
How to do Kegel exercises at home. Kegel exercises for women and men. How to perform Kegel exercises correctly when uterine omiters. Kegel exercises during urinary incontinence

How to do Kegel exercises at home. Kegel exercises for women and men. How to perform Kegel exercises correctly when uterine omiters. Kegel exercises during urinary incontinence
How to perform Kegel exercises at home - photo, video. Kegel exercises for men and women are a complex for strengthening the muses. How to do Kegel's exercises correctly.

The human body is a precisely fitted universal mechanism, tired of working day and night. Unfortunately, some “gears” inside us over time grow and break. You have to sweat pretty much so that the complex system resumes uninterrupted work. For example, in women and men, the pelvic bottom muscles that support the bladder, rectum and reproductive organs wear out and lose their elasticity with age. The reversible process: to cure various diseases in this area, as well as to prevent their development will help Kegel exercises at home.

Kegel gymnastics is called a set of exercises that develop and strengthen the muscles of the pelvis. The concept of muscle corset, which holds the uterus, bladder, rectum and small intestines in a static position, in 1948, the American doctor Arnold Kegel first designated. These muscles are now often called the muscles of Kegel.

The initial goal of the methodology was the so -called genital relaxation. Subsequently, it turned out that uncomplicated gymnastics is effective in the treatment of various gynecological diseases, is a reliable prevention of gaps in childbirth, increases male and female libido and improves the quality of intimate life. And all this without pills and surgical intervention! Currently, the Kegel exercise system has thoroughly studied and improved.

Kegel’s exercise complex can master everyone. By turning gymnastics into daily practice, you will forever get rid of problems in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvic floor (uterine prolapse, urinary and feces, etc.) and guaranteed to bring new delightful sensations to your intimate life.

The benefits of Kegel exercises for women

The methodology of the American gynecologist is aimed at restoring and preserving female intimate health. Ladies of different ages will certainly appreciate the effectiveness of gymnastics, if seriously approached its implementation in such pathologies:

  • urine incontinence;
  • rectum diseases;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • lack of tone in the pelvic and intimate muscles after childbirth;
  • problems with achieving orgasm in sexual intimacy;
  • muscle rehabilitation after surgery in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvic organs;
  • prevention of severe birth;
  • prevention of unpleasant signs of menopause (dry vagina, weakness of the vaginal muscles, extinction of sexual attraction);
  • warning of uterine loss in elderly women.

The benefits of Kegel exercises for men

If a man is interested in gymnastics, the effect of training will also not be long in coming. After some time, the following results will become obvious:

  • increased endurance in the intimate “field”;
  • control over premature orgasms;
  • blood flow to the genital organ, which allows it to quickly come into a state of full combat readiness before intimacy;
  • increased brightness of sensations in bed;
  • prevention of prostate and prostatitis adenoma;
  • a decrease in the risk of developing diseases in which urine or feces are observed;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • increased libido;
  • restoration of an acute angle of inclination of the penis in relation to the body (as in youth);
  • prevention of the development of hemorrhoids.

How to perform Kegel exercises: important recommendations

Before mastering miraculous equipment, read the list of simple, but very important conditions, without which the training will simply be ineffective:

  1. No special equipment for classes needs to be sought. You need a gymnastic rug, a small roller or a pillow under your head and comfortable clothes.
  2. Your potential will be revealed if you perform Kegel exercises regularly 2 to 3 times a day. The first positive results can be evaluated after 4-5 weeks of classes.
  3. An important point for beginners - when performing Kegel exercises, a gradual increase in the load is of great importance. First, each exercise is repeated 4 times, after several classes - 8 times, and then - 10 - 12 times. The duration of each repetition at the beginning of the training is not large - only 3 - 4 seconds, in a week they increase time to 6 - 7 seconds, and then up to 10 seconds or more.
  4. All exercises are performed with an empty blade. If you do not attend the toilet before classes, you can not only weaken the muscles of the vagina, but also provoke the development of the infectious process in the urinary tract.
  5. When performing exercises, breathe measuredly and deeply.
  6. Painful sensations in the abdomen, lower back, vagina that appear during the lesson signal that the exercises are not performed correctly. At the same moment, you need to stop and again carefully re -read the instructions for the implementation of Kegel gymnastics.
  7. Take breaks. For example, you can train in the morning, day and evening or only in the morning and evening. Frequent and long -term classes can harm - cause the intestinal displacement or severe pain during its emptying.
  8. During training, work only with intimate muscles. It is impossible to help yourself with the muscles of the hips, abdomen and buttocks.
  9. If there are no positive shifts after 6 weeks, you need to ask the specialist advice. A person competent in this matter will definitely find out why exercises do not help you.

How to do Kegel's exercises: we are looking for the necessary muscles

Before starting training, it is important for a woman to make sure that she really understood what muscles we are talking about. In the process of classes, focus on the muscles from which the bottom of the pelvis is formed. To find them, it is enough to detain a stream of urine in the process of emptying the bladder. You will feel how something clenched inside you-this is with this area you need to work. Then relax and continue urinating. Repeat several times, and then you will definitely understand where the necessary muscles are located.

Pay attention! Regularly delayed the stream of urine during urination is prohibited. This action cannot be attributed to Kegel exercises. Reducing the muscles and thus interrupting urination, you will achieve the completely opposite effect - weaken the muscle support of the pelvis.

If you still doubt the correctness of your conclusions, the intimate muscles that we will work out can be determined by a tactile way. Wash your hands with soap and insert your finger into the vagina, then tighten your muscles. You will feel how the elastic walls of the vagina are wrapping around your finger, the pelvic bottom will rise. As soon as you relax, the muscles of the pelvis will fall.

Now let's find out how to find the necessary muscles to a man. Representatives of the stronger sex need to train the main muscle of the pelvic floor. Its name is the pubic-cocchic (located between the pubis and the coccyx). It is not by chance that it is recognized as the main thing - several important functions depend on its strength and elasticity:

  • normal activities of the genitourinary system;
  • blood supply to the male genital organ;
  • bowel movements.

In order to feel how the pubic and cope muscle is strained, the same recommendation that the ladies received-to suspend the emptying of the bladder during urination. This muscle also helps to “squeeze” the last drops of one portion of urine. Keep in mind that a similar compression can be done during intimacy and thus not allow too fast ejaculation.

There is another win-win way to understand where the pubic-button muscle is located. When a member is in an erect state, with some effort, you will encourage the genitals to bounce. This effort you make just due to the pubic-codium muscle. During such movements of the penis, put your hand on the crotch - so you determine the exact location of the muscle that needs to be trained.

The area that Kegel is acting on the exercises of Kegel is clearly visible in the photo:

Kegel exercises for women

We offer you detailed instructions for the performance of Kegel exercises for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Kegel exercises with uterine

Mostly women of middle and older and older are faced with uterine. Pathology develops due to stretching of ligaments holding the uterus multiplied by the age-related weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor. The disease certainly affects the neighboring organs: the urethra, the bladder and the rectum are moved from the insolence and are deformed, the vagina also forced to change its shape. At the same time, blood circulation is disturbed in the pelvic cavity, a secondary disorder of the activities of the ureters and the large intestine occurs.

The regular performance of Kegel vaginal exercises allows not only to return the tone of the pelvis muscles, but also to put displaced organs in place with a mild degree of uterine omission.

  • "Elevator".

This is perhaps the most famous exercise in Kegel's gymnastics. For its execution, sink to the floor and lie down on your back, fixing your knees in a bent position. We begin to study vaginal muscles in stages. So, the vagina is floors. Focus the voltage on the lower floor, and then smoothly move this concentrated “clot” above, lingering on each floor for 3 to 5 seconds.

Your task is to bring your “elevator” to the top floor. Over time, the duration of stops should be increased to 10 seconds. The second part of the exercise is to lower the “elevator” to the starting position: gradually weaken the tension to completely relax at the lower point of the vagina.

  • "Bag".

The exercise is designed to train the perineum, muscles of the vagina and hips. Stand up, placing the feet parallel to each other wider than the shoulders. Imagine that you have a heavy bag between your legs on the floor. You need to grab the vaginal muscles from you this wearing by the handles:

  1. Squeeze slightly, diluting your knees to the sides. The back is straight.
  2. When the angle in bent knees is 90 degrees, freeze in this position for a few seconds.
  3. Keeping the body absolutely even, tighten the vaginal muscles to raise the invisible bag by the handles.
  4. Without slowing the stress, slowly rise, and then sit down again - put the bag back to the floor.
  5. Each time you need to rise higher, while maintaining the vagina intense. The duration of one approach is 10 seconds.

The expert's opinion about Kegel's exercises when we omit the uterus from the video:

Kegel exercises during urinary incontinence

A fairly common disease, although it does not threaten a person’s life, but brings him a lot of psychological problems. Kegel exercises during urinary incontinence show excellent results - diligently engaged in gymnastics, you can get rid of pathology forever.

The main exercises for the treatment of the disease will include the following:

  1. Put your feet shoulder -width apart, press your palms to the buttocks. Tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor, concentrate on this compression for 5 to 10 seconds, then relax.
  2. Take the knee-elbow position, lower your head between the hands. Smoothly increase the tension in the intimate muscles. You must feel how the compression rushes to the center of the pelvic floor. Relax the same smoothly.
  3. Sit on the floor, cross your legs, get your hands into your knees. Keep your back evenly. Tighten the pelvic muscles. Kegel's exercise will be performed correctly if you feel that when compressed the buttocks, it seems to come off the floor.

Each exercise is repeated 5 to 10 times.

Kegel exercises with hemorrhoids

About 80% of the adult population is faced with painful pathology. According to doctors, the disease develops due to an incorrect lifestyle. Bad habits, unbalanced nutrition, snacks “on the go”, the lack of regular physical exertion is not for anyone in vain. Now we will tell you what Kegel exercises should be performed for the prevention and treatment of the disease:

  1. Rhythmically reduce intimate muscles. The pace of execution should resemble the alphabet of Morse. Fill the first 3 compression with the greatest force and very quickly. Immediately after that, make a series consisting of three long -term contractions. Then again 3 intense fast compression. For 1 approach, you need to perform 10 repetitions without a break.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees and slightly spread them. Press your palms to the lower abdomen. Stry the abdominal muscles as if you are pushing during childbirth.
  3. Starting position - lying on your back. Alternately strain the vaginal muscles and muscles of the anus. Each compression ideally takes 5 seconds. Exercise can be performed as sitting and standing. The total number of repetitions per day can reach 500 times.

Kegel exercises during pregnancy

The benefits of Kegel gymnastics for future mothers cannot be overestimated. Not only do regular classes have a general strengthening effect, they also bring a pregnant mass of bonuses! Judge for yourself:

  • prevent blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, and this is excellent prevention of thrombosis;
  • prepare intimate muscles for intensive work in the process of labor;
  • make the muscles of the vagina stronger and more elastic, due to which the risk of their rupture is reduced at the time of the birth of the child;
  • contribute to an increase in the pain threshold in the future mother, due to which she will fearlessly and painlessly endure childbirth;
  • strengthen the bladder, that is, inconsistent urine can not be afraid of urine;
  • eliminate hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • they help intimate muscles quickly return a healthy tone after childbirth.

With the performance of Kegel exercises for pregnant women will introduce you to the video:

For pregnant women, Kegel's exercises are completely harmless, but only on condition that the expectant mother has no contraindications to the implementation of such gymnastics. In the presence of the following disorders and deviations, unfortunately, unfortunately, should not be engaged in the methodology of the American gynecologist:

  • strong toxicosis at the beginning of pregnancy;
  • gestosis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • high body temperature;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • painful sensations during training.

Kegel exercises: lessons in increasing sexual attraction

Kegel gymnastics will come in handy, even if female health is in perfect order. Performing simple exercises is a great way to fill your sex life with new sensations and improve the quality and duration of orgasms.  To increase libido, experts recommend women to master the following Kegel exercises for the pelvic muscles:

  1. Lie your back on a flat hard surface, slightly bend your legs in your knees and place them a little wider than the shoulders. Start rhythmically reducing the intimate muscles in the account: 1-squeeze the muscles of the vagina and perineum as much as possible, 2-6-slowly slow down the tension until the muscles are completely relaxed, 7-9-tighten like the woman in labor, 10-return to the original position. Please note that this exercise cannot be performed within 1 month after an artificial termination of pregnancy and within 1.5 months after childbirth.
  2. In this exercise, Kegel to strengthen the pelvic muscles is given to breathing great importance. So, stand on all fours and take a deep breath. Now slowly exhale, at the same time pull the stomach and bend your back with an arc. In parallel with these movements, squeeze the crotch muscles so that the tension goes deep into the abdomen. Hold in this position for 10 seconds, then relax.
  3. Get on the floor and lie on your back. Bend your knees and pull the heels to the buttocks. Exhale abruptly through your mouth, and then inhale your nose, then again exhale through your mouth for a long time. At the last exhale, pull the stomach into the ribs, tear the buttocks from the floor and raise them up, intensively straining the vaginal muscles and “squeezing” them to the stomach.
  4. Sit on the floor, get your hands behind your back and rest your palms on the floor. Dilute the legs bent at the knees, closely pulling the feet to the crotch. Exhale and pull deep into the compressed muscles of the perineum. On inspiration with a push, relax the intimate muscles and return to the initial position.

Kegel exercises with balls

A couple of months after the start of classes, when the intimate muscles get stronger and acquire the necessary tone, you can safely switch to a new level of training and practice Kegel gymnastics using vaginal balls. The technique of exercises does not change, and you have a new mission - to work with the muscles of love so that the auxiliary simulator does not fall out. We draw your attention to several important comments and recommendations:

  1. The first training with balls is easiest to carry out in a lying position. Feel how your muscles cover the simulator, try to engage in a great concentration of attention - in a word, as if you want to “feel” the ball with your intimate muscles. When you get used to the simulator, you can perform standing exercises.
  2. Before each use and after training, the balls are treated with an antiseptic. Chlorhexidine or Miramistin will perfectly cope with this task.
  3. Before the introduction of the balls, apply a gel scrap on them, then insert into the vagina for about 2 cm deep.
  4. The smaller the balls and the more their masses, the more difficult it is to control with them. For beginners, light balls of medium size are suitable.
  5. A high -quality simulator is usually made of natural stone, latex or rubber, and in the quality certificate there should be a guarantee of its hypoallergenicity.
  6. Pharmacies and sex shops offer balls in the assortment: without a rope or connected by braid, several pieces. Classic-an egg with a loop or 2-3 balls strung on one rope.
  7. The balls in which the center of gravity are shifted are considered the best in terms of training of intimate muscles. They create such vibration that the reduction is provided even by the most inaccessible pelvic muscles.

Kegel exercises for men

All exercises, the technique of which was described above, are also suitable for men. Regular training will strengthen the pubic and cope muscle, due to which the risk of prostatitis, urinary incontinence, and hemorrhoids will decrease.

Well, if a man wants to achieve perfection in bed, you can experiment and adapt Kegel gymnastics to individual preferences. For example:

  • perform 3 long compression of 15 seconds with an interval of 3 seconds;
  • another version of the series-make short 5-second compression;
  • someone will appreciate 2-3 express sites, a break of 15 seconds, then again 2-3 compression and so on;
  • some like to do this: 40 fast compression at the beginning of the training, then 15 long compression.

How soon it will be possible to pleasantly surprise your beloved woman? According to men, we can conclude that Kegel's exercises act in different ways. It all depends on the weakening of the muscle. If the tone was lost only partially, you will achieve tangible positive results after 1 to 2 months. If the diaphragm of the pelvic floor is weak by nature, then the first shifts will appear only after 5 to 6 months.

When Kegel's exercises cannot be done

If you are interested in Kegel gymnastics, be sure to read the list of diseases and conditions in which such training is contraindicated:

  • the presence of a focus of inflammation in the pelvis;
  • any vascular dysfunction in the organs of the pelvis and legs;
  • bleeding due to surgical intervention;
  • oncological disease.

Dr. Kegel's gymnastics is a simple but very effective way to put in order muscles that cannot be trained using ordinary physical exercises. Classes will certainly appreciate people who love to improve themselves in everything. Be patient and consistent, then you will get strong intimate health as a reward, as well as exclusively positive emotions from communicating with your loved one in bed.



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