
What is a pediculosis, as it looks like - photo. Causes, symptoms, detection of pediculosis. Treatment of pediculosis in adults and children - effective means, drugs. Pediculza prevention measures

What is a pediculosis, as it looks like - photo. Causes, symptoms, detection of pediculosis. Treatment of pediculosis in adults and children - effective means, drugs. Pediculza prevention measures
In this article we will find out what pediculosis is, what are the means of treating pediculosis in children and adults. Pediculose prevention measures.

Probably, each of us knows who are such lice and what disease they provoke. However, not many know that in order to "pick up" these "guests" at all, it is not necessary to ignore personal hygiene and lead an asocial "dirty" lifestyle, just one conscious or unconscious contact with a sick person.

Today we suggest you understand the symptoms, the causes and types of pediculosis, as well as analyze the most effective ways of getting rid of it.

Pediculosis: species, signs and symptoms of illness

Most often, this ailment we meet under such a popular name "stitching". In medicine, this disease is called "Pediculse", because from the Latin language this word is translated as "loss". Pediculosis is a skin disease and hair that is provoked by parasites - lshami.

  • The Vershi is extremely small insects that parasitate on the human body and feed it with blood. It is important to say that the process of reproduction in these parasites occurs very quickly - it is precisely with this that the pediculosis is very difficult to cure.
  • This disease is pediculosis, it is known to humanity. It is important to say that according to statistics annually, the disease is striking a huge amount of population, among which most neat and tidy people. Therefore, we will immediately dispel the myth that pediculosis is the disease of the lower segments of the population, which absolutely do not follow themselves and their hygiene.

Regarding the species of the disease, you must say that they are 3:

  1. Head pediculosis.
  2. Harding pediculosis.
  3. Lobonic pediculosis.

Now let's consider the features of each of them:

  • Name of the first type of pediculosis - head It happened from the fact that the ailment is provoked by the head parasites that are striking nothing like the skin of the head and hair on it. Most often, the head lice can be seen on the back of the head, as this place on the head is the best place for them for life and reproduction. If we talk about the size of this parasite, it is approximately 3 mm. "Drink" lice every 2 days, but breeding daily. Approximately 7-10 GDIDs, so called the eggs of this parasite, postponed on the hair every day. Head pediculosis is much more common than other types of disease.
  • Harding Pediculose. Provokes the disease by wrapping, which in size is somewhat larger than the head and have a different color. Moreover, this type of lice dwells in completely other places on the human body. Most of all the parasites like the folds of things, underwear and collars. However, it is important to say that the parasite on the human body is still moved, because they feed the same as the rest - the blood of a person. Since most often the wrench sedents are settled on the collars of clothing, underwear, they bite a man behind the neck, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe loin and buttocks. It is found quite rarely found, mainly in people who do not comply with the purity of things and hygiene.
  • Lobonic pediculosis. The habitat of the data of the lice is understandable by the name of parasites. Most often, such lice parasitize in the field of genital organs, pubis, rear passage. It is less likely to meet them under the mouses, in the hair cloth and chest. The damkers are also called the pubic lice, they differ significantly from their "birth", as they grow the size of only 1-2 mm. A distinctive feature of the blisters is that they do not know how to move through the human body, they simply cling to the hairs and so live. It is important to note the fact that the pubic sewing today is very rare. This happens because we live in this species only in the hair, and with today's fashion trend, intimate zones are accepted.

Now, when we learned what pediculose was and figured out in his kinds, it would be appropriate to talk about how this disease shows itself. The main symptoms of pediculosis is considered:

  • Itching and scabies. As a rule, patients talk about incredibly strong itch, which, by the way, appears due to saliva parasites. It is absolutely with any form of stuffing, differ, according to the localization of itching. With lice in the head, itching the sebum of the head, the ears, the place behind them, neck, the occipital, temporal area. Hardened pediculosis can cause a desire to scratch the whole body. A characteristic feature of the pubic pediculosis is that it is not only the genitals and zones near them, but also eyelids.
  • Various rashes. When the head pediculosis, the appearance of red spots along the hair growth zone is noted. If a person has a wrench, it will disturb him with a rash throughout the body, often in these places the skin changes the color to the shiny. But with the "sex" pediculosis, you can see in the places of bites of the specks of blue.
  • Wounds from damage to bites. No matter how hard the person tries to restrain his hands, however, with a strong itching, they, anyway, still stretch to the patient. Due to permanent combing, painful wounds are formed in the bite places.
  • Of course, the presence of eggs in the hairpots. If in the hair of the head you saw tiny oval beads, then it is nothing more than the crides of the lice, but this means that you are 100% sick with head pediculosis. The same applies to the wrapping pediculosis.
  • If a person launched himself and his health and did not begin to treat pediculosis on time, then with the head of stuffing, you can find on my head in the patient's swirling hair and feel the characteristic smell of the crown.

Armed with this information, it is possible to easily identify pediculose practically at any stage of its development, so we recommend that we carefully treat the above symptoms, especially the skin and redness of the skin.

With the symptoms of illness, everything is clear, but it is important for the information on the incubation period of pediculosis:

  • Pediculosis can be attributed to such types of diseases that, in principle, do not have an incubation period, because as soon as the bloodstroke gets to you and your skin, he immediately embarks "to food".
  • If we consider the incubation period from the point of view of how soon you obviously experience parasites, then it can happen approximately 2-4 weeks after infection.

If we talk about the incubation period of illness, as about the period for which the birth and development of the lice occurs, then the following can be noted:

  • Gyde, then what actually turns out, is developing about 7 days.
  • Then the future lich about a day will develop at the stage of the larvae.
  • After it turns into a nymph (1st age) and continues to develop about 4 days.
  • Then the nymph of the 2nd age appears.
  • A week later, an adult, capable of reproduction, appears.

Pediculosis: Causes

Oddly enough, but there are not so many reasons for this ailment. It is important to understand that the lice does not know how to fly, nor jump, therefore, the human body can only get to the most primitive way - the overwriting. As you probably understood, pediculosis can be both children and an adult. The causes of the illness in children and adults will be the same, but the paths of infection can differ slightly.

So, the main causes of the disease are:

  • Contact a healthy person with a sick person (heads, wraits).
  • The use of other people's households and personal hygiene, if they used an infected person (head, wraits).
  • Due to sexual contact with sick lice (bodes).
  • Wearing someone else's clothing, a dream on someone else's bedding (all types of lice).
  • Adults are most often infected with lies in public transport, in the markets, in stores, sometimes at work.
  • Children are much more often brought by lice from kindergarten, schools, various camps and playgrounds, where kids directly contact with each other.
  • Often infection with pediculosis occurs inside one family. In this case, someone "picks up" lice from the external environment brings home and "gives" the rest of the residents of the house.

Remember, infected with pediculose from home and any other animals is impossible, since the human lice live only on a person and cannot choose anyone other than us.

Pediculosis: Treatment at home

Before proceeding with the treatment of the disease independently or with the help of the doctor's recommendations, it is necessary to identify it. The algorithm for identifying pediculosis is as follows:

  • Provide a good bright lighting or inspect your head in the afternoon in front of the window, as it's simply unreal without it without it.
  • Take a piece of any fabric neutrally color and stack it. During the combing of curls, the parasites are often falling with them.
  • Consider hair, scalp and other parts of the body only in gloves.
  • If there is a magnifying glass in the house, it can also be used, because with its help you see much easier.
  • Initially, you need to inspect those zones and areas of the body, where Versh love to parasitize most of all: the head, neck, the area behind the ears, the hair cover on the stomach, chest, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin.
  • Qualitatively combing separated lines of curls, disinfection with alcohol.
  • In the course of inspection and combing hair, you can detect lice or shorts.
  • Also, when skin inspection, you can see the calcined, purulent wounds - parasitic bite places.

When all similar manipulations were spent, and the lice still detected, the first one thinks about the person is: "What to do next, how to act?". And the actions during pediculose are very simple, the main thing is not to wait, but to begin treatment by this second.

So, the medicine from pediculosis can be in the form:

  • Shampoos, which is most often found.
  • Gel.
  • Spray.
  • Ointment.
  • Different solutions.
  • Powders.

There are similar medicines due to the presence of various toxic substances in their composition, which are detrimental on the lice.

These funds are usually located in a free sale in any pharmacy, so their purchase will not make any difficulty for you. However, it is important to know that such drugs cannot be used to women who have a baby, women, nursing and children, as well as people with an increased reaction to some components of the means and people suffering from allergies, asthma.

To treat pediculosis, you can use such funds:

  • Nix - is a homogeneous cream with a characteristic odor, it is possible to use it for the treatment of pediculosis both children and adults. In use, the drug is very simple. You need to rinse the curls with ordinary shampoo, clean it pretty and dry your hair with a towel, then on curls standing with massage movements. Pretty wash your hair with simple warm water and dry them. Check the curls of the comb, in order to eliminate dead parasites and their eggs. A week later, inspect the curls for the presence of parasites, in case of detection, swipe the procedure.
  • Reed - Shampoo from Pediculza, use it is extremely careful, so that he does not get into the eyes, mouth and nose. It is impossible to apply the drug to women in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as people with severe allergic reactions.
  • Permeter ointment - apply the means extremely an external way. The drug must be applied to the affected areas of the skin, and a day later, they need to be flown well with warm water and soap, in the case of children - after 12 hours. You can not use this ointment for children to 3 years old, women in position and nursing mothers.
  • Nittify - Cream with air conditioning or a solution for outdoor use, which is actively struggling not only with pediculosis, but also fleas, ticks. The cream is used by applying it to clean and dry curls about 10 minutes, then the drug is washed off, the curls are dried and combed. The solution is used by applying it to curls and leaving until complete drying. As soon as the solution is driving, it must be washed and rinse the curls with ordinary shampoo, dry them and compose. It is impossible to use nittifor to nursing mothers, people who have severely damaged skin cover on the head, children under 2-3 years old.
  • Hedring Comfort is another tool that can fight pediculosis. The drug is applied on dry curls and leave for 7-8 hours. After the curls are thoroughly washed with ordinary shampoo and water. It is impossible to use the drug for children up to 6 months and people with severe allergies. Regarding the use of the funds during pregnancy and breastfeeding - allows the use of only a specialist.
  • Also as a means of pediculosis, you can use drugs: phenothrin, pairs, nude, medifox, couple plus, lauries.

If you have not found a suitable drug from pediculosis, and you don't want to seek for consultation to a doctor for some reason or cannot, take advantage of the pharmacist in the pharmacy. Explaining its situation, you will get a little consultation and recommendations for further your actions, also pharmacist will pick you up the necessary drug.

Pediculosis: Treatment by folk remedies

In addition to the fact that with this ailment can be struggling with the help of chemicals and medicines, you can also resort to folk remedies.

To begin with, we will tell you about very radical and in our opinion there are completely unjustified methods of combating lies. This information is needed not so much in order to use the described methods, as in order to understand their danger and possible consequences.

  • Pure alcohol. Well, of course, that, no matter how alcohol can defeat almost any disease. This is how most of the elderly people think. This method is considered appropriate to remove parasites not only by adults, but also to children. It is recommended to rub alcohol into the skin of the head and hair, and after, putting a cellophane package on the head, wait for about an hour until all the lice die. They themselves, the alcohol is perfectly disinfected by the wounds, but it is not capable of bringing the lice of "alone". But getting a burn using such a "grandmother" method, it is easily.
  • Vinegar. Another similar and dangerous method of fighting pediculosis. Connoisseurs are recommended to make a solution of several spoons of vinegar and a glass of water, and after the resulting fluid to handle curls and scalp. It is believed that such a remedy facilitates the disappearance of the GDID. Again, the method is very dubious, but the chance that you burn the skin of the head, oh how large.
  • Dichlofos. This is perhaps the top of someone's patient fantasy and the complete lack of understanding the danger of this fund. This method, even as familiarization, we will not be considered, because the consequences of its use are dangerous to human life and human health.

Well, now let's talk about more gentle and more real ways to combat lice. The most effective in the fight against pediculosis are such ways and means:

  • Cranberry juice. According to folk connoisseurs, the use of cranberry juice as a liquid to improve the combing of parasites is very effective. To do this, take cranberry juice and rub it into the scalp and curls for 1 time for 5-8 days.
  • The decoction of herbs - mint, buggy. It is important to say that a richness is so also called Bagun - this is a very dangerous plant, because it contains poisonous substances. That is why it is necessary to apply such decoctions extremely gently and better after consulting a doctor.
  • Using tricks Chemeritsa. Such a means must be used extremely gently, exclusively as an outdoor. Use tincture can not be pregnant and nursing girls, with special care you need to apply it to children. On the eggs of the hostech does not work.
  • Use of a heated soap.
  • Use garlic and bow masks.
  • Application as auxiliary means of essential oils.

It is important to understand that absolutely all folk remedies are much less effective than medical preparations. Moreover, no one gives you a guarantee that "Babushkino" means will help you or at least harm.

The use of such methods is appropriate as auxiliary treatment. That is, you must use the pharmacy agent and some popular recipe, however, even in this case, it is necessary to consult a competent doctor-dermatologist.

Pediculosis: Prevention

It will not be secret for anyone that it is always easier to prevent the disease than him to treat. That is why we consider it appropriate to tell about the prevention of pediculosis prevention.

So, in order to minimize the chance of infection with lshams, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The first thing you need to remember is personal hygiene. Remember, personal hygiene is a guarantee of health. Despite the fact that we have learned from childhood to washing the hands, hair, the whole body and in particular intimate zones, many people for some reason ignore these rules.
  • Never share headlife with other people. Do not wear other people's caps, scarves, dressings and do not wear your own. Also eliminate the exchange of hairpins, rubber bands, bows, hoops, towels and leisurely combs.
  • Every day, taking a shower, change underwear.
  • Every week after the bath make a complete bed shift.
  • Daily comb your curls every day, while trying to pay attention to them, because very often lice and the GDID can be seen with the naked eye. Be even more vigilant after traveling in public transport, trains, airplanes. Watch out your head and hair in children.
  • Watch your child's hygiene. Wash your head and take the bath, it should not less than 2 times a week. It is advisable to take the shower every day, and the hygiene of the genital organs must be carried out daily.

  • Keep your things if possible out at home. Hold packages or bags.
  • As preventive measures to combat pediculosis, it is recommended to periodically process its belongings with natural equipment - essential oils.
  • Avoid trips in transport with loose hair.
  • For hygiene of the head and hairpots on it, use special means - therapeutic shampoos, sprays, masks, balms.
  • If someone picked up in the family, exclude temporarily all contacts with this person.
  • Have you felt the symptoms of pediculosis? Contact a specialist immediately. In this case, a dermatologist will help you.
  • In addition to personal hygiene, do not forget about "hygiene" in the house. Cleaning, cleaning carpets, beds, no extra sofas will definitely.

Pediculza is quite unpleasant and difficult to delete the disease, because Vershi, very adapted to life in the hairpots. At the very first symptoms of this ailment, you need to immediately contact a specialist, especially if we are talking about a small child.

Catch off all doubts, a possible shame and embarrassment and go to the reception. After a complete examination, the doctor will select you an effective, and most importantly safe drug with which you get rid of parasites into the shortest time.

Video: Pediculosis: Treatment and Prevention


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