
Hair Growth Massage

Hair Growth Massage
Massage technology for hair growth at home.

Head massage is an excellent way to relax, remove the tension and activate the blood circulation in the scalp's skin tissues. In addition, regular massage stimulates not only the epidermis of the head, but also effective for the growth of the hair itself. Activating hair follicles, you contribute to the influx of blood and necessary for the health of the skin substances, which is the key to beauty, density and length of your fores.

How to make a massage for hair growth


In antiquity, the wealthy peasants and the rich young lady were special servants, whose task was to massage the head and proper hair combing. Such regular massages contributed to the growth of hair and received their absolute distribution due to letters and excellent effect. In fact, such procedures are quite simple. Adhering to certain rules, you can easily make such manipulations independently at home.

  • comb only dry hair;
  • hairbrush for hair and massage should be individual, do not transfer this tool to anyone;
  • possessing the hair and skin of the head are affected by ridges from natural materials, bristles are especially welcome;
  • when choosing, do not stop on very soft, but also avoid stiffness and angularity of the device;
  • use natural essential oils when they make a head massage - they will reassure the skin, and will be nutty with vitamins hair rod.

Ordinary combing is an excellent massage for hair growth, which is easy to do every day before bedtime at home. Exactly 30 times will be enough to relax the scalp and remove all the tension accumulated per day. Drive the ridge evenly from top to bottom, do not pull and do not pull the tangled pieces of hair.

Making a massage for hair growth with hands: Rules

In addition to comb and ridges, which are perfectly straightened and smoothed hair along the entire length, indispensable for a good state of the chapels is a manual head massage. Before starting, be sure to warm up the scalp and hair. To do this, slightly stroke the length and circular movements along the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe head. About 5 minutes of workout and you can proceed to special exercises. Work only with tips and pillows of fingers. They are well massage the nerve endings on the head and activate their own receptors, which is very useful for the body.

Hair Growth Massage: Stroking

  1. Place your hands in the central part of the head palms down. Fingers pop up to capture as much skin as possible. Evenly start the fingers into the thickness of the hair, so that the pads completely come into contact with the skin. A little pushing, start moving your hands down to the ears, as if combing the hair with my hands.
  2. Put one palm on the forehead, so that the fingertips are in contact with the hair line, and the second - on the head in the same position. Slowly start moving both hands to the center of the head, pushing evenly.

Massage for hair growth: rubbing

This technique in the head massage is performed to grow hair with pillows of fingers, only in this case, with small pressure it is necessary to perform circular motions.

Start massaging your head from the top and gradually move to the temples and the back. Fingers need to grow as much as possible and descend down the so-called radial lines, vigorously performing circular movements with hands. The same must be done in the opposite direction below.

Hair Growth Massage: Pcooling

This reception is performed for the tone of the scalp. Only 4 fingers on each hand are involved in the massage, and the large at that time is fixed. Slightly pat with pads throughout the head area of \u200b\u200babout 3 to 5 minutes.

Hair Growth Massage: Stretching

In this taking hair, the hair is captured between the fingers and slowly, slightly pulling the bundles, stretch from the bottom up. You can try small oscillatory movements, just do not forget to delay your hair slightly, to feel the tension in the roots.

Hair Growth Massage: Combing

This procedure does not only bring aesthetic order, but also massages the scalp, with proper execution. And also cleans the hair from dust, it ventures the delicate of the hair and contributes to the distribution of the skin along the entire length. Mandatory is combing a crest or brush with natural bristles twice a day: in the morning and evening.

Massages for hair growth at home

Massage Commercial


This massage is recommended to do twice a day for 12 minutes.

  1. You will need a fairly rigid massage comb from natural materials. A good silent tree, bristle or ebonite fit well. Such materials will not electrify the hair, which will facilitate the massage procedure, and will not be able to damage the hair out with their cloths.
  2. To improve the effect of massage, you can use cosmetic essential oils before starting the procedure. Just apply 2 - 3 drops on teeth or bristles.
  3. Be sure to dry out the washed hair before the massage and thoroughly discharge them in a dry form. Move the comb smoothly, but confidently. It is not necessary to push too much, otherwise damage fragile hair or worse than the skin of the head.
  4. Always start making a massage for hair growth from the occipital part and gradually move to the top of the top, then to forehead, further to the temples and back. Do so several times in one direction, and then also in the opposite. You will feel how the head of the head is gradually warming up, and even hair becomes warmer.
  5. Modern technologies and in this direction do not stand still. A laser comb is a completely unique invention for massage head and hair. With the help of radiation, it contributes to the rapid activation of blood circulation in the hair lows, which stimulates their active nutrition and growth. But the magnetomassal comboons are invented specifically for the removal of voltage and headaches. In addition, they restore the silkiness and hair shine.

Massage fingers


  1. Start the massage from the occipital part and the temple zone. Circular movements massage the area first with hourly, then counterclockwise about 2 to 3 minutes. Stimulating these zones will help relieve fatigue and intensify the body's forces. Paint the hair on the head from top to bottom - from the top to the back of the head. In conclusion, the tips of the heads of the head and hair are lightweight.
  2. According to massage with the help of the technology of the "Talk" for hair growth, it is well activated by the roasting bulbs, and it can be easily made independently. Put the palms on the sides of the head, and the fingers run deep into the skin, pre-well spreading them. Control so that long nails do not touch the skin surface, and they can damage it. Slightly pressing on the tips of the fingers, closure and open the appropriate pairs and go even on the scalp of the whole head. In the opposite direction, move the light circular movements with closed index and nameless fingers of each hand.

Massage with lowered head

  1. Take a comfortable and stable body position, sitting in a chair or on the sofa. Lightly lean and lower your head and hair down.
  2. Minutes 3 - 5 Perform warming movements for the scalp. The tips of the spreading fingers slowly, slightly pressing, spend from the temporal part, the nape and forehead to the top of the top.
  3. This massage is well combined with natural essential oils and decoctions. Distribute the selected remedy evenly throughout the scalp.
  4. Then massate the skin with light circular movements so that everything is absorbed. Separate small strands of the hair and slowly pull them down, turning through with your fingers. Do similar manipulations for each strand.
  5. Complete the massage of the fingertips of fingers.

Another way to perform the massage fingers with his head down is very effective to restore blood circulation in the tissues, growth and strengthening of hair. It is very convenient to implement it before washing the head.


  1. Tilt your head over the bathroom and shook your hair with a navel to the forehead, so that they hide freely. Pre-preheated on the battery medium-sized towel massage the skin of the head with the circular movements of the hands. Be careful, do not push much so as not to overdo it. The towel is not as soft as your hands and they can easily damage the hair onions.
  2. Take the 5 - 10 minutes for five minutes so that they relax and rested.
  3. Then proceed to washing your head.

Massage with essential oils


  1. Good to stimulate blood circulation of the head of the head, the essential oil of pepper, lavender, vocabulary or rosemary. Use a small amount, only 3 - 5 drops depending on the volume of hair. Be very neat with natural oils, they have a high concentration of natural elements. Throwing around, you can burn your head.
  2. First dispense the oil uniformly on the skin. To do this, you can leave a drop in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples, forehead, the nape and a couple of drops on the top of the top.
  3. Throw the circular movements of the fingers. Periodically change the direction of rotation.
  4. Special attention is paid to the occipital part. From the hair line on the back of the head, between the neck and head, massaging, slightly pressed, in a straight line until the forehead.
  5. In conclusion, relax your head and hair with plugging the movements of the big and index fingers, and then praise with tips.

The use of essential oils helps in the treatment of skin. Also, the natural ingredients of the ethers feed well, and moisturize their hair, fill them with a large number of vitamins. You can use a little preheated oil for head massage. Just do everything just as well just heat the oil in the water bath. Warm ether is faster absorbed and act deeper on the skin. While the oil is heated can be added there several drops of vitamin A and E. They are sold in a liquid form in capsules in any pharmacy.

Massage and hair growth devices at home


  1. Combs are great for massage of the scalp. The perfect and helpful hair are natural wooden ridges. Combs with metal cloth are not recommended to use, as they injured the scalp and hair rod.
  2. Carefully approach the choice of a massage brush for the head and hair. Pick the cloves soft plastic or rigid from natural bristles.
  3. Do not forget to wash your devices at least once a week. To do this, you can use an ordinary soap solution or a solution with a variant. After that, wipe the teeth with a cotton swab with alcohol for additional disinfection.
  4. And remember: for each family member there should be a separate comb or hair ridge.

Hair Growth Massage: Video


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