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The causes and symptoms of urethritis in men. How to treat urethritis in men - drugs, candles, antibiotics. Folk treatment of urethritis in men at home

The causes and symptoms of urethritis in men. How to treat urethritis in men - drugs, candles, antibiotics. Folk treatment of urethritis in men at home
How is the treatment of urethritis in men, what are the causes of the onset of the disease and its common symptoms?

Urethritis is a defeat of the urethra, provoked by various reasons. This disease affects both men and women, but in the first it proceeds very painfully. What are the causes and signs of the development of urethritis in men and how is the treatment of pathology carried out?

Urethritis in men: we analyze common concepts

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the urethra. The inflammatory process can provoke an infection or damage obtained mechanically. Urethra infection can occur as a result of careless hygiene of the genitals, as well as during intercourse.

The general mechanism of the development of urethritis in men in the photo:

In men, non -infectious urethritis also occurs as a result of injury. Urethra injuries can occur during medical manipulations or exacerbation of urolithiasis. Regardless of the causes of mechanical urethritis, the disease develops within a few hours and declares its characteristic symptoms: weakness, fever, painful urination.

At the first manifestations of the disease, a man needs to seek medical help. After diagnosis, he will be prescribed comprehensive treatment. Since urethritis can not be called harmless and self -intact disease, complications can develop without treatment: pathology of reproductive function, and damage to the prostate gland.

Causes of urethritis in men

The main catalyst for the development of pathology is sexual diseases. But, in addition to sexually transmitted infections, acute urethritis in men provoke:

  • Hypothermia - It causes urethritis if a man has a violated immune system and pathogenic flora begins to multiply. This happens quite often, since the sexual organs in men are easily exposed to external exposure. They respond painfully to temperature fluctuations, especially when it drops to the lower marks.
  • Violation of the chair - Frequent diarrhea and constipation can worsen a sufficient level of hygiene procedures, which allows pathogenic intestinal flora to spread throughout the urethra.
  • Non -compliance with personal hygiene norms - insufficient care for the genitals creates favorable conditions for the accession of harmful infection.
  • Inflammatory processes in nearby organs - If one of the organs of the genitourinary system is infected, inflammation quickly switches to the urethra. As a rule, this happens at the time of passing urine along it.
  • Allergic phenomena - Any irritant can cause urethritis of non -infectious nature. Inflammation can occur after using condoms, lubricants with synthetic additives, gel foam for intimate hygiene, wearing poor -quality underwear.

Among other causes of urethritis, narrowing of the urethra, stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, a low immune function are distinguished.

Important! When ignoring the symptoms, in the future two diseases are often diagnosed at once - cystitis and urethritis in men. The infection is able to quickly rise along the urinating tracks, affecting the urethra, in addition to the urethra, and in some cases a prostate and testicles.

Characteristic signs of urethritis in men

This disease rarely occurs in a latent (asymptomatic) form. Attentive and neat, in terms of his health, a man will definitely understand that he is ill. If a man immediately begins anti -inflammatory therapy, urethritis quickly passes and does not cause complications. If the doctor’s visit to the doctor is timely, the disease goes into a chronic form and gradually affects the entire genitourinary system.

So, urethritis in men - symptoms of acute stage of the disease:

  1. Unbearable itching (may be burning) at the time of urination.
  2. An increase in daily diuresis (frequent trips to the toilet).
  3. Acute, cutting or pulsating pain.
  4. White, blood, purulent or transparent discharge, their smell is often unpleasant.
  5. Redness, slight swelling of the penis.
  6. The calls to the toilet with a slight urine release (often a few drops).

Note! With urethritis urethra outside, it can be glued due to purulent discharge, and severe pain occurs on the palpation of the penis.

If the disease was launched, chronic urethritis develops in men. At this stage, all symptoms are greatly lubricated and are periodic. There may be: rapid urination or partial urinary incontinence, soreness during intercourse.

In most cases, symptoms are completely absent. And only when the infection causes the development of prostatitis or epididymitis, the man turns to the doctor with a complaint about pain in the groin, swelling and redness of the genitals, fever, abundant discharge.

Types of urethritis in men

Inflammation of the walls of the urethra is usually divided into specific and non -specific urethritis in men. The first type is caused by all sexual infections, the pathogens of which are gonococci, Gardnerella, as well as chlamydia, herpes. The second type of urethritis provokes dysbiosis as a result of which beneficial bacteria are replaced by pathogenic flora - E. coli, staphylococci, as well as meningococci, fungi. Causes of flora disorders: allergic reaction, state of immunodeficiency, chronic diseases.

Depending on the specific pathogen, the urethritis is classified into such subspecies:

  • Trichomonade urethritis In men, a malicious bacterium trichomonade is caused. This pathogen is transmitted exclusively by sexual contact and causes acute inflammation within 24-72 hours. With any manipulations with the penis, a white or transparent exudate flows out abundantly from the urethra. The general symptoms of the urethra inflammation are attached to the feeling of running "goosebumps" in the genitals and erosive formations.
  • Candidiasis urethritis In men, they are often called mycotic. It is rare, and develops as a secondary disease. For example, if a man is sick with diabetes or recently underwent antibiotic therapy. This form of urethritis creates in a man a slight discomfort in the form of itching and cottage cheese discharge. With good immunity, there may not be any signs, and the disease passes on its own. However, with a decrease in immune function and lack of treatment, mycotic urethritis triggers the development of prostatitis.
  • Bacterial urethritis In men, it is caused by a non -proecephic flora and occurs as a result of pathological reproduction of chlamydia, meningococci, streptococci, as well as E. coli. The distinctive sign of such urethritis is soreness, redness, pus release.
  • Micoplasmic urethritis It is caused by mycoplasma. This infection is usually associated with other sexual diseases, for example, with ureaplasmosis and gonorrhea. This urethritis often proceeds without signs, and the incubation period lasts months. But as soon as favorable conditions (hypothermia, vitamin deficiency) are created, mycoplasmas are activated. From the symptoms there may be: discomfort, itching, tingling during urination, scarce discharge from the urethra. In the absence of treatment, infertility, prostatitis, cystitis can occur.
  • Viral urethritis In men, for about three weeks it does not show symptoms. And when the incubation period passes, complaints that are uncharacteristic for this disease occur: muscle pain, viral conjunctivitis, slight redness of the urethra, heat, insufficient appetite, poor health. The usual signs of urethritis appear only when another infection additionally joins. There is no sharp symptoms for this type of urethritis, because the virus “settles” deep in the prostate, often limited to seed bubbles. With a decrease in immunity, the virus can migrate from there throughout the body, striking "weak" places.
  • Allergic urethritis - This is a specific reaction of the immune system to the stimulus. It can be a shower gel, synthetic clothing, food, medicines, other allergens. The symptomatic picture is sharp: severe hyperemia of the genitals, urination carving, severe itching. The first signs appear a few hours after contact with the stimulus. Complaints are held after isolating the allergen.
  • Horror -row urethritis Call gonococci. This is a sexual type of disease. The clinical picture is as follows: on the mucous membrane there are foci of inflammation (erosion), swelling and redness of the urinary canal occurs, pus flows abundantly, when visiting the toilet, a man has a severe pain syndrome.

Methods of diagnosis of urethritis in men

When contacting the urologist, a visual examination of the genitals in a man is carried out. The doctor pays attention to the following indicators:

  • consistency and color of discharge from the urethra;
  • redness and degree of swelling on the penis;
  • severity of the seal of the urethral channel;
  • the presence/absence of pain on palpation;
  • the state of the inguinal lymph nodes.

After a visual inspection, each man conducts the following diagnostic studies:

  • hIV analysis;
  • urine tests;
  • general analysis of capillary blood;
  • wasserman reaction (determination of syphilis);
  • urogenital smear;
  • PCR diagnostics on STD;
  • smear for bacterials (determines the pathogen and its resistance to antibiotics);
  • blood biochemistry, including the rheumatic test;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (with the development of complications).

The conclusion of the urologist makes it possible to build individual treatment of urethritis in men. It is based on the cause of inflammation, susceptibility of the pathogen to antibiotics and the state of health of a man.

Urethritis treatment schemes in men

Timely treatment of urethritis is the main prevention of dangerous complications. Therapy provides for the appointment of different drugs, taking into account the discovered pathogen. These can be antibiotics, antioxidants, immunomodulators, antiseptics, vitamin-mineral complexes, local anti-inflammatory drugs.

The list of medicines, their dosage and the therapeutic course is a urologist. In addition, a man can be recommended bed rest, rational nutrition, a complete rejection of alcoholic drinks, spicy foods.

Antibiotics for urethritis in men

Antibiotic therapy depends on the type of urethritis, as well as its pathogen. The selection of antibiotics is carried out on the basis of the Bakposev, which determined the sensitivity of bacteria to a certain group of drugs.

The following types of antimicrobials can be prescribed:

  • Metronidazole - has a good effect with Trichomonnaya urethritis. The tool actively destroys the synthesis of bacterial DNA, causing their death. Available in injections, suppositories, capsules. Often causes side effects: vomiting, migraine, diarrhea, anorexia, allergies, nausea, abdominal pain, temporary loss of taste.
  • The secinidazole - has the same effect as the previous antibiotic. Presented in the form of granules for the preparation of the oral suspension. It also has side effects: stomatitis, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • Doxycycline - inhibits producing protein by bacteria. Effective against gonococcal urethritis. Available in capsules, injections, oral solution. It can disrupt the digestive system, provoke iron deficiency anemia, allergies, blood clots.

Among other effective antibiotics in relation to urethritis, azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin, dioxidine, fluconazole, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin and others are distinguished.

Urethritis in men: drugs to eliminate external symptoms

Most types of urethritis accompany allergic phenomena - itching, swelling, redness. To alleviate the condition of the man, he is prescribed one of the antihistamines. In addition, the doctor at his discretion selects a complex of vitamins, antiseptics, anti -inflammatory ointments and other drugs.

The standard treatment regimen may consist of such medicines:

  • Tavegil is an anti -allergic drug of prolonged action. Relieves discomfort for all types of urethritis, prescribed by 10-12-day courses. Accepted twice a day. It can cause drowsiness, nausea, migraine pain, dry mucous membranes.
  • Vitamins - this can be a complex in tablets or injections for intramuscular administration. Preference is given to vitamins of group B, PP, C, E, A. The purpose of the appointment is to strengthen the immunity and have an antioxidant effect.
  • Hydrocortison - ointment based on glucocorticosteroid. It has a local anti -inflammatory, decongestant effect, and also relieves itching and hyperemia of tissues.
  • Acyclovir - prescribed for herpes urethritis. It destroys the virus strains, promotes papules drying out, relieves itching.

Important! Any medicine for urethritis in men should be prescribed only by a urologist after analysis. Self -medication can complicate the further diagnosis of the disease or translate it into a chronic form.

Folk treatment of urethritis in men

“Launching” urethritis is very dangerous for male health, so a complete rejection of drug therapy in favor of folk treatment methods is a very rash decision. But the combination of plant decoctions, juices, tea with pharmaceuticals will be very useful.

  • Cranberry juice. It has an antimicrobial effect and effectively reorganizes the urinary tract. The juice is indicated for inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, urolithiasis.
  • Black currant leaves. Two tablespoons of leaves are poured with 200 ml of water and boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. A decoction of 40-60 ml is taken several times a day. You can add dried blackcurrant fruits to the broth. The product has an immunostimulating, antioxidant, antiseptic effect.
  • Parsley seeds. 5-7 g of seeds is poured 1 liter of boiling water, infused for 8-10 hours. The resulting tincture is taken 45 ml three times a day. The tool stops the inflammatory process, strengthens the immunity, has a diuretic effect.
  • Herbal bath. One part of the wheatgrass, oak bark, chamomile, calendula, horsetail of the field is taken. Then 6 tbsp. l. Raw materials are brewed in a liter of boiling water. The filtered infusion is poured into a basin. The duration of taking the bath is 10-20 minutes.

Urethritis in men - preventive measures

To summarize the posted information, I want to say a few words about the prevention of urethritis in men:

  1. Avoid unprotected sexual contacts.
  2. Support your immunity.
  3. Try not to hypothermia.
  4. Wear natural fabrics.
  5. Use quality products for personal hygiene.
  6. Do not abuse alcohol.

Take care of your health and consult a doctor in time. Remember, at first, urethritus is treated quickly and passes without a trace.

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