
Cinnamon hair lightening

Cinnamon hair lightening
How to clarify hair with cinnamon

The widespread seasoning cinnamon is used in cooking, giving a delicious aroma of fresh pastries. Today, this spice is used everywhere for the preparation of various dishes and drinks, as well as the composition of the funds of traditional medicine and in cosmetology. The cinnamon-based brightening mask helps to improve and drink hair with useful substances, give them a lighter shade, volume and amazingly pleasant fragrance.

Useful properties of cinnamy

Due to its useful properties (stimulating, tonic and antiseptic action), cinnamon is used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases - for example, in the composition of beverages to treat cough, as well as to improve digestion. It is known that this spice has a detoxifying effect, and also actively works in healing fees - enhances the effect on the body of the beneficial substances.


Pleasant sweet cinnamon aroma increases the mood, tones and stimulates the operation of the imune system. Cinnamon is widely used and in cosmetology - as part of rejuvenating, refreshing and tonic money for face, body and hair.

Cinnamon hair lightening: Recommendations and tips

To prepare a clarifying composition at home, a mixture of cinnamon with honey or lemon is used - in the composition of the mask, these components act as a natural reagent of hydrogen peroxide, and cinnamon reveals their action. Such a mixture can help get rid of a chemical dye or staining henna. Cinnamon itself is capable of drying the hair, and in combination with the above components, it will saturate their useful substances and efficiently moisturizes.

There are some recommendations when using a cinnamon hair mask:

  • for dry hair, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of olive oil to the mask or 1-2 egg yolk - such a mask is suitable for giving pomp and volume with thin hair;
  • the prepared mixture of consistency of thick sour cream must be applied to the washed dried hair;
  • if the hair does not require preheating, you can slightly moisten them from the sprayer;
  • when lightening the hair with cinnamon, the appearance of burning is possible, so it is not recommended to apply the cooked mixture directly on the scalp - the root zone should be left untreated;
  • to achieve uniform application of the mask, dispel your hair, divide them into 3 parts and process consistently, thoroughly distributing the composition on strands;
  • prepare that the effect is most likely not instant - for a sustainable result of clarification, it is recommended to hold several cinnamon hair polling procedures for 1-2 weeks;
  • to enhance the clarifying effect, after applying a cinnamon mask, rinse the hair with the infusion of chamomile;
  • to avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction, pre-test the test - apply a small amount of the mixture on the elbow bend or place near the ear, and then you will go about 30 minutes. In the case of a sharp redness of the skin, burning or the appearance of rash, the mask should be canceled;
  • cinnamon lightening composition can cause for some time after applying a slight tingling, if there is acute burning, it is necessary to immediately wash off the mask;
  • after exposure to the cinnamon cinnamon, it is necessary to wash the hair with shampoo. To quickly and easily wash the particles of cinnamon from strands, take advantage of the balm or air conditioning for hair.

Based on the original hair color, the following results can be obtained by cinnamon brightening:

  • light hair mask with cinnamon can give a reddish or reddish shade;
  • hair brown and brunette lightening composition will give reddish or golden brown color;
  • in red-haired girls, after applying the mask, a reddish or brown shade will appear.

Carefully choose cinnamon. Sometimes under the guise of natural cinnamon sell its analogue - Kassia (there is a darkest color with a reddish sweat, as well as bitter tart aftertaste). Cassia is very poorly grinding, and also contains a large amount of cumarine substance that has a toxic effect on the body with regular use. If you are crushed cinnamon in a coffee grinder, pre-break the sticks into several pieces.

Cinnamon hair lightening: p

Cinnamon in the composition of masks will help to saturate the hair with the useful substances, strengthen them, give a delightful volume, as well as in combination with some substances, brighten them to one or two tones. For cinnamon hair lightening, mixtures of this spices with honey, as well as with honey and lemon are used. Honey as part of a hair mask effectively moisturizes hair and lightly lights, and the lemon refreshes them and gives the effect of burnt strands to the sun.

It should be noted that the brightening effect from the use of such a cinnamon natural agent will be purely individual - most often it is manifested in unpainted blond and light-blond hair, and may also need a course of such procedures. The undoubted plus of such clarification in the naturalness of the affecting composition. There are reviews that with cinnamon you can wash off the chemical dye from the hair naturally. As a result of cinnamon cinnamon, a pleasant red-brown or golden shade can be revealed. The clarifier action is likely to be barely noticeable, but as a bonus you will get an improvement in the condition of the hair and a pleasant spicy cinnamon fragrance. Consider popular hair cinnamon lightening recipes.


Cinnamon hair lightening: cinnamon and honey

For cinnamon and honey hair lightening, we will need the following ingredients:

  • hammer cinnamon - it is advisable to cook it yourself (there are cinnamon sticks on sale, they need to grind them with a coffee grinder);
  • liquid honey - you can take a slightly thickened, in this case it will be necessary to warm in the water bath;
  • your familiar balm or hair conditioner is desirable without silicone in the composition.

Prepare a nonmetallic bowl and spoon. When using metal dishes, it is possible to oxidize the coloring mixture, which can give the hair a unwanted greenish tint.

It is necessary to mix cinnamon powder with honey at the rate of 1: 1 - the amount of ingredients must be determined independently, focus on the length and thickness of your hair. For example, about 3-4 tablespoons of honey and as many cinnamon will be needed on the shoulder. These ingredients need to be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mixture, so that honey "swallowed" cinnamon and it is completely soaked. Next, add a broken balsam or air conditioner for hair and stir - should get a consistency mask of thick sour cream. Carefully spread your hair. The resulting cleaner distribute consistently along the entire length of strands, not reaching the roots - they must be left dry. The mask must completely soak the hair. It is worth reminding that cinnamon is not recommended to apply on sensitive scalp, as it can cause irritation. After applying, we look at the hair into a plastic cap or food film, turn on top of a terry towel for insulation. After 45 minutes, remove the towel and polyethylene, the applied mask to expose for another 2-3 hours. After the specified time, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the hair with shampoo, if necessary, rinse with air conditioning or with a chamomile beam.

Cinnamon hair lightening: Cinnamon and lemon

Cinnamon and lemon lightening hair will be particularly efficient for the owners of light hair - lemon will give them a beautiful light shade. To obtain a clarifying mixture, squeeze into a non-metallic container juice of one lemon, add 3-4 cinnamon tablespoons to it, mix thoroughly and dilute with 5 spoons of hair balm. Apply evenly on strands of hair without affecting the root zone, and leave for absorption for several hours, pre-insulated with a film and a terry towel. After 5-6 hours, wash the mask with a shampoo, then rinse with an air conditioner.

Cinnamon hair lightening: reviews

Judging by the reviews, cinnamon clarification on different hair gives different results accordingly. A noticeable effect of clarification from this procedure is achieved by girls with rusia and light rusia hair. But brunettes here have something to boast - mostly this is the visible improvement in the structure of the hair, as well as light toning in brighter brown shades with a golden chip. Natural tools for care and staining are often not possible to give an instant result, but they are distinguished by a stable useful influence in a systematic application.

Cinnamon hair lightening: Photo



Cinnamon hair lightening - video


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