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How to hurt the kidneys

How to hurt the kidneys
Why kidney hurt and how to eliminate the development of the disease

From time to time, many feel pain in the back either in side - left or right, and sometimes even in both. It is not always possible to correctly determine the root cause of this pain, as it can be problems with the back and with the kidneys. Signs of kidney disease can manifest themselves in different ways - tingling in a side or pain in the lower back after a long overcooling, which is usually associated with the kidneys. In this case, it is necessary to immediately determine what kidney hurts, find out why the inflammation began and find a suitable course of treatment.

Why the kidneys begged

Almost everyone is familiar with pain, which appears for kidney diseases, but some symptoms people do not associate with them. There are feelings that spin hurts, belly, intestines. While the main reason in the bacterial or autoimmune diseases of the kidneys. The correct diagnosis can only be installed by the doctor after it deals with a full inspection. Only an experienced specialist can prescribe a medical or any other treatment. Sometimes it is sufficient to understand the character of pain in order to determine the type of pathology in the patient until the results of instrumental, ultrasonic and laboratory tests are obtained.

The pulling pain in the kidneys and in the bladder region is observed even in a calm state. It does not have an acute character and is prone to temporary pauses, so patients with such pathology are trying not to make sharp movements in order to avoid exacerbation of pain and discomfort. Bed regime is the most acceptable way to get rid of it, since after 3 days of complete tranquility, the pains disappear.


The appearance of a minor pain in the disease of the kidneys indicates that there is a strong pressure in the urethra and painful sensations are enhanced with sharp movements and changing the position of the body. In this case, the bed regime does not help and rarely leads to relief pain.

Cutting pain in manifestation of renal disease signals about a dangerous disease. Renal tissue produces substances that regulate blood pressure levels. Pain in the presence of stones in the kidneys is represented by repeating strong colic.

Acute pain that is accompanied by spasms in the right or left kidney is observed during urolithiasis. In combination with it, additional symptoms are born: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, impaired urination, dizziness.

The causes of kidney pain can be various diseases:

  1. Pyelonephritis is the inflammation of the kidneys because of the active influence of malicious bacteria. There are drawing pain in the lower back area. Pains are unsalted and often they begin to disturb only on the one hand.
  2. Glomerulonephritis manifests itself due to poor heredity or after the infectious disease. The pain is infrequently manifested, but the disease is characterized by edema and impairment in the system of urinary.
  3. Nephrolithiasis - renal disease that proceeds without symptoms until the moment when the particles arising in the kidneys do not begin to move. Intensive physical exertion and diet violation provoke the occurrence of this process. It is characterized by acute and sudden pain, which can last a few days in a row.
  4. Chronic renal failure is the disorder of the excretory function of the kidneys, which is accompanied by the skin itching and dryness.
  5. Nephroptosis is characterized by the actual sensation of the kidney subsequently viral inflammation, therefore is not a disease.
  6. Hydronephrosis is the expansion of the kidney cup. Symptoms manifests in a new pain, sometimes intense, possibly turbidity of urine.

Symptoms of the appearance of kidney problems

In case of kidney disease, all the symptoms that have arisen can be divided into primary and secondary. To primary signs, pointing to the problem with the health of the kidneys, it is possible to attribute a strong swelling of the face in the morning, and the skin color becomes more pale. Also, general symptoms include periodic headache, light chills and febrile state. A sharp increase in blood pressure is another symptom for which the abnormal work can be determined. In addition, everyday weakness may appear to these symptoms and fast fatigue.


The secondary features include pulling pain in the side. If a light tapping on the specified stretchant sites is given inside the spreading pain, then this is a faithful sign that the kidneys function abnormally. The presence of swelling with a reddish tint should give a signal to the need to visit the doctor and hand over the necessary tests for blood and urine. A binding symptom of making kidney is a change in urine color (reddish tint), as well as frequent desire to go to the toilet "in a small". Not uncommon when urination is accompanied by shrill thumbs.

Pain in the back and lower back can develop not only for kidney disease. The same symptoms may be accompanied by osteochondrosis, rheumatism, pancreatitis (squeezing pain), neuralgia, premenstrual syndrome, inflammation of appendages, the beginning of generic bruises and much more. To properly determine where the kidneys hurt, and where there is another pathology, you need to remember anatomy. The location of these bodies depends on the person's complex, its weight, but most often they are at the level of the latter ribs on the side of the back. The rightmost is located just below the left.

During pregnancy hurt the kidney

It is especially important to carefully examine pregnant women. The diseases of the urinary system can be as a consequence of squeezing ureterals to the grew up uterine and primary phenomenon, capable of complicating the addition of infection - the development of pyelonephritis, which in itself is already able to cause miscarriage.

Selection of drugs during pregnancy has its own characteristics, so they should only be prescribed by the doctor. Most often these are medicinal products based on plants. Do not tighten with a visit to a specialist, he will correctly explain why the kidneys hurt in the morning, how to deal with it, which will help to recover completely or at least harmfully soften the symptoms.


If a woman is in the last months of pregnancy, then it is necessary to understand that swelling, bags under the eyes are a temporary phenomenon, but the health status of the genitourinary system should be carried out constantly. There is also a risk of writing off the beginning of bages on the usual renal colic. Listen to yourself, collect in advance all things in the maternity hospital, do not take strong preparations, as well as painkillers - they will be able to relax or strengthen the effect of other medicines that can be applied by doctors.

What to do when the kidneys begged

The appointment of adequate and effective treatment is possible only after a comprehensive examination, putting all the necessary analyzes, ranging from the ultrasound of the kidneys and ending with computer tomography, urologist consultation, therapist.

Do not get carried away by self-medication, it is often able to only reduce kidney pain - symptoms, and not the cause of the disease. It will not damage the abundant drink of purified water, (not enriched with ions), cranberry morse (additional disinfection from the inside), the use of diuretic medicinal plants - Tolokanyanka, bearish ears. Also, it is also not remembered to drink wanders of wildcake, celery, nettle, ardor, strawberry leaves and lingers, parsley.

When suspicious of urolithiasis before accessing the doctor, it is better to adjust its food diet. Limit meat, chocolate, strong tea and coffee, sorrel, rhubarb, salad, beans, tomatoes, salt. When entering the sodium body, the content in the urine of calcium increases, which will load the kidneys more. Do not make sharp movements, physical exertion is strictly contraindicated. Do not tighten with the surrender of the tests, the ultrasound of the genitourinary system, consultations of specialists. Remember that only they can determine what kidney hurt. Do not overlay warming compresses, refrain from the use of alcohol tinctures without prior consultation of a specialist. Avoid radical measures - courses of cleansing from stones at home on the advice of pseudo-sewers, treating acute pepper and other extreme ways.


Treatment of kidneys at home:

  1. If the kidneys hurt, you can use medicinal plants, for example, the horsetail of the field, the root of the dusty, the leaves of mint and lingonberry, the grass of the Hyvericoi and Cleaner, Timyan. This collection is taken in equal parts and poured 1 liters of boiling water, half an hour insist, drink for an hour warm.
  2. Such a folk remedy is suitable: Flowers of Blue Vasilka (10 grams per cup), the root of the Marna of Krasnaya (6 grams per cup), Tolokniki leaves and lingonberries (10 grams for 2 glasses). All these infusions take one third and one fourth cup three times a day for half an hour before meals.
  3. The most effective means, if the kidneys hurt, is the broth of Tolokanyanka. This is a popular and very famous plant, perfectly treats the bladder and kidneys. Other their name of the bearish ears. On how to brew and when it is better to drink on the packaging. However, be careful when contraindications. It is not bad for these purposes. Corn storks, a lone-leaf, birch leaves are suitable. Fitotherapists give such a recipe - take the dessert spoonful of the pine forest (ordinary) pour the glass of boiling water, insist ten minutes. Do not bring to boil, insist half an hour, then strain and take on one tablespoon three times a day. Cleansing the kidneys on this recipe is especially useful to carry out in the fall, when there are all the products and the organism of the faster. Together with him actively use the watermelon season.
  4. In winter, in the treatment of kidneys, the infusion of the Zverca and Rosehip will especially help. To do this, take one tablespoon of the Hypericum and rose rose berries, fill with three glasses of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. Strain and take a folk remedy at half a glass three times a day. If by nature you are lazy man or busy, use ready-made teas in bags that are sold at the pharmacy.

Here is an additional list of medicinal herbs that contribute to the removal of stones if the kidneys are hurting: Laurel root bark, blackberry root, altea seed, anchor, Hawthorn gum, sea bow and vinegar from him, Henna root, mountain parsley, Celeynsk cinnamon, bitter cauldron, grain And the wood of a balsamny tree, wild cucumber root, wild cucumber seeds, balsam oil, modeling hair, artichoke, asparagus root, radish seeds, wild root.

But do not forget about professional medication treatment. To do this, contact the nephrologist is a specialist who is engaged in the diagnosis, directly by the treatment of kidney ailments both in the hospital and outpatient conditions. In addition, its obligations include the individual selection of diet nutrition and preventive measures. In other words, this doctor is engaged exclusively by the kidneys, more precisely by the pathologies of this organ, but in no inflammatory processes in the urinary tract.

Carefully monitor the signals that your body gives, and then you can avoid many problems that occur when the kidney pain occurs. Do not ignore the presence of the first symptoms and then your body will always be in order.


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