
Hair discoloration: rules and features of the procedure

Hair discoloration: rules and features of the procedure
Achieve hair discoloration can be easily knowing how to do it.

Hair discoloration is a process at which the complete or partial destruction of the coloring or natural pigment occurs. You can achieve such an effect, both with the help of chemicals and with the help of folk. What kind of funds are suitable for lightening the hair in different parts of the body, let's talk more.

Hair discoloration on hydrogen peroxide face


The most problematic plot on the face that worries many women - zone above the upper lip. It is here very often the hair is darker than on the rest of the persons, as a result of which many women suffer from the emergence of small "Westerns", which are by no means painting a female representative. It will help to discolor the hair above the upper lip and other problem areas of the face - hydrogen peroxide.

Several methods of hair discoloration on hydrogen peroxide face:

  1. Wash your cotton disk in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. We wipe the dark areas of hair on the face, paying this procedure for 5 minutes a day. A few days later you will see how the hairs will be significantly better, and after a while they will start breaking at all and will be practically imperceptible.
  2. Also prepare on the basis of hydrogen peroxide clarifying mixture. To do this, mix the shaving foam and peroxide in proportions 1: 1. We apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the face for 20 minutes, wash up the time expiration, and apply nutrient cream.
  3. Take 0.5 cl. Alcohol, mix it with 40 ml of hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of shaving foam. We apply to the problem areas of the skin of the face for 10 minutes, wash off, lubricate the area with a nutrient cream.
  4. No less effectively helps in discoloration of dark hair on the face perhydro-ointment. For its preparation mix 2 g of perhydrol (30% hydrogen peroxide solution) with 8 g of Vaseline, 12 g of Lanolin, a drop of ammonia alcohol and a small amount of shampoo. All components are mixed to homogeneity, the ointment is applied to the dark hair on the face, after drying it is washed off with warm water.

Recipes discoloration of hair on the body of hydrogen peroxide

wound Peroxidized.

In order to lighten the hair on the body using hydrogen peroxide, you will need a lot of patience, effort and effort. It all depends on the structure and color of the hair.

Here are some ways to blew hair hair on the basis of hydrogen peroxide:

  1. In 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution, add 5 drops of ammonia alcohol. Here you should not overdo it with alcohol, otherwise the color of the hair can get a red. The finished solution is applied to problem areas of the body, wash off after final drying. To achieve discoloration, the procedure should be carried out 2 times a day before getting the desired effect.
  2. Too dark, as well as red hair on the body, the hydrogen peroxide is well brought. You can prepare a mixture of 40 ml of perhydrail, 1 tsp. The ammonium of the bicarbonate, 20 g of liquid soap and 30 ml of water. The mixture is applied to problem areas of the body. We repeat the procedure several times, making the weekly or two-week break in the intervals, it all depends on the sensitivity of the skin.
  3. To enhance the effect, you can try to prepare a mixture of 1 tsp. 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol. The resulting mixture, without rubbing, should be applied to dark hairs of the body. After drying, the mixture must be washed with water with lemon juice, and to avoid skin irritation, apply a children's cream.

An excellent hair lighter on the body is considered a mixture of hydroperite and hydrogen peroxide.

Hydramerite is an antiseptic, urea peroxide, in the form of a solution it is used when ringed the throat and oral cavity. To bleach hair on the body, the pill is hydroperite with 1 tsp. Hydrogen peroxide, add a pinch of food soda, ampoule of the ammonic alcohol, a pair of shampoo drops, mix. Put the cotton disk into the resulting mixture, we apply to problem areas, waiting for drying and wash off. To avoid irritation, it is better not to clean the skin before this procedure.

Blank composition for dark hair on hands with hydrogen peroxide


Dark and thick hair in the arms are a common problem among the weak floor representatives, not to mention men. Removing them with a razor, wax or other mechanical means, you do not get rid of the problem, but on the contrary, it is increasing it. So they become even darker and tougher.

Therefore, so that your hands like you and others, and the hair color on them has acquired a body shade on them, one should prepare the composition based on peroxide.

Technology preparation of discoloration composition for hands:

  1. We mix 25 ml of warm water and hydrogen peroxide.
  2. In another container, preferably porcelain, connect 2 ampoules of the ammonia alcohol and 1 tsp. Soda, add a solution, mix all.
  3. Check the skin reaction to the mixture. We apply a drop of the resulting composition of the fold. We are waiting for 10 minutes if there are no side reactions (Chesia, itching, redness), then you can apply the composition on the hair of the hands.
  4. Keep such a mixture on hands follows 1 hour, then wash it with water.

Light tingling and burning during the conduct of such a procedure is not scary. But if sensations are enhanced, it means that this method of discoloration does not suit you. You can also observe a strong skin lightening in places where you treated your hair on your arms. But you should not worry, in a few days the usual skin color will return again.

Mixture using hydrogen peroxide for discoloration of dark hair on the head


Before the procedure for discoloration of dark hair, hydrogen peroxide should not be washed 2-3 days head. It is necessary in order to form fat on the surface of the hair, which would protect the hair cover during the influence of the oxidizing agent. Hydrogen peroxide is effective even on a par with modern means. Knowing how to apply this method correctly, hair discoloration can be carried out at home.

Before starting the procedure, remember the following rules:

  1. For thin and weak hair, we use a 4-8% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. For thick and hard hair, there will be 10-12% peroxide solution.
  3. For the hair of the middle length, select the solution of medium concentration.

Cooking solution for discoloration is prepared from 60 ml of hydrogen peroxide of the desired concentration, 40 g of shampoo, 50 ml of water and 3 cl. Ammonic alcohol. All components are mixed in enameled, porcelain or plastic bowl.

Lob lubricate fat cream, put on the hands of protective gloves. Before starting the procedure, you should make sure that you do not have allergies. To do this, apply the composition on the elbow and wait 10 minutes. If there is no allergic reaction, then you can start.

We distribute the composition along the entire length of the hair. It is not to overtake the remedy for hair peroxide to avoid loss and hair lubrication. For browning, we repeat the procedure twice, making a break between them in 2 or 3 weeks.

After the discoloration procedure, wash your hair and rinse them with a small amount of lemon juice. It will help us to stop the clarification and smooth the hair scales.

Hair discoloration on the head with modern means

Hair discoloration with blonderan-supra


Blondean Supra - Hair Powder, which has a strong discoloration effect. Such a tool does not make hair yellow after the procedure. The shade of clarification with a blond can be adjusted, giving the hair the desired tone.

To clarify the roots of the thrust of the hair, there will be enough from 60 to 70 g of such a powder, and about 150 g of powder will be required to completely lighten medium and long hair.

The sequence of preparation of blonde to apply and bleaching technology:

  1. The required amount of blond-supra is pour into the plastic container, gradually pour a 10-12% solution of hydrogen peroxide, achieving a creamy consistency. At 30 g, the powder will require approximately 60 g perhydrail. That is, the ratio of the dry component and the liquid solvent is approximately 1: 2.
  2. We distribute the composition evenly along the entire length of the hair using a bruster for staining.
  3. We leave the mixture on the hair from 15 to 50 minutes. It all depends on the intensity of clarification, length and hair structures. The instructions often write that hair clarification begins 45 minutes after applying means, and further the bleaching effect occurs, which prevents the appearance of a yellow shade.
  4. If at the end of the procedure, somewhere in 5 minutes, you still noticed that the color is uneven, then the shampoo should be applied before washing the composition. The filtering composition begins to foam with your hands, keep still literally a couple of minutes and wash off.

Hair discoloration paint - Blonde


Special paints are also used for hair discoloration. One of these paints can be called blondex. This paint for discoloration of hair is produced under different brands of manufacturers, but its main effect is the same - creating a cold white shade without yellowness. Depending on the degree of paint holding on her hair, you can brighten your hair from 3 to 7 tones.

Algorithm for using paint Blondex:

  1. Mix 30 g of powder with 50 g 9% oxidant cream, mix thoroughly.
  2. We evenly distribute the paint along the entire length of the hair, not forgetting about the roots, withstand from 10 to 50 minutes. The exposure time depends on the desired degree of clarification.
  3. Then wash the mixture and my head shampoo. On clean hair we apply balm, keep it 3 minutes, rinse your hair.

After applying paint for discoloration, such errors often occur:

  1. The tips of the hair are darker than the roots - during the application of paint, you unevenly distributed the tool. To correct the result, re-apply the paint on the darker length of the hair, and then tapping roots.
  2. The tips of the hair turned out too lane - it means that you immediately put paint for the entire length of the hair, and it was necessary first only for the gripped roots. To correct the error, we apply the composition on the roots of the hair, equalizing the overall tone. In the future, the paint will need to be applied only for the reversing roots.
  3. After discoloration, yellow hair is obtained - the clarifier on his hair was not enough or the concentration of the oxidant was imposed correctly. To correct this problem, the composition should be re-apply using a 6% oxidizing agent. The mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, holding it for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Hair clarification has passed unevenly - an error of application, distribution and hold of composition on her hair is made. Remember, hair during dyeing should lie freely. You need to constantly monitor the process to avoid a rapid reaction that can occur due to temperature drop. Otherwise, hair can brighten up unevenly.

Powder for bleaching hair

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But the powder for discoloration of the hair helps to intensively illuminate the hair on 7-8 tones, seeking the color of the perfect platinum blond.

Secrets and scope of use powder for discoloration:

  1. The components of the powder are based on aggressive components, which allows to achieve the desired light color. Consequently, such a powder may worsen the structure of the hair and the scalp.
  2. Applying powder for home bleaching is not recommended.
  3. Pooh can be used both girls with blond hair and brunettes.
  4. After the completion of the procedure, it is often necessary to resort to hair toning.
  5. Powder gives the effect of glare lightening, allowing to focus on separate strands of hair.
  6. To reduce the negative impact of powder on the hair and the skin of the head, you can use it together with a low-profile oxidizing agent.
  7. Powder destroys the colorful pigment well, so it is often used to get rid of the old paint and apply a new shade.

Hair bleaching cream


Hair discoloration cream is the most gentle tool among all presented chemicals. Of course, it is capable of just a few tones to bring you to the desired color, without damaging the hair structure.

Features for clarification cream:

  1. Cream brightens the hair of just 2-3 tones from the original hair color.
  2. Contains the minimum amount of ammonia.
  3. Does not cut hair.
  4. Due to the lack of strong chemical components, in addition to lightening the hair on the head, it can also be used to blew hair on the body.
  5. In addition to clarification by several tones, the cream gives hair shine and softness, thanks to the content of active substances in it.
  6. The cream will be able to qualitatively clarify only blonde hair. Dark blond hair brightens on 1 tons.

Hair restoration after aggressive or unsuccessful hair discoloration

If your hair after discoloration lost their shine and beauty - do not despair. Nutrient masks are able to quickly restore hair after discoloration. Depending on the type of hair, you can choose the appropriate mask for you.


  • An egg-honey-honey mask is perfectly suitable for normal hair type. It enriches the roots of the hair with the necessary microminerals, returns them a prime appearance. For her preparation, we separate the yolk from the protein. We mix only yolk with 1 tbsp. Honey, we apply a mixture evenly throughout the length of the hair, not forgetting about the roots, we wear a hat or a cellophane bag on the head, keep a mask for 20 minutes. We repeat the procedure three times a week.
  • Perfectly restore hair and essential oils. They nourish the hair, saturating them with the necessary fats and amino acids. Restore dry hair after intensive damage helps a burnt oil. It can be applied as independently before washing the head between the strands of the hair, so and use in the form of a mask, mixing 10 drops of burdock oil from 1 tbsp. Honey.
  • With the problem of brittle hair after discoloration, the following mixture can cope: a ray oil + castor oil + coconut oil. All these essential oils should be mixed in equal proportions and slightly warm in the water bath. The warm mixture of regenerating oils should be carefully lined into the hair, cover them from above the cellophane and bite the head with a towel. Mixture of oils can be left overnight or rinsed them after 2 hours.

Discoloration of hair with masks at home


Quickly clarify and intensively discolored hair helps the chemicals that we can buy in a cosmetology store. But brightening the hair without applying to them harm will be able to be discussed masks for discoloration at home. Such masks, of course, will suit more representatives with the Light Rusy and Rusy Hair, however, and girls with dark hair should experience masks for themselves, at least to give them a gentle light tone. The result of the discolored hair with homemade masks you can watch in the photo.



Masks for lightening based on daisies:

  • 2 tbsp. l. Dry chamomile flowers pour into the thermos, pour them with a glass of steep boiling water, let it brew for 5 hours. Infusion is filtering, soaring the hair, we wrap my head and leave the mask for an hour, wash off.
  • For dry hair in such an infusion, add 60 g of glycerin, we applied the mask along the entire length of the hair, we look well, we leave for 45 minutes, after which we wash the mask.
  • 2 tbsp. Chamomile mix with 30 g of saffron, we blame the mixture with boiling water, insist half an hour. Add freshly squeezed juice of one lemon, a couple of lavender oil droplets. We apply a mask on the washed hair for 20 minutes, rinse them.
  • Grind lemon peel, mix it with 1 tsp. Turmeric, add 3 tbsp. Dry chamomile, pour everything in a liter of steep boiling water. We insist the mixture for several days in a cool place, we apply daily on clean hair.


  • Cinnamon-based mask and honey also helps to lighten hair. True, this process is long and requires several procedures to achieve results. By time, one such procedure lasts from 2 to 4 hours. In just a few masks you can illuminate the hair by 2-3 tones.

Cooking cinnamon and honey masks:

  1. Connect cinnamon powder in equal proportions with liquid floral honey.
  2. Honey before mixing with cinnamon is slightly warming up.
  3. If your honey is too thick, you can dilute with olive oil or chamomile decoction.
  4. We apply a mask on each strand of the hair, cover the hair with a plastic hat and bite them with a towel.
  5. We wash your hair after about 3 hours.

After such masks, your hair will be lighter, gaining a pleasant shade.

Hair discoloration. Video


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