
Mascara. How to choose mascara

Mascara. How to choose mascara
The choice of a suitable carcass among the variety of brands. Light Purchase Rules.

About the properties and quality of carcasses for eyelashes is useful to know any woman before buying. The article describes the types of carcasses and its most famous manufacturers, as well as rules that will help not make a mistake with the choice of carcasses for eyelashes.

Rules for the choice of carcasses


We can not always test mascara to shopping. But there are rules that will help choose the best mascara, without opening a tube:

  • Read the composition. Vitamins A, B, E, Castor Oil, Keratin, Proteins - the presence of these components speaks of a good choice. Disassemble, whether these substances are not so difficult as part of the mascara carcass, even if it is printed in English.
  • Inspect other inscriptions on the package. The address of the manufacturer and production is indicated on the high-quality carcass. All inscriptions must be clearly pricked.
  • Select the product under your needs. Blondes to face brown mascara. Those who wears lenses or glasses will be easier and more comfortable with waterproof.
  • Do not take a tube from the showcase. The likelihood is great, that such a mascara has already been opened, then it thirsurs faster and dried up, which is unrelated.

If the mascara is unpacking with you, such factors say about its quality:

  • when opening, cotton is heard;
  • the aroma is pleasant, sweetish;
  • no lumps;
  • after applying it will dry for a long time.

What is not to trust when choosing a carcass for eyelashes?


  • Fashion magazines. Like any media, the magazine lives due to advertising. The manufacturer is not difficult to pay not only the advertising page, but also a conditional objective rating of the mascara of the eyelashes in which the desired model will be the winner.
  • Women with another skin type. A certain type of skin causes the appearance of allergies or irritation. What is suitable for oily skin, it can negatively affect dry. The type of eyelashes depends on the interaction with the texture of the means. Always check the length, density, color of eyelashes before buying a mascara, the reviews on which you were convinced.
  • Television advertising. It works with proven ways to manipulate. Advertising cosmetic is based on the characteristics of the combination of colors and illumination. Even if you can apply a lengthetic mascara as a professional stylist, you still will not be able to constantly be in such a world as the professional operator put. Famous precedents are also known. Manufacturer of carcasses for eyelashes Loreal was fined to use in advertising of overhead eyelashes.
  • High price. With the same chemical complex and the shape of the brush, the difference may consist only at the level of brand known. Not always mascara of the eyelashes, the price of which is higher, creates a greater effect or applied better than the rest.

What could be the composition of the mascara of the eyelashes?


Water, soot, bonding soap, sealing resins, dyes and preservatives serve as standard carcass base. But on the tube, these substances will be described less familiar to us. In the composition of the extension carcass to the eyelashes will be fibers - microcrotlin, nylon, silk. As part of waterproof, volumetric - wax substances. We spoke about the following components at the beginning, now explain in more detail, for which functions they answer:

  • vitamins A, B5, E, F - nourish and give silkiness;
  • keratin - covers film, thereby protecting eyelashes;
  • castor oil - stimulates growth, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • lanolin - moisturizes, counteracts fragility;
  • UV filters are protected from solar radiation.

Types of eyelashes for eyelashes

In addition to the general rules there are still options among the destination of the carcass. Consider what there are carcasses for eyelashes, what are their advantages and disadvantages. In some cases, for example, with waterproofing, consider the optimal use situations.

Extension Mascara


A feature of such a carcass for eyelashes is visible elongation. It is created due to the massive staining of the ends of the cilia. Two components correspond for this effect. It is for them that you should pay attention when choosing an extension carcass for eyelashes.

  • Special shape of brushes. It can be performed in the form of a double spiral, cone. A sign of the extension carcass serves and the presence of two compartments at the tube - one for elongation, the other - for the dye.
  • Special components. Silicone, vegetable fibers, silk threads, nylon.
    The lengthetic mascara has its own negative features. Problems with her may arise from those who wear glasses. When contacting with them with eyelashes, mascara can dump glass or turn faster than usual.

Volumetric mascara


This mascara makes eyelashes fluffy, wider and notable. This effect is created by wax, which envelops the eyelashes, making it a little thicker. But considering that eyelashes and so have a small size, then such thickening is quite noticeable. The volumetric mascara and brush should be appropriate - with uniform bristles.
This carcass has a standard designation in the title - VOLUME.

Waterproof mascara

Mascara wet weather, swimming in the pool and sea. It has a resin in its composition, which prevent impact. However, the waterproof mascara is often allergic.
The inscription "Moisture-proof" on such a carcass means that it should withstand the maximum impact. However, it will have to rinse it with a special solvent.
Given the listed facts, cosmetologists are not recommended to use the waterproof passenger. To reduce the aggressive effects of the waterproof carcass for eyelashes, you can combine it with usual. The first layer is to apply a volume or extension, and the second is to secure waterproof.

Popular maternity maternity manufacturers

To choose a good mascara, it is worth dealing with its main manufacturers. A unique composition, a special form of brushes, a combination of famous effects and the use of new - all this makes it difficult to choose, but to overcome this barrier is real.

Mascara from Maybelline

Maybelline Mascaras.

VOLUME EXPRESS mascot mask series has two bright representatives - Curved Brush (580 p. - All prices are approximate) and Lift-Up (470 p.). The latter even gives the effect of overhead eyelashes. Arc-shaped brushes are the same as most carcasses for Eyebelin's eyelas, are well separated and eyelashes curly.

Volume Express Rocket is distinguished by a thick brush with short rigid hairs. This mascara along with the Volume Express Falsies Flared Wings (350 r.) It often leaves lumps on the tips of the eyelashes.

The long-lived among the masters for eyelashes with positive reviews is Colossal Smoky Eyes (360 p.). In addition to the volume promised by the manufacturer, gives smooth color. It does not run and gluits eyelashes.

Mare Maleblin Mastery Mass exceeds the usual several grams. If most is 7-9 grams, then Maibelin has 10-13 grams.

Mascara from Dior


Products of the Dior Luxury brand, so buy mascara of this manufacturer will be expensive. The cost pays off the durability of the means, but not always quality. Most tassels have a classic view with rigid bristles without bends and cones.

Representative Diorshow New Look (1500 r.) - Mascara for the volume of eyelashes, which shares them due to silicone brushes. The disadvantage is difficult to wash off.

Mascara Diorshow Waterproof (1400 r.) - Visual elongation and thickening are embodied in this carcass to the Dior eyelashes. But this volume in day makeup may look unnatural.

Mascus for eyelashes from Bourjois


Creators make focus on speed. Not many movements need to be done to see the result. One of the Bourjois eyelashes is called - VOLUME One Seconde Mascara (420 p.). It is aimed at as quickly as possible to pass the length and separation.

Volume Glamour Ultra Black Mascara (380 p.) - Black Eyelash Mascara is suitable for everyday use. To create a dramatic effect, it is enough to apply on one or two layers more. The disadvantage - by the end of the day begins to crumble.

The extension mascara of the BourJois Effect Liner (310 p.), As declared, gives the eyelashes length, shares. And although the mascara effect holds steadfastly, she herself has a tendency to dry quickly.

Masca for eyelashes from Max Factor


Perhaps the most famous mascara in the world. One of its advantages is the victory of Max Factor 2000 Calorie Dramatic Look (245 p.) In the "checkpoint". The parameters recognized as the best - lengthening and opposition to gluing. The famous fact of the biography of carcasses is that it is used by Hollywood actors from the beginning of the last century.

Max Factor False Lash Effect (370 p.) - Mascara for the effect of overhead eyelashes. Its structure and silicone brushes qualitatively extend only volumetric eyelashes. For thin, there will be many layers for the application of which a silicone "short-haired" tassel will take a long time.

Another indicative representative of Max Factor eyelashes - Clump Defy (540 p.). Tassel in the form of an arc will help with the volume and separation. From the point of view of the effects there are no complaints, but there are purely practical problems characteristic of many models of this manufacturer. Mascara crepts, they are often created lumps.

Mascara from L'Oreal


Most often talk about the lengthening carcasses for eyelashes from Loreal. One of the representatives is - L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes SO Couture (400 p.). Looal has most of the carms that women liked to go with a silicone tassel. This sample is no exception.

Mascara for the volume of eyelashes in the Loreal line is called Volum Millions de Cils (450 p.). A brush with the middle-length vile is striking all the eyelashes, it shares well. Dispenser built-in, so there are almost no lumps. Works well with inexpressive eyelashes. Run by the end of the day.

Another representative, worthy of attention is L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes Extra-Black (450 p.). The optimal amount of carcass is recruited. After applying the eyelashes look natural. You can use in several layers without prejudice to the appearance of eyelashes.


We are determined with the color of the carcass for eyelashes


Most women who use only black masculine know, or at least they do not exclude what there are carcasses for eyelashes of other shades. The absence of such a carcass in the cosmetics is caused by doubts about whether the blue or brown shade will not look sharpening. But experts have long decided on the color of hair and eyes for which one or another color mascara is suitable.

These are these combinations:

  • Blondes with brown or green eyes are suitable brown or gray mascara. It is better to use black only in evening makeup.
  • Flashing blondes with blue or gray eyes are suitable for blue or blue.
  • Brunettes with dark eyes - dark brown, dark green, blue mascara.
  • Light-eyed brunettes - dark blue, purple color.
  • Brown shoes, regardless of the color of the eyes, the face will be brown, green or dark purple mascara.
    If you still fear unsuccessful combinations, try applying a color mascara only on the lower eyelashes.

Choose a hypoallergenic mascara

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HYPO-ALERGENIC MASCARA - Mascara should have such an inscription so that it can be used allergic. Strictly defined is the composition. It should include only the following components:

  • distilled water;
  • beeswax;
  • glycerol;
  • ferrum oxide (oxygen and iron compound);
  • vitamins.

No less important, as already mentioned, check the shelf life. After its completion, the components can enter into the reaction and form new substances that will not be hypoallergenic.

Tips for applying mascaras for eyelashes

  • Before staining, it is worth pressing the eyelashes for a few seconds to the century to twist them. Applying a carcass will fix the effect.
  • We carry brushes from the roots to the tips. Having carried away from the middle of the century to the outer corner of the eye, then - from the middle to the inner.
  • Let the carcasses 2-3 minutes to dry.
  • We apply a second layer, making vibrating (zigzag) movements. Slightly add the elastive tips to fix the bend.
  • The lower eyelashes are crouching with light movements, only to give them color.

    How to dilute mascara for eyelashes?

    tush (1)

    Now that we dealt with brands and types of carcasses, you can go to a specific household problem. What to dilute the mascara to the eyelashes is an urgent question for those whose mascara dried earlier than three months after the start of use. The main rule in this procedure is not to take care of the carcass, but about the eyes. Based on it, such options are rejected as alcohol-containing substances, saliva and simple water. For the resuscitation of the waterproof carcass to the eyelashes, they are advised to hold a carcass tube near the battery or in hot water. At the same time, the water should not touch the seat of the twist. For an ordinary carcass for eyelashes, 2-3 drops of the following solvents will be suitable:

    • lens liquid;
    • eye drops such as "visiting";
    • almond oil, jojoba oil;
    • means for removing makeup not containing alcohol.

    If the dried mascara is open for more than 3 months ago, its shelf life came out, it is not subject to resuscitation. If after adding a portion of the solvent to the mascara of its properties are not restored, most likely it is over.

    During sensitive skin, it is also not necessary to dilute. Otherwise, the mixing of reagents can lead to allergic reactions.

    New among mascaras for eyelashes

    For a full picture of the world, it is not enough to know about the classic set of funds, it is important to track and novelties.

    • Noir Couture Volume Givenchy with rice peptides. It is announced including the mascara of the eyelashes, which should be sealing them. Attracts black and white tassel, the bristles of which perform different functions. The brush tip serves to blame the inner corner of the eye. The built-in Lash Booster Expert Complex complex carries out prophylactic eyelashes care.
    • Hypnose Drama - Mascara from Lancome creates a dramatic effect. Eyelashes are separated and raised. Cream texture stains uniformly, color saturated. Brush is large and curved in the form of a wave. It is not difficult, but crept in a quarter of a day.
    • Among the shops for eyelashes, the innovation is also surrealist Everfresh with a cone-shaped tassel from Helena Rubinstein. Its narrow part can leave an excess carcass on the eyelashes. The product will not dry up for a long time, which is much connected with its small volume - only 3.7 gr. Eyelashes are lengthened and remain smooth after use.

    How to choose a mascara of eyelashes - video


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