
What shows the MRI of the abdominal cavity. How to prepare for MRI abdominal cavity. How do MRI abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, which organs are investigated

What shows the MRI of the abdominal cavity. How to prepare for MRI abdominal cavity. How do MRI abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, which organs are investigated
The MRI of the abdominal bodies is a real opportunity to find out what state the bodies are currently being diagnosed correctly in order not to lose precious time. This method is highly informative and safe for people of any age.

Currently, specialists in the field of medicine have a mass of methods with which you can put an accurate diagnosis. One of them is MRI or magnetic resonance therapy. Compared to an x-ray, this method allows you to visualize organs in several planes and get clear pictures immediately. MRI of the abdominal organs allows you to conduct a survey in order to obtain accurate results.

An examination is carried out on a special apparatus, which allows you to obtain contrast and clear sections of organs (including the abdominal cavity) and facilitate diagnosis without harm to humans. If you compare with the old method - x-ray, then this species allows you to diagnose as much as possible.

MRI of the abdominal cavity - about the method

MRI allows you to learn more information about the organs compared to other methods: x-ray, ultrasound and laboratory indicators. When deciphering the MRI of the abdominal cavity, specialists take into account the results of previous surveys.

The price of an MRI abdominal cavity is about 4-8 thousand rubles for a study of one or several organs. For example, the cost of MRI abdominal cavity with a contrast costs from 4 to 7-7.5 thousand rubles.

Indications or who needs to do an MRI abdominal cavity?

If we consider the standard method, that is, MRI without contrasting is completely safe for humans. Even if the patient needs urgent diagnostics during exacerbation, MRI is safe. The magnetic field does not cause complications and does not have side effects, which cannot be said about X-ray. That is why MRI is allowed to make people any age, as well as children, especially if you need to put an accurate diagnosis.

Who recommended a survey? If a person has diagnosed diseases of the abdominal organs, treatment has been carried out or need operational intervention - the survey allows the most diagnosis as much as possible.

In the event that the abdominal pain is bolted, and standard research methods do not show the causes (ultrasound and x-rays), and the MRI is also recommended.


  • pancreatitis;
  • jaundice;
  • if in the abdominal cavity there is a cluster of fluid;
  • with pathological changes in the internal organs. For example, necrosis, fibrosis, cirrhosis and liver dystrophy;
  • if the liver and spleen increased in size;
  • in case of damage to the internal organs;
  • anomaly of the development of abdominal organs;
  • tompetions on internal organs: cysts, lipoms, adenoma; Oncological neoplasms of primary character and metastatic.

What bodies are checked with an MRI abdominal cavity

Systems and abdominal organs:

  • pancreas;
  • liver and ducts with a bubble bubble;
  • spleen;
  • thin and fat intestines;
  • stomach;
  • lymph nodes and vessels, as well as soft tissues of the walls of the abdomen and abdominal cavity.

Packshit organs:

  • paranefral tissue;
  • adrenal glands;
  • kidney.

MRI abdominal cavity: what comes in:

  1. The study of biliary tract and bubble allows: to assess the state of these organs, ducts, diagnose the presence of stones, detect the neoplasm.
  2. Survey of urinary tract and kidney in order to identify tumors, causes of Anururia and hematuria, in order to identify stones in the kidneys, their number, location and size, diagnosis of inflammatory processes (for example, pyelonephritis), renal colic, the condition of the internal organs during injury.
  3. Study of the pancreas, spleen and liver in order to identify foci of inflammation, cyst, tumors (kind and malignant), metastasis, examination of metabolic processes in organs, diagnostics of organs during damage and injury.
  4. Stomach: diagnosis of lymph nodes and neoplasms, organ for the purpose of formulation of an accurate diagnosis (for example, malignant education and their degree).
  5. Vessels: In order to identify the anomalies of development and structure, deviations.
  6. Lymph system: in order to detect inflammatory processes, metastasis (localization, dimensions), diagnostics.

Magnetic resonance therapy is a modern type of examination of the abdominal organs in order to form an accurate diagnosis. For example, after receiving the results of ultrasound, X-ray and laboratory tests, the doctor doubts the size of the neoplasms, the focus of inflammatory or anomalies of the structure of organs. To this end, MRI is assigned to make a diagnosis as accurately as possible and, for example, to understand what nature of the neoplasm (malignant, benign). Now you know which abdominal organs can be examined with MRI.

Is there any contraindications to the MRI of the abdominal cavity?

Despite the fact that MRI is a relatively safe view of the survey, but there are limitations. The procedure is not carried out if there are metal elements in the human body: pacemakers, insulin pumps, vascular clips, hearing aids with metal elements, prostheses, pins, etc., that is, everything that can attract a magnet.

If the patient did not notify the doctor about the presence of metal items in his body, it can negatively affect the work of tomograph. Under the influence of an electromagnetic wave, the devices are heated and can break.

These were absolute contraindications, but there are relative, which is also undesirable to hide, it is:

  • fear of a closed space;
  • anxiety, panic attacks;
  • convulsive seizures (epilepsy);
  • hemodialysis;
  • strong pains in which a person cannot lie immobile for a long time in the same position.

In addition, it is worth considering that:

  • if it is necessary to conduct a study with the use of contrast liquid, then MRI cannot be carried out during breastfeeding and during pregnancy;
  • patient weight more than 130 kg - in this case, conduct research or not, solves the attending physician;
  • kidney diseases (using contrasting fluid);
  • individual intolerance - in case a contrast agent is injected.

All restrictions the doctor must notify the patient before the study. If a person is afraid of a closed space, it is afraid of monotonous sounds and noise, you must inform your attending physician.

Preparation for MRI abdominal cavity

The study of the MRI of the abdominal cavity is a simple procedure that does not harm the patient's health. But to get the most accurate results, it is necessary to carefully prepare.

Rules for preparation for MRI:

  • put on comfortable clothes that will not interfere, put pressure and smell movement. There should be no metal elements in this dress, that is, you can not wear a sweater on a snake, clothing with metal inserts, etc.;
  • 24 hours before the appointed date of the examination, it is impossible to drink carbonated water and drinks. It is impossible: tea and coffee, fruits and vegetables, black bread and all other products that can cause gas formation;
  • if the liver, pancreas and spleen are investigated, carbohydrates are excluded;
  • general rules of preparation: the last meal is 8 hours before the survey;
  • drink any liquid, including purified water - you can last drink 5 hours before the survey;
  • if the diet is observed, but the patient has increased gas formation, with the aim of preventing the attending physician may prescribe special preparations: activated carbon or espeamizan.
  • 30 minutes before the survey, an antispasmodic must be taken.

If the case is extra, the patient is allowed to undergo a survey without preparation, but there is no guarantee that the survey results can be as accurate as possible.

How is the MRI abdominal cavity

MRI is not a quick survey method, it is necessary to lie, without moving for half an hour or even more, it all depends on which area is examined.

The doctor during the survey may offer to wear headphones and give a sensor with a button to communicate. During the survey, the doctor will say when you need to delay your breath. Respiratory delay is 20 seconds.

The patient can offer to fix the limbs in order not to control their body during the examination. If necessary, a contrasting agent for survey accuracy is intravenously.

The patient should be ready for the fact that for half an hour it will be in a closed capsule, but inside there is lighting and ventilation, and will also be able to communicate with doctors.

What shows MRI abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space

Magnetic resonance therapy allows you to identify deviations in the work of the abdominal organs, if there are suspicions on tumors and metastases, in order to exclude and identify severe diseases of the liver and pancreas, with any injuries (long and fresh), if there are suspicions of the anomaly of the development of internal organs and suspicion of bleeding. MRI is also appointed before planned operational intervention, if standard surveys were not enough.

During the examination of the progenitarian space, it is possible to identify deviations in the work of the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureterals in order to clarify the diagnosis, identifying neoplasms (cysts, tumors, metastases), developmental abnormalities, control the treatment of cancer.

What is better than CT or MRI abdominal cavity

CT or computed tomography, this is a study of the body using radigencies. But this is not an ordinary x-ray when the rays go through the patient's body, focusing on the film, this is a modern method of examination that allows you to get a surround image.

In short, the study is carried out as follows: the patient falls on the couch on which the X-ray source of the ring-shaped circuit is installed. As a result of the activation of the device, pictures are taken from different angles and points, which are then processed on the computer and the simulated image of the body under study is obtained.

MRI Examination - the principle is the same, only the image of the organ is three-dimensional. To say exactly what survey is better, it is impossible, because each method has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Differences and ways of methods:

  1. Computer tomography allows you to identify damage to the teeth, bones, joints, diagnose injuries and diseases of the spine (hernia, scoliosis, etc.), identify deviations in the brain, examine the chest organs in order to clarify the delivery of the diagnosis, examine the thyroid gland, vessels, organs Greeting system. It can be said that CT is a universal diagnostic method, but to put the most accurate diagnosis, the survey is carried out using a contrasting agent.
  2. Magnetic resonance therapy is more suitable for the study of vessels, joints and soft tissues, abdominal organs.

In short, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the testimony and contraindications of both methods:

  • on computed tomography, they are sent for fractures and complex injuries, in order to identify bleeding internal organs, for surveying the work of the stomach and lungs;
  • on MRI, if you need to diagnose inflammatory processes, tumor education, diagnose the state of the nervous system.

The MRI contraindications were mentioned above, and this method is prohibited in such cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • if the kidney is incorrect operation;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • if a person weighs 150 kg and more;
  • if the patient has uncontrollable condition or it is excited.

The CT examination lasts no more than 15 minutes, and MRI is a maximum of 40. If the examination is necessary for a child, then with CT parents may be near. When MRI in the capsule is only one person. Inside the chamber, the patient can be scared with clicks and noise, which makes the device, so the doctor proposes to wear headphones and shows a communication button with a specialist.

About security: CT is carried out using a contrast liquid, and this is the minimum radiation dose.

Ultrasound or MRI abdominal cavity, which is better

Ultrasound examination is the most common type of abdominal organs surveys. By time it takes no more than a quarter of an hour, in some cases requires special training. Ultrasound allows you to identify violations in the work of the internal organs, reveal the neoplasms and see internal bleeding.

Assign an ultrasound for:

  • gynecological and obstetric surveys;
  • in order to inspect the state of the internal organs: kidneys, stomach, liver, thyroid gland, etc.

Considering the question of which survey is better, it is worth understanding that the ultrasound is a quick way, and MRI - when it is necessary to carry out a more extensive examination in order to clarify the diagnosis.

If there is a choice to do MRI or ultrasound, keep in mind that in the second case, the responsibility fully falls on a specialist and even the most qualified worker may allow an error and put an inaccurate diagnosis. When MRI, the results are processed on a computer, errors and inaccuracies are excluded.


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