
Purulent cough - causes and symptoms. Treatment of purulent cough without temperature and with temperatures. Cough with purulent moocrost - review of antibiotics for treatment

Purulent cough - causes and symptoms. Treatment of purulent cough without temperature and with temperatures. Cough with purulent moocrost - review of antibiotics for treatment
Causes of purulent cough. How to treat purulent cough, list of drugs. Treatment of purulent cough with sponsor of folk methods. Inhalation in the treatment of cough with purulent wets. Prevention measures of cough with purulent sputum.

Cough with purulent discharge is a symptom for the development of one of the serious respiratory diseases, which cannot be left without attention. The right approach and competent treatment are needed.

One of the serious symptoms of the disease is purulent domestications when coughing. Cough may appear due to the complication of diseases such as influenza, abscess, pneumonia, bronchitis. When a person coughs, a sputum is highlighted, having a sharp, putrid smell, mucus with a shade (brown, yellowish, greenish), it is very bad. It is necessary to urgently take action.

Causes of purulent sputum with cough

When a man is ill, a mucus accumulates in the lungs, which when coughing is separated and comes out. If a person is worried about cough with mucous-purulent sputum, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease and start as soon as possible treatment.

Why is pus accumulated in sputum? There may be a lot of reasons. For example, after a recent transferred cold wallpaper, the wet is painted in a yellowish tint or greenish.

More reasons:

  • transferred recently influenza, ORVI;
  • obstructive, purulent or chronic bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • lung diseases (abscess);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • lung gangrena;
  • neoplasms in the respiratory tract;
  • jewels, which appeared due to the supercooling of the body transferred to colds, sinusitis or rhinitis.

If the cough is separated by a wet, having an unpleasant smell and color, thus the body gives a signal that he needs to help. Immediately need to contact a specialist if there is blood in sputum.

Purulent springs when coughing, what are the reasons:

  • schimorite - mucus can be thick, unpleasant smell painted in a yellowish or greenish tint. Cough is often accompanied by a general deterioration of the condition: a person feels constant weakness, dizziness, the temperature may increase;
  • the bronchotathic disease is most often noted with the onset of heat after long cold. Accompanied by an increase in body temperature, general malaise;
  • the chronic stage of bronchitis - in the mornings, the cough with a wet concern is stronger than during the day. Also characterized for this disease increase body temperature. The sputum is not thick, but with admixture of mucus and pus;
  • heart decompensation and other heart diseases;
  • if the cough with the release of purulent sputum worries the child, an inspection of the ENT doctor is necessary to exclude adenoiditis.

In any case, the appearance of sputum with a smell, thick and viscous, painted in yellow-pale or intense shade, greenish, brown (with blood and blood) - this is a reason to urgently turn to a specialist to identify the cause.

For example, if the purulent wet without a cough of a yellow shade is bothering, perhaps a person recently feared the flu, did not heal or suffered this serious illness on his legs. As a result, the development of complications that can lead to bronchitis, pneumonia and even asthma.

In chronic or obstructive bronchitis, the sputum can be viscous, painted in the yellow-green shade, unpleasant odor.

If blood particles are present in the cough separated mucus, it may indicate a serious disease - pneumonia. But, you should not hurry yourself to diagnose yourself, because if the patient has a superior cough, capillaries may damage.

If a person is worried about the morning cough with a bright yellow wetty, literally amber, it may indicate that the body is trying to cope with an allergic reaction.

In any case, it does not matter what color is sputum, it is important that coughing with a pus and this condition requires immediate treatment. If you do not consult a doctor on time, the person's condition will deteriorate.

Diagnosis and treatment of purulent cough

If a person is worried about coughing with a purulent smell, it is impossible to pull the time in any way. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to find out the cause and start treatment.

Before the doctor prescribes treatment with drugs, it is necessary to undergo a survey:

  • pass the urine and blood analysis (biochemistry, clinical);
  • donate the sputum on the detection of microflora;
  • pass x-ray;
  • to pass spirography.

How to collect material for examination:

  1. The doctor will write direction to the sputum analysis, which will need to be collected independently at home. But before surrendering the analysis, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare.
  2. During the day before collecting sputum drink more fluid. Preferably - clean water, then mucus will be separated more, the result will be reliable.
  3. Collection of material for analysis: Before the first meal, but after clenched teeth (carefully). Then you need to rinse your mouth with clean water or a special rinser.
  4. Before collecting sputum into sterile container, you need to be pulled and make some deep breaths.
  5. If there is little sputum, it is hard and hard it comes out, then you can make inhalation: breathe for 10 minutes over a water vapor with the addition of soda or salt (on 1 liter of water 1 tbsp.), You can take distilled water.
  6. The sputum needs to be collected in a sterile container, specially intended for testing (sold in a pharmacy). Within 2 hours after collecting analysis, the material must be delivered to the laboratory. If it does not work, stored in a cool place (for example, in the refrigerator, refrigerator bag).

After the results of the tests and surveys will be at the doctor, the patient will prescribe treatment. Required by medication drugs to eliminate the cause of the disease and remove the symptoms. Remember that only the doctor after examination can prescribe treatment with drugs, to write down the dosage and reception schedule.

Auxiliary therapy is not excluded if the patient is purulent cough without temperature. Doctors can write direction for procedures (for example, inhalation, physiotherapy procedures, medical gymnastics, etc.), treatment of folk remedies. Such an integrated approach will allow to supplement drug treatment and faster to defeat the ailment without the risk of developing a complication.

What to treat purulent cough?

Pharmacy drugs will prescribe the attending physician after the examination, it can be:

  • antibiotics with purulent cough. These drugs are aimed at the destruction of the pathogenic microflora. Medicinal preparations reduce the risk of complications. For example, the preparations "Sumamed" or "Augmentin", "Amoxiclav". If the disease occurs hard, the doctor may write antibiotics of another group: "Ceftriaxone" or "Cefazolin";
  • preparations that will help relieve inflammatory process, pain, reduce temperature. This is: "Nimid", "Paracetamol", "Nimesil" and others;
  • mulitatic drugs that contribute to the discharge and wet saline: "Acetal", "ACC", "Lazolyvan" and others;
  • broncholitics contributing to the expansion of the lumen, the disheve of the mucus, increasing the permeability of the bronchi. Also, this group of drugs will help relieve spasm: "Ventoline", "Berodual" and others;
  • antihistamines are prescribed for the purpose of suppressing an allergic reaction, contribute to the patency of the bronchi, will remove the spasm of smooth muscles. This is "Tuewell", "Citrine" and others;
  • preparations that increase immunity, which reduce the risk of recurrence, accelerating the process of recovery: "Echinacea", "Bronchomunal".

The doctor, based on the severity of the course of the disease, can prescribe drugs at their discretion. In a serious case, it will offer treatment in the hospital so that the patient is under constant control of medical workers.

When coughing with purulent sputum is contraindicated with independent reception of any drugs! Independent treatment may not be relieved, but on the contrary, aggravate the situation, impose irreparable harm to health.

Important! In the treatment of purulent cough with antibiotic temperature, it is unacceptable to discontinue treatment at the first signs of improvement. It is necessary to continue the reception of antibiotics according to the scheme that the attending physician appointed.

Treatment of cough with purulent wet folk methods

Along with drug treatment, the recipes of traditional medicine will help facilitate the state of the patient, as well as increase immunity.

For purulent cough and cold, such funds will help:

  • normal onions. It is necessary to make a onion decoction of 1 liter of water and 2 bulbs of the medium size. Onions need to be cleaned, crushed, pour water, cook on low heat for 1 hour. Then strain and you can drink half a glass, glass per day. The decoction is unpleasant to drink, so you can add a spoon of honey or sugar;
  • it is useful to eat fresh onions, as it helps strengthen the immune system and will contribute to the disorder of sputum during cough;
  • pine buds. It is necessary to collect fresh pine buds, drown (or buy raw materials in a pharmacy), brew 1 tsp. Kidney in 1 cup of milk, leave overnight. In the morning, strain and drink before the first meal. Drink can be slightly warm. Undesirable to insist the kidneys more than 15 hours;
  • tea from mint, altea, plantain and grass-and-stepmother grass. In equal proportions, you need to take dry raw materials, pour 2 glasses of boiling water, insist half an hour. After polling the ragger, drink 1 cup before breakfast. After 3 days of such treatment, good results will be noticeable;
  • abundant drinking with a strong cough with purulent sputum will help the body faster to cope with the disease. What you can drink: warm milk with the addition of spoons of honey, grape or cranberry juice in warm formation, radish juice. Also need to drink herbal teas: a lamp, sage, chamomile, plantain, raspberry, viburnum;
  • in addition to abundant drink, it helps in the fight against illness with a comprehensive approach to diet: it is necessary to include more vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • barxious fat: Drink inside 1 tbsp. During meals twice a day. Take no more than 4 weeks, break 2-4 weeks, you can resume admission to strengthen immunity;
  • bear Fat take on another scheme: 1 tbsp. The fat is dissolved in a glass of warm milk, drink on an hour's stomach for half an hour before meals. Children can also be given to drink bearish fat, but half or a teaspoon, dissolving in warm milk. Drink and adults, and children such a useful drink need small sip;
  • steam inhalations help to recover faster, just can be done if there is no temperature. Inhalations help both dry cough and cough with purulent wet.

Decorations and inhalations do not help get rid of the root cause of the disease, but in the complex they give an excellent result.

We treat purulent cough inhalations

Inhalation contributes to the humidification of respiratory tract and wet wet. For the procedure, antiseptics and expectorant drugs are used. In order to carry out inhalation and get the result, you must use the nebulizer.

Special solutions for nebulizer: "Deasan", "Lazolyvan", "Miramistin", "Pulmikort", "Chlorophyllip", "Rotokan" and others. The listed drugs do not lead to a complication after treatment, because they do not penetrate into the blood. To treat any cough with inhalations is only necessary after the recommendations of the attending physician, which will prescribe the drug, dosage and duration of treatment.

How to treat purulent cough with angina?

Many people believe that coughing with an angina should not be. But after all, the cough itself can develop as a result of the protective functions of the body. Therefore, with the kashel's angina, a completely familiar phenomenon. It can be dry or wet. If the cough is wet, then the mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract, which comes out with the cough outside. Regardless of the course of the disease, you need to treat any cough. Treatment will pick a doctor after examining the patient.

In general, treatment does not differ from the above: abundant drink, the reception of drugs that contribute to the wet wet. For example, "ambroxol", antibacterial drugs: "Strepsils", "septol", etc. In order to reduce swelling, the doctor may appoint expectorant drugs. For example, "Deutka" or "Dr.".

Effective exercises from purulent cough

A purulent taste with cough, a viscous mucus having a characteristic smell is always unpleasant. Such a state requires treatment and an integrated approach. If the cough suffers often, and the sputum does not move well, it is necessary to help the body get rid of the accumulated mucus.

Special exercises for accelerating the fattening of purulent mucus:

  1. Stand on the knees, lean out 5 times ahead, a minute of break. Next approach. During the day, such an exercise can be done up to 10 times a day.
  2. Lying on the bed, head on a flat plane (without a pillow), you need to move around the axis by 45 degrees, then make some deep breaths-exhale. There will be an abundant wet wet, to this you need to be ready to spit it into the container.
  3. Another exercise in the lying position: it is necessary to go on the bed without a pillow, but under your feet put a roller (height 30 cm). Lying without the movement of half an hour, then get up and walk. If necessary, repeat the exercise again, until the sputum starts to move.
  4. To lie on the side on the edge of the bed and try to breathe most of the body from the bed while keeping in this position at least a minute-two. Turn to another side, perform an exercise. You can make several approaches until the desired result is reached.

We accept prophylactic measures against purulent cough

If a person often worries purulent cough, it is necessary:

  • refuse bad habits (smoking, taking alcoholic beverages);
  • four is balanced, including more vegetables and fruits in the diet, drink clean water. Refuse fast food, canned food, acute, oily and fried food, less sweet;
  • play sports, hardened, walk more on foot and extinguish in the fresh air;
  • less nervous, get enough sleep;
  • to visit the sauna or go to the bath (after consulting with a specialist), sign up for the healing massage;
  • try to change the climate time, take a ticket to the sanatorium.

An integrated approach and respect for their health will have a positive effect. Be healthy!


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