
Bay oil for hair

Bay oil for hair
Hair healing of any hair

Many people know that the use of natural ingredients allows us to successfully solve most cosmetic problems. If you correctly calculate the dosage and course of therapy with natural substances, then you can avoid buying expensive cosmetics and long sessions in beauty salons. Natural substances act softly and the result manifests itself gradually, but the effect will be fixed for a long time. And your beauty will not be based on aggressive chemical stimulation, but on the natural healing of the scalp and hair.

Many forums are full of references to the miraculous properties of exotic oil. But more recently, few people heard about him. Let's figure out how the essential buttonage oil can make your curls beautiful.

Bay the hair: what get the oil from what


Bay oil, like most essential oils, is obtained by steam distillation. The raw materials for production are the leaves of the Bay tree, which may be known as the American Lavra or Smoknitsa. To obtain oil, the leaves are steamed, and etheric liquid is released from them. Natural oil should not be diluted in production.

For the manufacture of 1 milliliter of natural oil, it takes up to hundreds of kilograms of raw materials. Therefore, the finished product cannot be cheap. If you want to get real benefits from the natural components of this exotic oil, beware of the fakes.

But the fruits of the beare tree (small berries) are dried and thus receive one of the most valuable spices in the world - Yamaisky fragrant pepper (or lemon pepper). The evergreen beare tree in the Caribbean is growing, in the countries of Central America and Africa.

The real butter has a liquid and very easy consistency. Its color is from gold to dark brown. The smell of beevo oil is very complex: spicy and bitter-term. It is often confused with the smell of a laurel, although these two plants have nothing to do with each other.

High-quality buttonhole oil contains at least 55-60% eugenol. This substance with pronounced antiseptic properties that can remove inflammation of the skin and tone them. A product containing a 50% eugenol mini will not be effective in use. A very strong clove aroma in bay oil indicates that you have a fake that has no healing properties.

If you are going to create essential compositions based on bayy oil, then lavender, anise, rosemary, bergamot oil and pink wood oil will be an ideal addition to it in aroma and properties. And to soften the spicy aroma of Bay oil, you can use the ethers of tea tree, cloves, Nioli and eucalyptus.

Bayy oil is often used in aromatherapy, perfumes and cosmetology. Eastern medicine experts use it as an antiseptic for the treatment of tracheitis, bronchitis, sore throats. Ether is able to increase pressure, therefore it is used to treat hypotension and vegetative -vascular diseases. It is introduced into the drugs to restore the liver and kidneys. Also, on the basis of oil, compresses are made with bruises, sprains and muscle pain: it deeply warms up the body tissue, eliminates pain, accelerates blood circulation and increases muscle flexibility.

Bay oil for hair: beneficial properties of bay oil


The stimulating properties of the natural ether are so strong that it transforms even the weakest and most rare hair. Bayy oil is especially useful for girls with long dry hair prone to brittleness and cross -section. Bay oil can comprehensively affect the hair of any type: with regular use, it will replace you with a whole set of cosmetic drugs.

  1. The first and most important property of Bay oil is stimulation of hair growth. The substances that make up the air activate the process of regeneration of hair follicles, so even “sleeping” hairs begin intense growth. Some dermatologists even prescribe oils as a therapeutic agent to people with partial baldness.
  2. Prevention of loss. Rubbing the product into the scalp provides blood flow, and with it and nutrients, to the roots of the hair, accelerates the metabolism and gas exchange in the tissues of the scalp. Bayy oil will have an effect regardless of the cause of hair loss (stress, vitamin deficiency or a change in hormonal background).
  3. Moisturization of hair along the entire length.
  4. Treatment of scalp and elimination of dandruff. Due to the high concentration of the antiseptic, the oil busters kill bacteria and fungus on the scalp, helps to accelerate the healing of the wounds, relieve irritation and itching.
  5. Restoration of split ends.
  6. Strengthening shine.
  7. Hair becomes smooth and easily combed.

Manufacturers of therapeutic cosmetics also did not leave this product unattended. Throughout the world, you can purchase care products for hair, the main active ingredient of which is the butterfly oil.

Bay oil for hair: recommendations for use

essential Oils and Medical Flowers Herbs

It is very important that the oil is of decent quality: the fake will not give the desired cosmetic and therapeutic effect. To check the quality of the purchased bay oil, you need to drip it on a sheet of clean white paper and leave for a day. If a day later the spot from a drop of ether completely disappeared, then you bought 100% natural essential oil. If there are fat or other traces on the sheet, then this is an artificial product for cosmetic procedures, unfortunately, unsuitable. Familiar to the whole world manufacturers of good quality essential oil are Karel Hadek, Aura Cacia and Primavera Life.


In order for the effect of using natural oil to be maximum, it is necessary to follow the main recommendations for the use of this ether.

  1. Natural buttonhole oil is a biologically active substance with a pronounced effect, so do not use it during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. The substances contained on the air increase blood pressure, so if you suffer from hypertension, in no case do not use oil, but try to choose an alternative to it.
  3. Before using the oil, be sure to conduct a test for individual tolerance. Apply diluted essential oil on the wrist, wait 15-20 minutes. If redness and irritation does not occur, then you do not have an allergic reaction to this product and you can safely use it in cosmetics.
  4. Never use buttonhole oil (like any other air) for hair or skin in its pure form. This substance is a very high concentration, so its overdose and, as a result, a burn or an allergic reaction is possible.
  5. Oil should be added to masks, lotions or massage mixtures, as well as enrich the finished cosmetics.
  6. For one use, do not use more than 5 drops of essential oil in the mixture. It is necessary to calculate the proportion: a maximum of 2 drops of oil per 1 tbsp. other components.
  7. When you connect the ingredients of masks with oils, make sure that they are all at room temperature.
  8. Do not heat the oil to a temperature above 40 degrees. This will lead to a violation of the structure and loss of useful components. It is best to heat oil in a water bath.
  9. When washing the nutrient composition with essential oil, use water temperature water. Too hot water not only harms the hair and skin, but also complicates the washing of the product.
  10. Take the recommended time mask. Do not forget that if you stand the composition on your hair three times longer - the effect of it will not become better.
  11. After applying the mask, it is better to put a hat made of polyethylene and wrap your head with a towel for insulation. Heat allows beneficial substances to penetrate deeper into the structure of the hair and scalp and have a maximum effect.
  12. Carry out procedures with bayev oil 2 times a week for 2-3 months.
  13. Before applying masks of prolonged exposure (for example, night), make sure that the smell of oil suits you, and will not cause unpleasant emotions.
  14. Store oil at a temperature of not higher than 25 degrees.

How to use hair oil for hair

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There are several ways to use ether for cosmetic purposes. All these methods are effective. Therefore, for yourself you can choose the one that you like more. It is undesirable to combine and use several methods at the same time due to the high activity of bay oil.

  1. Home cosmetic masks and lotions.
  2. If you do not have enough time to prepare medicinal masks, you can enrich your favorite shampoo or hair balm with essential oil. There are two ways to enrich shampoo or balm:
  • mix the basic oil that suits you according to the type of hair (for example, olive, almond, apricot seeds or other) with 10 drops of bay ether, add this mixture to the shampoo, shake carefully and wash your head as usual;
  • before washing the hair, squeeze the right amount of shampoo in the palm of your hand, and then add a drop of oil to it.
  1. Aromas calculation. On a wooden comb, drop 3-4 drops of essential oil. Comb the dry hair of the strand behind the strand along the entire length. Continue the procedure for at least 10 minutes, and if there is a desire, then more. Such combing can be repeated 2 times a week. Hair will become shiny and acquire a healthy appearance.
  2. The massage of the head itself is a very useful procedure. It improves the condition of the scalp and hair, and, of course, relaxes. Massage can be done before bedtime or in the morning immediately after waking up. To prepare a massage mixture, 15 ml of basic and 5 drops of bay oil will be required.
  • pour the oil into your hands and warm a little;
  • apply the composition to the parietal area of \u200b\u200bthe head and rub it with the fingertips with the fingertips into the skin with circular motions clockwise;
  • gradually advance your fingers down, covering your head with your hands.

If you do massage in the morning, then wash your hair after it so that it does not remain oily; And if you do before bedtime, then the etheric mixture can be left for the effect at night.

Bay oil for hair: Domestic recipes

Glass Dropper Filled with Herbal Essence, Aromatherapy Oil, Homeopathic Medicine, Or Other Liquid.

Since the Bay oil cannot be used in its pure form, before included in nutrient mixtures, connect it to the base oil that suits your hair type:

  • for dry hair - apricot seeds, coconut, avocado, macadamia, wheat germ of wheat or grape bone;
  • normal hair - aragan, pumpkin or burdock oil;
  • bold hair is a thirst oil, almond, cedar or sesame.
  1. Scrub for activating hair growth. You need to mix any basic oil (1 tbsp) and 2 drops of oil. Add small sea salt to the oil mixture (3 tbsp). Apply the resulting mask to the scalp, carefully massage, and then leave for another 15 minutes. Salt particles carefully remove keratinized cells, tone the skin and give the opportunity to penetrate the hair follicles to nutrients. Such a scrub is recommended to be used once a month. The scrub cannot be used if there are wounds and irritation on the scalp.
  2. Mask at night. Mix 20 ml of base oil and 2-4 drops of oil. Using a brush for staining, evenly distribute the composition from the roots to the ends of the hair. Leave the oils to influence the whole night, and rinse with shampoo in the morning. The recovery rate is 3 months. The first month of oil should be applied before each hair washing, and the second and third month after two washing.
  3. Moisturizing mask. Take 4 tbsp. Fat sour cream and 5 drops of oil. Apply the composition to wet hair, thoroughly distributing along the entire length, and leave for half an hour. Such a nourishing mask is well suited for dry and weakened hair. It needs to be repeated once a week, and in the winter, when the hair is especially dehydrated, you can 2 times a week.
  4. Mask for baldness and to accelerate hair growth. It is necessary to mix 1 tbsp. burdock and castor oil, 1 tsp Wheat -germ oils. Before use, the oils must be heated in a water bath to body temperature. Rub the resulting oil mixture into the scalp, and then distribute over the entire length of the hair. Wrap your head with a towel for half an hour, and then rinse your hair with warm water with shampoo. You need to repeat the mask once a week.
  5. Hair density mask. Mix 2 tbsp. Avocado oil, 1 tsp Vitamin A and E, add 5 drops of beevo oil. Apply the mask to the roots and the entire length if your hair is normal or oily type. If the hair is dry, then to avoid even more drying out the tips, apply the mixture only to the roots of the hair. Keep the mask for 30 minutes.
  6. Nourishing mask. Mix 2 tbsp. honey, fatty sour cream and olive oil, add 4 drops of ether to the mask. Listen through the hair and leave for half an hour under a warm towel.


Nikolai 07.09.2017 Answer

I buy essential oil for a long time, my hair is just in excellent condition. Daughters have a knee -deep hair with this oil, all the information about this oil can be found here And also where to buy it!
