
How and where you can go through an annual physical examination. How to undergo a physical examination for a job for a driver’s license. How to get a children's medical examination

How and where you can go through an annual physical examination. How to undergo a physical examination for a job for a driver’s license. How to get a children's medical examination
Medicine should be held regularly. The article tells where a physical examination is undergoing and how to undergo a medical examination to an adult, a child, for work, for a driver’s license.

It is very important to devote time to your health in time. In order not to worry about the hidden ailments, a medical examination should be held on time. We will talk about important aspects of this procedure further.

How is a physical examination?

A medical examination is the necessary precautions, which in some cases help prevent the development of destructive diseases. Therefore, wondering who should undergo a physical examination, the answer is obvious - that's it!

Children, adolescents, employees of enterprises, pregnant women, athletes, employees of organizations related to maintenance, medical staff - this is without fail. Despite how you feel, examination by specialized doctors will give confidence that your real state is fully consistent with your good health.

This event is necessary for employees of any sphere of activity, because Based on the results of the inspection, you can determine the legal capacity of the staff, as well as medical examinations with a preventive purpose.

There are several types of physical examination:

  • Primary.
  • Periodic.
  • Extraordinary.

The first type is carried out before hiring an employee. It is recommended to undergo a periodic medical examination at least once every two years, employees under the age of 21 are required to visit doctors once a year, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Extraordinary, respectively, medical examinations are carried out on the recommendation of doctors or at the request of the employee himself. This also includes sick leave.

With a standard physical examination, the following doctors should be taken:

  • Otolaryngologist.
  • Okholist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Neuropathologist.
  • Therapist.

How often to undergo a physical examination depends on the state of human health. If everything is fine, that is, some requirements when passing the medical board:

  • Once a year, it is necessary to undergo an X -ray of the chest.
  • Analysis for pathogenic staphylococcus - 1 time in 6 months.
  • A dentist, an infectious disease specialist, a dermatovenerologist and an otorhinolaryngologist should be visited at least 1 time per year.
  • All women should undergo a gynecologist every six months.
  • After 40 years, all women are recommended to undergo a mammologist and ultrasound of the mammary glands every 2 years.
  • Also, all employees must be vaccinated according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 125n.

Many people wonder how much a physical examination costs. The cost is quite ambiguous and ranges from 1000 to 3000 r. But in private clinics, the price can be an order of magnitude higher, so it is better to clarify prices before passing procedures.

According to Article 212 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the company is obliged to pay all types of physical examination. But for a frequent, in our country, the employee undergoes an inspection at his own expense, and then the company gives the money spent.

Where to go through a physical examination?

The question of where to get a physical examination is interested in almost everyone, especially if there are no acquaintances in medical institutions. In fact, it all depends on the financial capabilities of a person, as well as on the region and on free time. If there is very little time, then it is better to conduct a physical examination in a private clinic, of course, it will be more expensive than in a state institution, but much faster.

In state clinics, a physical examination can be delayed even for a week, but the cost of inspection is covered by a policy. When in private clinics the price will be from 5000 r. Of course, recently, patients are wondering whether a physical examination should be undergoing or refuse to undergo examination.

It is no secret that you can even buy a certificate from a doctor, while spending quite a bit of time, and it will turn out a little cheaper in means than undergoing an examination in a private clinic. But you need to make such a decision with full confidence in your own health, because First of all, everyone is responsible for their health. Secondly, it is at least illegal.

To figure out which physical examination is held, you need to figure out what character the event bears, and who passes it.  They require a medical examination when going to work, especially for employees who work in the service sector, such an inspection is called preliminary.

Also, employees of enterprises and organizations undergo a periodic inspection every 1-2 years, and extraordinary, with diseases or recommendations of a doctor. Preventive physical examination is undergoing students and students, because They study in society and with various diseases, students can be infected.

Medical examination is necessary for teachers and teachers, preferably as often as possible, because children have not formed immunity. Therefore, it is important to take measures even with a common cold.

How to get a physical examination for drivers?

Each novice driver must undergo a medical examination for a driver’s license before receiving the rights. This is a prerequisite for obtaining rights and further admission to car management.

A certificate of medical examination for drivers is necessary in such cases:

  • Before receiving rights.
  • If the exams are repeated and the rights are obtained after the expiration of the previous certificate.
  • Upon receipt of international rights.

Earlier (until 2012), the medical examination was mandatory for each undergoing inspection, but since 2016, a medical certificate is required only with the loss of rights or after the expiration of the service life.

If the certificate has notes on restrictions on health reasons, then such a certificate must always be taken on a trip. In other cases, it is not necessary to carry a certificate. Each driver must undergo a physical examination at least 1 time per year, regardless of his age or gender.

To undergo a physical examination for the rights at the cost depends only on the set prices of medical institutions. If the driver works for hiring, then he is obliged to undergo a driver’s medical inspection 2 times a year. Inspections of drivers are necessary for the standard health worker before each flight.

If during the inspection a diagnosis is revealed, which affects the productivity of the driver or interferes with his activities, then the employee is exempted from duties. To receive a certificate, a candidate for obtaining rights, it is worth undergoing a physical examination in any medical institution that has the right to issue such documents. This does not depend on the place of residence or residence permit.

When passing the medical board, the future driver must have with him:

  1. Passport.
  2. 2 photos (as for a passport).
  3. Military ID (if any).
  4. Driver certificate (if any).

Before receiving a certificate, the driver must undergo an examination by such doctors:

  • Otolaryngologist.
  • Neuropathologist.
  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Expert in narcology.
  • Psychologist.
  • Therapist.

Decree No. 1604 of the Government of the Russian Federation establishes a certain list of diseases in which it is forbidden to drive a car, respectively, the issuance of a medical certificate is impossible.

It is strictly forbidden to drive a car in such cases:

  • Symptomatic mental disorders.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Mental backwardness.
  • Affective and somatophore disorders.
  • Blindness.
  • Epilepsy.

In recent years, the number of heart attacks among drivers has increased. Therefore, during the examination, it is worth paying special attention to the cardiovascular system.

A list of diseases in which it is forbidden to drive a car quite large and strict in requirements. The most common of them, except for the above examples, is:

  • Difficult breathing associated with respiratory diseases, for example, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma of the last degree, etc.
  • Difficulty movements after injuries.
  • The shortening of one of the limb is not more than 6 cm.
  • The absence of one of the limb.
  • Deformation of the legs or arms.

If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you need to take them with you for a physical examination, because Upon receipt of a driver’s certificate, doctors pay close attention to vision. Repeated passage to receive a certificate for a driver’s license is much faster and cheaper. In the event that you are completely confident in your own health.

How to go to work?

Before hiring a very important procedure, a physical examination is a medical examination, because The employer must be sure that he is hiring a healthy person. A similar procedure is carried out for employees who have already been hired after 1 year to control staff. This must be performed regularly and the deadlines, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Such groups of people are required to undergo a medical examination for a job:

  • Minors.
  • Drivers.
  • Under difficult working conditions.
  • Employees are associated with catering, educational institutions, water supply facilities, beauty salons, medical institutions.
  • Workers are associated with transportation, trains, aircraft, etc.

As for doctors who need to undergo a medical examination, it depends on the type of activity and position. This should be clarified by the employer, but in the standard list you can find a list of such doctors:

  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Otolaryngologist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Neuropathologist.
  • Psychologist.
  • Therapist (lastly, to obtain a conclusion).

Such laboratory studies are suitable for all activities:

  • Urine analysis.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • General blood test.
  • Inspection by a gynecologist (women).
  • Fluorography.

You need to have such documents with you:

  1. Passport.
  2. Direction from the organization, but which you are hired.
  3. Outpatient card.

You also need to take photo 3*2 in the amount of 2 pcs. In order to undergo a medical examination for a medical book, you need to take tests and make fluorography, take a vaccination certificate and photo 3*2 with you. To obtain a copper book, you need to take an examination by such doctors:

  • Dermatovenerologist.
  • Lor.
  • Dentist.

But depending on the type and area of \u200b\u200bactivity, this list may increase according to the requirements of employers. The medical book can be obtained in those medical institutions that have special permission from the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

Some enterprises agree in advance with specific clinics to pass the medical board of their employees, and give the necessary direction. In such situations, the enterprise takes on payment. You can get a copper book in state institutions at the place of residence.

Of course, pre -stock up on patience. Nowadays, a medical book can even be bought through the Internet, it is relatively not expensive, but, as you know, the documents are unlikely to be genuine.

How to get a medical examination for a child?

It is possible to undergo a children's physical examination in a private clinic and the state, only parents decide. The main thing is to undergo the right examination and do not forget anything. Before undergoing a physical examination in front of the school or in front of the kindergarten, you need to consult with the family doctor or pediatrician of the baby, who will tell you which doctors need to go through, what tests to take and give a list of the necessary vaccinations.

If there are chronic diseases, often profile doctors do not fit into the list of necessary doctors, so you need to consult a pediatrician and ask to enter the necessary doctor.

During a preventive medical examination, children go through such specialists:

  • Dentist.
  • Pediatrician.
  • Surgeon.
  • Otolaryngologist.
  • Dermatologist.
  • Psychologist.
  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Speech therapist.

Of the necessary tests, the list includes only general urine and blood tests, scraping for enterobiosis and feces. Be sure to make sure that all the vaccination carried out to the certificate, because without certain vaccinations, the child may not be taken to the educational institution.

In order to take a physical examination to school or to the kindergarten, you need to fill out the form 26 \\ o. The cost depends only on the clinic, if it is private, but within two days you can get a certificate, in the state - this is the survey process can last more than a week. Despite the fact that most doctors are recorded in advance, no one canceled a live queue, which creates some discomfort when undergoing a medical examination in state institutions.

When the baby comes to an educational institution - this is a new situation, new friends, but at the same time it can be a blow to the fragile nervous and immune system. Therefore, you should first study the child’s health and, if necessary, cure, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Of course, it is better to undergo a physical examination on your own, both adults and children, and does not apply to your health negligently. At a minimum, a medical examination helps to be confident in a state of own health and prevents unpleasant consequences in the event of the development of the disease.

Video: The importance of preventive medical examinations or why does not happen in 15 minutes?



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