
How to clean your ears at home. As you can and how can not clean your ears an adult and a child

How to clean your ears at home. As you can and how can not clean your ears an adult and a child
An article on how to properly clean the ears to adults and children.

Observe the abnormal hygiene is very important and you need to do it systematically. The whole essence of the purification procedure is to extract the accumulated sulfur and ear plugs from the auditory passage. In this article we will describe how to correctly clean the ears at home to adults and children of different ages.

How to clean your ears at home: Basic rules

Is it possible to clean your ears

To the question: "Clean your ears?", Unambiguous answer "Yes." It is no secret that sulfur accumulates in the middle ear. With its abundance, there is an unpleasant feeling inside the ear. For example, such as:

  • itching;
  • dryness;
  • feeling;
  • a small loss of hearing;
  • noise or ringing in the ears.

Ear sulfur is a special secret to be allocated by iron outdoor auditory passes. This substance is used to protect the eardrum from external stimuli (dust, dirt, etc.). In addition, it has a bactericidal property and moisturizes the walls of the middle ear.

With the normal operation of the body, 80% of ear sulfur is derived by naturally, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bmust be deleted independently. A healthy person must clean the ears no more than two times a week.

As a result of infectious diseases, the narrowing of the auditory pass, inflammatory processes in the ear, magnesium deficiency, fatty acids or Omega-3, an increased production of sulfur may be observed. People with such problems are more susceptible to the formation of ear plugs and therefore their ears cleaning should be made about three times a week.

Than to clean your ears

When cleaning the ears at home, some nuances of this procedure should be familiar with some nuances. For example, today it is customary to clean the ears with cotton chopsticks. As many otolaryngologists are assured, such a way to clean the auditory passage is wrong and may even lead to deposits.

Why can not be brushing with cotton wands? The thing is that when cleaning with the ears with chopsticks, you only collect a small part of the sulfur from the walls of the middle ear, the main volume of this substance pushes inside the auditory passage, closer to the eardrum and bones responsible for the perception of sound. That is why, with the systematic cleaning, the ears in the outdoor ear can accumulate a traffic jam, which not only worsens the rumor, but can also cause inflammation, infections and even the destruction of the hammer, anvil and ancestral.

"What is still to clean your ears?", "You ask. The answer is very simple. Based on the recommendations of the leading lors, the ears are worth reading during bath procedures without resorting to the help of individual tools. It is enough just to wash the little finger with a slightly, rinse with rotating movements.

How to clean your ears in stages

  1. Taking a shower or washing in the bath, Mysinetseed Naminet or liquid soap.
  2. Sculpt the little finger on the outer shell of the ear.
  3. Moisten the finger in the water flushing with it soap.
  4. Again your finger.
  5. Rotating movements clean the auditory passage.
  6. Wash the soap from the finger.
  7. Clean water, wash the soap foam from the ear.

How to deeply enter finger when cleaning the ear

The cleaning of the ear from the sulfur masses is a fairly simple procedure that does not carry hazards for hearing. Nevertheless, it is impossible to enter your finger too deep so as not to damage the hearing elements. The optimal depth is one centimeter.

If you can't get rid of the harmful habits to climb in the ear wand. Then at least do not drive it too deep. The permissible depth of the introduction of the ear stick is 0.5 centimeters.

Is it possible to clean the ears of hydrogen peroxide

Another effective way to clean your ears is to rinse their hydrogen peroxide. Due to the special effects of this drug, the ear sulfur is as if dissolved and comes out of the ear in liquid form along with small particles of dirt and dust.

It should be noted that for cleaning the ears does not fit the peroxide of hydrogen in cleaning. It must be pre-mixed with purified water in the proportion of 1: 1.

How to clean the ears peroxide

  1. Prepare the solution: in a separate container mix 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide 3% and 50 ml of water or saline (0.9% aqueous sodium chloride solution).
  2. Type previously prepared liquid into the pipette.
  3. Kneak 3-5 drops of solution into one ear tilt the head. Hold your head in this position for a few minutes.
  4. Tilt your head to the other side so that the solution of the echo.
  5. Clean tissue napkin remove the residues of sulfur from the auricle.
  6. Repeat the procedure on the second ear.

Wash the ears of hydrogen peroxide is not more often three times a month. In addition, it is recommended to resort to cleaning in such a way that it is recommended only to people with an increased risk of forming sulfur traffic jams in the ears.

What to do in the formation of a sulfur tube in the ear

Sulfur tube in the ear is a fairly unpleasant education that can significantly complicate life. It costs to get rid of it immediately, because it can provoke the destruction of auditory bones and eardrum.
Symptoms pointing to the formation of a sulfur tube in the ear:

  • autophonia (if you hear your own voice in the ear);
  • partial hearing loss;
  • pain in the ear or when pressed on the ear shell;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • reflex cough.

It is important to know that it is categorically impossible to remove sulfur traffic jams. In the case of such a problem, it is worth contacting the appropriate specialist. After all, the simple, from the point of view of medicine, the procedure for incorrectly carrying out you can deprive you to hear.

How to clean your ears to a child

Clean the ears of children after 3 years can be as well as adults. Teach the child to conduct a procedure yourself during swimming.

If the baby has difficulty, and your finger is too large for a small auditory passage, you can use special children's cotton wands with a limiter. But, it is not necessary to lay the wand, just moisten it in warm boiled water and squeeze. It is best to carry out such a procedure after bathing. It was then that the splashing sulfur masses are best given to mechanical exposure and easily removed from the ear.

How to clean the ears newborn

Physiology of newborn children is significantly different from adults. In the first year of life, hearing aisles are very gentle and damage them very easily. Nevertheless, follow the hygiene bodies of kids, because the formation of sulfur traffic jams at such age has dangerous consequences.

As already mentioned above, when cleaning the ears it is impossible to use cotton wands familiar to us, for babies the best option for cleaning the ears - with the help of cotton flavors. In addition, it still needs heat boiled water.

How to clean your ears in your baby. Step-by-step instruction.

  1. Wash hands with antibacterial soap.
  2. Wipe the ear shell with a wet sterile cotton swab. So you soften sulfur and make the most efficient cleaning.
  3. Moisten the flagellum in warm water and press it. The flashell should be slightly wet without water droplets.
  4. Wipe the wet flagella's ears.
  5. Take a clean harness, wash it again and squeeze it.
  6. Wipe the badge of the auditory passage.

It is worth noting that it is categorically impossible to clean the newborn passage of the external ear, because by negligence you can damage the eardrum.

This method of purification of ear shell and passage is suitable for children up to 3 years. At this age, the auditory body is very gentle and needs to be careful.

Conduct the procedure for the smallest family members needs no more than once a week.

How to clean your ears. Video


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Pauline 01.08.2017 To answer

Chopsticks so I sulfur only in the ears shook out, the sulfur tube was. Saved only drops of steps, well, now I clean or periodically ears.

Arina 15.10.2017 To answer

I can't clean your ears with chopsticks. It causes terrible discomfort. And, in general, I have a panic that I will hunt myself a member)) Therefore, the doctor advised me to buy drops of stop. They are very convenient. Capped once a month, sulfur came out. And you can forget about the ears for a month)
