
What is a smear on the flora in women and what shows. Deciphering the analysis of the smear on the flora in women, what are the rules of results. How to rent a smear to flora in women, preparation

What is a smear on the flora in women and what shows. Deciphering the analysis of the smear on the flora in women, what are the rules of results. How to rent a smear to flora in women, preparation
What does the analysis of the smear on the flora in women? How to give up the smear on the flora. Decoding and norms of the results of smear on the flora in women.

The smear on the flora is an integral part of the gynecological examination of each woman. With it, you can reveal the presence of pathogenic bacteria, as well as infections. In addition, the smear helps to recognize the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, and even the presence of tumors.

We will consider which of the indicators are favorable, and in what cases it is necessary to pass one or another type of analysis, as well as what measures should be taken to get rid of a number of standard diseases that are diagnosed with a smear.

Smear on flora in women

In order to determine what the smear means on the flora, it is necessary to understand, in what cases take this analysis. The testimony includes the following factors:

  • The presence of unpleasant sensations in the field of genital organs.
  • With long-term reception of antibiotics.
  • In the process of planning conception.
  • In order to prevent gynecological diseases.
  • With sharp and painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen.

To determine what shifts the smear on the flora must be designated which items with it can be detected. With a laboratory study, the analysis shows:

  • The number of leukocytes.
  • The presence of mucus.
  • The presence of fungal infections.
  • Intestinal wand.
  • Trichomonad.
  • Number of lactobacilli.
  • Flat epithelium.
  • The number of "key cells".
  • The presence of strepto-, Stathilo - Enetrokokkov.
  • The presence of gonococci.

Gynecological smear on the flora is an integral part of the life of every woman. After all, with a regular examination, the doctor can also find and defeat even the most serious diseases.

The smear on the flora during pregnancy helps prevent various pathology and infections. It takes several times:

  • During the recording recording period.
  • As for 30 weeks.
  • Before the birth of the baby.

However, the doctor may increase the number of times given this analysis if you have the following readings:

  • The presence of chorioamnionitis.
  • Intrauterine infection.
  • The threat of interrupting pregnancy.
  • Excessive amounts of accumulating waters.
  • Previously occurring miscarriage.

Before passing the smear on the flora, proper preparation is necessary. It is also worth considering those days in which the gynecological inspection will be most effective.

  • During the menstruation period, it is worth a visit to the doctor, since the result will not show the real state of the microflora of the body.
  • The favorable period is the first days after the end of menstruation.
  • Also, the best time for passing the analysis is considered time before updating the cycle.

2 days before the designated inspection it is necessary:

  • Refuse the use of soap, gel and any PEN to maintain the purity of intimate hygiene.
  • Refrain from sex.
  • Refuse to use lubricants.
  • Stop receiving tablets.
  • Refrain from douching.
  • Do not use lotions and other hygiene products for an intimate zone.

Mazz from the oz on the flora

A stroke from the oz on the flora helps to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria. It is prescribed with such diseases:

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Angina.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • In case of sore formations.
  • Chronic runny nose.
  • Cold with frequent relapses.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Whooping cough.

To determine what shifts the smear on the flora, it is important to analyze which bacteria are investigated in laboratory conditions. Among the main:

  • Bathryoids.
  • Candida Albicans.
  • Veillonella.
  • Escherichia coli.
  • Cytomegalovirus.
  • Klebsiella Pneumonia.
  • Streptococcus Pneumonia.
  • Streptococcus pyogenes.

Depending on the detection of certain bacteria, the specialist appoints a comprehensive treatment with the use of antiseptic drugs.

Smear on flora and cytology

This analysis is used to identify the state of the microflora of urethra and cervix. The smear on the flora and cytology allows you to identify:

  • Yeast-type fungi.
  • The presence of gonococci.
  • Fungi Candida.
  • The number of leukocytes.
  • Trichomonad.
  • Dipclococcus.

And for men, and for women, this examination must be carried out regularly. Also, its indicators can allow a specialist to identify the presence of infections that are transmitted during sexual intercourse.

Therefore, in order for the stories of the smear to be as close as possible to the real state of microflora, it is important to comply with a number of rules:

  • Refuse sexual contacts for 2-5 days before survey.
  • Refrain from receiving any drugs for 10 days.
  • Do not use intimate hygiene care products. The best choice will be the usual shower without soap and gel.
  • Give the analysis in a minimum of 3 hours after the last urination.
  • Refuse to use candles, creams and lubricants.

All indicators and for men, and for women have a similar meaning. Since experts examine biological material for the presence of identical bacteria, the data may differ only in view of the overall state of the patient's health.

Stroke on the flora from the urethra

A stroke on the flora of the urethra is one of the most important under the examination of men by a urologist. Indications for its passing are factors:

  • Availability.
  • Suspicion of infertility.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Edems and redness of the genital organs.
  • Painfulness when urination.
  • Rash and itching in the area of \u200b\u200bPaho.
  • Suspicing sexually transmitted infections.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • For preventive examination.

The smear on the flora allows you to identify:

  • The number of leukocytes.
  • Presence of bacteria.
  • The presence of parasites inside the cells.
  • Fungi.

Optimal are the following data:

  • For leukocytes - 0-5.
  • For microflora - up to 10.
  • The mucus is a moderate amount.
  • Epithelial cells - 5-10.
  • Lack of trichomonade and gonococci.

The survey on the identification of infections is carried out later. The basis for it is the presence of bacteria. As a rule, such a study takes 1-2 days. Usually the patient is verified for the presence of such bacteria:

  • Chlamydia.
  • Gonococcus.
  • Mycoplasma.
  • Herpes.
  • Cytomegalovirus.
  • Ureaplasma.

In order to take strokes adhere to the following rules:

  • Conduct toilet outdoor genital organs.
  • With the help of water and soap, the patient cleans the organ from excess bacteria.
  • Next, the inguinal area is treated with a cotton disk with saline.
  • The sexual organ wipes with a sterile napkin.
  • The doctor introduces a special tool for taking microflora into urethra and turns it 2-3 times.

The procedure is painless, but not rare patients complain of unpleasant feelings in the first day after the bioavair material. This symptom will independently run after a slight time.

Analysis of smear on the flora in women

To hand over the smear on the flora to women, you must purchase the following tools:

  • Gynecological mirror.
  • Sterile gloves.
  • Gynecological chairs oilcloth.
  • Gynecological brush.

It is worth noting that in many pharmacies, ready-made sets are sold. Also in most private clinics, patients do not need to acquire these tools, as they enter the total cost of services.

The results of the flora smear are obtained for 1-2 days, depending on the availability of laboratory conditions for this or that medical institution.

Biological material is viewed by many indicators, pushing out of which the gynecologist can assign additional analyzes or a course of treatment if necessary.

The norm for passing the smear on the flora is considered to be surveys in an amount of 2 times a year. They will help identify the presence of diseases and infections in the early stages. It is also necessary to contact a gynecologist in the event of a manifestation of any diseases, as well as long-term intake of antibiotics.

To decipher the smear on the flora, the classification of indicators indicating the norm and pathology is used. They are denoted by this principle:

  • The presence of trichomonosis, as well as pathogenic bacteria is reduced by the designation of TRICH.
  • The number of leukocytes indicates the item "L".
  • The cervical flora denotes "C".
  • The absence of bacteria causing gonorrheans marks "GN".
  • The microflora area of \u200b\u200bthe vagina is noted by paragraph "V".
  • Flat epitheliums indicate using EP.
  • The absence of any pathogenic bacteria is denoted as "ABS".
  • About the presence of microflora in the field of urethra says the presence of the "U" paragraph.

In order to correctly determine the values \u200b\u200bof the smear on the flora use such a table

The data is decrypted according to the following principles:

  • Leukocytes in a smear on the flora are among the most important designations. Depending on the place where biological material was taken, there are not the same indicators. The optimal rate of leukocytes in the smear on the flora of the vagina - to 10, from the urethra to 5, and from the cervix to 30.

The coking flora in the smear speaks of vaginal dysbacteriosis. The reasons for its development are many, among which:

  • Using synthetic linen.
  • Long use of antibiotics.
  • Lack of contraception with sexual contacts.
  • Excessive dinge.
  • Wearing close clothes.
  • Early sex life.

The symptoms of the presence of kokkops include:

  • Painfulness with sexual contact.
  • Purulent discharge.
  • Pain in the field of genital organs and at the bottom of the abdomen.
  • Itching in the vagina.

The following factors can provoke the appearance of this disease:

  • Hormonal failures.
  • Lack of proper hygiene.
  • Damage to the cover of the mucous membrane in the vagina.
  • Infections.
  • Weed immunity.

In the absence of the necessary treatment, the coke is activated, spreading not only to the genitals, but also on the intestines, weakening the protective functions of the body. Also, in the future, their presence can lead to infertility and miscarriages. Therefore, in the presence of these symptoms, as well as for the purpose of prevention, you need to visit the gynecologist.

  • Flora chopstick in the smear in women indicates an increased amount of deterlene stick content. It is this component that regulates the acid balance in the body of a woman. With their big cluster, many fine sex representatives have problems with conception. After all, an acidic environment destroys spermatozoa. It is possible to identify the presence of deterlee sticks using the analysis.
  • The smear on the flora of the epithelium makes it possible to determine the flow of inflammatory processes in the female organism. In case of insufficient number of this component, the doctor may send the patient to pass additional analyzes, since this factor is one of the symptoms of the reduced level of estrogen.
  • A good smear on the flora determines the level of purity of the vagina, the number of all bacteria and factors, as well as the general state of the vagina. With all optimal indicators, treatment and additional diagnostics are not required.
  • Bad smear on the flora indicates the presence of pathogenic processes in the body. It is unambiguous to determine the factors provoked deviations from the norm is impossible, since each woman has symptoms, as well as the cause of inflammation and infections is different. In order to identify that it served as a result, the gynecologist will appoint additional analyzes, based on which, inlate individual treatment.

  • Mixed flora in a smear in women meets most often in adolescents. This is associated with the irregularity of the menstrual cycle, as well as unstable hormone production. In adults of fine sex representatives, a mixed flora indicates inflammatory processes of small pelvis organs, as well as frequent sexual contacts without the use of contraceptive means.
  • The purity of the smear on the flora depends on the general state of the genital organs of a woman. They are divided into 4 groups. The first 2 are most often found. In this case, the mucous membrane is not broken, and women do not have any pathologies. At the third degree, inflammatory processes are diagnosed, as well as the development of bacteria. The fourth degree of purity requires immediate medication treatment, as it indicates the progression of infections.
  • The mucus in the smear on the flora is the norm. However, its excessive selection may indicate the presence of inflammation.
  • Antibiotics and smears on flora are not compatible. Since drugs substantially change the alkaline balance of the body's mucousproofs, the results obtained will not display the actual data. In addition, antibiotics are struggling not only with pathogenic bacteria, but also with useful flora. Therefore, after their long-lasting reception, it is necessary to contact the gynecologist for inspection and receipt of recommendations for the restoration of the correct balance.

Masha for flora in women: Treatment

Depending on the number and manifestation of certain bacteria, the doctor selects the treatment individually. As a rule, the course covers drugs and phytotherapy, as well as homeopathic preparations aimed at strengthening immunity and increase the resistance of the body to infections.

In the occurrence of pain in the vagina area, antiseptic baths with such plants will be useful:

  • Chamomile.
  • Bark Willow.
  • Oak bark.
  • Calendula.
  • St. John's wort
  • Sage.
  • Millennitor.

Also in order to treat inflammatory diseases and prevention can prescribe preparations on a vegetable basis:

  • Econica.
  • Phytosweci with pumpkin oil.
  • Fito candles with propolis.
  • Lactagel.

Regular visit to the doctor and timely diagnosis are capable not only to get rid of pain and diseases, but also prevent their progression in the early stages.

It is also necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, abandon synthetic close linen and use contraceptive means to prevent infection and disruption of microflora balance.

Video: smear on flora: decoding analysis, leukocyte rate, smear taking rules


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