
How to remove wen at home

How to remove wen at home
What methods are best to remove the wen forever.

Fat on the body is a different diameter of the lump under the skin, which are formed in adipose tissue. Subcutaneous wen are a common phenomenon among the modern generation. They do not cause pain, and the discomfort of white wen is more an aesthetic question. In appearance, the usual wen looks like a soft formation of white color directly under the skin, which does not hurt during touch. The fats become tangible only in the case of a significant increase in size on the surface of the body, since they begin to compress neighboring tissues. There are concerns that the abundant appearance of wen on the body is a bell to cancer, which is a perfect untruth. Wenilers on the body are exclusively the problem of adipose tissue in conditions of malnutrition and the content of the mass of synthetic substances in the modern food that deform it. The most common cosmetological appeals, which are often in a hurry to solve, are wen under the eyes, on the head and neck.

The reasons for the occurrence of wen

In medical circles, the usual subcutaneous wen carries the term - lipoma. This is the name of a small benign tumor in the fat tissues of the human body. There are disputes about the probable causes of white wen, but dermatologists have not yet come to a single proven version. Currently, only a number of factors are determined, which can cause the appearance of wen.

  1. Hormonal background.  One of the first assumptions that doctors always put forward when the causes of a particular disease are foggy. It is believed that a sharp change in the ratio of hormones in the body can cause the appearance of wen or a large amount of them.
  2. Problems with the thyroid gland and liver.
  3. Exacerbation of diabetes.
  4. Eating a large amount of fatty, containing synthetic substances, products.
    This is one of the most likely causes of wen. Since it is the use of products containing a large amount of fats that contribute to the growth and change in fat cells, and this occurs when subcutaneous wen occurs.
  5. The wrong lifestyle is smoking, alcohol.

How to get rid of wen

The most elementary way that almost everyone is used to solve problems with wen is the treatment of folk remedies. In turn, doctors argue that such methods are completely powerless in this case. It is also mistaken that the cause of the appearance of wen can be associated with fullness, and it can solve it. We repeat, the reason for the appearance of white wen is an unnatural change in the structure of adipose tissue, and not an increase in its quantity - therefore it is useless to associate it with overweight. The most correct way to treat wen is their removal with the help of simple cosmetic operations.

Ways to treat wen


Today there are several correct and proven ways to remove the wen. The most correct is the appeal to the cosmetologist for the consultation and subsequent professional treatment of the wen, but there are also folk methods, which are also rightfully popular at home.

Methods of removal of wen


White wen can appear in a completely unexpected place of the skin, and live with them to live with them. But there are locations quite unpleasant, and sometimes painful for humans. These are places of location on parts of the joints, in close proximity to blood vessels and nerve endings. Then it is simply necessary to get rid of the wen, because it causes discomfort and even pain when bending the joints, is inflamed in the vascular area and presses on the nerve. In this case, the place of education must be shown to a qualified cosmetologist and immediately remove the wen. Depending on the size and place of location, this can be done in several ways of modern medicine.

  1. Medication method.  This method can be almost painlessly removed by a small wen. Its essence is to introduce a special solution into the formation of a special solution, which contributes to independent resorption of fat formation. Usually, this method is resorted to the treatment of small wen on the face and in the child. This method is the simplest, but also the longest - the whole procedure can occupy up to 6 - 8 weeks. In addition, the effectiveness of drug treatment of wen shows a positive trend only in 90% of cases, which is also a rather unpleasant moment and does not guarantee the removal of the wen at this place forever.
  2. Operational method.  This method of conventional removal of the wen mechanically using microoperation. Nevertheless, this manipulation is usually carried out under local or general anesthesia. This method is used to remove wen on a body over 3 cm in diameter. The probability of the appearance of the again white wen in the same place is impossible.
  3. Puncture-simulation method.  The puncture-absorption method is the actual “pumping” of the inside of the wen using a puncture-a long needle. This option, as well as the second, is used in order to remove large wen on operating areas of the skin. Its main difference and disadvantage are that the skin bag does not return to the previous normal state. It does not look aesthetically aesthetically pleasing and provokes more likely to the appearance of the wen there again.
  4. Laser therapy.  Laser therapy is the most advanced and universal tool for removing wen. In the technology, carbon dioxide lasers are used, which easily remove wen on such delicate parts of the body as the face, eyelids and zone under the eyes. Due to the fact that the laser is completely safe in terms of bleeding and disinfection of wounds, and postoperative scars are easily scarred and almost invisible after complete healing - it is ideal in the treatment of wen on the face. In addition, the procedure is one single and quite fast - only 20 minutes, and the probability of relapse in the same place is 0%. The consequences of removing wen using laser rays are held very quickly and without the consequences that are accompanying such types, so in an hour you are like in the photo from the cover of the magazine. In addition, the procedure is so safe and painless under local anesthesia, which with its help is recommended to fight even with wen in the child.

How to get rid of the wen on the head


Most often, it is precisely the waist of the scalp that are difficult and noticeable to the eye. But although it seems where the fat on the head came from - it is there that the favorite place of localization of this ailment.

  1. If you find something like a wen on your head, do not try to treat it yourself, and even more so try to remove it with home remedies. This is fraught with infection and suppuration of the wound, but you still will not solve the problem. In the best case, the wound will heal, and the wen will appear again in the same place of the head, you will not even have time to blink.
  2. After contacting a professional cosmetologist, you will be sent for a preliminary survey of the nature of the origin of education. No need to be scared - this is a standard procedure and carries a purely advisory, confirming nature. Since the wen is often visually easily confused with the atheroma (sebaceous gland cyst), such a check is necessary for subsequent proper treatment.
  3. Most often, methods of direct surgical intervention or laser therapy are used to treat the wen on the head.
  4. For treatment with the help of a laser are many factors, among which:
    • there is no need to shave off hair at the place of deflection of the wen on the head - the laser easily passes through, without touching them;
    • this procedure is done under local anesthesia - you do not feel pain and consequences after general anesthesia during surgery;
    • with a laser, in just 20 minutes and for all, the entire capsule of the placement of the wen is removed - you will not have to re -return to this issue never;
    • unpleasant consequences after surgery: wound and swelling of damaged tissues - all this will not affect you when using radio wave surgery;
    • laser therapy is now such a popular innovative direction that all respected cosmetic clinics have such an apparatus - it will not be difficult for you to find a doctor suitable for you;
    • this procedure for removing wen is recommended even to people who are panicky afraid of operating intervention in the body.

Treatment of wen with folk remedies

If you find a small wen on the body of the child and, of course, do not want to immediately resort to operational methods, it is worth resorting to traditional medicine. For this, you will need a few quite ordinary natural ingredients, patience and home conditions.

  1. Compress from honey with sour cream.  Prepare a little porridge mixture from a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of thick sour cream and the same amount of ordinary table salt. During the bathing of the child, when the skin is heated and the pores are open - soak everything onto the wen and withstand for up to 20 minutes. This procedure will have to be repeated daily until the effect appears - about 10 days.
  2. Vishnevsky ointment.  The ointment is a proven means of drawing harmful substances from the body. Weniles are no exception. Its only minus is a very persistent and pungent smell. Make compresses according to the instructions for the night until the wen disappears on the body.
  3. Aloy juice.  This plant is very useful to grow houses in a pot. Its valuable natural ingredients will help you in almost any situation. Apply the scarlet sheets to the wen on the head with a fresh cut until the effect appears.

How to get rid of wen: video



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