
Hemorrhoids in women after childbirth: signs, as it looks like, what to do. How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth at home. Hemorrhoids after childbirth

Hemorrhoids in women after childbirth: signs, as it looks like, what to do. How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth at home. Hemorrhoids after childbirth
The reasons for the appearance of hemorrhoids after childbirth. How to effectively treat hemorrhoids after childbirth - the best means.

Unfortunately, the excellent condition of pregnancy can be overshadowed by some ailments, which begin to show "their true face" after delivery. Among such troubles is very often occurring hemorrhoids. Many mistakenly believe that hemorrhoids develop only after childbirth, because during the fence there is a tremendous burden on all organs. But this disease can flow and hidden already during pregnancy itself. About all the peculiarities of the diagnosis of hemorrhoids, the symptoms of hemorrhoids in women, the main directions of treatment, how to get rid of hemorrhoids after childbirth and let's talk in this article.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth - what it is

Hemorrhoids is a disease with which both women and men can meet the same way. Men are treated with such a delicate problem to doctors quite rarely. If a man comes to a specialist with characteristic complaints, then the disease can already be on a serious stage of development. There is statistics that 12 people out of 100 suffer from hemorrhoids. If we talk about all the diseases of the rectum, it is hemorrhoids up to 80% of cases. To begin to understand the hemorrhoid after childbirth, you need to give a general definition of this disease. Hemorrhoids is a disease of hemorrhoidal veins, which is characterized by:

  • inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • expansion and increasing hemorrhoids;
  • the convulsion of hemorrhoidal veins.


Types of hemorrhoids after childbirth

There are several criteria for which the types of hemorrhoids can be distinguished.

  1. Depending on which mechanism was formed by hemorrhoids, the disease is divided into congenital and acquired.
  2. The acquired shape of hemorrhoids is additionally divided into primary and secondary. The secondary acquired hemorrhoids is a complication of any disease. This may be adenoma of the prostate gland or cirrhosis of the liver. The primary hemorrhoid acquired is an independent disease that has arisen for any reason. For example, after childbirth.
  3. Depending on where hemorrhoids is localized, it is divided into internal and outer hemorrhoids after childbirth. Internal hemorrhoids after delivery is not complicated by the loss of hemorrhoidal nodes. The outer hemorrhoids is characterized by periodically dropping and constantly falling hemorrhoidal nodes.

Stage hemorrhoids after childbirth

Stage chronic hemorrhoids after childbirth

The initial symptoms of hemorrhoids in women after childbirth may have a feeling of discomfort, itching, a feeling of a foreign body in the rear pass. Such symptoms may remain unnoticed from several months to several years. Hemorrhoids does not always begin with an acute phase. It is customary to allocate several stages of the development of this disease:

  1. The first stage of hemorrhoids can manifest themselves to periodic blood release from the anal hole. The fallout or external protrusion of hemorrhoids is not observed.
  2. The second stage of hemorrhoids is manifested by the periodic loss of hemorrhoidal nodes during the act of defecation and their independent rights.
  3. The third stage of hemorrhoids is characterized by the fact that hemorrhoidal nodes can no longer be finished independently, and the person has to do it with his hands. The loss of nodes occurs during the act of defecation.
  4. The fourth stage of hemorrhoids. This stage is characterized by the loss of hemorrhoidal nodes at the slightest physical exertion and even with sneezing or cough. Prix \u200b\u200bnodes are also impossible.

Stages of acute hemorrhoids after childbirth

A sharp hemorrhoid has much more pronounced symptoms, which are not very difficult to pay attention. Three stages of acute hemorrhoids distinguish:

  1. The first stage is characterized by the presence of thrombosis, but no inflammatory process. A person can feel itching, tingling, painful sensations during a defecation act, an anal hole can slightly redden.
  2. The second stage of acute hemorrhoids is characterized not only by thrombosis, but also a pronounced edema and inflammatory process in hemorrhoidal nodes. The anus area is very painful, the exhaust, man hurts not only to sit, but also walk. Any attempt to inspem the palpation is very painful.
  3. The third stage of acute hemorrhoids is characterized by thrombosis and inflammatory subcutaneous fiber. Hemorrhoidal nodes are very clearly visible, they can have a shiny tint. A person feels a permanent sharp pain. This stage of development of acute hemorrhoids requires exclusively emergency operational intervention.

Causes of hemorrhoids after childbirth

Hemorrhoids usually begins during pregnancy. A woman can suspect anything. But it is after birth that this ailment begins to manifest itself in acute form. What are the causes of a strong hemorrhoid after childbirth?

  1. Pressure on the vessels and veins of a small pelvis provided by the uterus. From each week of pregnancy, the uterus increases and begins to dismiss the internal organs of women, to put pressure on the vessels and veins of nearby organs and tissues. Of course, this fact can impose a print on the health of the small pelvis organs in the future.
  2. Frequent constipation. The causes of constipation in a pregnant woman can be different. Perhaps this is just the individual features of physiology. The nature of the food can also affect the increase in constipation. If a woman behaves a sedentary lifestyle, then it can affect the frequency of constipation.
  3. Heredity. It also happens that the weakness of veins and blood vessels is exclusively a genetic feature.
  4. Hormones. It's not a secret to anyone that during pregnancy in the body of a woman there are real hormonal "storms". This can be one of the causes of hemorrhoids.
  5. Birth. There is an opinion that hemorrhoids appears only in those women who gave birth naturally. But, as you understand from the reasons listed above, this factor is not decisive. If the childbirth was complex, with long and strong sweats, it can sometimes be the cause of hemorrhoids.
  6. Excess weight. During pregnancy, a woman can dial from 8 to 30 kg of weight. Of course, it may also cause hemorrhoid after childbirth.
  7. Reception of some drugs. There is also the opinion that long-term admission to pregnancy hormonal contraceptives can serve as a hemorrhoids. But this theory has a little evidence.
  8. Alcohol. Acceptance of alcoholic beverages to pregnancy can cause an increase in blood flow in the area of \u200b\u200bthe large intestine, which can cause hemorrhoids in the future.
  9. Anal sex increases the likelihood of hemorrhoids.
  10. Infectious diseases. If any infection appeared in the lower intestine, it can also provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth. Photo

Hemorrhoids after childbirth - symptoms

What does hemorrhoid look like after childbirth? What are his symptoms? The postpartum period in all women passes in different ways. Feel some unpleasant sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass, a new mother may already in the hospital. If hemorrhoids gradually began to develop even during the rigging of the child, then the exacerbation may happen in the first days after delivery. Among the most frequent signs of hemorrhoids after childbirth, you can list the following:

  • itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass;
  • bleeding during defecation;
  • pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass;
  • unpleasant sensations during defecation;
  • sense of incomplete intestinal emptying;
  • violations of the process of urination;
  • feeling of the foreign object in the rear pass;
  • leav of hemorrhoidal nodes;
  • redness in the field of anus;
  • outlet in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass;
  • frequent constipation;
  • the formation of anal cracks.

The intensity and duration of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass depends on the form in which hemorrhoids proceeds - acute or chronic. At the started stages, this disease is accompanied by sharp pains not only in the process of defecation, but also in the sitting position, during the walk.

Hemorrhoid diagnostic methods after childbirth

If hemorrhoidal nodes began to fall outward, the disease is very easily diagnosed using a conventional visual inspection. The doctor gynecologist may indicate this problem if the woman has not yet noticed or did not give values. If hemorrhoidal nodes do not fall out, then the following methods for diagnosis can be applied:

  • endoscopic examination of the rear pass;
  • study of the rear pass using palpation;
  • irrigoscopy is a diagnostic method using an X-ray and a contrast agent.

How to cure hemorrhoids after childbirth

How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth? As you understand, the question of whether or not to treat hemorrhoids, it should not even be. Treatment must be started. And the sooner you start taking any measures, the faster to get rid of this unpleasant illness. After all, the consequences that can bring hemorrhoids may be incredibly dangerous for a woman. Permanent bleeding during defecation may aggravate anemia, which women often suffer after childbirth. The disease itself can drive the woman who is additionally passing through the postpartum crisis, in this depression. Let's consider the main directions of treatment that the doctor can offer:

  • lifestyle correction. One of the most important causes of hemorrhoids is stagnation. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle. The doctor may recommend a patient to make more hiking, perform exercises from special gymnastics, engage in an active sport. Very often, women who suffered childbirth by cesarean section too limit themselves in motion. This can be a fatal mistake and lead to the formation of adhesions, the appearance of hemorrhoids;
  • medical treatment. The doctor will definitely select for a woman after childbirth suffering from hemorrhoids, a complex of drugs. Medicines are selected taking into account the breastfeeding woman or not. Soft laxatives, spasmolitics, immunostimulants, antimicrobial drugs, drugs for improving vessels and vessels, drugs for improving blood circulation, ointments, cream and candles for local use can be appointed;
  • treatment by methods of traditional medicine. The doctor may recommend some effective funds from traditional medicine that helps to overcome a delicate ailment. If a woman feeds his breast, then even such methods are applied only after consulting with the doctor. There can be no speech about any self-medication.

Candles from hemorrhoids after childbirth

Rectal candles are an integral and effective part of the treatment of hemorrhoids. Buy such drugs on their own and use them "for prevention", of course, not worth it. During pregnancy, you can use only some types of candles. If the woman feeds the breast, it also imposes a print on the choice of a drug for treating hemorrhoids. The correct use of rectal candles provides for a thorough compliance with the rear pass hygiene before the introduction of the candle, the use of candles approximately at the same time, etc. Consider the most popular rectal candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

  • Relief. The drug is produced in the form of candles, and in the form of ointments. Candles have excellent wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. Candles can be inserted into the rear pass to 4 times a day.

  • Ultrafrokt. A rather strong drug that has an anti-inflammatory and painkillers. The composition is a hormone, which is especially shown in the running stadium hemorrhoids. Candles are contraindicated for the treatment of pregnant and children.

  • Natal Calid. Some of the few rectal candles that can be used during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period. The drug has a pretty natural composition, which makes it most secure as possible.

  • Hepazolone. Hormonal rectal candles that additionally have an anesthetic effect. The drug is also used in the treatment of outer forms of hemorrhoids to prevent the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoidal veins.

  • Anusol. Candles are actively used to treat the acute hemorrhoid phase. Remote painkiller, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and slightly drying effect.

  • Handicraft extract. Candles for treating hemorrhoids, anal cracks, for recovery after surgical intervention in the anus area on a vegetable basis. The drug has a rapid antispasmodic effect, has wound-healing and antimicrobial properties.

Hemorrhoid ointment after childbirth

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge assortment of ointments for treating hemorrhoids. Mazi is incredibly easy to use, and with drop-down hemorrhoidal nodes are simply indispensable. Mazi for treating hemorrhoids can have a different action, from which the nature of their application changes. Some of the ointments need to be squeezing onto the finger and lubricate the anal hole, external hemorrhoids several times a day. If hemorrhoids is at an early stage of development, then ointment lubricates the inner walls of the rear pass using the finger. Also, ointment can be soaked with tampon and enter it into the rear pass. Consider some popular ointments for treating hemorrhoids that are widely represented in pharmacies.

  • Proktozan. This ointment has an anti-inflammatory action, an anesthetic effect that dries action. The drug is effective in treating hemorrhoids 1 or 2 degrees, as well as with anal cracks. Proktozan can not use pregnant women. Ointments are applied with an applicator 2 times a day on the affected area. It is very important not to stop treatment after the disappearance of sharp symptoms.

  • Aurobin. The ointment has a wide range of action and is intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, anal cracks, itching in the rear pass, the rear pass fistula. The composition of Mazi includes lidocaine, which has a local painkillers. D-Panthenol helps to activate the protective forces of the damaged area, increases the growth of new cells. As part of Mazi, Aurobin is also a powerful hormonal corticosteroid - prednisolone, which perfectly stops inflammatory processes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass. Triklozan - antimicrobial component, which prevents infection of the vulnerable area of \u200b\u200bthe rear passage.

  • Nefluan. The drug is represented in the form of a gel that is widely used not only in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but also in preparation for certain types of surveys, in the treatment of lower urinary tract departments. The neuboran has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects. In the composition you can find lidocaine, neomycin sulfate.
  • Relief. One of the most famous masses, which is located at all "on the hearing". The drug has an anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and wound healing effect. The ointment is prescribed by doctors not only for the treatment of outdoor or inner hemorrhoids, but also for the treatment of anal cracks. Aclaus liver oil - a component that has an effective wound healing effect. Phenylephrine hydrochloride has a powerful vesseloring effect.

  • Posterizan. Ointment is used in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids, anal cracks, to restore fabrics after surgery. The drug contains inactive cells of intestinal sticks that stimulate protective forces of damaged tissues.

  • Heparin ointment. Budget, but very effective means. Ointment does not contain hormones in its composition and is intended to prevent the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoidal nodes. It can use both in the acute phase of hemorrhoids and chronic.

  • Troksevazin. This drug doctors are prescribed to treat the outer shape of hemorrhoids. Due to the action of the active component of the TrokSerutina, the ointment favorably affects the state of the veins and blood vessels, prevents their swelling, expansion, soothes them.

  • Fleming ointment is a hemorrhoid remedy after childbirth that can only be used to treat the initial forms of hemorrhoids that do not have complications. The composition of Mazi includes menthol, calendula, zinc oxide. According to the instructions for use, Fleming ointment has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.

  • Hepatrombin G. Hormonal ointment for the treatment of acute hemorrhoid phase. The preparation also present anticoagulants that prevent the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoidal veins.

How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth nursing mom

If a woman came to the reception to a doctor with a hemorrhoid problem, then she is simply obliged to prevent him that she breastfeed the baby. This is very important information that directly affects the choice of drugs. Do not think that local exposure preparations are not able to get into breast milk. Mazi or rectal candles fall on the mucous membrane of the colon and absorbed into the blood. There is a certain list of the safest medical treatments for hemorrhoids after childbirth during breastfeeding:

  • candles or ointment of hepathersbin r;
  • candles or ointment Relief;
  • Proctoglyna;
  • Posterizan;
  • candles natalilla;
  • candles Nigepan;
  • candles Bethiol;
  • candles ultrafrokt.

In addition to drug treatment, the doctor will definitely recommend a nursing mother to make more hiking, follow the diet. All these measures in the complex will help get rid of hemorrhoids at the initial stage. If the disease is strongly launched, then conservative treatment methods may be useless, and then the surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth - how to go to the toilet

Usually a person is not even thinking about any rules of the campaign to the toilet. But not a man suffering from hemorrhoids. The act of defecation can bring unbearable pain and a sense of discomfort. Consider some tips on how to go to the toilet women after childbirth with hemorrotype:

  • take the habit to go to the toilet at the same time. Listen to your body. Most people make an act of defecation in the morning after awakening or in the evening before bedtime;
  • do not sit too long on the toilet. Long seating can provoke the appearance of unpleasant sensations;
  • do not be too much;
  • use only soft toilet paper, wet toilet paper. It is desirable to be lying after each defecation act;
  • take the right pose on the toilet: your back should be straight, and the feet smoothly stand on the floor.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth - treatment at home

Recipes of traditional medicine are always tremendous among people. After all, it is possible to be treated with such means at home without using harmful "chemistry." Folk remedies are the most budget treatment option. Hemorrhoids is one of those diseases whose treatment is most often attracted by recipes from traditional medicine. A person deliberately tries to pull the campaign to a specialist, thinking that the row, the bath or decoction will definitely get rid of it from such a delicate problem. But hemorrhoids is a very insidious disease, which for a very long time can flow hidden, asymptomatic, and then sharply and quickly move into an acute phase. If the woman faced the problem of hemorrhoids after childbirth and decided to start the treatment with the traditional medicine, then she should know:

  • folk treatments are most often not treated for the cause of the disease, but only remove the symptom;
  • natural treatments are much less studied. To predict how it will react your body to one or another herb, is simply impossible;
  • due to the too long and uncontrolled use of means for treating hemorrhoids from traditional medicine, you can skip the transition of disease to a more serious stage;
  • if hemorrhoids got out after birth immediately in a sharp form, then begin treatment is best of all drugs of traditional medicine appointed by the doctor after inspection.

Despite all the ambiguity of treatment of hemorrhoids in women after childbirth, doctors approve some of them:

  • in the treatment of outdoor hemorrhoids, there was very high efficiency with calendula, onion husks or a beast. In the pelvis pour warm water and decoction of herbs. The patient sits in the pelvis, spreading the buttocks. Taking such a bath is about 5 minutes. Such a recipe helps to remove painful sensations;
  • herb of herbs Korovyat has long been popular in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Take such a decoction inside about 3 times a day;
  • the compress from raw potatoes helps to remove the unpleasant feelings in the anus area. Potatoes should be gratened on a large grater, put in a small piece of gauze and attach the compressed compress to the reverse passage for 5-10 minutes. Some "extremals" advise to insert a small piece of purified and washed raw potatoes in the rear pass;
  • sea buckthorn oil is widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids at home. It has anti-inflammatory, painkillers. Oil can be taken as inside, and to do with it.
  • oak bark - an effective means for treating hemorrhoids. Take 3 tbsp of oak bark and boil them in 1 liter of water. The resulting decoction pour into the basin, add cold water. When the bath will become the desired temperature, sit down in it. The time of procedure is about 15 minutes. When cooled water you need to pour hot water;
  • green tea is a natural bactericidal agent for treating hemorrhoids. Such a means can even use pregnant or nursing women. Tart of the infusion of tea you need to lubricate the anus area several times a day or make compresses.

Prevention of hemorrhoids after childbirth

Many women do not even want and know about any prevention of hemorrhoids, believing that such a problem will never overtake them. That is why it is very important to understand that hemorrhoids after childbirth is not uncommon. With such a nuisance, any woman can meet. You can allocate several general tips on how to protect your health in such a delicate place:

  • try to keep the most moving lifestyle. Make hiking 1.5-2 km per day, give up the elevator, take a look at the active sport;
  • no need to spend too much during the act of defecation;
  • carefully follow the way you keep personal hygiene. After each act of defecation, it is advisable to use the bidet. If there is no such possibility, then scrape the anus area with a napkin, avoiding excessive friction;
  • if you are periodically tormented by constipation, then talk to your doctor about the need for the appointment of a lung laxative;
  • limit the use of products that contribute to the formation of gases in the intestines (bean, cabbage);
  • make in your diet more greens, fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals.

Is hemorrhoids after childbirth? Of course yes! Do not stop in your illness if you have it. Live a full life and be sure to monitor the treatment process from the doctor. It is possible to cure hemorrhoids and it is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. Go less on self-medication and pay more attention to your well-being. Now you know everything about hemorrhoid after childbirth, and what to do with this ailment. Watch your health and do not get sick!


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