
Use of hair serum

Use of hair serum
The use of hair serum. Treatment of damaged hair. Human hair serum recipes.

As the people say, “a braid is a girlish beauty”, so the hair requires careful care. It is necessary to take vitamins, especially in the spring, in the summer not to expose the head of excessive exposure to the sun, not to neglect the restoration procedures. Shampoo is the minimum that is required for care. They are divided into several types depending on the structure of the hair. The next step is the capolausor balm. Only after that you can safely begin to search for additional special equipment (mask, restoring oil, etc.). One of them is hair serum.

What is hair serum

The serum combines the properties of mousse, masks and balm. It is considered one of the most effective express means, gives an instant and long effect, and also perfectly protects, nourishes and restores hair. The components of serums are different, depending on the desired final result, but the main components are vitamins, proteins, vegetable oils and trace elements.

Actively acting substances in the composition are absorbed into the hair and reconstruct it from the inside, saturating the scalp with oxygen. All this contributes to good growth, makes the hair shiny and elastic, prevents the loss, brittleness and such a common problem as second -tips.

Use of hair serum

The purpose of the serum also determines the method of its application. For example, to combat dandruff and seborrhea, the product is applied directly to the skin and the basic part of the head. By purchasing serum in the store, the buyer will be able to get acquainted with the instructions. But we must remember that with an excessive amount of the product, fat content appears on the hair.


Depending on the variety of the product, there are two methods of application - on dry or wet freshly washed hair, while there are several rules:

  • it is necessary to apply along the entire length of the hair, only in the direction from the roots to the ends;
  • pay special attention to the roots - if they do not process them, then the effect will be minimal;
  • rub with soft massaging movements.

Such a care will not take much time and effort. After application, the head must be covered with polyethylene and wound a dense towel. In this position, it is necessary to spend about 30 minutes, during this time, active trace elements and essential oils are absorbed not only into the scalp, but also into the roots and tips. After the indicated time, you need to rinse your hair with cool water, combine and dry it with a hairdryer.

If the serum was selected correctly, then the effect should be instant - a mirror shine will appear, the roots will become much more elastic. To consolidate the result, use this tool for 3 weeks.

Hair serum in stores

Serum can easily be prepared at home. But not everyone wants to mess with cooking, so a large selection of such funds is in cosmetic stores. Although there are few lovers of serums, it is incredible benefit from her.

Pros from use:

  • does not require flushing;
  • applied to dry and wet hair;
  • active thermal protection from the use of the curling iron, ironing, hairdryer - serum creates a thin invisible layer around each hair, which opposes destruction;
  • makes the hair obedient and returns the natural volume;
  • thanks to a convenient bottle, you can take with you on the road.

In order to avoid errors in choosing serum, you should know your hair type, navigate in firms that offer their product in stores.

Woman Combing Knotted Hair

The most popular among customers are the following serums:

  • serum for split ends - you need a tool that would glue all the damaged scales. The Loreal serum copes with such a task;
  • serum for hair restoration, which will cope with dry and damaged hair, is represented by Estel;
  • serum for activating hair growth from Schwarzkopf Professional stimulates the work of follicles, thereby accelerating their growth.

In addition to the aforementioned firms, “their” serum can be found among other representatives, for example, Londa, Avon, recipes for the grandmother of Agafia and others.


Types and direction of hair serums

Depending on the composition and spectrum of action, there are various types of serums:

  1. Smoothing. Basically, serums of this type are based on a complex of liquid keratins, which helps to restore hair structure and thereby makes them straight and silky. Suitable for different types - dry, combined, damaged, weakened, brittle, naughty, thin and painted. After using such serum, you can get rid of annoying fluffy. The hair again becomes shiny and strong, long -term straightening remains, elasticity and softness appear.
  2. Against dandruff. The contaminated environment and poor water quality can cause dandruff. Treatment of this problem requires considerable effort. In addition to special shampoos, air conditioners and masks, there are special serums. Basically, such serum consist of natural plant components. They improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, have an antiseptic effect, itching and peeling passes. Apply the product directly to the scalp.
  3. Against the split ends. Quite often, such a problem appears precisely on long hair, because greasy hair lubrication does not reach the ends, plus the negative effects of the sun and wind is much more powerful. To date, there are many funds, one of which is considered serum. The composition usually contains silicone particles that envelop each hair, and biopolymers restore it from the inside.
  4. For activation of growth. Proper hair care and stimulation of follicles contributes to rapid hair growth. The serum contains elastin, provitamins, proteins and other active components that restore hair scales and saturate the scalp with nutrients. It is not necessary to wash off such a serum, which facilitates use and significantly saves time.
  5. Restoration of damaged hair. Hair with a very fragile structure needs intense nutrition. Each of the serum has a unique composition, which is aimed at deep saturation of the hair and improvement of intercellular cement. Under the influence of active components, the hair is restored, natural shine and strength returns.
  6. Against falling out. Hair is often subject to stress, so serum is simply necessary to use. Its method of use is aimed at rubbing the product into the scalp to strengthen the hair follicles. It is intended for thin and rare hair.
  7. Moisturizing serum is the easiest to use. All that is required is to sprinkle the product on the hair along the entire length and carefully distribute it with a scallop. Serum is relevant for lifeless and dry hair.

Hair serum at home

Often, products made at home are no worse than expensive cosmetic ones that can be found in stores. Using available ingredients, you can create a whole arsenal for hair restoration. The most important element of home cosmetics is milk serum. There are many recipes that use this component. But besides this, it can be used as shampoo and balm.

There are such recipes for making homemade serums:

  1. Recipe No. 1: Pour a glass of milk into the container and leave to heat up over low heat, squeeze the lemon juice, pour the juice into boiling milk, mix well and remove from the heat when the mixture cools down, it must be strained, using a gauze folded in several layers, into the finished gauze in several layers Pour the broth from the roof of the burdock in a 1: 1 proportion, rub it into the scalp, repeat this procedure daily for several weeks.
    Serum with lemon is much more useful than usual, as it contains vitamin C. And the decoction will make the hair more shiny and healthy.
  2. Recipe No. 2: In 150 ml of the finished milk serum, add 2-3 drops of oily vitamin A and a concentrated decoction of chamomile, rub the mixture in the skin and distribute over the entire length of the hair, for 40 minutes. Cover your head with a plastic bag, rinse with slightly warm water.
    After 2-3 weeks of using such a serum, you can notice an amazing result-the hair stops fluffing and falling out. Over time, recovery comes from roots to ends.
  3. Recipe No. 3: We take one part of the finished milk serum, add 1 tsp. olive or castor oil and 1 tbsp. Apple vinegar, thoroughly rub the resulting mixture into the skin and along the entire length of the hair, cover with a plastic bag, after an hour rinse with warm water.
    Such a serum recipe is suitable for weakened, dull and brittle hair after a chemical curling. You can not use hair painted with dark paint, because when exposed to apple cider vinegar, the paint becomes lighter.
  4. Recipe No. 4: Grate one small onion, mix onion gruel with a milk serum in equal parts, evenly distribute from roots to tips and leave for 30 minutes, and twine with water with lemon juice in half an hour to get rid of onion odor.
  5. Recipe No. 5: Mix half a glass of serum with 3 tbsp. Bear yeast, cover the ends with a mixture, wash it out in two stages after a quarter of an hour - milk, in half diluted with water, and then water with lemon juice.
    This mask copes with split tips perfectly.

Mask from milk serum for hair

In addition to the use of milk serum in the finished form, you can get a variety of hair masks from it. The protein that is contained in this dairy product is an excellent building material for hair rods, eliminates brittleness. Mineral substances prevent loss and strengthen the roots. Such a mask can restore vitality even by hopelessly spoiled hair.


The composition of the mask can be completely different, but the mixture should be thoroughly mixed, without lumps. So the product is evenly distributed along the entire length of the hair. A cellophane package creates a greenhouse effect. It is better to dry a natural way (without a hair dryer).

Most women are faced with the problem of yellow hair.

The following recipes for homemade masks will help cure the ended ends:

  1. Honey mask: you need to connect 2 cups of serum and 3 tbsp. l. Mod (preferably liquid), mix until the honey is completely dissolved, this composition is covered with the entire length of the hair, wash off after 15 minutes without the use of shampoo with a lot of water.
  2. Egg mask: you need 2 chicken eggs and 2 cups of milk serum, beat the ingredients together, rub the mixture into the scalp and distribute along the strands to the ends, warm your head with a towel, leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rye mask: mix a piece of rye bread with a half glass of warm serum, grind it to the consistency of the gruel, mix with 1 beaten yolk, apply to the hair, wait about 30 minutes. And wash off.
    Such a shampoo mask strengthens the hair and fights with the excess department of the skin fat.
  4. Oatmeal Mask: Pour a small amount of oatmeal with a warm milk serum, leave for 10 minutes. Until the complete swelling of the oatmeal, apply to the scalp and rinse thoroughly after 30 minutes.
    Such a restorative mask is suitable for weakened and oily hair.

The most important thing in preparing home care products is to correctly diagnose your problem and choose the right components.

beautiful Woman with Long Curly Hair and Brush

Hair is always in sight. Most often subject to external factors - hairdryer and curling iron, sun, wind, etc. Therefore, the restorative hair products are full of their diversity. One of these means is serum. Its effect becomes noticeable immediately, so every day it gains such popularity among consumers both in finished form and in home preparation.



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