
How to register for Aliexpress. Registration for Aliexpress Russia

How to register for Aliexpress. Registration for Aliexpress Russia
In this article, we will consider step-by-step instructions for registration on Aliexpress.

Hypermarket Aliexpress It takes such popularity that millions of people around the world rush to visit him. It has good reasons for such high popularity: low prices, a wide range, convenience of viewing and ordering goods. Most goods are supplied free of charge worldwide, and it does Aliexpress The leader among many online stores.

In order to register on the site AliexpressIt will take quite a bit of time. It is carried out using a number of actions, which can perform absolutely any person who owns a computer.

Registration for Aliexpress. Main page transition

The main page of the site is located at When entering the site reads your location and transfers the page to a specific language. For example, at the entrance to the Aliexpress website, the page will open, It is using it that can be registered. All information on it will be in Russian. If the transition is not automatically implemented, then you need to turn on the language you need at the bottom of the page.


Registration for Aliexpress. Creating a profile on the site

On the site you can register in several ways. You can register with the standard way or through social networks. You can use VK accounts, Google, Facebook to enter. However, this method is rarely registered for security reasons. If the account on the site is tied to the social. Networks, when hacking will be available both pages.

Standard registration form for aliexpress

To register on the site you need to go to the form of filling out data about yourself. To do this, on the main page of the site you need to click on the button " registration».


In the form that opens, you need to specify real data about yourself. It is they will continue to be used in working with an account (for example, when sending goods). The following data is entered for example.


  • Email- This is an e-mail that will be tied to the account. The specified e-mail will be sent a special letter with a reference to activate. Using the specified mail address, you can go to the profile and perform other actions associated with it. For example, restore the password.
  • What is your name- In this field you need to enter the name and surname. All values \u200b\u200bmust be fill in english letters.
  • Pick a password - This is a password with which you can go to your profile on the site.
  • Repeat password - In this field you need to repeat the password.
  • Enter the code from the image - This is a field for entering values \u200b\u200bfrom a picture located below. With the introduction of these values, the site will determine that you are a real person.
  • Aliexpress Free Membership - This is a user agreement with which you need to agree upon registration.

If you filled all the fields, you need to click on the "Create Your Profile" button.
After registering the system will inform you about the created account. After some time, a letter will come to the address of the email you to activate the profile. It happens that this letter does not come. If the letter did not come within 2-3 days after creating a profile, you can try to register with another address or contact the support service.

Registration for Aliexpress through social networks

To authorize on the site, you can use social network profiles. You can register this way either on the main page of the site or on the standard form form.

On the site's main page you can create your own profile of three social networks: VK, Google, Facebook. When you click on each of these buttons, a special window will open, where you need to enter data for the login to the social network.

When you go to the standard registration form, you can only use the authorization buttons through Facebook. Here you also need to enter data for the entrance.


Registration for Aliexpress. Filling out data about yourself in the profile

For successful work with the online store Aliexpress You need to fill out information about the delivery site. They are specified in the special section of the delivery addresses. When you go to this section, a special form will open where you want to specify all the information. All of them must be introduced by Latin letters.


  • Receiver name - This is the name, surname and patronymic of the recipient.
  • Country / Region - This is a country to send the goods. You need to specify the country from the opening list.
  • Street, house, flat - In that field, you must specify the street, house number and recipient apartment.
  • Edge / area / region - In this field, you must specify the region, the area or the edge into which the goods will be sent. It must be selected from the opening list.
  • Postcode - This is the zip code that matches your address. It can be clarified on the Mail site of Russia or on other available services.
  • Telephone - This field is not necessary to fill. However, if you have a home phone, you can specify it as a contact in this field.
  • Mobile phone - This is the recipient's mobile number number.

If you are confident in the address, you can save it using a special button "Save". After filling in these fields, you can make your first purchases.

Registration on the Aliexpress website takes some time. After the correct filling of all fields, you can proceed to work with the site and make all the orders you need.


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