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How to choose a toothbrush

How to choose a toothbrush
Modern types of toothbrushes. Features of choice.

In modern conditions, the desire for a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and the abandonment of bad habits has long become the norm. At the same time, many do not imagine how much the regularity and care of teeth care are affected. Make these hygienic procedures as efficient as possible, pose a suitable toothbrush.

How to choose a toothbrush: Effect of teeth care on health

It is no secret that healthy teeth and a beautiful smile largely determine the attractiveness of any person. Our well-being depends on the state of the dentition - the inflammation and bleeding of the gums, as well as the caries can develop as a result of not regular and thorough teeth care, causing discomfort in the oral cavity and toothache. These problems can deliver tangible inconvenience and largely disrupt the quality of life. Developing periodontitis can be a serious problem, in addition, it is able to provoke serious diseases, increasing the threat of a heart attack. The teeth are very vulnerable during the baby tooling, in addition, bacteria that develop in the oral cavity can be transferred to him through the placenta.

Thus, in order to avoid health problems, it is necessary to constantly pay due attention to the qualitative purification of teeth. To do this, you need to choose the right toothbrush. Currently, an extensive range of similar products is available.

How to choose a toothbrush: Modern varieties

A properly chosen brush qualitatively cleans the dentition and allows you to make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make it easier to facilitate the care of the oral cavity. Once in front of the windows with the data exhibited in it, some buyers are experiencing a real confusion, which toothbrush to choose - which is not surprising, because their choice is quite wide. It is possible to choose a product that you can easily and clearly clean your teeth, without irritating the gums, it is quite realistic, it is not at all necessary to overpay. After reading the features of various models, choose a suitable toothbrush will be easy.

Currently, the following types of toothbrushes are available:

  • manual (mechanical) with bristles of different stiffness;
  • electric products;
  • orthodontic;
  • ultrasound;
  • ionic.

Basically, brushes are presented with synthetic bristles - specialists recommend to stop their choice on such products. You can also purchase toothbrushes with natural pork bristles, but most dentists believe that their porous structure is unsuitable for cleaning the teeth (due to the increased probability of reproduction and accumulate pathogenic bacteria). It is also worth considering that natural villi brushes are more brush than artificial, such a bristle is quickly deformed and wear out. Nevertheless, people who prefer natural materials can use such brushes - if it is often so possible to wash them and change over time, problems with uncontrolled reproduction of bacteria on them can be avoided.

The sale presents soft, medium hardness, as well as rigid toothbrushes - this indicator is determined by the manufacturer material and the diameter of the villus of their cleaning bristle.

Soft toothbrushes (with Soft label) are suitable for children up to 5 years of age, as well as for pregnant women. They should be used in the presence of enamel abrasion, during the period of treatment of periodontal diseases - in the case of a tendency to bleeding and the edema of the gums. Middle rigidity brushes (marked medium), it is recommended to use children under 12 years old, as well as people with normal sensitivity of the enamel of teeth. Hard and very hard toothbrushes should not be used without a special prescription of the doctor, since their villi is not flexible enough to effectively penetrate into the gaps between the teeth, besides they can damage the enamel and gums.

Toothbrush Head With Colourful Bristles and a Pink Tongue Scrubber to Clean The Surface of the Tongue While Brushing Your Teeth

Some model of toothbrushes are equipped with special silicone inserts or a ribbed surface with the back side of the working head, intended for cleaning the tongue from the path-tolerated bacteria accumulating on it. Quite comfortable in operation of the model with different length of the bristles.

It is believed that soft brushes should be changed after 1.5-2 months, the products of the average rigidity - a maximum in three months.

In addition, it is important to choose a product with an ergonomic handle, as well as the correct size of the toothbrush so that it is convenient to manipulate in the oral cavity, including for cleaning the hard-to-reach dentition sections. For regular use, it will be suitable for products with a working part in contacting simultaneously with 2 or 2.5 people near the teeth. The optimal is the following toothbrush head length:

  • for adults about 25-30 mm;
  • for children - 18-25 mm.

How to choose a toothbrush: the advantages and disadvantages of various models

Each model has its advantages and minuses, understanding them, you can choose a toothbrush according to your needs. Consider the comparative characteristics of various product data models.


How to choose a toothbrush mechanical

Ordinary (mechanical) Toothbrushes are characterized by an acceptable price, as well as simplicity and ease of operation. It does not need to pick up components, change batteries. Such a brush, if necessary, it is easy to change without special costs - dentists recommend to do it every three months. With regular careful cleaning of sensitive teeth, such a brush is suitable ideal, unlike the electrical, with which traumatic effects on dental enamel are possible.

The disadvantages of the use of such models include the need for the presence of self-discipline, as well as a sufficiently long exposure time required for high-quality cleaning of teeth.


In some cases, special orthodontic brushes are used - these products are designed to clean the teeth in the presence of brackets on them. In such models, the design provides a special V-shaped groove in the middle. Orthodontic toothbrushes can be purchased at the pharmacy or order in a specialized online store. These products are usually distinguished by a high enough price.

How to choose a toothbrush electrical

Electric toothbrush in a tangible degree will save time and strength when cleaning the teeth. While the cleaning of the hand brushed is required at least three minutes, with the help of an electric brush, you can twist a high-quality teeth in two minutes.


In the presence of a healthy dental enamel, such models are very effective, and due to the presence of pulsating and return-rotational motions, they soften and remove the dental flare, preventing the formation of a tooth stone. Modern models can provide the ability to regulate the speed of rotation of the toothbrush head - thus, its operation is easy to configure in the most appropriate mode in each case. Electrical toothbrushes for children are available on sale, allowing you to high-quality teeth in the presence of minimal skills. Due to the possibility of regulating the influence intensity, at low speeds using an electric brush, you can maintain the gum hygiene and the gum mucosa, on higher - brushing your teeth. Among the disadvantages of using such products, it is possible to note the possibility of injury to the gums, especially in the absence of experience in their use. In addition, the cost of such a model is significantly higher compared to manual toothbrushes. It should also be taken into account that it will be necessary to change the nozzles every three months - they must be selected by compatibility for each specific model. Over time, sealing can be disturbed in the battery department, in which case water can be treated there. Sometimes there is a vibration intolerance when cleaning the teeth up to the appearance of headaches and nausea. It is important to note that after transferred surgical intervention in the oral cavity, this brush is contraindicated.

If you are interested in how to choose an electric toothbrush, first of all it is worth paying attention to products from well-known, well-proven manufacturers. Such models can be equipped with a waterproof housing, various shapes with heads and replaceable nozzles rotating in different directions and movements of different types, as well as switches of modes, timer and pressure sensor.

It is worth paying attention to the following technical characteristics of the toothbrush of this type:

  • the speed of rotation of the cleaning head;
  • the frequency of its oscillations;
  • the number of available operation modes;
  • product package - depending on individual needs, you may need nozzles for cleaning sensitive teeth, braces, cleansing interdental intervals and hard-to-reach places.

The most convenient in operation are models that feed on the battery and equipped with a charge indicator, as well as a timer.

To choose an electric toothbrush for a child, it is recommended to pay attention to the models in a bright body, with soft bristles, carefully cleansing teeth and gums. Cleaning teeth with such a brush can be accompanied by musical accompaniment with various melodies that are notified of the need to move to the processing of another portion of the dentition, as well as the end of the process.

How to choose a toothbrush ultrasound

Even in the absence of direct mechanical contact with the treated surface, from a distance of several millimeters, an ultrasonic toothbrush destroys the dental flare, including the space in the gantry pockets, neutralizes the pathogenic microorganisms and eliminates the gums. Ultrasound vibrations of brushes are indistinguishable by human ear, make it possible to clean the dental rolled rolled out without injuries and with minimal effort, while eliminating the unpleasant odor in the oral cavity and normalize its condition. Such a brush is optimally suitable for sensitive teeth and gums.


It is worth considering that such products are distinguished by a very high cost. In addition, with the help of an ultrasonic brush, you can brush your teeth more than two or three times a week, in the remaining time it will be necessary to use another brush. It is important to note that people with heart disease and epilepsy data are not suitable, as they can provoke a deterioration of the state.

If you are interested in how to choose an ultrasonic toothbrush, note that these models can be equipped with nozzles of various configuration and rigidity - including massage, for cleansing periodontal pockets, for teeth whitening, as well as to eliminate solid dental plates. It is also worth asked by the presence of a timer, as well as the number of operating modes that may include high-frequency, low-frequency and sound impact. Various models of ultrasonic toothbrushes are characterized by different rotational speeds, as well as the frequency of oscillations. In addition, the choice of modes of operation, as well as product equipment can be different.

How to choose a toothbrush ion

The ionic toothbrush appeared on sale relatively recently, and according to the type largest coincides with the usual mechanical, but in fact it is a high-tech novelty. Such products of small size with smooth Villages manufacturer equips a rod from titanium dioxide embedded in the handle. When the brush is turned on, negatively charged ions are released, which fall into saliva, it begins to foam and due to the acquired antibacterial effect destroys the dental flare. At the same time, as a bonus, it is necessary to note the release oxygen falling into the oral cavity. When using such a toothbrush, a toothpaste does not need, or you can do it with a small amount.


To choose the most appropriate individually toothbrush, it is recommended to consult with a dentist. A universal solution that is suitable in many cases will be the purchase of a product with synthetic bristles with Soft marking or Medium. When choosing, it is necessary to repel on the degree of sensitivity of the gums and teeth, important factors are also the presence of the necessary options and the cost of the product.

How to Choose Toothbrush Electric - Video


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