
How to fold a woman. The better to get a woman. How often do you need to go

How to fold a woman. The better to get a woman. How often do you need to go
Basic rules for women's intimate hygiene: how to argue correctly. List of best sex gels for arms.

The concept of hygiene is given to a person since childhood. With age, we continue to comprehend the subtle science of caring for yourself and discover the importance of intimate hygiene. Neglecting simple rules causes problems in the field of men's and female genital organs. Especially often suffer from representatives of beautiful gender, since the balance of female intimate health is extremely easy to break. In this article we will talk about the Aza intimate hygiene, in particular, tell you how to get a woman.

Usually all the necessary information about the care of an intimate zone Girl gets from mom. It is very important to explain the future woman why and, most importantly, how hygiene is carried out by the delicate area on the body. The lack of elementary knowledge in this area will be in the future causes unpleasant intimate diseases, some of which can even question the ability of a woman to have children.

Intimate woman hygiene: how to get out

The basis of hygienic care for the intimate zone is the correct care for outdoor genital organs. Our detailed recommendations will help a woman to support cleanliness and health at the proper level.

The isolation is the purification of external genital organs. It is necessary to go up every day, in the morning and in the evening, and during the menstruation period more often - 3 - 4 times a day when changing the hygienic gasket or tampon. The zone that requires increased attention is large and small sexual lips, the mucosa near the vaginal opening and the mucosa around the clitoris. Only these areas are needed outside, to penetrate the vagina to penetrate the vagina, it is strictly forbidden because of the high risk to injure or infect the vulnerable mucous membrane. The inner part of the vagina is cleaned independently.

Hands before washed carefully wash with soap: on the fingers and under the nails, a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms are concentrated, which begin to multiply with double activity, falling into a warm and viscous vaginal environment. Refuse the idea to wash with the help of washcloths or sponges - no matter how soft is a bath device, its impact will still be more rude than the touch of their own fingers. In addition, the washcloths are a well-known seatingman of bacteria.

The next moment is mounted only with warm water or water room temperature. Cold water does not fit categorically, otherwise serious inflammatory diseases of the genital organs will not be avoided. You can also direct a jet of water from a crane or a soul right into the vagina - in this case, the mucosa will lose the protective film and will be opened for any infection. It will be the most effective to be used when water flows down the pubic top down.

The hygiene procedure itself also has its own characteristics: Remember that it is properly to be arranged in the direction from the pubic to the rear pass, but not the opposite. Microflora and pollution of the anal hole represent a greater hazard for the health of the vagina. In the same direction you need to go after each urination and emptying of the intestine. It is necessary to take care that there is a separate towel for intimate hygiene - always clean, stroking hot iron and very soft. Wipe off, do not rub genitals, but carefully wet them.

Observing these elementary recommendations, the woman will always be protected from the influence of pathogenic bacteria.

Intimate woman hygiene: what to go

Today there are a lot of money for the care of women's delicate zones. All of them differ from each other with the composition and price, and the woman may have to change not one brand to find the perfect line of intimate cosmetics personally for themselves. The right means for intimate hygiene meets several requirements:

  • does not dry the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • does not affect the acidic medium of the vagina;
  • moisturizes the mucous membrane;
  • prevents reproduction of harmful bacteria.

When choosing a means for intimate hygiene, you should carefully study the instructions: each remedy is designed for a certain age category. There is intimate cosmetics for girls from 3 to 12 years, for girls and women from 12 to 45 years old and for women from 45 years.

Some women believe that it is possible to clean the cleanliness with the help of cosmetic soap - they say, a well-known and tested tool is better than any foams and gels. Such an opinion is rooted incorrectly, and if you are still thinking whether it is possible to be afraid of soap, think about what damage you will apply because of such carelessness. The active components of soap foam corrode the natural lubricant of the external genital organs, thereby contributing to the development of an alkaline medium into the vagina, in which, as well as, pathogenic microorganisms are quickly multiplied. If a woman is beinghed with soap, she voluntarily acquires himself to infection by a particular infection.

Than in this case, it is better to wash - what special means to choose? When buying, first of all, you are interested in the composition of the product: so that the pH level in the body remains normal and the state of the female intimate sphere was balanced, we need lactic acid. Also make sure that the tool contains antibacterial components. But the bottle, the label of which reports the presence of flavoring, soap or dye, it is better to put back on the shelf.

The better to get a woman. Best tools for intimate care

By numerous reviews of the women's audience, we defined the most popular tools for arms. So, what can be arched to a woman, absolutely not surviving for their health:

Lactacyd Femina Function Series

This is a soft delicate means in the form of an emulsion, gel, mousse or liquid with a moderately pronounced pleasant aroma. The product moisturizes the skin and sews it from irritation. Lactacyd Femina can be used as often as you need. As part of the funds there is lactic acid 1%.

Liquid intimate soap Green pharmacy for arms

Antibacterial agent for intimate hygiene from the Belarusian manufacturer. The composition is notable for tea tree oil, which destroys bacteria, and provitamin B5, providing sensitive skin of an intimate zone worthy moisturizing. The regular use of this soap is most positively affected by the microflora of the genital organs, since it naturally regulates the acid-alkaline balance of an intimate environment.

Tiande gel for arms

As part of a delicate agent - only natural substances acting very softly. The use of gel warns the appearance of dryness and irritation of the skin, since the active components of the product provide optimal PH-balance of an intimate environment. Tiande is distinguished by antibacterial effect and effectively fights with an unpleasant odor.

Epigen gel for arms

Another means for intimate hygiene, which clearly complies with all the physiological requirements of the female organism. The gel is designed on the basis of lactic acid and licorice root. A successful combination of components contributes to the healing of microcracks in the field of the intimate zone and prevents the development of diseases provoked by fungal infections.

Carefree gel for arms

Delicate dense tool with a pleasant smell. Its systematic use allows you to forget what redness, itching and dryness in the intimate zone, and all because the product does not contain soap and alcohol. Ideal for women prone to the development of allergic reactions.

Intimate gel from Nivea for arms

This is a budget, but very effective means for intimate hygiene closes the list of leaders. The product was created on the basis of lactic acid and chamomile extract, has a refreshing herbal smell. The gel copes with his direct responsibilities for "excellent", and also quickly washed off and leaves for a long time after a pleasant feeling of moisture.

What to go to the thrush

What is thrush, do not know only rare happy lucky. The overwhelming majority of women are aware of how to easily "pick up" and hard to leave this unpleasant disease. In the acute period of the disease, drug treatment is effective, and during remission it is necessary to be the responsible and careful purification of external genital organs. With a literal array of thrush, you can forget for a long time.

How to argue a tar soap

Birch to manage, the main component of the Degtyar soap, does not leave fungi and bacteria not a single chance, and since the women's thrush is awarded the candida fungus, then the arable soap can be used to remove painful symptoms of the disease. Also, the alkaline means successfully normalizes the acid-alkaline balance of the vagina.

Degtyar soap is used in the complex treatment of thrush, simultaneously with the reception of medicines. How often to arched this tool? The cleanliness is injected in the morning and in the evening while taking the soul. After the procedure, the intimate zone must be gently linked to a one-time paper napkin to complete dryness. For the warning of the thrush, the Degtyar soap is used no more than 1 - 2 times in 10 days.

How to wash the chamomile

In matters of female hygiene, do not do without chamomile. With this natural agent, you can deal with the prevention of thrush when planning and during pregnancy. To prepare a healing decoction, pour 1 tbsp. l. Flowers chamomile 200 g boiling water. After half an hour, the recharge means will be ready to use. On the region of external genital organs, the phytockomoponents of chamomile have the following action:

  • antiseptic;
  • wound-healing;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory.

After the isolation additionally rinse the intimate area with water is not needed. To double the effectiveness of the procedure, you can prepare a combined decoction by adding marigold flowers to chamomile.

How to wash the bark of oak and nettle

Oak bark is more suitable for the treatment of thrush, rather than for its warning. Naturally, the possibility of using a natural product is certainly discussed with the attending physician. The drug infusion on the basis of this means makes the mucous membrane of the external genital organs is more dense, since it becomes loose and especially vulnerable under the influence of the pathogenic fungus. In addition, the bark of oak contributes to the elimination of the swelling and reduce the sensitivity of the affected areas. The strength of its useful properties is doubled if adding a little nettle in the infusion.

Fill 2 tbsp. l. Oak bark 1 l just boiling water and boil for another 10 minutes. After put in the decoction of 2 tbsp. l. Ground nets nettle. The finished medium must be standing for 20 minutes. Before applying a decoction. Irrigate the intimate zone twice a day, and the signs of the thrush will disappear very soon.

How to wash soda

Gynecologists agree with the experience of people's healers who argue that with a non-passage itch caused by the thrush, soda helps well. The tool works even in very launched cases. Prepare a soda solution simply: Divide 1 tbsp. l. Soda in 1 l warm boiled water. Wake up soda mortar in the morning and in the evening.

How to wash manganese

Potassium permanganate is a powerful antiseptic agent that delays all microcracks and other damage to the mucous membrane during thrush. In everyday life, the product is more famous for us as a manganese. With its help, in a short time, it is possible to give a damaged loose fabric of external genital organs in order, since the chemical components of the drug have a sealing and migrating effect. Thanks to these qualities, potassium permanganate solution can be used during the exacerbation of the thrush. The medicine effectively restores the normal medium into the vagina by neutralizing toxic enzymes, which are synthesized by fungal microorganisms. In order not to albeit the mucous membrane, the solution of mangartee is prepared weak concentration, separating 0.2 mg of the means in 200 ml of water. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms of the disease, experts are recommended twice a day.

Summing up, we note that a woman knows a little, how and what to go to preserve intimate health. It is much more important to love yourself and listen to what the own body says. Only staying in harmony with you and caring about yourself, you can stay healthy and beautiful for many years.


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Oksana 05.02.2019 To answer

If there are no problems, it is better to get a simple warm water. During the problems, the decoction of the jaw has proven itself. Bawn enemic plant of Ukrainian woodland. It has a pronounced bactericidal, antimicrobial and anti-grab effect.

Oksana Mirkovets 05.02.2019 To answer

I, too, recently opened the bawge. All unpleasant symptoms passed. Of the minuses, the fact that it is necessary at least once to prepare a decoction of zestos.

Oksana 19.03.2019 To answer