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Capping diet for weight loss

Capping diet for weight loss
How to get rid of extra kilograms with cabbage

The cabbage diet has received fame for quite a long time. Back in the 1980s, she appeared in Europe called the Russian Diet. At present, not only our compatriots are thinning on this diet, but also world famous stars. And indeed, why do we need these Hollywood diets together with Dukhans and Montinyaki? Products for these diets Dear, brought from other countries, and about the benefits of these products for our body can be arguing infinitely. A cabbage diet is solid pleasure and saving! Digestion and enzymes that are produced in the body, many generations are tuned to the processing of fruits and vegetables growing in our area. The cost of cabbage is low, if you do not take those grades that grow only in greenhouse conditions. Therefore, the cabbage diet is just what is profitable and convenient.

Cabbage diet: a little about the cabbage


Cabbage numbers up to one hundred varieties, we are more famous for white, color, Brussels, Broccoli and Kohlrabi. All kinds of cabbage contain vitamins and trace elements needed to a person for full-fledged life. The current elixir of long-livers is called white cabbage juice, it cleans blood from harmful substances, raises immunity and vitality. Therefore, cabbage juice are prescribed with serious diseases and weakening the body. Cabbage is rich in vitamins B6, A and C, contains potassium, magnesium, manganese, riboflavin and thiamine. Another feature of the cabbage is the high content of dietary fiber. Due to this, the cabbage perfectly cleans the intestines, accelerating the metabolism and preventing constipation.

Results and pluses of cabbage diet

With the help of a cabbage diet, you can get rid of extra kilograms in a short time. True, nutritionists claim that fat cannot go so quickly. And kilograms from which you can get rid of 5-7 days are mainly liquid. According to the guests of girls, the cabbage diet has helps to easily get rid of 7-10 kilograms.

  1. Capping diet will help significantly improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, because it contains vitamin A.
  2. With this diet, the digestion is improved, the body is getting rid of toxins.
  3. Availability and low cost of diet products.
  4. No feeling of hunger, there are no restrictions in the amount of food received.
  5. With the help of diet food for a few days, you can form useful food habits: reduce the consumption of salt and sugar, refuse fried and flour food.

Cons of cabbage diet


  1. If at the end of the cabbage diet do not adhere to the right nutrition and physical activity, the effect of boomeranga is possible, that is, kilograms can easily go back.
  2. You can use the cabbage diet not more than a week, because the diet is quite monotonous.
  3. The use of a large number of plant fiber can cause a bowel sweat, colic and painful sensations.
  4. The cabbage diet can be unsafe to those who suffer from diabetes and increased acidity of the stomach.
  5. The low content of carbohydrates in the cabbage diet can lead to apathy, headaches and reduced performance. Still, we are accustomed to cookies! But in this difficult time for the body time do not despair! It is now that exemptions are consumed. You can take a juicy cabbage leaf and gnaw to fit the feeling of hunger and apathy.

Basic lines of cabbage diet

On the cabbage diet you can use cabbage of different types, choosing to your taste. But preference remains behind the white cabbage, because it has the lowest calorie content - only 26 kcal. For comparison:

  • brussels - 44 kcal;
  • kohlrabi - 42 kcal;
  • colored -32 kcal.

And the lowest energy value has a sauerkraut - only 19 kcal, so it is sometimes recommended to replace fresh sauer cauldron.

Capping diet permits to nibble cabbage leaves, if you have a feeling of hunger, there are no restrictions on it. You can also drink green tea and drinking non-carbonated water. The volume of the injubiled fluid on the day is desirable to bring up to 1.2-1.5 liters and more. In the morning it is recommended to drink natural coffee, because it is known that coffee improves the metabolism in the body and displays an extra liquid. Coffee is often included in the quick diets menu, which are aimed at getting rid of unnecessary kilograms in a few days.

There are several restrictions for those who decided to lose weight with the help of a cabbage diet. For all the time the diet is prohibited by the use of salt and sugar, so it is impossible to include bread, pasta and confectionery menu. On the cabbage diet all types of alcohol are prohibited. The cooking process also matters, all sorts of frying is absolutely excluded. Food should be fresh, boiled or stew.

Capping diet for 3 days


With this diet, you can easily get rid of 2-3 kilograms. You should stick to three meals, it is not recommended to starve. If there is a sense of hunger between meals, you can quench its cabbage leaves. Salt is limited to 5 grams per day, water should be drinking half a liter and more. For a variety in the diet, you can add fresh fruits to your taste, except bananas.

Approximate Capping Diet Menu for Day:

  • Breakfast. Cup of natural coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner. Option 1. Salad from fresh cabbage with an apple or carrots and greens.

Dinner. Option 2. Cabbage soup.

Dinner. An option 3. Cabbage stewed with vegetables and a small amount of chicken meat.

  • Dinner. Option 1. 200g boiled fish and salad of fresh or stewed cabbage.

Option 2. 200 g of boiled meat and cabbage salad, sweet pepper, carrots and greenery (or stewed cabbage).

Option 3. 200 g kefir and cabbage or cabbage salad, stewed with vegetables.

Fast cabbage diet

This cabbage diet is designed for 5 days. The effectiveness of the diet is 3-5 kilograms in 5 days. The number of food intakes increases to 5-6 times. By the number of water from the water, the recommendations remain the same. The rest of the fast diet contains some of the relaxation, because it is designed for a longer period of time.

Approximate menu for one day for a quick cabbage diet:

  • Breakfast. The scrambled eggs or omelet of two eggs, a white cabbage and greenery salad, seasoned with vegetable oil. Black tea or coffee with milk.
  • Snack or second breakfast. 200 g of cottage cheese and a glass of coffee, tea or ragger of rosehip.
  • Dinner. Option 1. Soup or soup with sauerkraut, boiled chicken, fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Option 2. Cabbage stewed with mushrooms. A fresh vegetable salad.

  • Afternooner. Glass of milk or tea.
  • Dinner. 100g boiled fish or meat, stewed cabbage or stew. Green tea.
  • In the evening: a glass of kefir.

During the menu forming, you can replace one dishes by other, observing calorie and combination of products.

Capping diet for 7 days


The diet calculated for the week can be built on the use of fresh cabbage salad or in the use of cabbage soup. It is very convenient because not everyone is well tolerant of salads from fresh cabbage every day. The cabbage diet menu for a week turns on cabbage of different types, tomatoes, onions, and green, leaf salads, fruits, lean beef, milk and kefir with low fat, green tea, fruit and compotes without sugar.

Cabbage diet: diet on cabbage soup

This version of the diet is low-calorie, with limited fats and proteins. After a week, at the end of the diet, it is recommended to switch to the usual food, but with the limitation of flour, fatty and sweet products. For a period of two weeks, it is necessary to keep the result achieved, and then you can again resort to a 7-day cabbage diet.

The calorie content of this diet is only 800-1000 kilocalories, but it depends on how much soup you will use per day. This diet is transferred very easily, especially if you are an amateur of vegetable soup. Hunger does not threaten, it is tested by a huge number of lost girls. The feature of the "soup" diet is that the organism spends a lot of energy to digest this soup, much more than getting with vegetable soup. The amount of soup per day is not limited.

Cabbage soup recipe:

  • 0.5 kg of white cabbage;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 2 pods of green bell pepper;
  • 3 bulbs;
  • 1 Celery root or a few cuffs;
  • 6-8 ripe tomatoes cleaned from skins. If there are no fresh tomatoes, you can use canned in our own juice.

Wash all vegetables, cut into small cubes and cook until readiness. Tomatoes add 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Fill the soup can be loved by spices. Pepper chili, garlic, ginger, cinnamon. All these spices contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, so only help the process of weight loss. You can add dill and parsley. If we are very bad to carry vegetable soups, you can add 200g brown rice to this volume of soup. Other types of rice for cabbage diet are not suitable.

All seven days you can eat the need for needs, well add fresh vegetables and fruits to the diet, except grapes and bananas. Non-fat cottage cheese, kefir and milk will replenish the body with protein, and natural juices and fruit - vitamins. In addition, you can drink green tea and water in unlimited quantities. In the middle of the week, it is recommended to add 200 grams of boiled meat or fish to the diet.

Capping diet: diet on cabbage salad


This diet is designed for 7 days, the diet can make cabbage of any species.

Sample menu for two days diet on cabbage salad.


  • Breakfast. Salad of white cabbage with a grated carrot and an apple, fastened with vegetable oil.
  • Snack. A glass of orange juice and cabbage salad.
  • Dinner. Salad of red and white cabbage with vegetable oil, 200g boiled fish.
  • Afternooner. Kefir, milk or yogurt.
  • Dinner. Cauliflower stewed with vegetables (carrots, onions, parsley)


  • Breakfast. Salad of white cabbage and vegetables, fastened with vegetable oil.
  • Snack. An apple or orange, cabbage salad at will.
  • Dinner. Cabbage soup.
  • Afternoon tea. Boiled egg and pickled cabbage.
  • Dinner. 200 g of boiled meat, salad grated carrots and kohlrabi, filled with vegetable oil.

This is a rough menu for two days makes it clear how much can be varied diet. In addition to dairy products and boiled meat, eggs can be included in the menu. Over time, a diet can get rid of 7-10 kilograms, if you follow all of the recommendations and to avoid breakdowns.

Cabbage Soup Diet for 10 days


Menu cabbage diet is 10 days as from the different kinds of cabbage, for variety you can include fruits: apples, pears, oranges. We do not recommend the use of bananas and grapes. So that the body does not suffer from the lack of protein, good to include in the diet of boiled meat and fish, dairy products low-fat: yogurt, milk, cheese, yogurt. It is useful to drink 1.5-2 liters of non-carbonated drinking water and to reduce salt intake to 5 grams per day.

Sample menu for one day:

  • Breakfast. Tea or coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner. Salad of cabbage and vegetables: carrots, peppers, tomatoes and herbs. Salad can fill a teaspoon of vegetable oil. 200g of boiled meat or fish. Compote or fruit drink without sugar.
  • Dinner. Salad of fresh cabbage. Boiled egg. An apple or other fruit is allowed.
  • Evening. A cup of yogurt.

Fantasize in salads can be infinite, most importantly, the oil should be no more than a teaspoon per meal. At any time, coleslaw can replace cabbage soup.

During the 10 days of this diet, you can get rid of 7-10 kilograms, repeat this option cabbage diet can be only two months. During this period it is recommended to try to keep the result achieved by moving to a balanced diet.

Potato-cabbage diet

Another way to lose weight by simply familiar products, is potato-cabbage diet. Sticking to a diet without risk to health can only be for a week. Recommendations for water and salt are the same. Flour and confectionery products are still excluded. Daily ration comprises four potatoes baked without oil and salt and 500 g of fresh cabbage or steamed. All this can be divided into 5 portions and eat during the day. The day can be used as a condiment half a teaspoon of black pepper and vinegar to fill the cabbage. A day later, the potatoes can be watered with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. On the third and sixth day of the dinner you can eat 200 grams of boiled fish.

During this diet you can lose weight by five kilos. Adhere to the potato-cabbage diet is not comfortable. Maybe the body and does not suffer from a lack of carbohydrates, but he really did not have enough protein. Option cabbage diet with dairy products, and meat is much tastier, more varied and easier to bear.

Cabbage Soup Diet, recipes


If you try hard, you can do the diet is quite varied.

Here are some examples of salads.

1. Salad of sauerkraut.

  • 100g sauerkraut;
  • 50g green peas;
  • 30g grated carrots.

Mix all vegetables, fill the teaspoon of olive oil.

2. Salad of white and red cabbage.

Take in equal proportions two types of cabbage, finely chopped, sprinkle with lemon juice. Add greens and fine apple. Fix with vegetable oil.

3. Fresh cabbage salad and boiled beets.

  • 200 g of white cabbage;
  • 50 g grated on a large grater of boiled beet.

Cabbage to chop, mix with boiled beet. Complete with one teaspoon of olive oil, sprinkle with fine greens.

4. Cabbage stewed with vegetables.

Chopping cabbage, folded in a saucepan, add some water. Pan tightly cover with a lid and stew on slow fire. After 10 minutes, add a waste carrot, then the onion cut into a small cube. Continue to extinguish until soft. At the end, add parsley or dill greens.

5. Salad of sauerkraut and orange.

Add a piece of orange, cleaned from films, mix. Fill the tea spoon of vegetable oil.

Capping diet for weight loss. Video


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