
How to raise potency at home. How to enhance potency quickly

How to raise potency at home. How to enhance potency quickly
In the material, you will learn about the common causes of male helplessness and about TOI how to improve potency at home.

Many men are faced with the problem of erectile dysfunction. And the reason often lies not in the biological age of a person, but in circumstances and factors independent of him. Concerned representatives of the stronger sex are often trying to close in themselves or the stupid people run to the doctor for miracle tablets. But they do not even know that you can defeat a temporary ailment on their own. Today you will learn how to strengthen potency with folk remedies at home and whether it is possible to quickly achieve a stone erection.

Nowadays, there is nothing surprising that the answer to the question: how to increase potency - not men are looking for at 60 years old, but representatives of earlier age categories. What is it connected with?

How to raise potency. Causes of erectile disorders

  1. Bad habits. Men who smoke and abuse alcohol more often complain of early impotence than representatives of a strong floor who lead a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Taking some groups of medications: antihistamines, diuretics.
  3. Age -related changes.

Separately, it must be said about diseases that can cause impotence to even at a young age.

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system of the body. These include: ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  2. Problems with the endocrine system: diabetes, hypothyroids and others. But most often in this context we are talking about a lack of testosterone in the body of a man. Very often, excess body weight contributes to this. Indeed, with excessive fullness, female hormones partially replace male.
  3. Problems on the male part. Urologists among the most common reasons distinguish: malformations of the penis, disease of the genitourinary system.
  4. Neurological diseases: Parkinson's disease, depressive disorders, multiple sclerosis, consequences of brain injuries.

How to raise potency. Prevention of impotence

In order not to ask the question in a few decades: how to increase potency after 50 years - start an active struggle for your health now.

  • Have sex regularly. For the normal functioning of the reproductive system, it is necessary to maintain a stable level of testosterone. In addition, frequent love making can avoid early decrease in libido.
    This is interesting: experts believe that in order to remain a full -fledged man for a long time, it is necessary to practice sex at least 2 times a week.
  • Adhere to proper nutrition and get rid of bad habits.
  • Domest. For men (as for women), quality sleep is very important. Sleep at least 7 hours a day. This will allow your nervous system to work normally and avoid depression and stress, which often cause male weakness.
  • To maintain sexual health for long summer, a man should actively play sports. Running or strength classes in the gym is ideal. At the same time, you should not be overly zealous: the loads should be moderate. It is believed that erectile dysfunction is a harbinger of cardiovascular disease. So, as one and the second ailment, an active lifestyle will certainly not be superfluous as a prevention.

sprinter -workout

How to raise potency. Visit to the doctor

If you already have misfires in bed and you are worried about weak potency, we know exactly what to do. Only a doctor will tell you how to increase your male power. No need to worry and postpone the visit to the doctor. We assure you that this will definitely not be superfluous. The doctor will invite you to undergo a number of examinations and take the necessary tests.
They include:

  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • cardiogram of the heart (if you must need to go through an ultrasound);
  • analyzes: blood, cholesterol and glucose.

In more serious cases, the doctor may send you to check the work of hormones. Based on the results of the examinations, the doctor will prescribe drug treatment for you.

How to raise potency. Why does Viagra do not heal impotence

It is believed that various potency stimulants can save a man of sexual helplessness. But, alas, this is not so. A whole group of drugs (they include Viagra, Levitra and Cialis) only improve an erection that is necessary for a high -quality sexual act. The effect of their reception is valid for only 2-6 hours. All these pharmaceuticals do not solve the main problem: they do not treat erectile dysfunction, but only for a while they “dull” its symptoms.
If you want to cure this ailment, we strongly recommend selecting a medication with a doctor. After the course of treatment, you will become more confident.


How to increase potency in natural ways: attention to grass

Even the ancient Slavs used therapeutic herbs to get rid of this male ailment. The intake of herbal decoctions contributes to an enhanced rush of blood to the genital organ and the simultaneous relaxation of its muscles. The key advantage of such phytotherapy is that the grasses below have practically no side effects. But still, before use, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions and contraindications.

  1. The rhizome calamus will successfully replace any drugs to increase potency. Based on the plant, alcohol tincture is prepared. Mix calamus and alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5, place the mixture in a vessel made of dark glass and insist the medicine for 21 days. Drink tincture of 20-30 drops three times a day. The course of treatment is one month.
  2. One of the best herbs among folk remedies for potency is thyme. To regain male force, it is recommended to drink the infusion of plants (for 1 tbsp. Chubble, 200 ml of boiling water). The course of treatment is 5-6 months. Also, this herbal tea is an excellent prevention of prostatitis.
  3. Ginseng is able to quickly improve the erectile function of a man. It is best to take a powerful stimulant in the form of tincture. Mix 350 g of plant root with honey and insist the mixture for up to 20 days. It is necessary to use a product for potency three times a day.


How to raise potency at home. Folk recipes-stimulators of potency

They say that all means are good in the fight. This also applies to this scrupulous topic. In addition to consulting with a doctor and the use of herbal infusions, you can independently take actions to improve erectile function.

  • From time immemorial, our ancestors know how to increase potency with folk remedies. After all, more than one generation of men has experienced the power of a honey potion. It is necessary to mix 500 g of crushed walnuts with 300 ml of liquid honey and 100 ml of aloe juice. It is best to scroll through the scarlet and grind with a meat grinder. The resulting mixture must be accepted daily at 40 g.
  • Tincture of garlic will help strengthen men's health. In a large glass container, place a finely chopped kilogram of garlic and pour it with purified water. Insist the mixture in a dark place for 15-30 days, periodically shaking the jar. It is recommended to use garlic tincture for 1 tsp.
  • For the treatment of erectile dysfunction at home, high -quality white wine is also used. This stimulant has a very fast and powerful effect, so you need to be careful with its technique. Pour half a glass of grapefruit or orange juice into 1 liter of wine and 0.5 tbsp. lemon. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the liquid and ¼ tsp. spices: cloves, cinnamon and cardamom. Mix the drug thoroughly and heat it in a refractory capacity. You cannot bring wine to a boil! Cool the drink, and then put in the refrigerator to infuse for 2-3 days. After that, strain the wine and consume immediately in front of a love act.


How to raise potency at home. What is useful to enhance potency

Male health depends significantly on the diet. This was proved by our predecessors. For example, residents of North America attributed miraculous properties to raw eggs and nuts. And eastern practices said: in order to overcome erectile dysfunction, it is necessary to use testes, snake blood and other exotic delicacies.
In our time, everything is much simpler. After all, male power is given by such products as:

  1. Nuts. Despite the fact that they are very high -calorie, they have a beneficial effect on male health. Use peanuts, almonds or walnut 5-6 times a week. If you do not like their taste in its pure form, you can add nuts to the salad, porridge or even use them to make sweet pilaf and various baking.
  2. Green. For some reason, representatives of the stronger sex with special neglect relate to spinach, dill and parsley. But these products give sexual energy and stimulate the work of the body's sexual system.
  3. Improve the work of the male system and onion with garlic. These products are recommended to be consumed regularly. Now the scrambled eggs with onion garlic will become for you not only quick breakfasts, but also a way how to improve potency in men.
  4. Flaxseed also improves the erectile function of the male body. Seeds - pumpkin and sunflower ones have similar properties.
  5. Meat. Even the ancient Romans absorbed the red varieties of meat, drinking a delicacy with a glass of wine. 25-30% of the daily diet should make up animal proteins and dairy products.
  6. Seafood. It is proved that mollusks and oysters not only enhance potency, but are also natural aphrodisiacs. That is, they increase libido in both men and women.
  7. Spices. Among the first are ginger, cinnamon and cardamom. It is recommended to add them to both first dishes and baking.


Important: To achieve an increase in potency, it is necessary to consume a sweet treat. Mix sour cream with honey and pour chopped walnuts to the mass. Many men say this is a wonderful remedy for potency.
And to restore strength after a passionate night, you can pamper yourself with another sweet dish. Mix a few tablespoons of liquid honey with 300 ml of whole milk, add a couple of eggs to the mixture and 1 tsp. beer yeast. And do not forget to another product with crazy energy value - flax seeds. Such a number of components will need 0.5 tbsp. l. crushed seed.

Now you know why erectile dysfunction appears and how to raise potency at home. Do not forget to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and observe all the principles of prevention in order to avoid the occurrence of symptoms of impotence again.


Anton 13.07.2017 Answer

Information relevant for me, recently interruptions with an erection began, now weak, then at all, then is lost during PA, here I am looking for means that could make a little help with solving the problem. So far, of course, I found little effective, however, here I saw a couple of reviews about the drug Semendal Boster, describe it and recommend it as an effective tool that helps to solve many nuances with male potency, it is probably worth trying
