
Child disease in children - causes, symptoms, signs. First aid with false croup in children. Treatment of cereals in children

Child disease in children - causes, symptoms, signs. First aid with false croup in children. Treatment of cereals in children
Children in children are a serious illness that cannot be left without attention. Signs of cereals in children, causes and peculiarities of treatment. How to give first aid to the baby with a false cruel.

The croup is a dangerous disease arising from the complication of ARVI and ARS, due to the fact that the children's body is not yet urgent and by virtue of physiological, as well as anatomical features, small children are most susceptible to this fear.

What does this disease represent? The croup is the pathology of the respiratory system, manifests itself in the dark, when the child is usually sleeping tightly. The main symptoms of this disease: whistle on inhale or piercing, noisy breathing.

Children in children: reasons

The croup is a sharp, whistling and rough sound, published from the larynx on the breath. In pediatrics, this disease is called "stenosing laryngitis", the larynx is inflamed and its walls are narrowed, causing difficulties when inhaled. In fact, this is a very dangerous disease that causes a threat to suffocation.

Signs of cereals in children:

  • difficult, noisy breath;
  • hoarseness;
  • whistling sounds;
  • sharp, barking cough.

Symptoms of cereals in children:

  • cough at night, accompanied by whistle sounds;
  • on the breath of cough and breathing more like a cock kernel, and in exhale - a dog bark;
  • the baby's face blushes during cough and inhaling;
  • the child is able to breathe, but it is very difficult for him;
  • under the criterion there is no temperature, but it can increase to 39 and higher degrees, which means the infection of the respiratory tract, in which urgent help and hospitalization is necessary;
  • adults need to pay attention to the lips of the child - they should not shine. If the skin is pale, and the lips shine, it means that the child does not have enough oxygen and this is a very dangerous state requiring immediate hospitalization.

The croup disease in children arises under the age of 4, while the body is not yet ugly, at an older age, this disease appears extremely rarely.

With the above symptoms, parents are very frightened because they do not know how to help the child. There is an opinion that the croup is not a dangerous disease that does not require treatment. But this is not the case, because you need to figure out for reason.

Causes of the disease:

  • largest spasm due to swelling of the mucous membrane and trachea during respiratory and viral diseases;
  • spasm can be caused by an allergic reaction;
  • in diphtheria;
  • if the body lacks calcium;
  • with inflammation of the cartilage covering the hole in the larynx during swallowing due to infection (viral or bacterial). If this is an infection, the body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees and above, the child hurts to swallow, he refuses to eat and drink, he even hurts him, he can abandon day and night sleep;
  • when inhaling a foreign body with a nose (sea shell, small pebbles, nut shell and any other minor items) that can cause spasp of respiratory tract.

Varieties of cereals in children

In pediatrics, 2 types of disease are distinguished:

  • the croup is true, it can only develop due to a dangerous disease - diphtheria, when the larynx is inflamed and films that scoring the respiratory tract of the child appear on the mucous membrane. Because of this, you may suffocate and in fact it is a very dangerous state. Recently, it is rarely diagnosed, because almost 98% of children are vaccinated from diphtheria;
  • false croup in children or viral croup in children caused due to complication of the respiratory system of infectious-inflammatory character. Such a croup is caused by swelling of the voice folds and the walls of the larynx, it is often found and therefore requires more attention and knowledge to help the child feel better.

Childhood syndrome in children will be able to recognize every adult by such signs:

  1. Cough resembling dog barking.
  2. The voice becomes a sip or disappears at all.
  3. Difficult breathing, child is very hard enough.

But in pediatrics there is another concept as a false croup and classic laryngitis, the symptoms are similar, because with Laryngitis there is also a noisy cough and a surrender voice, but never happened in this disease. But this does not mean that parents can relax, both diseases are dangerous for the child and very often laryngitis can flow into cereals.

The characteristic behavior of the child and the main symptoms at such a situation: on the first day of the disease, the baby may be capricious due to the fact that the inflammatory process begins in the larynx. On the second day, the child may fall in breath due to the fact that a lot of mucus accumulated or because of the larynx spasm due to fear that the child is difficult to breathe and hurt.

Treatment of cereals in children at home

Cook cough in children is always dangerous and parents are concerned about the child's state, often do not know how to behave than to help the child.

Help with the cereal in children:

  1. If you first encounter such a state of the baby and do not know how to behave, how to help the child, in the case of an acute attack at night, you need to cause urgent help as soon as possible.
  2. What to do with the critic of the child before the arrival of specialists: Check the baby's breath, can he swallow and measure the body temperature.
  3. No need to panic, because the frightened parents scares their behavior even more child. Baby need to calm down, take on the handles.
  4. You can use the humidifier or quickly turn on hot water in the bathroom and stay with a child for several minutes in the bathroom filled with warm steam.
  5. If you see that the child does not get easier, you need to wear a baby in warm clothes, open the window and enable the child to breathe cold air, sometimes this method helps the child to feel relieved.
  6. It also happens that parents in panic cause emergency assistance, dress up and expect the arrival of specialists in the street, if it happened in the cold season, the baby becomes easier and often at the arrival of the urgent, the help of the child is no longer needed.

It was the first help with a false croup in a child. Each parent must understand that at night the symptoms of the disease are exacerbated, and during the daytime dull and the child becomes easier. If the croup was at night, he can repeat the next night, and within the next few nights. Therefore, you should be prepared to quickly help your child, hug it, comfort, say affectionate words, use cold air or warm steam.

If an alarming symptoms appeared, it is necessary to urgently deliver the child to the hospital.

The alarming symptoms include:

  • increase body temperature up to 39 degrees and above;
  • complete exhaustion and weakness;
  • pale leather and sobbing;
  • the child refuses to go to bed;
  • he hurts to swallow, drink water and eat;
  • if cold / warm steam does not give relief and symptoms are present.

False croup in children. Parents on a note

Each parent should know that the attack of a child in a child is serious and need to take action immediately, as well as know how to behave later:

  • it is easier for the child to breathe frosty, cold air, so dressed baby and open all windows;
  • the microclimate in the room where the child is playing and sleeps, should be no higher than +18 degrees, and air humidity is not lower than 55%;
  • abundant drink will help the speedy recovery, because the greater the baby drinks, the faster the mucus and blood will be mastered, and therefore the mucus will be faster and not gathering bunches faster;
  • temperature 38 and higher, give the baby antipyretic: ibuprofen or paracetamol;
  • voice ligaments are inflamed, so the baby needs to give voice peace, make sure that the kid shouted as little as possible and cried;
  • a huge mistake of all parents: to give an expectorant drugs as soon as he heard the barking, loud cough. This can not be done in any case, because the drugs strengthen the debit of sputum and can lead to suffocation, as the larynx is inflamed and narrowed, and there is a lot of mucus and it will just be blocked;
  • steam inhalations in the cereal in children are taboo, because inhalations are diluted with sputum, like expectorant drugs. If you breathe above the hot steam, dried crusts will scatter, the mucus will become more - and this is the risk of clogging of the larynx.

Treatment of cereals in children or what a doctor can help

For diagnosis of specialists, there is little time, therefore this disease is recognized on a clinical picture and symptoms: this is a runny nose, cough, temperature rise, weakness, heavy breathing. The doctor on inspection will listen to the child's lungs. If there is a suspicion of the virus origin of the cereal, assign a smear on the bakposev from the mouth. If the doctor suspects that the child does not have enough oxygen, the blood test will be assigned to the Kos, and to see, in what place the lads narrowed, to avoid heavy complications, the child will be sent to X-ray.

What can the doctor do:

  1. If there is a marine cough and difficult breath caused by a crop, but these symptoms are moderate, enough observation.
  2. If this infection caused by bacteria prescribe antibiotics.
  3. In the hospital conditions, a child prescribed a special treatment aimed at removing the swelling of the larynx. The child with the criterion can assign prednisolone or dexamethasone to children with a criterion (medium-easiest degree, dosage by 0.6 mg per 1 kg of weight).
  4. If a doctor called to the house, after evaluating the condition of the child, the pediatrician can prescribe a bulvikort with a false cereal in children in order to reduce edema. For the convenience of applying the drug and to achieve the maximum effect, the drug is introduced in the inhalation method, a home nebulizer is used.
  5. In parallel, antispasmodics are prescribed, for example, barallgyne, atrownt. Additionally, you can make inhalations in the criterion in children with ambroxol at home to get rid of sputum, but only after inspection of the pediatrician.
  6. In difficult cases, hospitalization is required - the patient can be placed in the oxygen chamber, it will be under the control of specialists. Parents are allowed to be nearby.
  7. In particularly severe cases, when the lips and lack of oxygen, when a child cannot inhale air, in the larynx or through the cut in the throat the tube is introduced. The child is placed in the intensive care unit.

Preventive events from false cereals in children

Children in children - the opinion of the pediatrician Evgenia Komarovsky: " The croup is impossible to prevent, there are no such drugs that can stop it. Therefore, you need to tune in positively and do not forget about the preventive measures: it is wet and cool air in the room where the baby is playing and sleeping, walks out the fresh air at least 1-2 hours a day. Child need to wear for the season and prevent overheating during walks».

If your child has already a croup and you are familiar with this disease, you know what measures to take at home is possible that the disease may repeat. If today at night was the first attack, next night, put the air humidifier near the bed, only in the morning it needs to be cleaned and change the filter (or rinse).

What are the prevention measures:

  1. The disease often arises against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, and this disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, the first prevention measure is hardening procedures, proper nutrition and active lifestyle.
  2. If you failed to protect yourself, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician: to air the room, make sure that the child breathe cool, wet and clean air, give him a lot of drink, do not ignore the recommendation to wash the nose.
  3. What can not be done with a cold: rub, put compresses and mustard plates, give allergic products (citrus and honey), because allergens and warming procedures can cause spasm of respiratory tract.

If your child has already been croup, consult with your pediatrician, let him tell me how to behave in case of an attack and what medicines can be given in an emergency (they should be in a home first-aid kit). Be healthy!


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