
What is prescribed xeroform - indications, contraindications. Xeroform - instructions for use

What is prescribed xeroform - indications, contraindications. Xeroform - instructions for use
Xeroform: Official manual of the manufacturer and advice of successful use in everyday life.

With each of us happens small or not very trouble in everyday life. It happens, then the hand burned, preparing a dinner for relatives, they cut down and the wound gotten, and here there were also diameters in the newborn, the crumbs appeared ... Event development options set, and for each of them you need to have something suitable in the first-aid kit. But instead of many expensive ointments, creams and antiseptics, you can get a long time-tested and inexpensive tool called xeroform. If you do not know what it is for the remedy No. 1 in the first-aid kit, we will tell you about it all in order.

Xeroform: composition, dosage forms, pharmacodynamics

Xeroform is an antiseptic agent with a pronounced dry effect. It is often used to treat injuries and inflammation of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. Active substance - tribromofenoline (xeroform).

There are xeroform powder, ointment, powder.

  • Powder is used externally, he has a yellow shade and a specific fragrance. It is only tribromofenoli in its composition.
  • Keroform ointment contains a fatty base - Vaseline. There is also an eye 3% xeroform ointment, which is shown to treat inflammation of the orbit.
  • Xeroform powder painted into white, additionally contains zinc oxide and streptocid.

Xeroform is a carbolic acid derivative and bismuth metal. It manifests an antimicrobial effect on the foci of inflammation on the skin and in the surface ball of the epithelium.

The antiseptic effect of the drug is due to the property of tribromofenolate oxidizing the enzyme compounds of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to their subsequent death. A phenol fully denatures the protein structures of the cell wall of microorganisms and irrevocably destroys the cellular structure.

In addition, the interaction of tribromofenolate with proteins of injured skin tissues leads to their minor coagulation with the subsequent synthesis of albuminates. These compounds are transformed into a protective film with a partial painkillery effect. At the same time, drying the damaged skin and the blood loss is stopped if there is a place.

On this positive properties, xeroforms will not end. A deep study of the pharmacodynamics of this drug made it possible to establish that xeroform provides:

  • sufficient narrowing of vessels;
  • decrease in vessel permeability;
  • sharp decrease in exudate;
  • suppression of the vital activity of pathogenic flora;
  • drying surfaces;
  • anesthesia and reduction of supersensitivity of the skin;
  • reducing the inflammatory process;
  • activation of regenerative processes.

Such properties of xeroform are especially evident on highly inflamed areas of the skin. This is noticeable for a rapid decrease in the discharge, reduction of leukocytosis, isolating the purulent focus.

On a note! In addition to good wound-healing action, there is another superiority of xero-form price. In the pharmacy, the packaging of such a valuable preparation will cost an average of 90 to 130 rubles.

Xeroform: Actual testimony and contraindications

Xeroform ointment, as well as powder, primarily intended to relieve inflammatory lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. But the exceptional properties of the drug were useful and with such pathologies:

  • ulcers and erosive wounds;
  • skin lesions, including field;
  • abscess on the skin;
  • furunculosis;
  • dermatitis of various genesis;
  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of lymph nodes);
  • lymphangit (purulent-inflammatory lesions of lymphuses);
  • a burn of varying severity;
  • frostbite;
  • baby wounds (often by xeroform are treated with navel, which does not heal).
  • small injuries of skin cover (scratches, punctures and abrasions);
  • attachment infection in ribbon wounds, cuts and other damage;
  • toughness and breakdown;
  • development of postoperative complications on the seams;
  • infectious inflammatory eye diseases.

On a note! Simply indispensable xeroform for newborns: it effectively eliminates the diameters, contributes to the rapid healing of the umbilical wound, helps with atypical dermatitis with mocking rashes.

Xeroform does not have strict contraindications. It is allowed to prescribe to patients of any age: from birth to deep old age. The only contraindication to its purpose is the presence of an individual intolerance of the active substance in the patient.

In many years of medical practice there was not a single case of overdose by xeroform. It does not affect performance, concentration of attention.

It's important to know! Xeroform, as a medicinal substance, is part of other drugs. For example, it can be met as part of Mazi Vishnevsky, anusol suppositories.

Xeroform: application instruction

Ceroform is used only for outdoor application. To obtain the maximum effect, all forms of the drug should be applied to the treated surface.

The powder is applied to the skin with a thin ball, and on top cover with a sterile bandage or a gauze bandage. Throughout the day, the procedure is repeated twice or more.

Due to increased hygroscopicity, xeroform quickly absorbs sweat discharge, purulent exudate, skin fat. In addition, the drug expands the surface of evaporation and improves heat transfer.

The eye ointment is imposed on the inside of the lower century. Before the procedure is carried out abundant washing both eyes.

For processing wounds, which should not be dried, an ointment is used. For its preparation, 10% of xeroform powder and 90% of medical vaseline are mixed. It is also possible to manufacture such ointments in prescription pharmacies.

Important! Xeroform reserves its therapeutic properties for six years. But for this it needs to be stored in a cool place, without direct light.

Xeroform: Possible side effects

Xeroform is able to provoke certain side effects. It can be:

  • redness of the skin or mucous membranes;
  • a feeling of burning or itching;
  • various skin rashes;
  • eugene, the appearance of blisters.

The emergence of any complication of the above manifestations is a prerequisite for instant interrupting the therapeutic course of xeroform.

If a few days after the start of treatment with xeroform, the condition does not improve, the drug is canceled and consider alternative therapeutic methods.

Combining xeroforms with other drugs always gives a favorable outcome. The use of similar drugs increases the effectiveness of treatment and speeds up recovery.

Important! Cannot be allowed to enter the eye powder. In order not to cause damage to the mucous membrane of the eye, it is important to carefully wash your hands after using this dosage form of the drug.

Xeroform: Application for processing umbilical wound

Ceroform powder is successfully used for a poorly healing umbilical wound in the baby. The means in a matter of days dry and completely heals a tender place in crumbs without concomitant skin irritation. In addition, such a means does not give the baby discomfort, which greatly facilitates the treatment process.

For the processing of umbilical wounds, the xeroform powder uses instructions for use:

  1. The baby's navel is carefully treated with hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. Then the powder sprinkle the umbilical wound.
  3. It is done twice - in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.
  4. Such events are carried out until the wallary of the wound.

In addition, Xeroform perfectly eliminates the diaper and facilitates the condition of the child during diaper dermatitis.

Official information on the use of xeroform during pregnancy and lactation is not. Therefore, the decision to use the drug should be taken by a doctor. But such warning measures are formal because of the xeroform reviews exclusively positive and data on negative impact on the fruit.

Interesting! Xeroform found a very unconventional application in everyday life. Its specific smell is perfectly frightened by mosquitoes and other insects.

Xeroform - analogs of the drug

Xeroform is not distinguished by the existence of analogs. The drug is mainly produced by government pharmaceutical companies under the same name. Among the closest in the composition of funds, only the ointment of Vishnevsky can be called.

As you can see, xeroform helps with many diseases and skin injuries, it is easy to use, and it costs it is inexpensive. In every house he will find for herself use and eliminate the injury or burn in just a couple of days.

Video "Antimicrobial funds in dermatology"


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