
How to get rid of facial wrinkles on the face. How to remove mimic wrinkles around the eyes. Masks from Mimic Wrinkles at home

How to get rid of facial wrinkles on the face. How to remove mimic wrinkles around the eyes. Masks from Mimic Wrinkles at home
It is not only possible to fight with mimic wrinkles, but also need to be done. Homemade products and cosmetic products will help to return the skin youth and beauty.

One of the indisputable advantages of youth is the beauty and health of the skin. Many negative factors, the effects of which the skin is exposed to almost every day, leave their indelible trace - wrinkles on it. And although their appearance sooner or later inevitably, women seek to do everything that their skin remains young and attractive as long as possible.

Numerous cosmetic products and procedures that are conducted in special salons are able to smooth or practically completely remove the facial wrinkles. The pronounced effect also give home tools. The main rule in the event of the latter is patience and regular care procedures.

Mimic wrinkles - sign of aging or "wrong" habits

Mimic wrinkles are small (at first) skin folds that are formed in places such as eye corners, between eyebrows, on the forehead, around the mouth. The emergence of wrinkles is inevitable. Depending on the genetic predisposition and features of the skin, furrows may appear before or later, be more or less pronounced. So what provokes and how to get rid of mimic wrinkles on the face?

  • Heredity, peculiarities of the skin and muscle structure. When you smile, rejoice or vice versa - sad or even emotionally talking, your face "remembers" the emerging microwaves. Over time, the dermis loses elasticity and folds that have arisen with one or another fairytale are no longer smoothed completely.
  • Harmful habits are not found to be called such. Alcohol and tobacco poison not only your body, but also worsen the skin condition, dehydrate it.
  • Lack of sleep. The condition of the skin and its regenerating abilities are directly related to the condition of the body as a whole. Fatigue and stress will be praised on your face not the best way. The lover sleep on the stomach, bolding down by the face in the pillow, can also detect the facial wrinkles around the eyes earlier than the rest.
  • Excessive passion for cosmetics or the use of low-quality cosmetic products. As a result, the skin ceases to "breathe", irritation and allergic rashes may appear. The violation of the natural work of the dermis cells entails the loss of elasticity and elasticity of the skin, so wrinkles will not make long wait.
  • The emergence of mimic wrinkles under the eyes (as still called such folds - "goose paws") contributes to the refusal of sunglasses and creams with UV protection. The skin in this area is especially sensitive, so requires additional care.
  • Stress.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • A sharp change in weight towards a decrease. As a result of rapid and severe weight loss, the skin suffers from not only the body, but also face.

Elimination of mimic wrinkles without injection and scalpel - gymnastics for face

Exercises for getting rid of the Mimic wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes are an affordable and effective way to improve the condition of the skin, increase its elasticity and elasticity. If you do not know how to remove mimic wrinkles, start with a simple - regular face muscle training.

  • Raise your eyebrows and at the same time expand your eyes wide. Return to the usual position.
  • Install on the forehead of the pads of index and middle fingers, and unnamed - above the eyebrows. Try to keep your fingers in place and at it try to raise your eyebrows.
  • Wash your hands in warm water. Apply on the tips of the fingers a couple of drops of olives oil. Fingers are in the same position as when performing the previous exercise. Now it is necessary to gently move the skin of the forehead to the sides, up and down.
  • Mildly affecting, but at the same time rubbing the skin, draw several eights and zeros on the forehead.
  • For a minute, we vigorously tapping your fingers on the surface of the forehead in the horizontal and vertical directions.
  • To eliminate the nonesthetheatic skin bed between the eyebrows, do the following. Two fingers together (as if they took a pinch of salt). Set the fingers a bit above the nose and with a small pressure, spread them in the direction of the eyebrows, as if smoothing the inter-brown wrinkle. It is necessary to make 20 repetitions.

At the end of the classes, an anti-aging agent should be applied to the skin. Exercises perform 1-3 times a day. To obtain a noticeable effect, as in the case of any training, the main rule is regular exercise. The gymnastics for the muscles of the face should be carried out every week, at least 1 time in 7 days. Alternation of gymnastics and massage movements will significantly increase the result of the exercises.

How to remove Mimic wrinkles at home: Effective masks for smoothing mimic wrinkles

Homemade products that have almost every hostess will help feed the skin and improve its appearance.

Sea buckthorn mask from mimic wrinkles

Regenerating properties of sea buckthorn will help to return the skin fresh, healthy appearance, eliminate small folds and will make less pronounced deep mimic wrinkles. In addition, the saturation of the skin with vitamins and mineral elements contributes to an increase in its elasticity and elasticity. The course of procedures with the use of sea buckthorn is designed for 2 weeks. For more efficient impact of the means, before applying the composition, the skin is necessary to clean.

  • Prepare 15 g of sea buckthorn oils and 3 eggs. From the latter you will need only yolks.
  • Wear yolks and oil.
  • Take 5 sheets of laurels and boil them in 1.5 glasses of water.
  • Mix an egg composition with a laurel decoction. The ratio of components depends on the necessary degree thickness. For the preparation of cream, it is enough to take 1 tbsp.
  • The last component is 10 g of burned alum (you can buy them in a pharmacy).

The finished composition is distributed over the fabric and impose on the forehead for 1 hour. The tool shows a good result in the smoothing of mimic wrinkles.

Vegetable masks from mimic wrinkles

Juicy cucumber will definitely share with his freshness and with your face.

  • Prepare raw potatoes (1 pcs), olive oil (1 tbsp), 1 cucumber and 2 tsp of lemon juice. The root is cleaned and rub on the grater together with the cucumber. Apply the composition for 15 minutes on the cleaned surface of the dermis. After this time expires, remove the composition, sinking with water with the addition of lemon juice. Apply Olive oil on the skin.
  • Mix a pair of grained cucumber slices, 0.5 ppm. Lemon juice, 2 tsp of yogurt and vitamins. As the latter, oil vitamins A and E can be used in the form of capsules. To remove the contents, it is enough to neatly pierce the shell. The tool not only feeds the dermis, but also works against mimic wrinkles.

Egg mask from mimic wrinkles

In the struggle for beauty and youth, the eggs will be a reliable ally.

  • Prepare honey, oatmeal and eggs. From the latter, only the protein will be required to be whipped. We take in equal shares (1 tbsp) all 3 ingredients. Mix them and apply a dense layer on the dermis around the eyes. Waiting for complete drying of the composition. Remove the remedy with warm water.
  • Connect 0.5 C.L. LONON juice, 1 yolk and 1 tsp olive oil. The composition apply on the skin and rest for 20 minutes. After the tool must be deleted. Take a cotton swab dipped in milk, and carefully remove the mask from the face.

These funds are especially effective for removing unpleasant folds around the eyes.

Banana mask from mimic wrinkles

Prepare a banana and a little creamy oil.

  • Banana Frost and take 1 tbsp.
  • Connect it from 1 tbsp of melted oil.
  • Apply the mass around the eyes by one third of the hour.

You are waiting for freshness and gradual reduction of mimic wrinkles around the eyes.

Mask using flax from mimic wrinkles

If your first-aid kit has a bag with flax seeds, it can also be used in the preparation of rejuvenating compositions.

  • Type 2 cups of water in the container and pour 2 tbsp.
  • Cooking the composition should be obtained before the casoo condition is obtained.
  • After Cashitz lay out on the gauze and placed on the skin.
  • Exposure time - 15 min. After that, it is necessary to wash warm water.

Curd-carrot mask from mimic wrinkles

For cooking, you will need cottage cheese, cream and carrot juice. Each ingredient - 1 tbsp.

  • Mix the components before receiving a homogeneous mass.
  • Apply the composition on the skin.
  • Leave a means to "work" for half an hour.
  • Remove the mask with warm water, and after - wipe the face with ice cube.

Yeast Mask from Mimic Wrinkles

Take 3 tbsp. Smetanes and a spoonful of dining room dry yeast.

  • Components mix and apply a thin layer on the forehead surface.
  • When the first layer is dry - apply the remaining agent.
  • After 15 minutes, the remedy can be removed using warm water, and smear the skin with a fat cream.

Mint compress from mimic wrinkles

This tool will not only reduce the manifestation of wrinkles, but also cleanse your skin - like scrub, remove the damaged particles of the dermis, clean the pores.

  • Prepare dry mint (ready-made grass can be purchased at the pharmacy) and pour it with a glass of boiling water.
  • Weganize the composition 5 min.
  • After the decoction cooled, moisten the flap of the fabric and put it on the forehead.
  • The exposure time of the compress is 10 minutes.

Paraffin from Mimic Wrinkles

This tool will help reduce the mimic wrinkles on the forehead. Using a water bath, melt paraffin to a liquid state. Now you need to prepare your skin. If it is fat - wipe the dermis with a cotton disk, moistened in an alcohol solution, if dry - flip in its surface a few drops of oil. Apply paraffin on the forehead with the help of tissue, making an indentation of the eyebrow of about 1 cm.

Cosmetics from Mimic Wrinkles

Cosmetic companies also did not remain aside from the problem of skin aging and offer their products to eliminate wrinkles. Of course, it is hardly able to completely smooth off the skin folds. These funds are more suitable as a component of complex anti-aging care for the derma. To reduce non-psychic folds on average 1 time per week, you can use the following masks from mimic wrinkles:

  • Nesura Cosmetics mask is the help of stem cell extract in the struggle for beautiful skin.
  • Mask with the effect of Botox Floresan Efecto de Botox - inexpensive means, but the action is noticeable.
  • Alginate masks - the impact is aimed at smoothing wrinkles. The means are able to reduce even enough deep skin folds.

In the struggle for the beautiful skin and elimination of mimic wrinkles, positive reviews received:

  • Rents with retinic acid - one of the forms of vitamin A. Cream and serum with this component increase the content of collagen and elastin in the derma, and, it means that new "chances" will not arise on the skin. Among them - "Retin-a", "Retin-a Micro", "A-Ret Gel".
  • Products with another inclusion of vitamin A - 13 cis-retinic acid. These products are also effective in fighting wrinkles, but inferior to their predecessors. An example is a cream from the Mimic wrinkle "Retino Ointment".
  • Serum with vitamin C. and again to the rescue comes "ascorbic". One of the most important problems of vitamin C is the synthesis of collagen, as well as the protection of cells from aggressive UV impact. The complexity of the choice of the means of this category is the selection of high-quality funds. One presence of vitamin in the composition of the product is not enough. You can stop your choice on such products - CSERUM 22, C E FERULIC, VITAMIN C + E SERUM.
  • Means with hyaluronic acid. The active substance contributes to the increase in the elasticity of the dermis in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, as well as on a small thickening of thinned skin. Selection preparations can be Hyaluronic Lifting Cream or Hyaluronic Acid Microaloral from TETE, Hydrating B5 GEL.

There is no better remedy for mimic wrinkles, since individual reactions that occur under the influence of drug components, each person is different. Therefore, the effectiveness of the same means is different.

Salon Methods of Combating Mimic Wrinkles

For more radical impact on the skin and emerging wrinkles, special procedures have been developed, for which a visit to cosmetology salons is needed.

  • Mesotherapy.
    The main "weapon" in the fight against wrinkles in this case is hyaluronic acid. Prix \u200b\u200bdrugs help to recover, as well as stimulate the production of self-acid. The vitamin cocktail, which is introduced together with the drug launches the process of regeneration and self-election in the dermis cells.
  • Nitee lifting.
    The procedure implies the subcutaneous administration of subtle threads that hold the skin without allowing it to be saved, and paint wrinkles. The introduction of such a carcass is often accompanied by injected Botox drugs. Used to correct the contour of the face, cheeks, less often - forehead. The age category of customers is 35-55 years.
  • Botinotherapy.
    Botox injections are aimed at relaxing subcutaneous muscles, resulting in smoothing and correction of mimic wrinkles. This drug can be the subject of choice after 35 years. Previously use it is not recommended. Commercial names - Botox, Dysport, Creomin.
  • Laser grinding.
    It has an effective, but very traumatic impact on the skin. The treatment of cheeks and cheeks are treated, but as a result, the manifestations of "goose paws" are reduced.
  • Plastic surgery.
    This method is the most radical. If necessary, more extensive correction, rather than only removal of mimic wrinkles.

Prevention of the appearance of mimic wrinkles

The natural aging process can not be stopped, but you can significantly slow down the appearance of unpleasant folds on the skin. Preventive measures and care for your health will give skin youth for many years.

  • Do not be fond of excessively sun. His rays not only negatively affect the skin as a whole, but also make you pushed and smear the forehead, provoking the early appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, do not forget about sunglasses and cosmetics with UV protection.
  • Try to refuse bad habits - smoking and alcohol. The latter contributes to additional skin dehydration, which means that each second fabric fold can turn into a wrinkle.
  • Do not limit fluid consumption. It is advisable to drink at least 8 glasses of drinks per day.
  • If your rhythm of life is associated with elevated stress, heavy working conditions and not very good ecology - help your body reduce the harmful effects of these factors. Try to use products and vitamin complexes with an antioxidant action that will help neutralize free radicals (selenium, omega 3).
  • Pay attention to food - fractional meals with the inclusion of vegetables, fruits and greenery, products rich in vitamins A (vegetables and fruits), C (citrus), E (nuts, dairy products, fish).


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