
How to sit on the twine per week

How to sit on the twine per week
is it possible to learn to sit on the twine per week

Now very many girls dreams to learn to sit on the twine. On the Internet there are a lot of articles on this topic, where they promise that only a week you can learn how to do it.

Why do you need to be able to sit on the twine?


  1. First, performing stretching exercises, you can have beautiful legs, hipged hips and buttocks.
  2. All these exercises strengthen the spine. You will have a beautiful posture and will hurt less spin.
  3. Muscles are strengthened and train. With drops, you will have less likely to turn the leg or stretch the muscles.
  4. You will become more plastic.
  5. The ability to slightly lengthen the legs by 1-2 centimeters, because You stretch the joints.
  6. Useful for joints.

Is it possible to quickly sit on the twine?

But not everyone knows that there is not so easy here. In fact, for the week, not every girl will be able to learn this. For 7 days, only those girls who are physically prepared are well prepared for twine. Those girls who do not have more than 10 cm to the twine.

Ordinary girls who are not regularly engaged in sports, it is impossible to do this short term. Sit on the twine, if you do not know how, you can only after a couple of months of training.

To sit on the twine you will have to train your muscles and flexibility of the whole body.

How long can you learn to sit on the twine?

In the usual man, the muscles are stretched only by 3-4 cm per month. And that, it is if you consider that you will exercise them every day every day. Now calculate how many centimeters to the floor do not have enough? Usually, to sit on the twine leaves a couple of months, and sometimes year, if you are not particularly flexible.

What factors affect flexibility and stretching?


Each person needs a different amount of time to learn to sit on the twine. This is all individually. What does it affect this?

  • Floor.

Women are usually more flexible than men. In addition, women are much easier to carry large physical exertion. Therefore, it is believed that women are easier and faster to learn to sit on the twine.

  • Age.

Obviously, than you are younger than you easier to perform stretching exercises. Children are more flexible, their ligaments are still easy to reach. Therefore, children can learn how to sit on the twine in a couple of days. But adults will have to be more complicated. They will need much longer time to stretch their muscles.

  • Natural data.

We all have a different structure and body flexibility. Someone without difficulty without any workouts can be flexible, but on the contrary, it is hard. Also complete people are much harder to learn this.

  • Diet.

For muscle flexibility, it is very important how you eat. We need to drink enough water per day (it is ordinary water) and eat food with a large amount of protein. Such a power mode will help the muscles to recover after training.

  • Physical preparedness.

People who are constantly engaged in sports will be easier to sit on the twine. Because They have more prepared muscles.

How to sit on the twine: where to start?


Before starting any stretching exercises, you need to warm up. The warm-up time must be at least 10 minutes. More welcome. The workout includes jumping in place, running on site and squats. After the workout, your muscles are warmed up, and stretching exercises will make you easier and safer.

Exercises to sit on the twine

  • After the warm-up, it is very useful to do Mahi's legs. To do this, stand your back to the wall and raise each out of the legs. You need to do at least 15-20 masks for each leg. Raise your legs as high as possible as soon as you can. Watch the back to be straight.


Now go about the back of the chair and make Mahi feet back. 10 times for each leg. After the sideways also do the same. Also 10 times.

Gradually, you can raise your legs as high as possible.

Mahi legs warmed your muscles and stretch their legs well.

  • Now go to the lunges. We make the evaporate in turns from each leg about 20 times.
  • The next exercise needs to be done lying on the back. Pull your arms to the sides and take turns trying to pull the leg to face. You can help your hand.
  • Now do a very useful exercise called a butterfly. Sit in Turkish (the feet are connected together, the knees are bent). In this position, try the knees to omit as much as possible to the floor.
  • Very important exercise - ruling. You need to smoothly roll from one leg to another.
  • Now go to slopes. Tilt is best to do sitting. Sit on the floor and try to reach your socks. And so several times.


  • Now it is useful to repeat the slopes only standing. Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders and start slowly leaning forward. Knees do not bend. Wait for so 30 seconds, then you can straighten up.
  • We get up on one knee, and pull the other leg in front of you. We stretch in this position 30 seconds, then change your feet.
  • Stop, keep your back smoothly. Now bend the left leg and press the heel to the buttock. The foot can be coated with one or two hands. We strain the muscles and stand for 40 seconds. Then change your feet. So the exercise well stretches the muscles of the front of the thigh.
  • Now sang on the floor. Left leg bended in your knee, and right pull forward and turn a little right. Right hand try to reach the sock of the right leg. Keep so 60 seconds. Then change your feet and repeat the exercise.
  • Sitting on the floor, straighten the legs forward. Socks pull up maximum up. Straightening your back, make a deep breath and with exhale slowly tilting the back forward. We tighten the back as much as possible, and put your hands about the legs. Keep so 60 seconds. Then the initial position and repeat again. This exercise stretches very well and the calf muscles, and the muscles of the back of the thigh.
  • Now sang on the floor. We push the legs to the maximum width, which you can only (see for you not hurt). Clicking the feet with your hands and breasts lean down to the floor. At the same time, try to keep your back straight. Discarding in this position for 15 seconds and straighten up at the starting position. We repeat so several times.
  • Now we will need a chair or table. Put one leg on the table and stand straight. We begin to slowly make a tilt forward. Feet in the knees do not bend. We are trying to lean out as low as possible. Draw for 10 seconds and get up. Then change your feet and repeat the exercise.
  • Going to the floor on the back. Now raise your feet at right angles. We drag the legs to the side as possible. We try to keep them in this position for about a minute. Then we connect the legs together and smoothly let go. A little rest and repeat the exercise again. Try to make this exercise at least 5-6 times. In the following days, increase the time.
  • Get straight, legs on the width of the shoulders. Back straight. Raise my right leg and bend it in the knee. Then we press to the chest and assign to the side. Try to stay much as far as possible. You can help your hand for this. Hold for so 10 seconds and get up attentive. Then change your feet and repeat the exercise.
  • Sit on the floor, back straight. Spread the legs to the side. We lend to the left leg, then to the right, then we make a tilt forward. Returning to its original position. Follow the knees to be straight. Each slope is delayed for 15 seconds. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Going to the floor on the stomach. Feet bend in the knees and hands reaching the stop. Head at the same time raising up. We are trying to hold out in this position for 40 seconds. Then relax and rest. We repeat the exercise several times.
  • Now I pull your hands ahead in the same position lying on the stomach, and I wipe back. Keep 30 seconds and rest.

We make a bridge and stand so 1 minute.

All these exercises are very useful for the spine.

Get on your knees and tilted back, while putting your hands behind your feet. Cost is so 1 minute.

  • Sit on the floor, stretch your feet in front of you. Now we are trying to throw in turn every leg for the neck. We carry out the exercise as much as possible. Each time you will get better and better.
  • Sitting on the floor, join legs together. Now the elbows are trying to push the legs to the sides. We repeat so 10 times.

In the interruptions between the exercises, relax the muscles. All exercises can be performed in any order in which it is convenient for you. You can skip some exercises.

How to sit on the twine: how to do stretching exercises?


In order not to harm your body and do all exercises without injury, you need to know the following rules:

  • Do not forget to warm up before training. Muscles and ligaments need to warm up and prepare for loads. For this you can at least just jump through the rope for a couple of minutes. Suitable on the spot. To warm up, you can take a warm shower and a bath of 10 minutes.
  • Remember that relaxed muscles stretch easier. Therefore, you need to perform exercises, relax as much as possible and not strain. In order to make it easier to relax, you need to choose a convenient position for exercise.
  • When muscles are stretched, then pain appears in this place. The pain should be easy and tolerant. If the pain occurs is strong, then the exercise should be stopped.
  • Training should be approximately half an hour.
  • You need to repeat each exercise for 20-30 times. If you can more, do it. But do not overdo it. Each exercise is calm, without sharp movements. Choose the best rhythm for yourself and try to observe it until the end of the workout.

Training hands


In order to try to sit on the twine need strong hands, because It will be necessary to keep your body on the weight. Therefore, you need to do exercises and hands.

It is very useful to do push-ups from the floor. They strengthen the muscles of your hands, and the spine, which is important for the twine.

If you have not pressed before, then you need to do it gradually. On the first day it is enough to spawn just once. On the second you are already pressing twice. Etc. Every day I add peace. And so to 10. After the tenth day, we start to reduce at once. And so on to once. Thus, you will not strain your hands, but at the same time to train them.

Sit on the sword

Now you can try to sit on the twine. Try to do it very slowly. Try to push the legs wider and wider, holding hands. If you sat on the twine and felt pain in the muscles, then immediately get up. If the pain stopped, you can sit seconds 20 so. Every day you will get better and better.

To sit on the twine is better on a special rug for fitness. You will be more conveniently and comfortable for it. It is also better to include pleasant music so that it turns out to relax as much as possible.

Tips: how to sit on the twine


  1. Make exercises regularly for 20 minutes, it is best twice a day (in the morning and in the evening).
  2. Training should be started only after at least two hours after the last meal and an hour before meals.
  3. Do not exercise if your muscles hurt.
  4. Do the exercises smoothly, without sharp movements.
  5. During training, do not strain the muscles, relaxed muscles are easier to reach.
  6. Pick comfortable clothes.
  7. For twine, it is best to wear socks, because They slide well on the floor.
  8. Do not overvolt the muscles so that there is no stretching.
  9. During training you can drink some water.

Do not neglect the advice to correctly sit on the twine. Good luck to you.

Girls, do not be lazy to make workout and stretch exercises every day or every other day, if you want to achieve results. Having learned to make a twine, do not forget to continue to do at least a couple of times a week. It is necessary to maintain the result. Without training gradually, you will not be able to sit on the twine again. Do better for music that will help you relax and at the same time keep rhythm. And also, best of all engage in video lessons you can download via the Internet.



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