
How to remove the tube from the ear at home

How to remove the tube from the ear at home
Sulfur tube is a frequent cause of a sudden reduction of hearing in children and adults. We will tell how to help themselves.

At the reception to the otolaryngologist most often come with complaints about the decline in hearing acuteness. One of the most common problems remains a sulfur tube in the ear. Why sulfur in the ears accumulate and how to remove it from there, read in the article.

Each second person on Earth, at least once in his life, turned out to be in a situation where he stopped to hear well due to the critical volume of sulfur in the auditory pass. The safest way to get rid of the sulfur tube is to trust a professional. However, it is not always possible to get qualified assistance, isn't it? Let's deal with whether it is possible to cope with the problem yourself.

Value of sulfur for human health

Before finding out how to get rid of traffic jams in the ear, it is necessary to understand why sulfur accumulates in our ears. Firstly, this sulfur formation is a natural physiological process inherent to all people without exception. Secondly, sulfur protects the ear from the penetration of foreign bodies and water in its deep departments. Due to the acidic medium of its composition, the sulfur mass serves for our ears a kind of antiseptic, effectively suppressing the reproduction and life of microorganisms, potentially dangerous for our health.


The sulfur produces ear glands. The study found that a specific mass consists of proteins, lipids and keratin, detached epithelium fragments, immunoglobulins and cholesterol, hyaluronic acid and glycopeptides. Note that this is not a complete list of organic substances that are part of the ear sulfur. In addition, its composition in men and women is poured: the male ear sulfur has fewer acids.

Regular formation of sulfur in the ear indicates that the person is healthy. The viscous mass leaves the ear on his own during chewing or conversation. This happens due to the special vibration that the jaw sends when the jaw is moving. When this process for some reason is broken, the sulfur does not leave the ear and begins to accumulate and write, gradually overlapping the auditory passage.

Causes of the appearance of a traffic jam

Conditionally all the reasons (and there are a lot of them) clogging of the ear with an excess amount of sulfur can be divided into three large groups.

To the first group, we will draw the formation of sulfur in excessive amounts. No matter how paradoxically sounded, it often causes the pathologically active process of serov formation. Each of us was told from early childhood, as it is important to follow the purity of their ears. But very frequent or, more worse, the wrong toilet of the ear shell and the auditory pass gives the opposite result.

If you strive for the perfect cleanliness of the ears and constantly "damage the order" with the help of a cotton stick, you can inappropriate to damage thin and gentle skin, lining the auditory passage. The body will immediately be treated to treat an irritated skin area, reducing the speed of serovka for this purpose. Thus, the more active the person cleans the ears, the more he risks push the sulfur mass deep into the auditory pass. Once behind the iste, which is the most narrow ear of the ear, the volume of sulfur with each subsequent portion begins to grow. And the daily "cleansing" procedure with the participation of cotton sticks only sucks this mass, making it more dense and severe. So the ear is cleaned with a sulfur plug.


The second group of factors contributing to the increased secretion of sulfur with ear glands include ears. Otitis, eczema, dermatitis and other pathology, as well as thorough mechanical cleaning of the ear, provoke skin irritation in a rumor passage and contribute to increased sulfur allocation. In the same group, you can add foreign bodies, dust, high air humidity, wearing hearing aids and frequent use of headphones that are inserted into the ear.

The specific anatomy of the ear belongs to the third group of causes of the formation of sulfur traffic jams. If the auditory passage from nature is too narrow and strongly wriggles, it is difficult for sulfur masses to leave your ear.

Symptoms of the appearance of a traffic jam in the ear

The ear plug is problematic to detect without the help of the doctor - this is the main reason why they are addressed only when the ear is almost nothing hears. Sulfur may accumulate quite a lot, while the person will feel excellently. The unpleasant feelings appear after the complete clogging of the auditory passage of the sulfur plug.


Most often, the patient feels discomfort after swimming - under the influence of water, the sulfur mass increases in volume and the ear completely loses the ability to perceive the sounds of the environment. Such a deafness is sometimes accompanied by the noise in the ear, the feeling of expanding constraints, nausea, headache and dizziness. Some patients suffer from being heard in the ear of echoing their own voice. Do you know that on the basis of the accumulation of an excessive amount of sulfur in the patient in the patient may have problems with the heart? If the plug is located close to the surface of the eardrum, it will certainly have an irritating pressure on its nervous endings. The late detection of the sulfur bunch in the ear in most cases ends with a severe inflammatory response. Based on the inconveniences listed above, which arise when the auditory passage occurs, the question of how to remove sulfur tubes in the ears, becomes more than relevant.

Elimination of traffic jams at home

If for some reason it does not work for the reception to the doctor, there are several ways to solve the problem of our own forces.

Purification of the ear using hydrogen peroxide

This method of getting rid of ear sulfur, probably the most famous. The procedure is quite simple so that the adult man can spend it without resorting to medical care. In addition, it is almost always possible to get the desired result.

Please note that peroxide should only be 3% - this is the safest concentration for delicate skin of the outer auditory passage. To remove the sulfur, kill 3 - 5 drops of therapeutic agent and lie on the side so that the patient's ear turns out from above. Post for your feelings. If after instillation of the peroxide you will feel hissing or even burning in the ear, do not worry - this is an ordinary reaction for the medicine that you use. However, if you are worried about a strong burning distance, it hurts you, immediately tilt your head so that hydrogen peroxide flows out of the ear. Try to get to the doctor as soon as possible.


If nothing suspicious happens, continue lying on the side opposite to the patient's ear, for a quarter of an hour. After 15 minutes. Turn over the other side and wait for the peroxide will leave the hearing pass along with the softened plug parts. Carefully wipe your ear with a small cotton or marlevant. Usually enough several procedures within 2 - 3 days to completely restore the hearing. By the way, hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with vaseline oil. Do not get carried away by this method of cleansing the ears. Remember that in moderate quantities of sulfur serves as a protective film for the ear.

Purification of the ear with special drugs

What if the cork in the ear did not succumb to the hydrogen peroxide? Try preparations designed specifically for softening of ear plugs. The last word of scientific medical developments are Cerunolithic agents. Their actors are able to completely dissolve the compressed sulfur right in the auditory pass. Drops A-Cerumen and Remo-Vaks are representatives of this medicinal group. Their active ingredients prevent the increase in surface voltage, do not allow the sulfur plug to swell, but immediately penetrate the center of the sulfur bunch and completely dissolve the cork from the inside.

Before applying such a drug, carefully read the instructions that are attached to it to familiarize yourself with the necessary dosage of the drug. Cut the saving fluid in the ear, look out for a few minutes and rinse the remnants of the medicine using the physically.

Special preparations for eliminating ear traffic jams can be applied to children. There are almost no contraindications for these drugs. These include perforation of the eardrum and individual intolerance to the active and excipients, which are part of the drops.

Purification of ear purification

How else can you remove the plug in the ear at home? There is a mechanical way to eliminate excess sulfur mass from the auditory passage. This is purging. We note however, that independently the procedure is carried out in rare cases, since only the doctor knows all the subtleties of the process. If you are confident in our own strength and decided to self-utilization, keep in mind that the appearance of the slightest painful sensations during or after the procedure is a reason for immediate visit to the otolaryngologist.


The principle of purging an auditory pass is based on air penetration into the ear through Eustachiyev pipe under pressure. The most affordable for a non-specialist is the self-utilization of Waltasalva:

  1. Till deeply and delay your breath.
  2. Tightly commemorate your lips and press the nose wings to the nasal partition with your fingers.
  3. Exhale with effort. The only direction where the air can penetrate the air along with gray - Eustachyeva pipe and the drum cavity behind it.

There are other techniques for the elimination of sulfur traffic jams with air (experience of the Political Floor, Toynbi experience), but they all should be held under the guidance of a competent specialist in a medical institution.

Purification of the ear using a special ear candle

An invaluable contribution to the science of hearing recovery was made by traditional medicine. We are obliged to such a valuable healing agent as ear candles. The material for their creation becomes useful gifts of nature: beeswax, propolis, medicinal herbs and essential oils. Perhaps you can call the ears of the mandatory component of the home aid kit. The tool not only neutralizes the blocking effect of the sulfur tube, but also brings a sedative, anesthetic, heating and anti-inflammatory effect.

Ear Candling Being Carried Out On An Attractive Caucasian Woman In A Spa

What is the secret of such a candle? The effectiveness of this adaptation is due to the optimal interaction of soft heat and vacuum - it is this environment that appears within a consideration of a candle burning. In such conditions, dense sulfur mass begins to melt and gradually moves through the ear to the outdoor exit. At the same time, additional pleasant effects are observed:

  • the microcirculation of blood in the ear is activated;
  • melts the breathing process through the nose;
  • undergoing stress;
  • it becomes a stronger sleep.

To conduct a procedure with the use of ear candles, stock two ear candles, cotton wands, napkins, matches, cotton, children's cream and glass with water. Singing a small amount of cream on your fingers and carefully massage by their ears. Lie on the side of the patient ear, arrange more comfortable. At your ear, put a napkin and do a small hole in the neighborhood area. Fit the top end of the candle to the top end, and the lower end of it attach to the auditory passage. As soon as the knot candle to the marked risks, remove it from the ear and put it off, dropping into a glass with water. Clean your ear with a cotton wand and for 15 minutes. Close the hearing pass by a piece of watts.

Sulfur corks in children

Sulfur traffic jams in the baby's ears are much more common than adults. And the reduction of hearing, as a rule, notes not a small patient himself, but his parents. To suspect an excessive accumulation of sulfur in a rumor passage in a child, if it often asks, does not respond if you contact him from the next room, does not hear the sound of the steps approaching it.

And if an adult can try to remove a sulfur tube from his ear on his own, then a sick child to treat at home is categorically prohibited. Reducing the hearing in children may indicate not only the presence of traffic jams in the ears, but also about the development of sensing-neural hearing loss, therefore, the correct diagnosis can only be diagnosed with a competent doctor.

Doctor Examining Young Girl

In no case cannot be covered in the child's ear thin objects (for example, matches), needles or needles. The thin skin of the auricle and the auditory passage is very easy to damage, it is also possible to break the integrity of the eardrum, and the sulfur tube will remain in its place. When you try to independently extract the traffic jam from the auditory department of the child, the risk of penetration of compressed sulfur in the bone department of the ear, from where it will be difficult to remove even a specialist.

If, when inspecting the cavity of the outer auditory passage, the ENT will detect a plug, it will be immediately extracted. To this end, the ear of a small patient is washed with a solution of fucillin room temperature. In the auditory pass, the liquid is injected through a disposable 20-cubic syringe without a needle. To fully wash the sulfur mass of the ear, the procedure is repeated up to 4 times. Finally, ENT is convinced of the purity of the ear. Then the auditory pass is closed with a piece of cotton for 15 minutes.

How to save ears from the formation of sulfur plugs

So that the ears were clean, and most importantly, healthy, enough 1 cleansing procedure per week. It is not necessary to get involved in mechanical cleaning with cotton sticks, tweezers or hair studs - because of this, the number of sulfur produced by ear glands will only increase.


The most secure object for cleaning the ears is its own index finger. Place it in the outer hearing passage and perform them movement in a circle. In parallel, move the jaw as if you chew something. In the complex, these manipulations lead to spontaneous promotion of sulfur to exit from the ear passage, from where it is easy to remove it with a small piece of cotton wool.

The mechanism of formation of the sulfur tube in the ear. Video


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Pauline 05.09.2017 To answer

I have a traffic jam when I was sulfur in the ear, I went to the doctor of course, he was rinsed me ears from sulfur and traffic jams, but for the future he advised me to use the pharmaceutical steps - to clean the ears from sulfur and traffic jams, now I clean your ears in my day

Anna 01.10.2017 To answer

I also dripped with a fear when the plug was - passed
