
Frighting of tooths

Frighting of tooths
Prevention is better than treatment. Therefore, instead of sitting and waiting for your teeth to “eat” caries, try to make teeth.

Tooth enamel is 95 % of various minerals, the main of which are calcium and fluorine. The disadvantage of these substances is visible to the naked eye: the teeth become more prone to caries, microcracks appear and the enamel darkens. In some cases, the surface of the teeth becomes tuberous or rough. The process of leaching of calcium and fluorine from dental fabric is called demineralization and is found in 75 % of people on the planet. But there is an opportunity to stop these destruction - to carry out a procedure for teeth fluoride.

What is tooth fluoridation?


First, a few words about fluor. This element enters our body through water. In some countries of the world, it is customary not to chlorize water, as ours, but to fluorize it. This is done so that the human body does not have a deficiency of this mineral and all biochemical processes are undergoing without problems. In our country, the situation with fluorine is complicated. Therefore, people, knowing about the benefits of fluorine, buy fluorine -containing toothpastes. Such drugs promise to strengthen enamel and prevent the occurrence of caries. And, in principle, all this give our teeth, but in some cases the share of fluorine in the paste is so small that a person still has a lack of this mineral in the body. In these cases, dentists recommend teeth fluoride.

In simple words, this is a procedure for saturating with fluorine certain areas of the tooth, that is, enamel. That is, during the tooth fluoride procedure, drugs first kill harmful bacteria on the tooth surface, and then penetrate deep into the enamel itself and seal it, providing protection against the harmful effects of acids and other negative factors.

Dentists advise to carry out a tooth fluorid procedure about 1 time per year. In some cases, more often, it depends on individual characteristics. During the procedure, a dentist is obliged to monitor the condition of your dental enamel and control the level of saturation with fluorine.

But be careful, the procedure for teeth fluoride is a responsible event. It cannot be done according to your “desire”, there should be evidence to fluoride tooths. If there are doubts about the need for procedures, consult with other doctors, you may choose another way to strengthen enamel.

And remember that the method of teeth fluoride is only suitable if caries is in the spot. The carious cavity will not be a self -respecting dentist to process a fluorine - this is useless.

Indications and contraindications to teeth fluoride


Flecting tooth is prescribed for:

  • strengthening of tooth enamel;
  • caries prevention (primary, secondary, in the stage of stains);
  • elimination of teeth sensitivity;
  • extension of the service life of existing seals.


  • intolerance to the components of fluoride or fluorgel;
  • photosensitivity to smells and tastes;
  • epidemic fluorosis.

Important remark: an excess of fluorine is dangerous for the body, so after the tooth fluoride procedure, do not use fluoride pastes. Conversely, before the fluoridation procedure, do not use pastes in which there is fluorine.

The main methods of teeth fluoride


Tooth fluoridation is of two types: simple and deep. Simple, in turn, divide into two more types. And now in more detail about each method.

Simple tooth fluoridation

This method is most common in dental practice, it is practically painless. According to reviews of teeth fluoride, some have discomfort or sensitivity to some drugs.

So, the first way is the use of individual KAPPs or, as the doctors themselves call them, “spoons”. At the first appointment, the doctor makes the wax cast of your teeth. The recesses are filled with a special fluorine -containing drug, as a rule, gel for teeth fluoride. Cappa is applied to the teeth for 10-15 minutes. The number of procedures is 10-15.

In the second method, not gel for teeth fluoride is used, but a special varnish. It must be applied to the enamel with a brush, trying not to get on the gum and mucous membrane. The number of procedures is 3-4.
Features of simple teeth fluoride is that with this procedure, the fluorine does not penetrate deep into the surface of the enamel, but as if creating a protective film on it. Such protection is usually enough for six months. Then the procedure is repeated.


Stages of simple fluoridation

  • Stage No. 1. Brushing of teeth. Before the procedure, the dentist carefully cleanses the surface of the teeth using a special brush and paste.
  • Stage number 2. Dry dry. Careful drying of tooths is an important stage of the procedure, the slightest saliva hit can nullify the efforts of the doctor. Next, the entire oral surface is covered with cotton rollers.
  • Stage No. 3. Directly fluoridation. A brush on the tooth enamel with a thin layer is applied to fluoride teeth. If the gel is used, then it is applied to the “spoon” and applied to the teeth for 10-15 minutes.
  • Stage No. 4. Careful drying. The drug should completely dry on the teeth. Then the rollers are removed.
  • After the procedure, the dentist, as a rule, advises not to drink and not eat within 1 hour after fluoride. In the case of varnish, the procedure is repeated every other day. With gel - every 10 days.

    Deep fluoridation of teeth

    Deep fluoridation of teeth - the procedure is more complex, but also more effective. Enamel, sealing drugs are used here. To be more precise, there are two of them. The first drug contains copper, magnesium and fluorine, and the second - calcium hydroxide. Both of these substances are applied alternately on the teeth. If you lower the chemical terms, then we can say that these two drugs, interacting with each other, form very small crystals and fall into the pores of enamel, sealing them. Now your teeth are protected from the negative impact from the outside.

    With deep fluoridation of teeth, the concentration of fluorine ions is 5 times higher than with simple fluoridation, and therefore the result is more persistent. The next procedure must be carried out after 1-2 years. In addition, calcium is involved in deep fluoridation, and this further strengthens the teeth.

    Stages of deep fluoridation

  • Stage No. 1. Brushing of teeth. As with simple fluoridation, the teeth must be thoroughly cleaned. But only pastes and brushes will not be enough. As a rule, ultrasound brushing is carried out before deep fluoridation. It is also advisable to remove the entire toothstone.
  • Stage number 2. Dry dry. The procedure is similar to preparation for simple tooth fluoridation, but with one difference - cotton rollers will not be needed.
  • Stage No. 3. Directly fluoridation. The first drug is applied to the entire surface of the teeth, dried.
  • Stage No. 4. The second stage of deep fluoridation. After that, the dentist processes the teeth with a swab moistened in the drug No. 2. Then the mouth must be thoroughly rinseed.
  • As a rule, after this procedure, you can eat and drink immediately. But if the doctor gives other instructions, then it is better to adhere to the advice of the attending physician.

    Frighting of tooths. Photo


    Frighting of teeth at home

    The price of tooth fluoridation (from 200 rubles per fusee of 1 tooth up to 2500 rubles for fluoridation of all teeth of the oral cavity) often causes refusal of this procedure. Therefore, the question of home -made teeth is relevant. Is it real?

    In principle, drug fluorid preparations can be bought in free sale (price from 100 rubles). But whether the procedure will be safe and effective, only a dentist can say. After all, an excess of fluorine in the body is as dangerous as its drawback. With independent application, there is a high probability of fluoride or fluorgel from mucous membranes, and this can lead to poisoning with fluorine. Therefore, to decide on the procedure for teeth fluoride at home or not, to solve only to you.

    Teeth fluoride in children


    Age is not a contraindication to fluoridation, therefore, both simple and deep tooth fluorid can be carried out in children. True, it can be very difficult for children to sit in the dentist’s chair for more than 20 minutes, in connection with this, the minimum recommended age for teeth fluoride in children is 5 years old. That is, fluoride is effective for milk teeth. The procedure itself is similar to the treating procedure for adults.

    The main indications for teeth fluoride in children:

    • during the growth of milk teeth to complete the formation of enamel;
    • during the replacement of milk bite constant;
    • emali hypersensitivity.


    The predecessor of fluoride was the method of silvering tooths. A solution of silver is applied to the areas, into which caries has already penetrated. True, after the procedure, the teeth acquire not a beautiful silver tint, but simply blackened. Therefore, children, and especially girls, are embarrassed by their teeth and completely refuse such a procedure. The method of teeth fluoride in children turned out to be a good alternative, moreover, without prejudice to the beauty of the smile of the child.

    Flecting tooth at home. Video



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