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Useful properties of Neroli oil

Useful properties of Neroli oil
Ways to use Neroli oil at home.

One of the most valuable products used in aromatherapy is non -grain oil. This product is characterized by a pleasant multifaceted aroma and found use in the perfume industry. Thanks to a wide range of useful action, it is also used as part of cosmetic products. In addition, non -ribbon oil is known as a natural soothing and relaxing, as well as increasing the sensuality of the product.

Useful properties of Neroli oil: methods for manufacturing this tool and its composition

Enrolial oil is traditionally obtained by steam extraction of orange wood colors. It has long been used - it is known that the ancient Greeks made fragrant water based on it, used to aromatize the body and rooms, as well as as a healing potion from a hangover and pain in the stomach. According to legend, the name of this remedy is from the area of \u200b\u200bNeroli (Italy), the native of which Princess Anna-Maria actively used the valuable oil of orange flowers for skin care and fragrant for them all year round.

According to the manufacturing method, several basic varieties of Neroli oil are currently distinguished:

  • an exclusive and quite expensive remedy, which is extracted from the petals of the Seville Paranets, which is distinguished by intense very pleasant aroma;
  • portuguese variety - oil extracted from raw materials in the form of flowers of sweet orange;
  • the most common in everyday life is Neroli oil, which is obtained from mandarin and lemon trees.

It is known that from one ton of orange petals is obtained by steam distillation of not more than 0.8 kg of non -ribbon oil. A by -product of this production is a very popular orange fragrant floral water. Neroli oil is a liquid of a light golden hue, in the light it plays orange-red notes. It includes complex ethers, terpenes and natural alcohols.

This tool has a delicate pulsating smell with spicy notes, including several cool and warm tones. These include woody, floral, sunflower and candy, as well as a pronounced citrus notes. The exquisite aroma of non -ribbon oil is highly appreciated by perfumers around the world.

Useful properties of Neroli oil: observed effects

This tool is very effectively affected by the human body, since it is characteristic:

  • pronounced bactericidal and antiviral properties, thanks to which it is used for the prevention and treatment of SARS, influenza and herpes;
  • cardiotonic effect-Norolium oil normalizes the strength and frequency of heart contractions, helping to eliminate disorders in the work of a neurotic and functional cardiovascular system. This tool helps to normalize coronary circulation, as well as a decrease in harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • the ability to gently regulate the release of enzymes and the operation of the digestive system;
  • antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effect, including in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and intestines (in particular, with colitis);
  • light diuretic effect, the effect of eliminating edema;
  • improvement of the endocrine system;
  • thanks to the mild painkillers and the soothing effect of this tool, the symptoms of the PMS, as well as the course of menopause, are observed. In gynecology, it is used to normalize the menstrual cycle.

This tool is successfully used in aromatherapy for neurosis, depression, arrhythmias. The delicate and pleasant bitter aroma of Neroli essential oil acts as a powerful soothing and relaxing agent. The tool will help get rid of increased anxiety, irritability, hysteria, obsessive thoughts. In addition, it is known that inhalation of its aroma eliminates emotional depression, calms, helps to increase self -esteem, has a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole. In addition, it effectively affects potency, eliminates frigidity - thus, non -grain oil can act as a powerful sexual stimulant.


It should be noted that inhalation of this aroma can cause a pronounced effect of relaxation, a mild sleeping pink effect is also characteristic of it. This tool will help get rid of insomnia. In cases where a clear head is needed and the ability, in any situation, to a quick concentration, it is worthwhile to refuse to use it.

In cosmetology, the beneficial properties of Neroli oil have found application for various needs.

This tool is characterized by the following action:

  • softens the skin, due to the antiseptic effect, eliminates irritation, acne;
  • heals cracks and damage to the epidermis;
  • fights with increased pigmentation;
  • beneficial affects sensitive, prone to dryness, as well as mature skin, effectively rejuvenates, restores the elasticity of the skin and smoothes small wrinkles;
  • envals the relief of mixed skin, gives it a fresh and healthy look;
  • eliminates manifestations of rosacea in the form of a fine grid of capillaries on the surface of the skin;
  • fights with unaesthetic stretch marks and manifestations of cellulite.

It is also worth noting that this oil promotes skin renewal, stimulating cell regeneration. It is used in the treatment of herpes, as well as eczema, dermatitis.  In addition, Neroli oil is useful for hair, because it strengthens the hair follicles, eliminates dandruff, eliminates the skin from irritation. Thus, this remedy has a tangible heavier effect for hair. In addition, it strengthens the nail plates and helps to get rid of burrs.

Useful properties of Neroli oil: contraindications for use

It should be noted that there are some restrictions and contraindications to the use of non -grain oil.

These include:

  • the period of pregnancy, especially the second and third semester;
  • age up to three years;
  • a tendency to allergic reactions or the presence of individual intolerance to this tool;
  • the treatment period of chemotherapy for oncological diseases.

Due to a pronounced relaxing effect, non -grain oil should not be used if necessary to perform actions that require concentration.

Useful properties of Neroli oil: methods of application

There are various methods of using neroli oil, including the aromatization of premises, the conduct of procedures in the form of inhalations, the adoption of aromatic baths, etc. It should be noted that the most effective way to use it as the prevention of various diseases will serve as inhalation. Once on sensitive nose receptors, the volatile components of essential oil provoke the production of certain impulses that enter the cerebral cortex and respectively adjust the functioning of various body systems.


Useful properties of Neroli oil: Aromatherapy

Inhaling the volatile components of non -grain oil contributes to maintaining good health, eliminating stress, and mobilizing internal reserves. Aromatherapy using this will help in the treatment of various diseases and will contribute to the overall healing of the body. For a room with an area of \u200b\u200babout 15 m 2 it is recommended to use 5-8 drops of non-ribbon oil.

It is worth noting that when inhalation of essential oil by inhalation, the effectiveness of its exposure increases by about two dozen times.   For these purposes, it is enough to use 2-3 drops of non-grain oil, inhalations should be carried out for about 15 minutes, no more than two to three times a day. In the case of insomnia, it is recommended to apply a few drops of non -roller oil on a wet napkin and lay it at the head of the bed.

Useful properties of Neroli oil: aromatic baths

Aromatic baths are very useful, because simultaneous exposure is carried out on a significant area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the skin. In this way, the active substances of non -grain oil quickly penetrate the skin and affect various body systems. To prepare an aromatic bathtub, 7-8 drops of essential oil should be mixed with a small amount of emulsifier (in its quality can be foam for baths, sea salt, honey or cream, etc.).


Water can be hot or cool, a sedentary bath or lying. After taking the bath, it is not necessary to wash off the remaining oils, it is enough to carefully smoke the skin with a towel. The duration of the first procedure should be no more than 5 minutes, then its duration can be increased to 15-20 minutes. Solcted stones in the sauna or stove in the bath are watered with water with the addition of non-grain oil (based on a few drops of the product per half a liter of liquid).

Useful properties of Neroli oil: compresses, massage and rubbing

Norolia oil can be used as part of therapeutic (cold or hot) compresses overlap over a particular organ. Thus, active substances penetrate the lymph system and have a directed effect in the right place - relieve spasms, inflammation and edema, anesthetize. You can prepare a compress as follows-7 drops of non-rolleries are added to 10-12 drops of basic oil. In this mixture, moisturized cotton napkin should be moistened and applied in the right place. The exposure time of such a compress should be gradually increased - from half an hour to 2 hours.

Accelerated penetration of influencing substances also provides massage with Neroli oil. This procedure produces a strengthening effect on the body, improves the state of the epidermis, and positively affects the functioning of circulatory and digestion systems. Surpassed massage is recommended by mixing one drop of non -grain and basic oil. Rubbing will help eliminate inflammatory processes in the tissues (for this, a few drops of Neroli oil with 8-9 ml of the base should be mixed).

Useful properties of Neroli oil: use for cosmetic purposes

This tool has also found active use in cosmetology. With its help, you can get rid of the vascular mesh, stretch marks, cellulilitis, as well as herpes, purulent rash, dermatosis, eczema. Eyeal oil heals minor damage, eliminates irritation and acne, smoothes the skin relief and rejuvenates it. In particular, Neroli oil is suitable for skin, prone to dryness, as well as a mixed type.

It is most convenient to add non-roller oil to cosmetics in the form of masks, creams, gels-at the rate of 1-2 drops per one-time use. In a similar way, it is easy to enrich the Neroli oil cream cream, make a moisturizing mask. In an undiluted form, oil is not allowed to apply oil (except for individual situations when point application is required - for example, in the treatment of acne or herpes).

To strengthen nails, a few drops of non -ribbon oil should be rubbed at the base of the nail plate.  In addition, with non -rod oil you can use to improve the scalp and eliminate dandruff, strengthen the hair and give it shine. To do this, a couple of drops of oil are added to a portion of the finished shampoo or balm. In addition, you can apply 1-2 drops of it to a comb and comb the strands in different directions with light massage movements.

Useful properties of Neroli oil - video



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