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How to relieve itching with chickenpox in an adult and a child. Itching products for chickenpox

How to relieve itching with chickenpox in an adult and a child. Itching products for chickenpox
Getting rid of itching with chickenpox: baths, home remedies, cold compresses. Getting rid of itching pharmacy drugs

The chickenpox is considered to be a childhood disease, but those adults who have not illuminated chickenpox in childhood can get sick from this viral disease. It doesn’t matter if a child or an adult is sick - the disease does not always occur smoothly and most often worries severe skin itching. How to reduce itching with chickenpox, we will find out in more detail.

How the chickenpox flows

When infection of a child or adult, one watery pimple appears on the skin of a person, after a few hours - there are more and more rashes. In just a couple of days, the patient’s skin is covered with almost completely itchy pimples that constantly itch, interfere with sleep, eat and, in general, distract from everyday life. If this is a child, then it is difficult to sleep at night with a baby, he is naughty, tries to comb the islands of rashes. In the afternoon, the child is also capricious, because he is worried about severe itching, he eats poorly - as a result, loses weight and becomes very moody. To help the baby to cope with a viral disease faster, it is necessary to take a number of measures that will help not only alleviate the patient's condition, but also transfer the chickenpox without complications.

How to care for the skin of a patient with chickenpox:

  1. The nails should be cut briefly, because the child does not understand that the bubbles cannot be combed. If you comb at least one pimple, then bacteria can not be avoided into the wound and cannot be avoided. This concerns children more, but adults are no exception. Some are so combed with rashes that open wounds appear in their place. Therefore, the first rule: you can not comb the rashes in any case, no matter how much you want.
  2. Wearing underwear - only from cotton fabric, change - every day. In addition: bedding (pillowcase, sheet and duvetel) should also be cotton. This will help to avoid irritation already inflamed skin.
  3. Improving the room - must, regardless of the age of the sick. The room should be comfortable, but not hot. If it is very hot, then the patient can sweat and from this itching will only intensify. The optimum room temperature is +20-21 degrees.
  4. The drinking regime must be followed in order to quickly free the body from accumulated toxins. Therefore - you need to drink a lot, a warm drink is recommended with the addition of vitamin C. It can be juices, tea with raspberries, currants, rosehips.

How long does itch last with chickenpox?

First, let's figure out the nature of the course of the disease in children. The incubation period of chickenpox-from 10 days to 23. The rash appears within 3-10 days, then the period of “calm”, followed by recovery. It lasts for 5 days. It is advisable to be at home from 2 to 4 weeks.

What are the symptoms of the disease? The same as with a beginning cold: this is a slight increase in body temperature (not always), weakness, chills, sore throat, light cough. After 2 days, the first bubble rashes may appear on the skin: there can be several bubbles at once, they are filled with muddy liquid (or transparent). When a rash appears, severe itching develops. In the night period, itching intensifies. The rash can manifest itself in different ways: in the form of single elements or multiple on different parts of the body.

If the disease is difficult, then rashes appear even in the area of \u200b\u200bhair growth on the head. New rashes appear constantly, within 3-5 days, then the first bubbles burst, a dense crust forms in place of the bubble. It’s just such crusts to comb so that there are no scars on the skin. Itching will bother the child until all the elements burst. Then the long -awaited relief will come.

In adults, the disease can proceed differently and depend on the state of the body:

  • with weak immunity, it is possible to increase body temperature to 40 degrees;
  • the temperature may increase and stay for 5 days. It is very difficult to knock it down;
  • the lymph nodes increase: cervical, in the groin, armpits;
  • the patient feels strong weakness.

After all the above symptoms, the first rash appears, which can be both single and cover the entire body (the genitals is no exception). During this period, the patient is worried about severe itching, which lasts up to 6 days, until all the bubbles burst. Cool compresses, baths, as well as taking antihistamines, will help to alleviate itching with chickenpox in adults.

How to remove itching with chickenpox in a child

The most unpleasant for chickenpox is itching, and if an adult can control himself, then this is very difficult to achieve with children. Therefore, you need to help the child relieve unpleasant symptoms so as not to injure the nervous system of the child.

The first salvation from itching with chickenpox in children is local treatment with a solution of green or fukarcin. Greenhouse needs to lubricate new bubbles, it helps relieve itching, is a preventive means of preventing the development of bacterial infection (for example, when combing or when the bubbles begin to open).

If body temperature rises, the patient is recommended for taking antipyretic drugs, as well as anti -inflammatory and antihistamines (on the recommendation of the attending physician).

What to give from itching with chickenpox? Any antihistamine of a new generation. For example, “Acyclovir”, “Suprastin” or “Zovirax” (for adults - tablets, for children - suspension). It is better not to give a popular “diazolin” either to children or adults, because it causes drowsiness. Only before you go to the pharmacy, you need to consult with your attending physician.

How to relieve itching with chickenpox:

  • A 6-month-old child can already be given sedatives, only taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby. The main thing is to start taking the drug with small doses, carefully monitor the reaction of the body. If the child after taking such a medicine, on the contrary, has become active, then the drug will have to be canceled. Excessive apathy and drowsiness is not an indicator of the norm, like an allergic reaction. For children, taking homeopathic preparations is recommended that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription: this is Valerianaeel (for 2-year-old children), “nervous” (children after 3 years old), as well as the homeopathic drops “Notta”, granules “Shalun ", Herbal tinctures (mint, chamomile, motherwort or peony);
  • in an extreme case, if the disease is heavily, the baby is concerned about severe itching with chickenpox, the pediatrician can prescribe sedatives such as “phenosepam”;
  • in the event that you still do not want to give the baby pharmacy preparations, try a good way proven for years and even for decades: before going to bed, let the baby drink warm milk with a spoon of honey (provided that the child does not have an allergy to bee products). Warm sweet milk will relax and the baby will fall asleep calmly.

How to alleviate itching with chickenpox

At home, using improvised means, you can alleviate the condition of the patient with chickenpox.

Strong itching with chickenpox. What to do:

  1. You can take baths. Water should not be hot, comfortable for the body of temperature. The duration of the water procedure is no more than 5 minutes so that the crusts do not have time to get wet. If you bathe the child, make sure that he does not comb the rash.
  2. After bathing, it is not recommended to energetically rub the skin with a towel. It is enough to carefully get water with a terry towel, put on cotton underwear.
  3. Swiming with chickenpox is possible and necessary, only you need to use soft detergents for sensitive skin. If itching during chickenpox bothers an adult, it is advisable to use baby soap during illness.
  4. You can add drugs to the water to water: for example, oatmeal (sold in stores or can be done independently). 1 cup of oatmeal flour is added to 3 cups of cold water, mixed well, the soothing composition must be poured into a bath filled with warm water, mixed. Everything, you can take a soothing bath. In addition to oatmeal flour, starch is suitable (only corn - 2 cups for a filled bath).
  5. Instead of a bath, you can make soothing cold compresses. How to make a compress: take a cotton towel, wet in cold water, squeeze, apply on the skin.
  6. The use of special products from itching for chickenpox: Aveeno lotion (oatmeal is present in the composition). Losions are also suitable, which include such substances: menthol, campara or phenol.

Itching ointment with chickenpox:

Answering the question of parents: “How to remove itching with chickenpox”, modern pediatricians recommend purchasing the Irikar ointment. Homeopathic drug is produced both in the form of an ointment and in the form of a cream that is safe for adults and children.

Now you know how to get rid of itching with chickenpox, we wish you a speedy recovery. Easy chickenpox to you!



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