
Colorless Henna for Hair: Benefits and Application

Colorless Henna for Hair: Benefits and Application
How to care for hair with a colorless henna

Colorless henna for hair is called the extract of lavsonia, devoid of painting properties of a shrub after chemical processing. Natural colorless means - Henna is popular in cosmetology to strengthen hair, thanks to its useful strengthening properties. Including henna extract is useful for hair growth, due to its enveloping colorless components, and for the skin - reinforcing. The main difference between the treatment of colorless henna from similar on the properties of plant extracts - hair coloring.

Benefits of colorless hair henna


The extract of colorless henna for hair can be unhindered at any household chemicals or cosmetology store. It is sold in small portions, in one single bags. Based on the properties of the plant, from the leaves of which the powder of a colorless henna is produced, determine its advantages for hair and other beneficial properties.

  1. Antimicrobials: Provides the chemical element of crisopanol. Thanks to him, colorless henna for hair is used to treat and inflammation of the scalp.
  2. Gloss and hair growth: ensures such a natural component as emodin in the use of colorless henna.
  3. Sequencing, dry and brittle hair: strengthens such a popular advertising as part of expensive cosmetic products - carotene, which is naturally contained in a colorless hen. As well as a natural moisturizer Betaine.
  4. Hair loss: in the treatment of henna colorless prevented premature, and the existing hair loss decreases, thanks to the chemical compound of zeaksantine.
  5. Dandruff: The use of colorless henna for hair, according to reviews, helps effectively cope with similar problems of the scalp.

Application of colorless henna for hair


Since colorless Henn is a 100% natural product, it contains a lot of hair beneficiaries. This makes it a universal cosmetic and therapeutic treatment. Apply a colorless henna with benefit for oily hair is recommended no more than two times a month. If the hair is strongly affected by external factors, and the head of the head is inclined to dryness - no more than once a month. The fact is that the frequent use of colorless henna leads to partial dehydration of the hair. Therefore, in order not to harm hair, it is necessary to use a colorless HHU into clearly dosed quantities. To enhance the beneficial properties of colorless henna, various cosmetic oils in hair masks typically add. The big advantage in the treatment of hair is colorless henna, the fact that it does not paint them completely.

Colorless Henna for the treatment and growth of hair


  1. Colorless Henna is often used in masks not only for the treatment of damaged hair, but also to stimulate their growth. Its active natural components will quickly penetrate the inside of the hair structure, render enveloping effect from the inside, thicker and restore the structure of its scales.
  2. Also, the composition of the XNA colorless includes a number of natural air conditioning elements. Therefore, it can be used instead of cosmetic balms, which in excess are full of different chemistry. This unique quality of colorless henna helps a lot when treating hair after a chemical curling. It leads to a tone of dry and damaged hair and restores fragile.
  3. If you think about the use of colorless henna to accelerate and improve hair growth - there is also special proven masks for this. Wraps from colorless henna, oil of jojoba and egg yolks, gives Hollywood gloss hair, speeds up the growth of scales and eliminates the cross section.

Colorless Henna for Hair: Harm


  1. Before the use of colorless henna for hair, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications, read reviews of practitioners and experts. Whatever beautiful colorless henna, it can easily harm hair. Therefore, vigilance - first of all.
  2. Although henna powder and was discharged as a result of receiving, light hair he can paint in a yellowish tint. To avoid this, the owners of beautiful hair color blond and rusmes, it is recommended to pre-apply colorless hu on the tip or strand. After sample - apply along the entire length.
  3. It is recommended to refrain from painting hair with conventional paints immediately after the treatment of hair mask from colorless henna. There is a high probability that the coloring component will fall not exactly in color. It is necessary to wait about 7 days - the structure of natural color is normalized after the use of colorless henna, and it will not apply aesthetic harm to hair.
  4. What good is good in moderation. Do not use hairless hair masks too often - it harms hair. Natural components for strengthening, which contains an extract of colorless henna, are potent and in large quantities harm hair. They strongly reveal scales, in which dust and dirt are clogged. The hair becomes dry, dull and break.

Colorless Henna Masks


Very easy at home to prepare a simple hair mask from an ordinary colorless henna, which can be bought in the nearest store. After a mask from a variety of simple, natural components with a powder of a colorless henna, the hair acquire a shining, healthy look, as in the photo of glossy magazines.

Classic mask with colorless henna

In one bag of colorless henna for hair growth, gradually introduce 200 g of warm boiled water. Stir into a homogeneous mass without lumps. Equally apply along the entire length of the hair. To withstand from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Complex mask with colorless henna

To treat hair, mix 200 g of colorless henna with boiled water - cool the mass. Take 2 chicken eggs - separate yolks from proteins. In the cooled porridge with a colorless henna for hair, sequentially stirring, introduce two yolks, 2 tbsp. l. Repericted or olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar and 2 tsp. Honey.

Curd mask with colorless henna

Also as part of a hair mask from colorless henna effectively apply cottage cheese. To do this, it is necessary to mix the bag of colorless henna for hair with a juice of half of the lemon, two yolks and 2-3 tbsp. l. Small agricultural non-fat curd. All mix in a homogeneous mass. If the paste is too dry, you can add olive oil and some more lemon juice. Lemon juice in combination with colorless henna, give the hair smoothness and shine.

Colorless Henna when losing hair


The advantages of a colorless henna for hair is that it is completely natural and easily combined with a multitude of components, strengthening them and their properties. The effect after using cosmetic clay in combination with colorless henna for hair therapy can be observed in the photo materials of the leading cosmetology clinics of the world. Mix with boiling water into a homogeneous mass: colorless hatch for hair, up to three different cosmetic oils (olive, castor, corn, coconut, etc.), green or blue cosmetic clay. Each ingredient in equal proportions.

Colorless henna for dry hair


Buy one packer of colorless henna for hair - For the mask, use it immediately all. Choose one fruit of ripe juicy avocado - disintegrate it to the state of the casis in the blender. Mix the huu with boiled water in a single to one ratio, add avocado and one spoonful of olive oil. Mix all, withstand no more than an hour.

Colorless henna for hair growth

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In 300 g of the proximed kefir or source add 100 g of a colorless henna and a teaspoon of essential oil. Boiled water, if necessary, bring everything to the state of the Cashitz. Use no more often once a month.

Colorless henna for hair. Video


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