
When and how much you can start walking with a newborn. How much and how often you need to walk with the newborn. How to walk with a newborn baby on the street

When and how much you can start walking with a newborn. How much and how often you need to walk with the newborn. How to walk with a newborn baby on the street
When you can start walking with a newborn after the hospital. How much you need to walk with the newborn. How to walk with a newborn.

After the appearance of the firstborn in the family, the woman knows the joy of motherhood, and at the same time faces with a huge amount of responsibilities. At first, it is difficult to figure out what. One of the primary questions that makes the young mother nervous - walks. Family members immediately give a lot of tips, intimidate with ridiculous superstitions, in one word, make women get lost. A dilemma arises in front of it: when to go to the first walk, what to wear, where to go and how much you can walk with a newborn after discharge. We will answer these questions, disappointing your insecurity, and we will also help rationally organize your leisure leisure.

Walking with a newborn after discharge from the maternity hospital: where to start?

The newborn is very needed fresh air. It supports the baby appetite, contributes to the restoration of thermoregulation after birth, helps to improve sleep. In addition, the sun walk is an important factor in the development of vitamin D, without which the child can form Rahit.

When to start walking with a newborn

Pediatricians neonatologists focus on the fact that walks immediately after discharge from the hospital are extremely necessary for the baby. True, provided that the child was born strong and healthy.

In order for the environment of the environmental adaptation to ensure safely and the baby began to actively tempt, it is important to comply with certain rules in the first walks.

For the first few days you need to walk with the baby starting from a 10-minute mice (recreation walk). Winter - no exception and walk too. But the duration of the first outputs to the street should be 5-7 minutes, provided that the air temperature is not lowered below -10⁰.

Important! The decision, from what day you walk with the newborn, accept exclusively you, but if the health status of the crumbs is in perfect order, it is better to spend the first walk as soon as possible, namely, on 5-7 days of life.

When the kid successfully met with fresh air, start every day to lengthen the walk for 5-10 minutes. Continue to adjust the schedule of walks while the total duration of one municipality is 2.5-3 hours (in the summer it is about 4 hours).

Advice! The first walks with the newborn are very short, so you can do without a carriage. Crocha can be caught in hand or put into the sling. If the baby appeared in the winter, it is possible to purchase special upper clothes - slingocurtes with a branch for the baby. It is very convenient and stylish.

How to walk with a newborn. How to collect kid for a walk

The newborn has a special mode of thermoregulation, which is established for a long time after delivery. Therefore, it is important to learn to wear a baby to avoid such consequences as overheating or supercooling.

If the child is not dressed enough, it will freeze. Externally, the baby may not respond to the cold, but on the second day he can wake up sharply. Not the best option and overheating. If the child is stuffy, he will stand, start crying, he may have a rash. And with a long stay in such a state, the temperature may rise.

To do everything correctly, you need to follow the same rule: dressing the baby, choose things for the season, as well as for yourself, but add an additional layer of clothing, such as extra slick or sliders, but no more. And only closer to the year old child can be dressed as well as himself - the baby will not be frozen.

The process of walking fees is equally important. So for the first time everything went smoothly and with a good mood at mom and baby, take advantage of the following tips:

  1. The first rule of the smart mother: first his mother dresses, then the baby. Charges in another sequence will lead to the fact that the child backs up until the mother chooses and puts out the outfit, and then shells.
  2. Choose comfortable clothes for infants. No matter how cute you seemed a set of sliders and sprawers, make a choice in favor of the slip. It is easier to dress and the baby is more comfortable in it. From the upper clothes for kids, a transforming overalls is best suited, which quickly takes the shape of a sleeping bag, or an envelope on the fur. First, it is warmer, and secondly, he does not shine children's movements. The main thing is to be comfortable and mom, and the baby, then the walk will be cheerful.
  3. Dressing process reduce to a minimum. Things, convert, stroller, mother bag - should be prepared before the start of the kid fees. The faster you get the baby and go to walk, the calmer will be a dream of a child.
  4. The first months after birth, the baby should be put on the street, it is necessary to wear a cap, in the cold period, they put on a hat. It is done immediately before going out of the house so that the head does not sweat. Also in this period it is important to choose a cap without inner seams so that it does not rub the gentle skin under the pressure of the second header.
  5. The emotional connection between the crumb and the mother is very strong. Therefore, the feces for a walk should be calm, affectionately, without irritability by mom. Turn dressing in a fun game, then the baby will go for a walk in a good spirit.

When a walk with newborn is prohibited

Although walks are very useful for the newborn, there are exceptions to the rules. Sometimes the outdoor stay can bring strong harm to the child. To refrain from walking, if:

  1. Your baby was born premature or weak. When you can go outside, you will definitely tell the pediatrician.
  2. If a child is sick. When the baby hurts something, the digestion was disturbed or the temperature was increased, forbidden to walk with the newborn. Excess stress may worsen the child's condition. In this situation, you can wear a child for the season, open the window or take the baby to the balcony. If the disease is accompanied by heat, limit only by frequent prosperity of the room.
  3. On the street too cool (below -10 ⁰С) or hot (above + 32⁰С). It is also not the best time for the first walks, when the shower window, a thunderstorm, strong gusts of the wind.

Important! A reasonable question: it is possible to walk with a newborn when he is capricious. If the child is just harmful after bad sleep, the walk will benefit him. But if crying and anxiety is accompanied by other changes from the health of the baby, for example, redness of the cheek or pallor, a strong cry - to postpone walk and consult a pediatrician.

Walking with a newborn at different times of the year

So that the first walk has become a real pleasure, you need to take into account the whims of the weather, the feelings of the crumbs, as well as the season.

How to walk with a newborn summer

Summer time - the most favorable time for the first walk. But the big delusion of parents is the view that in the summer of the baby from the first days of life you can walk without restrictions. Whatever the warm weather damn, the rules remain unchanged: the duration of the walk starts from 10 minutes with a gradual increase.

The absence of established thermoregulation in the summer is no less dangerous than in winter. Long stay on the street in hot weather without gradual acclimatization, creates a threat to a thermal impact. Therefore, the first three months you need to adhere to strict rules of the walking summer:

  • Do not allow crocks to stay on the outdoor sunlight. The perfect option is scattered rays.
  • Permissible time for first walks in hot weather: from 7 to 11 am and after 17 pm.
  • Stay baby on the street at temperatures above + 30 ° C may be dangerous for his health.
  • The baby should have loose cotton clothes. The composition of the fabric for the mattress is important - there should not be synthetic additives. Unfulfilled fabric will cause skin irritation, increased sweating, allergies.
  • On the head, the baby must have a headdress for newborns to prevent solar strike.
  • In the summer, a newborn baby should walk on the street at least twice a day. First, walks can be short, but after 2-3 weeks the total time of walking can be made up to 4 hours. It is better to split it into several short walks between feeding.
  • For a walk, you should always take a spare set of clothes, in case the baby stands hard. There will be few rattles if the child does not want to sleep and will be capricious.

Walking with a newborn in a wheelchair in winter

Frosty weather, probably, gives rise to the greatest amount of doubts in terms of the first walks with a baby. Parents, afraid of low temperatures and frosty wind, often leave the baby without fresh air and sunlight.

But this is a big mistake, which in the future can reflect on the health of the kid not the best. After all, Vitamin D without the Sun is not synthesized, but a defective sleep due to oxygen deficiency leads to nervous disorders.

It is possible to carry the baby on the first walks and need if not for this contraindications. The main thing is to know how much walk with the newborn in the winter and how to do it right. Compliance with the following recommendations will help you understand these issues:

  1. If the winter is very harsh, the first walk can be postponed for 7-10 days.
  2. If the temperature is located within -5 -10 ° C, the baby can be taken out for 10-15 minutes depending on other factors - sunny, cloudy, snowfall.
  3. If the temperature is below -10 -15⁰, the first walk must be canceled, and if the baby has already been on the street, then you need to cut a walk to 5-7 minutes.
  4. The guarantee of a safe winter walk is a properly dressed baby. It is better to use the principle of multi-layered, when 2-3 bowls of fine clothes are put on a child. It will be a warmer and convenient option than one thick warm suit.
  5. If there is no strong frosty wind on the street, you don't need to go out with the baby. Even if the air temperature is comfortable, the children's nose and cheeks will still dwell. With such weather conditions, it is better to transfer a walk to the balcony.
  6. The total duration of the walk in winter should not exceed 1.5 hours. It is advisable to divide this time for two outputs.
  7. For walks, it is better to use a stroller with a cradle, you can put a warm plaid into it. In the cradle, the baby feels protected, as if in the tummy at mom. It will be warm and cozy in it.
  8. Newborn babes often fall asleep during walks, so choose a winter jumpsuit that can be easily removed from the baby. So you can undress a sweet sleeping baby after a walk without disturbing his sleep.
  9. In winter, especially if in the street slush, there is a risk of "pick up" the flu or ARVI. These diseases are very dangerous for babies, so at the first mention of the flu epidemic, the walk should be postponed or walking in deserted places.

Interesting! "Winter" children are distinguished by strong immunity. They are less raised and more enduring to weather conditions. This is explained by the fact that from the first days of life, their body began to tempt while walking in the cold season.

How to walk with newborn autumn and spring

In the spring and autumn, the weather changed: then the sun shines, then the rain pours. This time of year creates young mothers a lot of difficulties in terms of walking. Often, it is simply no possibility to predict what the weather will be in a few hours, which complicates the choice of clothing for a walk. Therefore, it is in the spring-autumn period that the infants are most often cold. But this is not a reason to postpone walk with the newborn.

To avoid the appearance of a runny nose or cough Take a note several rules:

  1. The first walk in dry and warm weather can last 15 minutes. Then gradually increase this time to 3 hours. How many times to walk with the newborn depends on the weather. If on the street camphor temperature, you can share the total time in the air to be divided by 2-3 walks.
  2. If it is raining outside the window, wait until it stops and only then go for a walk. The use of raincoats for the stroller is appropriate in some cases. And for ordinary walk it is unacceptable. The cape of the cape creates the effect of the greenhouse and the baby instead of breathing the fresh air, it is embarrassed by steam.
  3. In doubtful weather, choose comfortable demi-season overalls for a walk, allowing you to keep heat and at the same time do not prevent normal skin heat exchange. In them, the kid will not stand and will not freeze.

How and how much to walk with newborn: general recommendations

  • To make a walk comfortable and for yourself, and for the baby, buy a comfortable stroller. It should not be the most expensive with a lot of functions that are often extra. Pay attention only to such details: the strollers must have shock absorbers (you will be more convenient to manage children's transport), it should be stable, with a smooth solid bottom, with a high-quality hypoallergenic liner and a mattress.
  • Plan a walk between feeding. The child must be full and calm. The walk immediately after feeding will be longer, because the kid will sleep sweetly.
  • Walk in quiet and not contaminated places, away from noisy roads and a large cluster of people. Look close to the park or a small seammer, it can come up with a playground, if there is one child in the family.
  • If there is hot weather on the street, walk with a baby in shaded places with scattered lace light.
  • Always keep a pair of pacifiers at hand, especially in the winter season. They will help calm the baby if it is paying. This will save the child from the swallowing of cold air.
  • If the weather is on the street, the baby still does not have to lose fresh air. If you have a balcony, dressed baby for a walk and put the stroller there. Of course, not unattended. Make sure that there is no draft, and if you have a fully open balcony - so that something has fallen from above in the stroller.

Walking in the fresh air is helpful and mom and baby. The baby, with whom he is often walking, grows faster, develops correctly, sleeps tightly and eats well. And the mother is actively moving, filled with strength and faster comes into shape after delivery. Do not neglect long-term walks with the baby and adhere to the recommendations of the specialists, then you and your baby will be healthy.

Video "When to walk with a newborn after the hospital"


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