpes, which is produced in the form of tablets or powder for the preparation of injections. You can also purchase a special ointment from herpes Zovirax.

Dosage - 5 times a day for 200 mg. The course of treatment is 5 days. Children under 2 years old - half doses, over 2 years old - as for adults. During pregnancy and nursing mothers, Zovirax is not recommended to use.

Famvir from herpes

This drug is effective from the herpes simplex virus, which is resistant to acyclovir. This drug is produced in the form of tablets. From side effects, allergic reactions and disorders of the stomach should be distinguished after the use of the drug, although such reactions occur in rare cases.

Dosage - 3 times a day for 250 mg. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Panavir-gel from herpes

This medicine is based on natural plant components. The extract of potato shoots mixed with Lantan's salts, together, has an antiviral effect. Panavir-gel effectively helps to treat herpes on the lips, reviews about this medicine are positive.

Regardless of the form in which certain drugs are produced, they must be taken at the very beginning of the appearance of the earliest signs of herpes. But even if this moment is already missed, treatment needs to be continued, otherwise complications may develop. Consult a doctor - he will tell you how to properly use certain drugs in what dosage.

It should be applied to places of irritation or rashes throughout the entire period of the course of the disease. It is desirable immediately after absorbing and drying the previous portion to apply a fresh layer of ointment.

Folk methods of treatment with herpes

Kalanchoe or aloe from herpes

Remove the skin from the aloe or kalanchoe leaf. Attach the pulp to the affected place on the lips for a few minutes. Then refresh the cut and wipe the rash sheet with juice again. Using adhesive plasty, you can fix the medicine in the form of a compress.

Struggle against herpes with garlic

Press the garlic in the garlic, put on the gauze and make a swab. Attach it to the sore spot.

Herpes treatment with gray

Ear sulfur is an excellent remedy for herpes. At the first signs of the disease, lubricate the gray from the ears of the rash. Already 2 - 3 procedures you will achieve a great effect.

Remove herpes using a hot spoon

Lower a teaspoon into a hot strong black tea. Apply a heated spoon to the wounds on the lips. This procedure should be done several times a day. You can achieve a better effect by lowering a spoon in a hot soda solution - on a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. soda.

Celandine from herpes

Insist 1 tbsp. With the top of the celandine in a glass of boiling water for an hour. Then strain and wipe the herpes on the lips moistened in a solution with a wool solution every 2 hours. The wounds will dry out after a couple of days.

Calendula and trunk from herpes

Insist the next tincture within a month. Pour half a liter of vodka a mixture of 1 tbsp. dry calendula flowers and 2 tbsp. Tulle flowers. With herpes, you should apply a cotton swab moistened in tincture three times a day for 15 minutes. In addition, you can also take 1 tsp. Tinctures, diluting in 100 ml of water.

Onion from herpes

Cut the onion head, apply to rashes with a fresh layer. So the virus will not develop further, the bubbles will dry.

Steam against herpes

Hold your face over the steam from the potato boiled in the uniform. Also, for this, you can use the steam of the decoction of medicinal herbs - calendulas and leaves of birch, eucalyptus and St. John's wort grass. Celandine and plantain, a series should be added to this list.

Egg film from herpes

Remove the film from the inside of the fresh chicken egg. Apply the film with a sticky side to rashes. When the film dries, moisten it with your tongue. Change the medicine several times a day. In the process of treatment, a slight tingling tingling may be felt.

Ghee from herpes

Heat the ghee to brown. Cool and lubricate the rashes.

Garlic and yogurt from herpes

Mix 1 tsp. unsweetened yogurt with the same amount of soluble coffee and 1 tsp. garlic gruel. Add half 1 tsp there the same place. honey and the same amount of corn flour. Mix and lubricate the rashes with a mixture. The ointment will dry out and the crust will disappear. The wounds from herpes will quickly drag out.

Tincture of potato sprouts from herpes

Such a tincture will help not only with herpes, but also from toothache, abscesses and chirers, will cure lichen. Break the sprouts at the potatoes, rinse well and dry it from moisture. Put the sprouts in the jar and pour vodka slightly above the level of sprouts. Insist the remedy for 3 weeks. Then moisten the cotton wool with tincture and cord the ulcers on the lips.

Propolis from herpes

Apply a propolis tincture and menovazin to rashes. Will pinch a little.

How to treat herpes using burnt paper

Burn on a plate of a newspaper on a plate. Formed droplets, lubricate the sores on the lips.

Herpes toothpaste

On herpes and around, apply toothpaste with a thick layer. It will dry out and a crust forms. Do such procedures before bedtime.

Herpes prevention on lips


Very often, when it enters the human body, herpes does not immediately manifest itself. Favorable conditions for its development are weakened immunity. That is why after a serious and prolonged illness, in case of stress or during overwork, herpes appears very often on the lips. This can be with hypothermia or overheating.

Prevention of the disease is very important. It is necessary to increase immunity.

  1. It is necessary to drink a course of vitamins in winter and spring.
  2. In summer, eat more fruits and vegetables.
  3. In the body, in sufficient quantities there should be vitamin C. Eat citrus fruits.
  4. The gastrointestinal tract disorders lower immunity.
  5. Do physical education, walk in the fresh air more often, get enough sleep.

Herpes on the lips. Photo

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How to cure herpes on the lips. Video



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