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The use of hair basma, reviews, photos before and after. How to dye hair with basma at home

The use of hair basma, reviews, photos before and after. How to dye hair with basma at home
You can now change your image in just a couple of hours - the benefit is a large range of hair dyeing products: these are tinting masks and persistent colors. The price range is different, like the effect. Another thing is the natural and safe dye of basma, which is sold in almost every store.

Every month on store shelves we see new and unfamiliar hair dyeing products. Each has its own advantages, color palette and price range. It is difficult to opt for one tool when such a rich assortment. And, nevertheless, small bags with basma for hair do not lose even the most advertised drugs, they are still popular.

Basma - popular hair dye

What is the secret of the popularity of this inexpensive hair dyeing tool? Basma powder is a completely natural component that does not contain chemistry. Powder of leaves from the tropical tree "Indigofer" was used in ancient times to improve the condition of the hair, as well as to change color. But people did not find out about this immediately, at first they used the powder for painting tissues, for therapeutic purposes, and only then for hair dyeing.

Benefits of powder:

  • stimulates hair growth;
  • hair dyed with basma acquire a beautiful shine;
  • the hair after the basma becomes obedient, soft and flowing like silk;
  • promotes to enhance the nutrition of hair follicles;
  • helps to cure dandruff;
  • strengthens the hair follicles, prevents hair loss;
  • the powder is non -toxic and does not cause allergies, so you can use this natural dye not only to future mothers, but also to women who feed their baby breasts.

Basma hair dyeing tips

If you want to try to dye your hair with basma, then be sure to keep in mind these recommendations:

  1. In the store, choosing natural dye, pay attention to the information indicated on the packaging. The expired product cannot be used, since you can get the opposite effect.
  2. After a chemical curl, it is forbidden to dye hair with basma.
  3. If you use the basma without adding other components, in its pure form, with primary dyeing, hair can acquire an unexpected shade. No exception - the dark hair color with a greenish tint. To prevent this from happening, you need to mix henna powder - this is also a natural and safe dye.
  4. If there are gray hairs, the effect can be unexpected: from a bright shade, to a dim. Therefore, it is better not to experiment and not dye gray hair.
  5. The powder can be used once a month, no more often. Otherwise, it is easy to get the opposite effect, curls will become lifeless and devoid of moisture.
  6. If the hair is dyed with chemical dyes, then it cannot be painted with basma. We will have to grow curls or cut the ends to fully feel the benefits of hair dyeing with basma.
  7. Natural dye is very persistent and is not washed out. It is also difficult to paint over with chemical dyes, so you need to weigh everything well to make the right decision.

Basma for hair. Photo

Basma for hair. Shades

To dye the hair in the desired color, you need to know how to properly breed the powder, because when stained with a natural dye, you can get the following shades:

  • saturated black;
  • bright red;
  • the color of dark chocolate.

How to dye the hair with basma black: take 2 parts of the basma powder and 1 part of the henna powder. Mix, apply to your hair, wrap it. Exvert time from 1 hour or more.

How to get a light chestnut shade: add a little henna and green tea to the basma powder. And in order to achieve a rich shade of the color of a bitter chocolate, instead of tea you need to attach strongly brewed coffee to the natural components.

Read more about proportions:

  1. In order to dye the hair in black, take the basma - 2 bags and henna - 1 bag, connect the powders, dilute with water. Exvert time - from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  2. How to get a light blunder shade with a pleasant redhead - connect the henna powder bag with the bag of the basma powder, the time for aging of natural dye on the hair is no more than half an hour.
  3. How to dye the hair with basma in a chocolate color - take henna and bass in equal proportions, keep on the hair for about an hour.

Keep in mind that, depending on the structure of the hair and time, you can achieve the desired shade. In some beauties, the color manifests itself after 30 minutes, and some are not enough 1.5 hours. Therefore, a trial staining of one curl is necessarily.

Basma for hair. Photo before and after

Rules for hair dyeing with basma

To achieve the desired shade, you need:

  • it is impossible to prepare the powder before painting, it is impossible to store the diluted basma, it loses its properties;
  • use high -quality dye;
  • the skin around the hair (whiskey, forehead, etc.) must be treated with any cream, because the natural dye from the skin is poorly washed;
  • work in gloves;
  • cover the shoulders with an old towel or T -shirt so as not to spoil the clothes. Natural dye is not lined;
  • after applying diluted powder, you need to wrap your head with polyethylene and a towel.

How to dye hair with basma at home

Let's find out how to breed hair basma:

  • take the right amount of basma. The powder must be thoroughly tugged through a small sieve, pour into the dishes (not metal!);
  • you can’t dye your hair with a clean basma, because you can get an unexpected green shade, so be sure to attach to gray-green powder, henna, mix;
  • boil water, the temperature should be at least 90 degrees. Add water gradually, mixing the powder. A thick gruel should be obtained, which must be applied to wet hair;
  • there is a second method: a solution with diluted powder must be put on a slow fire, stirring, wait for boiling. As soon as this happens, remove from the stove, mix;
  • if everything is done correctly, then a solution for staining should be the same as thick sour cream. When breeding basma water, at first the solution should not be thick, the basma thickens after warming up;
  • in the process of dyeing the hair, as necessary, it is allowed to add a little hot water to dilute the thickened paint;
  • if you want to get a rich black shade, then your head must be wrapped with polyethylene, then a towel. If you want other shades - you can not cover the hair;
  • rinse the natural dye with warm water. Do not use shampoo, wash your hair with a detergent only after a day. Subject to this rule, hair color after dyeing the basma will turn out to be more saturated;
  • if the hair color turned out to be darker than we would like, you can try to lighten the hair with lemon juice or dilute citric acid in warm water. But it will not work to harden the curls very hard, the basma is very persistent and therefore it is better to undercover the powder on the hair than to overexpose;
  • the overexposure of the basma can turn into an unpredictable result - the hair will acquire a greenish tint. To correct the situation, you need to wash the hair and apply henna powder for 15 minutes. Perhaps such a manipulation will help to remove a green hue.

How to dye your hair with basma. Brief Instruction:

  1. Determine how much basma and henna will be needed for dyeing, taking into account the length of the hair. For short hair, you need about 30 g of the finished mixture (basma+henna). If the hair is long, multiply by 4.
  2. In order to get a beautiful chocolate shade, instead of hot water, brew natural strong coffee (only insoluble!).
  3. The powder is bred in a plastic or ceramic bowl. Metal dishes and cutlery are prohibited.
  4. The powder needs to be grind so that there are no lumps, add a little more water, bring to the desired consistency (like thick sour cream).
  5. Apply to the hair growth zone any oily cream (for the body or for the face).
  6. Pour gloves, comb the wet hair with a comb with rare cloves, apply the mixture to the hair, evenly distribute.
  7. Wrap with polyethylene to achieve the desired effect (dark brown or black), as well as a towel. The exposure time of the powder on the hair is from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours and even more.
  8. Rinse natural dye with warm water without detergent.
  9. Washing your hair after dyeing is allowed only after a day, and if you can, then more (2-3 days), to fix the result.

Basma for hair. Reviews

Victoria, 24 years old: "" At first I grew my hair for a long time, then I decided to change the color and painted cheap paint. The result was unhappy, the hair is long, so I did not want to bleach. I bought henna, painted it, it seems to have everything suited for a while, but again I wanted to change. I bought a basma, the method of trial and error has developed my recipe, which I share with you: I have hair to the lower back, thick, so I take 14 bags of basma and only 2 henna. I mix, pour boiling water, squeeze the juice from the half of the lemon, mix. I must add oils to this gruel: I have a mixture of hair oils + I enrich this mixture with essential oils before applying. I love lavender oil very much, he has a pleasant smell. I put on medical gloves, distribute gruel over the hair, then a plastic cap and a towel. I hold for 3 hours, there is no more sense, since the mixture begins to cool and dry. Then I thoroughly wash off the powder, my hair with shampoo. The color is rich in brown, obedient and shiny hair».

Olga, 44 years old: "" I have a fairly extensive experience in hair dyeing with basma. In school years, parents did not allow her hair to spoil her hair with chemical colors and I discovered a basma. After the first staining, she became a slight confusion, because her hair was like a mermaid. But the youthful maximalism won, so it passed for a while, then someone suggested that it was necessary to mix the basma with henna in order to achieve the desired shade. But I was painted only by one basma! From year to year, I dyed my hair with basma+a little henna and was pleased with the result. And now I'm not experimenting. Paints are enough for 2 months, my hair grows slowly, the roots are not so noticeable. My hair is thin and happy to absorb a coloring natural pigment. I even like that Basma dries the hair a little and you do not need to wash your hair every day».

Basma gray hair

Basma is very difficult to paint over gray hair, after standard coloring it will shine through. Many do not like this result. This can be avoided if you perform staining in 2 sunsets: first apply diluted henna powder, wash off, apply a prepared coloring mixture of basma.

How to dye hair with basma: the exposure time depends on the desired color, provided that 90-100% of the gray hair:

  • sand blond - 3 minutes;
  • light blond - 5 minutes;
  • dark blond - 10 minutes;
  • brown -haired brown shade - 20 minutes;
  • natural brown -haired - 30 minutes;
  • dark brown -haired - 40 minutes;
  • gorky chocolate shade - 45 minutes;
  • black color - about 60 minutes.

Secrets of hair dyeing with basma

In order for the result not to be deplorable, we share secrets:

  • you will have to get a black resin color in 2 stages of staining: first apply henna, hold, rinse, dry. Then apply the diluted basma (not a thick slurry should turn out). Keep for about 3 hours;
  • if the color is bright - apply to the curls and distribute over the entire length of the grape seed oil, leave for an hour, rinse the hair with the addition of shampoo;
  • if the color is darker than you would like, combine the comb, periodically dipping it into the juice of the lemon;
  • so that the color is homogeneous, add a little glycerin when stained;
  • you can get the effect of sunlight in such a simple way: the next day after dyeing you need to visit the solarium (do not cover the hair) or take a walk under the scorching sunlight;
  • be sure to pamper your luxurious hair with masks, they deserve it!

About the minuses of staining with bassoma

What you need to know:

  • at least once dying the hair with natural powder, it will not work to return back to chemical colors. Will have to grow hair or cut under the root;
  • if you were painted with paints, then it is undesirable to use neither hen nor the basma;
  • after the use of natural powder, lamination, curling and tinting is prohibited;
  • it is desirable to refresh the color once a month, otherwise the shade may change up to purple.



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