
Serum for hair

Serum for hair
Types of hair serum. Application and use

Healthy and beautiful hair still has long been considered for the girl the main pride and decoration. Today, the creation of any hairstyles do not do without the use of hair dryers and a bad, which noticeably spoil the healthy appearance and the inner structure of the hair.

Increasingly, the girls are trying to bring something original into the image due to the cardinal changes in the hairstyle. It can be stylish styling, and extraordinary staining. Therefore, special attention should be paid to constant health care and hair status, because they are daily exposed to various instruments and equipment for laying.

The problem of hair health worries almost every girl, and many dream of chic long hair. However, there are funds that, with regular use, will help to carry out dreams and bring hair of any state in a healthy look. Judging by the reviews about the serums for hair, this is a unique and its qualities simply a magical cosmetic care product for a beautiful hairstyle.

The overall concept of hair serum and its action

Serum (from English) or hair serum is a concentrated tool that has a quick healing effect and has the ability to deeply penetrate the useful active components of the drug. Also, only serum has a long wellness and restoring effect, which cannot be compared with any other hair tool of this kind.

Cosmetologists, hairdressers and stylists unanimously concluded that for full hair recovery or as a preventive remedy for their damage, serum is the best tool for protection and treatment at the same time. Since serums are an indispensable tool for luxurious hairstyles, they constantly enjoy the stars of show business, the hair of which are too often susceptible to damage from laying.

The useful ingredients of the composition of serum penetrate the strongest means through the skin of the head and hair, accelerate the work of the cells, provide them with oxygen, provide nutrition, moisturizing, hair treatment and skin epidermis. Simultaneously with the regenerating and healing structure, the effect of serum only provide thermal protection of hair with any stacking, make it easier for combing, and externally make hair with durable, smooth, voluminous and shiny.


Composition of cosmetic serum for hair

Depending on the various problems of hair, serum is complemented by the useful elements, and the main composition includes:

  • vitamins;
  • keratines;
  • trace elements;
  • panthenol;
  • nutrient extracts;
  • polymers;
  • proteins;
  • vegetable oils;
  • elastane.

Often, serum differ depending on hair problems according to the distinctive components, which is part of additionally:

  1. Recovery:
  • proteins;
  • hydrolyzates;
  • keratines;
  • silk components;
  • panthenol;
  • silicones;
  • tropical oils;
  • phospholipids;
  • ceramide.
  1. Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp:
  • betaine;
  • klimbazol;
  • octopirox;
  • salicylic acid;
  • selenium;
  • sulfur;
  • zinc.
  1. Height:
  • antiandrogens;
  • antioxidants;
  • vasodilators;
  • antiinflammatory agents;
  • trofostimulyatory;
  • cytokines.


Indelible serum for hair

All known serum for hair divided into two types - washable (homemade) or leave (cosmetic). Before you buy a hair serum, it is necessary to find out occurred hair problems that need to be addressed with the help of cosmetic and therapeutic tools.

Serum for hair growth

For recovery, treatment, hair strengthening structure and enhance their growth is recommended to select a means in the main composed of only natural substances. For example, in the composition of serum for hair growth, "first aid kit Agafia" contains components such as lemon balm, birch extract, lemongrass, yeast, burdock, marshmallow, ginseng, nettle, minerals, vitamins and various amino acids. This means perfectly improves blood circulation, nourishes the hair and all the necessary nutrients and is used to treat dandruff.


Japanese Serum for hair growth Andrea today is very popular due to its absolutely natural and harmless composition: ginger, ginseng, fleece flower extract or Tokkobana, grape seed oil. Serum for hair Andrea (850 p.) Moisturizes, heals and nourishes hair with oxygen, improves the circulation of the scalp blood, stimulates and increases hair growth. Positive results can be seen after the intense weeks of use.


Serum for split ends

Split ends of the injured are the most common problem of hair damage due to their fragility by frequent combing or pilings. For split ends is necessary to remedy that helps repair the damage and prevent the resumption of fragility. Serum from L'Oreal Professional fine treats brittle, badly split ends and fully strengthens their structure.

Serum for dry hair

Dry, too damaged hair often looks rather dimly and lifeless, so they require both enhanced nutrition and complete moisturizing. The serum with the unique effect of radiance from U Little Beauty (about 650 rubles) gives natural shine and beauty with hair after several applications, and with constant use, it feeds the hair that subsequently eliminates the lack of moisture and dullness. The composition of this tool is enriched with jasmine oil, which does not agitate the hairstyle and has a pleasant smell.

Serum for hair restoration

If your hair is weakened, unhealthy, damaged and sequently, then you are recommended for complex departure by several means. Remedyle in the form of serum from Estel Otium Miracle, which, after some applications, restore the structure, hair shine and will provide food. Regenerating oxygen serum with Faberlic oxygen enriches with vitamins and nutrients skin covers, which stimulates hair growth, will improve the condition and give them a healthy shine.

Sweeper from hair loss

Beauty Woman Touching Her Long and Healthy Brown Hair

The main composition of such agents usually includes topical oil or its extract, which in addition to accelerating hair growth is used as prevention of their dropping. For example, Serum Schwarzkopf Pofessional Insome Sweeper against hair loss speeds up the work of the hair follicle, and the oil included in the main composition will prevent hair loss and provide them with full-fledged additional food and treatment.

Moisturizing hair serum

Any, even healthy hair is exposed to sunlight, water, wind and temperature drops, so care and meals are recommended. Kapous hair serum with a moisturizing effect will give shine, strength and volume hairstyle, and also restores meals and the necessary balance of nutrients for hair health. Two-phase Kapous hair serum (about 157 p.) Contains hydrogeratin for moisturizing, natural extracts and oils for nutrition and protection with thermal laying, and also make it easier for combing hair.


Serum for damaged hair

For hair with serious damage after frequent staining with clarifying agents, healing and nutrients with a large amount of oils for full recovery are used. For example, regenerating ampoules from Shiseido (about 2 050 p.) With intense extracts of oils, it should be used for all the scalp skin to speed up growth. Serum L'Occitane (1 330 r.) Platinum serum will help heal damaged hair and restore their structure.

Serum for hair tips

For problematic hair tips, the tool must be selected on the texture, so that when used it does not waste the rest. Avon hair serum perfectly smoothes hair without weighting and restores a healthy look and structure. The components of the means are moisturized, heated and strengthened, and also give smoothness, gloss and silkiness hair. Serum for dry hair tips from Avon is manufactured by international standards using beneficial cosmetic and natural components included in the main composition for nutrition, recovery and the treatment of tips.

Application of indelible serum

Cosmetic means of this kind are applied directly to the washed dry or slightly wet hair. It is worth noting that depending on the hair damage zone, serum is applied to tips - from damage, roots and scalp - to stimulate growth or along the entire length - for moisturizing. The frequency of use is determined by the type of therapeutic agent and the force of damage to the structure of the hair.

Serum should not be used too often, but it is better to use a few minutes to thermal laying for thermal protection. Usually, the serum is triturated in their hands and rub into hair and the scalp for uniformity and improve efficiency. Also, after the use of serum, it is recommended to wear a film on the hair and give them to be soaked in a means of 15 minutes.

Serum is applied in small doses and is regulated by a pipette or sprayer. All other cosmetics should not be mixed with hair serum, and after laying, fasten the result with a flow of cold air hair dryer. Immediately after cooling, the application of other means for laying any type is allowed.

Washed hair serums

For treating and strengthening hair, folk remedies are widely used, which, in turn, in contrast to cosmetic, require flushing after use. Widely used dairy hair serum, which is part of restorative masks, as the dairy products are rich in necessary elements, and fermentation bacteria accelerate the processes of growth and the introduction of beneficial and nutrients.

Such a dairy product can already be bought at the finished form or make the black milk. From the resulting source just need to move the serum from the cotton mass. Serum can be used in cosmetic and therapeutic purposes with other components in several recipes.

Equal column serum and honey

Two glasses of the fermented milk product and half a cup of honey Mix carefully and apply massage movements on the hair for 20 minutes. Then thoroughly wash the mask with shampoo and warm water. Honey will restore the structure, and the dairy product will help make your hair shiny. The fermentation processes of the dairy product prevent strong hair loss.

Equal column serum and oatmeal

One full glass of solid oatmeal should be pouring 0.5 liters of fermented milk product and give to impregnate 15 minutes. Then apply a casheck mask on the hair and the skin of the head by massaging movements for 20 minutes, and after thoroughly smash. Oatmeal dries the skin of the head and hair roots, and the fermentation product allows you to better penetrate vitamins and useful substances, which prevents hair loss.

Equal column serum and cosmetic clay

The dairy product and clay require evenly mixed in equal proportions and apply with light massaging movements on the hair and the head of the head for 10 minutes, and after it is thoroughly washed with warm water using a soft shampoo. Clay powered perfectly and dries the scalp, stimulates growth, and the dairy product will help with damage. Such a mask is indispensable for painted and clarified hair.

Equal milk serum and eggs

Four eggs mix thoroughly with two glasses of the sour-column product and apply light massage movements on the hair and the scalp to the head for 10 minutes, wearing a film on the head. Rinse the mask is necessary water room temperature, but not warm so that the egg protein does not curl on the hair. Such an egg mask will help in the fight against dandruff and secting tips.

Equal column serum and aloe juice

The juice of the plant is mixed with one glass of fermented dairy product and evenly apply a gel mixture into a slightly wet hair with massage movements for 20 minutes, rubbing and massaging roots. Then wash off warm water with a soft shampoo. Such a mask with alose juice nourishes your hair and scalp, heals the structure, attaches shine, and the dairy product will strengthen the structure and prevents the loss.

Fermented milk serum and yeast

Stalls of yeast (better beer) mix with a glass of fermented milk product and apply light massage movements on hair and scalp for 15 minutes. Then rinse with an equal mixture of water and a sour-colored product, and after applying a soft shampoo, wash your head with citrus juice with water. The yeast mask is perfectly struggling with strongly damaged hair, adds shine, volume and feeds the structure and skin of the head to stimulate hair growth.

Equal column serum and bran

Full cabin of chopped bran to pour one glass of the sour-colored product and lightly linnet into the hair and the skin of the head with massage movements. Leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse with water with a soft shampoo. Such a cut-down mask nourishes, strengthens and heal the hair, and also eliminates damage to their structure.

Equal column serum and decoction nettle

Liter decoction of 4 tbsp. l. Plants cool and strain. Two glasses of fermented milk product mixed with decoction of roots or nettle leaves. It is recommended to rinse the hair after washing for prophylaxis from the problem of lumps of hair.

Equal column serum and blade burdock

Liter bray 4 tbsp. l. Plants boil five minutes, and then completely cool. Mix the decoction with a fermented milk product in equal shares and light movements to apply on the hair and the scalp for 30 minutes. Then the hair should be rinsed with warm water. Such a rinse effectively from the sequentants of the tips.

Equal column serum and decoction of chamomile


Full-table flower plants pour a liter of boiling water and leave cool before half an hour. An infused decoction to mix with one glass of the dairy product and evenly apply liquid on the hair for half an hour. After washed with warm water. Chamomile will well help with dandruff and lightly brighten the hair.

Equal milk serum and rapid oil

The ray oil is the best folk and cosmetic agent to combat hair loss, but it is often very difficult to rinse from the hair. To enhance the effect of the means and rapidly removal of the oil, the rinser with the milk product will help. Mix the milk product with water in equal shares and rinse the hair with a mixture, massaging them and the scalp. Then after a few minutes, wash the mixture with warm water. Your hair will become more voluminous, shiny and soft.

Hair Serum Video

A detailed video review of cosmetic serum from Ollin and L'Oreal will help in the fight against weakened and damaged hair and their treatment:


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