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Causes and treatment of white spots on the nails

Causes and treatment of white spots on the nails
Why white spots appear on the nails and how to get rid of them.

As of the skin, hair and nails can be judged by human health in general. Even small dietary disorders and day mode can signal the impairment. Gray faces, dull brist hair, pushing nails - this is not a complete list of external signs of failure in the work of our body.

A little about nails


Nails are strong horny plates that protect the phalanges of our fingers from injuries and damage. The basis of the density of the nail plate is keratin. But for a healthy appearance of the nail, a whole range of trace elements is required: sulfur, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, chrome and others. In addition, a beautiful brilliant nail should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins. If all this is present in the body, we grow beautiful durable nails and hair. Each nobility is powered by its root, part of which we can see near the nail roller in the form of a white spot. And the nail root receives nutrients from the blood.

Healthy nail is no different from his fellow, he has the same form, color and surface of the nail plate. If one or more nails become unlike the rest, you need to think why it happens. Nail grows about six months, so the change in the appearance of the nail plate indicates the events that occurred during this period. Such changes on the nails should be alert: the brittleness, bundle, the appearance of white spots, the deformation of the surface of the nail plate.

White spots on the nails: what it means


Folk signs and superstitions in their own way interpret the appearance of white spots on the nails: Starting from the predictions of the future and ending with fortune track, he loves - does not like. It's all very far from the truth. The appearance of white spots on the nails is associated with a violation of the coratinization process. As a result, the lack of keratin nail plate loses its density and the smallest particles of air are formed under it. These particles are visible to us as white spots. They disappear as the nail plate is growing, if the process of forming the nail is restored. And if the reason is not eliminated, white spots on the nails appear again and again. Externally white spots on the nails may look like stripes, oval spots, have a different location. They do not deliver any discomfort, except for an inesthetical appearance. Masking the lack of nail polish can not be called a good solution to the problem. So we can hide only the external flaw, but not to remove the reason.

White spots on nails: Causes

Often the reason for the appearance of white spots is the nail microtraum. It can be any mechanical damage: bruised, cut, burn. In women, a similar type of injury occurs when nail buildings or a non-accurant removal of the cuticle.


Household chemicals can also cause white spots on the nails. Therefore, when using aggressive detergents, we need to wear rubber gloves. The same recommendations concern those who often work with paints, varnishes and solvents. The nail plate may suffer from constant use of poor-quality nail polish, as a result of which white spots will appear.

Often emerging stresses may cause white spots. It is simply explained: as a result of stress, the metabolic process is disturbed, useful trace elements are poorly absorbed in the body. The stressful situation may occur not only as a result of nervous overvoltage. Sometimes its cause is rigid mondetes or a sharp decrease in the diet.

Sometimes white spots on the nails of the hands appear with insufficient blood circulation in hand brushes. As a result, the nutritional plate is limited. Such situations are often associated with the existing diseases of the heart or blood vessels.

Showless diets and violation of protein exchange in the body can provoke the appearance of white spots on the nails. If there is little protein in the diet, correct your menu, with more serious disorders it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is necessary to eliminate pathology, for example, kidney disease or heart. In the pathology of the kidneys, the nail plate can be visually divided into 2 parts: at the top of its color does not cause complaints, and the lower part is littered with numerous white dots.

Another, elementary reason for the appearance of white spots may be poor digestion, as a result of which the body misses the beneficial substances.

If other phenomena appeared on the nails on the nails: the uneven thickness of the nail plate, the fragility or color change - it can be a starting fungal disease. This deviation requires urgent appeal to a specialist and antifungal treatment, if necessary. It makes sense to postpone the visit to the doctor, because the treatment has begun is the most effective.

White spots on nails: what taking vitamins


The health of the nail plate directly depends on the provision of the body with the necessary set of vitamins. Moreover, the vitamins, from which the growth and strength of the nail plate does not directly depend on the state of the nails. In our body, everything is interconnected, so the lack of one substance gives a failure of organs and systems.

The most important vitamins for healthy nails are:

  1. Vitamin A. It is especially important for the skin, as well as for the soft root of the nail plate. With a deficiency of vitamin A in the body, nails are grown thin and uneven.
  2. Vitamin B1. This vitamin is involved in the formation of keratin, that is, it precisely it ensures the strength of the nail. Other vitamins of groups are equally important for healthy nails, they affect the growth rate and plate hardness.
  3. Vitamin E. Otherwise, it is called vitamin youth and beauty, it has an antioxidant effect, when it is short enough, the nails become dry and brittle.
  4. Vitamin N. affects the appearance of nails and hair, its deficit is manifested in changing the color of the nail plate. Nails become dull and uneven.
  5. Vitamin D. It is necessary for high-quality calcium absorption, participates in the formation of the nail plate.

You can buy it all in the pharmacy, and take each vitamin separately, but it is more convenient to use a multivitamin complex. The most balanced vitamins and microelements for nails are:

  1. Perfectyl. This complex of vitamins and minerals, contains a varied palette of the beneficial substances, as well as burdock extracts and echinacea. Directed to maintain the health of nails, skin and hair. Perfectyl is prescribed for the treatment of nail and hair diseases, as well as a preventive tool for maintaining health in the winter or after diseases. Reception 1 capsule once a day for 30 days.
  2. Revalide. Contains in the composition of vitamins A, B, E and minerals. It is capable of restoring the structure of nails, since it contains silicon involved in the process of keratinization. The drug is contraindicated for children under 12 years old and pregnant women. Appointed 3 capsules per day during food for 1-2 months.
  3. Witrum beauty elite. Vitamin complex containing vitamins and minerals to improve the status of nails and hair. The drug is not prescribed to children, pregnant and nursing women. Take 2 tablets a day after meals.

White Spots on Nail Foot


The appearance of white spots on the nails of the legs is most often caused by the same causes, and besides this provoke their occurrence can carry close and narrow shoes. From such shoes should be immediately refused, and the legs provide good care to restore the normal blood circulation in the feet.

The pedicure procedure is better trusted by a specialist, and if you prefer to do a pedicure yourself, do everything neatly, avoid microtrams.

Treatment of white spots on nails

If the nails were white spots and not disappear when regrowth of the nail plate, it is a reason to see a doctor. Prior to this, think over, that over the past six months has changed in your health. This will help the doctor understand the causes of nail changes. Before going to the doctor prepare to spend at least the minimum examination. To identify any pathology, it is necessary blood tests, ultrasound diagnostics pass, other studies. It is important that the treatment of the disease began as early as possible and carried out by experts.

Even if the medicine does not reveal abnormalities in health, no harm will be receiving vitamin complex. When choosing vitamins also better we follow the doctor's recommendations. Do not forget about the implementation of the general recommendations for health promotion:

  • stick to a balanced diet;
  • observe the regime of work and rest;
  • as far as possible avoid stress;
  • drink plenty of drinking water;
  • exercise.

To remove cosmetic defects in the nail plate, you can use the popular recipes or go to a beauty salon.

White spots on the nails: folk recipes

To strengthen and improve the state of the nails used massage, bath of decoction of herbs and essential oils.

Excellent, time-tested method for strengthening nails, nail plate rubbing fresh garlic. Make hand bath of warm water. Hold hands in it for 10-15 minutes. Wet your fingers with a towel. Thoroughly rub the nails cut in half garlic. Complete the procedure after 20-30 minutes, washing hands with warm water.

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Bath to get rid of white spots on the nails.

  1. For the procedure required 2 cup of warm water and 1 tablespoon sea \u200b\u200bsalt. In the resulting salt solution to keep the brush 10-15 minutes. Then wash hands with clean water and wipe thoroughly. Sea salt feeds sea minerals nail plate and nail strengthening. Complete manipulation is recommended rubbed into nails and cuticles fish oil, olive oil or castor oil. Making bath but daily for 1 month.
  2. 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with the same quantity of any vegetable oil. Keep your fingers in the warm part of 10 minutes.
  3. In warm water, dissolve several crystals of manganese. The color of the solution should be pale pink so that the skin is not painted. Hold your hands for 15 minutes in a warm bath, wipe dry. Lubricate nail plates with vitamin E, fish oil or nutritional cream for cuticle.
  4. 1 tsp Chamomile flowers and 1 tsp. Oak bark pour 2 glasses of boiling water. It is good to bite, insist 20-30 minutes. In the effects of the infusion hold fingers 10-15 minutes.

Hands for hands improve blood circulation in the brushes, and this contributes to the acceleration of metabolism. Such simple procedures performed by the course in 2-4 weeks will help get rid of white spots on the nails.

How to strengthen your nails at home. Video


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