
How to grow bangs

How to grow bangs
As soon as there is a need to grow a short bang, many girls are puzzled. How to grow bangs in a short gap? What to do during the growing bangs, how to put it beautifully, so that it does not knock out in separate locks and does not spoil the hairstyle. Simple recommendations for growing short bangs

Fashion constantly dictates new rules. Either short bangs are popular, then again long, then again ultra -short. How to catch fashion and in a short time to grow bangs, we will talk.

How to grow a bang correctly


As you know, the hair does not grow as fast as we would like. On average, if your bangs are not too short, then you can grow your hair to the desired length in two, or even three months. Naturally, every girl wants to grow bangs faster. How to do it? First you need to develop your individual schedule and adhere to simple recommendations of stylists.

So, the first point in terms of rapid growing bangs will be enhanced hair nutrition. Hair love moisture, so your curls should not be dry. This means that competent hair hydration is necessary. Therefore, stock up not only with patience, but also with means of moisturizing the scalp - air conditioners and masks. The air conditioner must be used regularly after washing with shampoo. In addition, it is necessary to help nutritious and moisturizing substances to achieve hair roots. One or twice a week, you need to use special scrubs or peels. And, of course, do not forget about moisturizing masks. It can be both store products and prepared with your own hand.

How to cook a moisturizing mask to accelerate hair growth:

  • it will help to grow bangs very quickly ordinary mustard. Take 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder;
  • yolk 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp.  l. sugar (you can use both white and reed sugar);
  • castor oil - 2 tbsp.  L.;
  • hot water - 2 tbsp.  L.;
  • all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed so that the mixture turns out to be a homogeneous consistency, and rub the hair in warm form;
  • leave the mask for half an hour, and then wash off a small amount of shampoo.

Since ancient times, a bread mask has been considered an excellent stimulant of hair growth. To the question "How to grow bangs in a day?" Most experienced stylists recommend using a simple and affordable folk remedy, and prepare a mask to accelerate hair growth based on rye bread.

How to make a mask:

  • Such a mask can be done at least every day, the main thing is not to be lazy. On the day when you are going to wash your hair with shampoo, pour 1/4 part of the bread with a liter of warm water (take rye). The mixture must be left for one or two hours so that the bread is good.
  • After time, soft bread can be removed, and the remaining liquid (it will become viscous) is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp. It is not necessary to distribute the mask over the entire length of the hair.
  • Cover the hair first with polyethylene or put on a shower hat, and then wrap your head with a terry towel and leave for twenty to thirty minutes.
  • Wash your hair with a soft shampoo.
  • In order to simultaneously accelerate hair growth and treat them, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the mask if your hair is dry and lemon juice - if oily.

Regular use of a bread mask will allow to grow bangs in a short time.

How to quickly grow bangs


It is no secret that the hair begins to grow faster when it is regularly cut. Naturally, we are not talking about a cardinal change in the hairstyle, but if you cut only 1-2 mm, then the hair will begin to grow much faster. Each renewed hair will not spin and it will be better to absorb vitamins and moisture, in addition to everything, when laying the bangs, the hair will become more obedient.

During the month, the average hair growth rate is 1 cm. If you try well and make maximum efforts, you can accelerate hair growth to 5-7 cm per month. It is necessary to regularly moisturize the hair, drink more purified water (norm - 2, 2.5 liters per day) and take hair vitamins.

Such vitamins contribute to rapid growth:

  • vitamin A - is contained in large quantities in eggs, seafood, liver and fresh carrots;
  • vitamin n - is contained in beer yeast, oatmeal and rice;
  • vitamin C - is found in citrus fruits (lemons, oranges), cabbage and Bulgarian pepper;
  • vitamin E - vegetable oils (unrefined) - olive, linseed, corn and sunflower;
  • vitamins B612 and B6 are part of vitamin complexes.

To quickly grow a bang, you should regularly massage the scalp. In addition, you can apply any tool to stimulate hair growth on a short bang and rub it with your fingertips.

How to grow bangs in a week


To speed up the process and grow bangs in a week, study these simple recommendations:

  • Limit the effects of hot air on the hair. Stop growth and dry curls of ironing and a hot hair dryer. If you cannot do without these assistants, then before laying, apply a special thermal protection product to the bangs.
  • Remember that all hair styling products can harm your hair, so after applying the curls you need to be cleaned from funds and applied moisturizing masks and balms.
  • It is undesirable to use combs with metal teeth, as they can damage the scalp and contribute to the formation of dandruff, which, in turn, carries a lot of problems and prevents good growth. Choose a comb of soft materials. Give preference to combs of wood or plastic, with natural bristles.
  • Try to use soft elastic bands, they do not injure your hair.
  • To grow bangs, refuse hair dyeing. Most colors have ammonia, which can harm the hair and stop their growth.
  • You can often wash your hair, but not necessary. Stylists recommend when growing bangs to determine the type of hair and develop an optimal schedule for their washing so as not to wash off the nutrients necessary for curls from the scalp.
  • Pay attention to food. Try to minimize flour and sweet, but fresh vegetables and fruits can be eaten in large quantities. In addition, you should lean on fish-vitamin E and omega-acids contribute to the rapid growth of hair.
  • In the pharmacy you can purchase a special vitamin complex for hair growth. You can take vitamins yourself, but it is better to consult a doctor in advance to exclude an allergic reaction to the drug.


Methods of laying bangs when growing

There are many ways to lay overgrown bangs, we will consider the most common:

  • Before starting laying overgrown bangs, it should be prepared. Hair should be clean. Wash them and slightly dry them with a towel. If your hair is not oily, then you can apply a little mousse or foam to the bangs. Then, using a flat comb, divide the bangs into several strands and remove the excess back and fix it with a clamp. Now you can dry the remaining short bangs with a hairdryer (turn on cold air), using a round comb to styling hair.


  • It will be easier to grow bangs if you use hairpins and invisibility. You can make a parting to one side and fix the bangs. The hairstyle looks beautiful when the bangs are hidden under a long side strand. To create an evening hairstyle, flowers, bows and accessories with large stones are suitable.

method 2

  • You can remove the bang to the side and fix the strand with varnish or wax. Such a simple option for laying a licking bang will open the face. The slanting bang goes to all girls, regardless of the shape of the face and the main length of the hair.
  • Make a voluminous "cocoon" removing all the hair upstairs. The bangs also need to be raised up and fix it with the help of invisibility of a suitable shade. Such a hairstyle will look good at any hair length. You can go the other way and do not make volume, but simply collect all the hair in the “horse tail” or a bunch. A short bang should be fixed using varnish or any remedy for styling. In order for individual hairs not puffed, they must be covered with means of styling with a dense texture - gel, wax or clay. Just remember that the funds need to be taken very little, literally with a pea, otherwise the hair will become heavy and stick together.

bangs upstairs

  • Fans of retro style should use miniature hair clamps, and divide the bangs into two neat strands with a parting in the middle. Each strand must be tightened in a flagella and fix the tips with clamps. And you can experiment and make several flagella out of a short bangs.


  • You can lay a short bang using an ordinary rim, dressing or silk scarf. Wearing a rim should be correctly like this: grab your hair not above your ears, but a little higher. It is convenient to use hoops with cloves. You can make a funny “crest” from a short bang using a bandage or scarf.


  • A short bang is easy to braid into a braid. Greek braids are in fashion along the hair growth line, when short and long hairs are intertwined at the same time. So that the strands do not get out of the hairstyle, they should be fixed with varnish.


Bangs are part of your image, therefore, how much time it takes for her bangs, no one can answer definitely. In any case, do not be afraid to experiment and fantasize with short hair - time will fly unnoticed, and you can easily grow bangs.

How to remove the overgrown bangs, 5 ways. Video



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