
What shows a smear on a cytology. When and how to take a smear for cytology - preparation for analysis. Deciphering smear for cytology - norms and deviations

What shows a smear on a cytology. When and how to take a smear for cytology - preparation for analysis. Deciphering smear for cytology - norms and deviations
A smear for cytology is a mandatory procedure for a woman in order to diagnose and prevent the development of cancer in time.

The human body is a very complex structure. Millions of cells are updated daily. A smear for cytology allows you to examine in detail and evaluate the condition of individual cells. Their discrepancy in structure, form or composition may indicate serious diseases, in particular oncological. In today's article, we will describe that it shows a smear on cytology, how to prepare for the procedure for cell fiction and on the basic principles of cytological research.

What shows a smear for cytology

A cytological study of the smear shows the condition of the cervix cells. At the same time, the material is examined comprehensively, first of all, the size, shape and number of cells are evaluated, and it is also very important to track the location of the cells. The data obtained allow you to diagnose background, cancer and precancerous diseases of the organs of the female reproductive system. As a rule, the laboratory examines the cytology of a smear from a cervical canal or, in other words, the cytology of the cervix.

Indications for the fence of a smear for cytology

A smear for cytology is a mandatory annual procedure, which is recommended to be performed by all women, starting from 18 years old. Such an analysis allows you to monitor the state of the reproductive system and take medicinal measures in time in case of deviations from the norm. In addition to the mandatory annual fence, women may appoint a smear in such cases:

  • when planning pregnancy;
  • with infertility;
  • if there is a violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • with genital herpes;
  • if a woman has obesity;
  • with the human papilloma virus;
  • when taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • if a woman has many sexual partners;
  • before setting up an intrauterine spiral.

Smear for cytology: how to take

You need to prepare for a smear for cytology and take it given some features of the female body.

On what day is a smear for a cytology?

It is very important to choose the right day for delivery of a smear. The analysis of the cytology is recommended to be carried out in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The best days are 13-21 days.

In addition, before a visit to the doctor follows:

  • abandon the use of vaginal drugs (candles, creams, lubricants, etc.) for 2 days before the alleged fence of cells;
  • do not have sex for 2 days before a cytological smear;
  • do not douch within 2 days before analysis;
  • before delivery, the smear does not urinate within 2.5 hours before the fence.

How much is a smear for cytology and how is the fence made?

A smear for cytology is taken during a gynecological examination. The fence is made by a special sterile disposable brush from the inner and outer surface of the cervix. This procedure is absolutely painless and takes no more than 10 seconds.

When cannot you do a smear for cytology?

Cytological analysis is a medical manipulation that is carried out strictly according to the rules. You can not make a smear for a cytology if:

  • symptoms such as itching, redness and discharge from the vagina are observed;
  • you suspect pregnancy;
  • there is an inflammation of the genitourinary system.

This is due to the fact that during the fence of the cells you can touch the walls of the vagina and inflammation, especially purulent, will move to the uterus, causing serious complications.

It is worth noting that it is also very important that the smear fence is produced correctly. The thing is that the cervix is \u200b\u200bcovered with single -layer epithelium. When the primary layer is fled, the result will be not informative. When the smear is fingered, the doctor should take cages located a little deeper.

Discharge after smear for cytology

A smear for cytology is an absolutely harmless procedure. Nevertheless, after the cells of the cells, women do not rarely complain about the appearance of bloody brown discharge. As gynecologists assure, this is normal discharge after taking a cytological analysis. Such discharge appears due to the fact that in the cervical canal where the cells come from, a row of epithelial cells and the close arrangement of the vessels that are easily injured. You should not just sound the alarm. The discharge of such a plan should only be alert if they go in abundant quantities or do not stop by the incident of 2 days after the smear. In this case, you should seek medical advice.

Cytology: Types of smear

Depending on the condition of the cells, the material is divided into 5 types of smear.

  • 1 Type smear - normal type cytology.
  • 2 Type smear - modification of cells as a result of an inflammatory process without signs of atypia.
  • 3 Type smear - cervical dysplasia. This type is due to the detection of single cells in the smear with abnormal nuclei and cytoplasm. The situation requires a more detailed examination.
  • 4 Type smear - the initial stage of cervical cancer. This type is observed if cells with an abnormal cytoplasm, modified nuclei, increased mass of nuclei and other signs of blockingivity are found in the material under study.
  • 5 Type smear - invasive cervical cancer and the isthmus of the uterus. The fifth type of smear can indicate a large number of cells with cancer signs.

MAKOV for cytology: Decryption

Of course, decoding the results of a smear on cytology is a gynecologist's business. But a woman will not interfere with a certain awareness in this matter, because you can get a doctor’s conclusion in your hands and make sure that you yourself are correctly diagnosed with the diagnosis.

Mazok for cytology - norm

If the analysis of cells from the cervical canal did not show the presence of atypical cells (changed), then we can say that the smear for the cytology is good.

An example of a good smear:

Inflammatory smear for cytology

Some changes in the cytological picture may indicate inflammation. For example, if there is such a process, then an increase in leukocytes will be found in the smear on cytology. Nevertheless, white blood cells in the smear do not give one hundred percent confidence in the inflammatory process. All because in the female vagina there is a change in the hormonal background and microflora constantly. For example, before menstruation in women, there is always an increase in leukocytes (the norm is up to 30 cells in the field of view). If there are no morphological changes in the detected Lyphocyte cells (the cells are not damaged, the nuclei are preserved, the signs of phagocytosis are absent), then, most likely, everything is normal and the body functions without failures.

If your doctor nevertheless alerted a smear, then you will be recommended to pass a few more tests to detect the cause of the inflammatory process. It can be called:

  • dysplasia;
  • trichomonas;
  • virus;
  • fungi;
  • chlamydia.

After clarifying the reason, you will be prescribed appropriate treatment.

Bad smear for cytology

The “bad” smear on cytology is a smear in which abnormal cells are found. Depending on the condition of the cells, such a smear is assigned 3, 4 or 5 type of smear or dysplasia 1, 2 and 3 degrees, respectively.

If dysplasia of the 1st degree is detected, it is recommended to pass a repeated smear to a woman. If the second smear speaks of signs of dysplasia, then the patient is offered supportive therapy and constant medical control with the surrender of strokes for cytology every half a year.

In the presence of dysplasia 2 or 3 degrees, additional studies are necessarily performed for a more accurate diagnosis. Such studies include:

  • biopsy;
  • colposcopy;
  • conzization.

If dysplasia is confirmed, then the patient is immediately sent for treatment for oncogynecologist.

Atrophic type of smear on cytology

Medical practice distinguishes another type of smear on cytology - atrophic. Atrophy is almost complete destruction of cells. In this case, cells are reduced in volume and their functioning is disturbed. The larger the cell atrophy, the greater the core. As a rule, with severe atrophy, the core occupies almost the entire cytoplasm.

Atrophy occurs when the cells lack estrogen for normal ripening. It is the estrogen that is responsible for the blood supply to the vaginal epithelium, the formation of lactic acid and the support of the acidic environment. With a hormonal failure, when the acidic medium decreases, the growth of pre -Service cells is inhibited, which protect the reproductive organs from the appearance of infections. As a result of this, the vagina becomes less protected and open to get infections and the development of complications.

It is worth noting that the atrophic type of smear can often occur in women of mature age, especially during menopause. Such a picture is quite normal. If the atrophic type of smear is found in a young girl, there are serious disorders of the reproductive system that need to be treated with a drug.

Small liquid cytology. Video



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