
Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil
The most effective ways to use tea tree oil. Recipes, rules, recommendations.

It is known that the useful properties of the tea tree, people have already enjoyed several thousand years ago - from the leaves of the plant prepared tincture and compresses. The tool was used for colds, they also treated them and disinfect wounds.

Tea tree oil: beneficial properties


Today, tea tree oil is also treated many ailments, but the list of diseases and other problems that can handle tea tree oil have grown significantly. The great popularity of tea tree oil is the fact that this tool contains over 40 organic compounds. Thanks to this tea tree oil has a mass of useful properties, so it will be indispensable in the home use.

  • This is an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Effectively fights colds, is used in viral infections, diseases, flu, bronchial problems.
  • It has analgesic properties. It is used to reduce fever.
  • Copes with various fungal diseases, helps to get rid of herpes, acne and other skin problems.
  • Helps to relieve swelling on his feet, has a relaxing effect.
  • It soothes irritated skin.
  • It is effective in the healing of wounds on the body.
  • Strengthens hair roots, with regular use helps to cope with the problem of hair loss.

Tea tree oil is used:

  • during inhalation;
  • while taking a bath;
  • in Aroma aromakulonah;
  • for addition to lotions, shampoos, face masks, balms;
  • air disinfection smokers;
  • combined with lavender, rosemary, fir and other oils.

Tea tree oil: the rules of use and contraindications


  • Tea tree oil, like any other oil should be stored in a cool place. Make sure that the oil is in a dark container. Be sure when you buy tools, pay attention to the expiration date.
  • Ask about the manufacturer of the product and its degree of naturalness. Really good oil is not cheap.
  • To use the means necessary, taking into account recommendations for dosage in order to avoid allergies or skin burn.
  • It is necessary to be careful during procedures on facial skin, that means getting into your eyes.
  • Oil is contraindicated, if your body's idiosyncrasy.
  • We do not recommend the use of oil for children under the age of 10 years, and it is not necessary to use oil expectant and nursing mothers.

Allergic to tea tree oil

An allergic reaction to a means uncommon. But before using better test for tolerance.

  • Mix two drops of tea tree oil to the oil with vitamin E.
  • Means rub in the crook of the elbow on the inside.
  • An hour later, make sure that this area did not have redness and itching.
  • The oil is checked and before the inhalation procedure. To do this, inhale the smell of the handkerchie, impregnated with oil. If there is no dizziness and choking, inhalation can be started.

Tea tree oil in traditional medicine

Sony DSC.

Tea Tree Butter during Rudny

It is very useful to use oil in preventive purposes. For this, do not forget to lubricate the inner side of the nasal moves, as well as the wings of the nose. Just just one drop means. The problem with the laid nose will be quick if you perform the procedure constantly. To strengthen the therapeutic effect, put an aromatic lamp with tea tree oil in the room, and also make a regular wet room cleaning with the addition of a pair of oil drops.

Oil treatment with hyamorite

Effectively treatment of tea tree oil in the form of steam baths. Such a procedure can be used in chronic hymorite.

  • Take the capacity of the average volume. Pour water into it and put on fire.
  • Water must heat up to about 60 C.
  • In hot water, drip a few drops of oil.
  • Getting Starting a steam bath - inhale oil pairs for about 10 minutes.
  • Such a procedure can be carried out 2 times a day.

Tea Tree Oil: Inhalation


  • Take a big wide saucepan.
  • It is necessary to boil potatoes in it, then make a homogeneous cleaner from it.
  • In the resulting mixture, drip one drop of oil.
  • Spend a procedure: Tilt your head at a distance of about 20 cm above the container. To improve the effect, cover the towel.
  • Sit over the ferry about 10 minutes.

Tea tree oil with cough and bronchitis

  • 2 tbsp. l. Vegetable oil slightly warm.
  • To this mixture, add a pair of tea tree drops of tea tree.
  • Make a compress, shaking a thin tissue in oil.
  • Put the plastic bag on the cloth, cover the warm blanket.
  • The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes.
  • You can also carry out such a mixture.
  • Oil with sore throats and asthma

  • In a glass of warm water, add two drops of tea tree oil.
  • Ice the throat with this solution several times a day.
  • You can also add the floor of a teaspoon of soda.
  • Oil for treating fungus

  • A few drops of tea tree oil is applied to the nail and with a cotton swab is thoroughly rubbed.
  • Also perform rubbing the edge of the nail plate.
  • Watch that the oil does not fall on the skin around the nail.
  • After the procedure, the finger must be bandaged or pasted the plaster on it. Hold about 6 hours.
  • The procedure is carried out within 3 months.
  • Foot baths with the addition of tea tree oil


    • Prepare the composition of sea salt, honey and soda in equal amounts. Mix it thoroughly and dissolve it in a liter of moderately hot water.
    • Drip about 25 drops of tea tree oil and mix again.
    • Hold the legs in the solution to completely cool the water.

    Other useful treatments:

    • With the help of oil you can get rid of the wart. To do this, it must be displeps, after which it is gently applied several drops of oil. Leave oil to full absorption. Conduct the procedure until the wart will disappear.
    • For the prevention of the occurrence of the dental plaque, every time cleaning the teeth a couple of tea droplets of the tea tree add to the brush.
    • With the help of tea tree oil, you can sink. Several drops dissolve in 500 ml of boiling water. After cooling the water, use a solution for douching.
    • If you have an irritation after "intimate" shave, mix the tea tree oil with any vegetable oil in a 1: 4 ratio. Lubricate after shaving twice a day. It helps to eliminate redness and irritation in the field of bikini.
    • Slip the tool in the fields of insect bites. You can also make a tea tree oil with another vegetable oil in a 1: 5 ratio, if the bite area is extensive.

    Bathtubs with tea tree oil

    With tea tree oil, it's good to carry the baths if you felt the first signs of ORVI.

    • Add a slightly drop of tea tree oil to a small amount of milk.
    • Pour the mixture into the bath with not very hot water.
    • Take a bath for 10 minutes.
    • After that, it is necessary to laugh a well with a towel, then put a few drops of oil onto the dots in the temple area, on the wrist and kneeling.

    Tea tree oil for rinsing oral cavity

    Tea tree oil is recommended for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Also, the tool will prevent the unpleasant smell of the mouth, strengthen the gums and prevent the flare and the tooth stone on the teeth. For the preparation of the solution a couple of tea tree droplets drip into a glass with warm water. We have a mouth with such a mixture at least 2 times a day. After a week of regular use, you can feel the results.

    Tea tree oil in cosmetology

    Application of tea tree oil during problem skin

    Very effective, the use of tea tree oil for leather, prone to acne rams. To get rid of acne, lubricate them daily. You can add a few drops of oil into the cream you use. Prepare a mixture of cream and oil at once and small portions.

    Tea tree oil effectively copes not only with acne, but also with inflammation and irritation on the skin. To do this, you can add 1-2 drops of oil in a face mask, intended for problem and oily skin.

    Face masks with tea tree oil


    Option First - Mask Cleansing

  • You will need 2 ppm clay (sold in pharmacies). You can take a few of her species. For example, blue and white.
  • Add oatmeal to it (the same amount).
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly and fill it with kefir. You must have Cashier.
  • Add a pair of tea tree droplets.
  • Stir the mixture.
  • Now the mask is neatly applied to the face and leave for 10 minutes.
  • We wash the mixture with cool water.
  • Option Second - Mask Toning

  • For this mask you will need a boiled green tea. The drink should turn out to be the middle fortress.
  • Give tea cool, then pour 1 tbsp in it. l. oatmeal, 1 tsp. Lemon juice and 2 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Mix the mixture and apply on the face.
  • After 20 minutes, the mask can be flushed off.
  • Application of tea tree oil


    The easiest way to use the oil of a tea tree is to add a few of his droplets into the shampoo. It is enough to drop into the palm with a shampoo 2-3 drops of the means before applying to the hair. It is necessary to conduct such a procedure a couple of times a week.

    It can also be made on the basis of the tea tree oil therapeutic mixture against dandruff.

    • You will need any basic oil. It is advisable to use a ray or castor oil.
    • Heat it in a water bath.
    • On 2 tbsp. Oil add about 4 drops of tea tree oil, as well as 2 drops of essential oils - rosemary, lavender and bergamot.
    • Leave the resulting mix for a few minutes.
    • Apply it on the roots of the hair and hold for about half an hour.
    • Rinse the hair with cool water.

    Tea Tree Oil: Features of Use

    Woman Dispensing An Eyedropper Of Herbal Tonic

    • Be sure to check if you have allergies on the oil before carrying out procedures. If you have rashes or redness on your skin, you need to immediately stop the use of oil.
    • It should not be used oil to small children, as it has a property to influence the human immune system.
    • Prevent oil getting into the eyes. When carrying out inhalation, always close your eyes. If the oil still fell - immediately rinse the eyes with flowing cool water.
    • Do not abuse hot baths with the addition of tea tree oil.
    • Store the oil only in a dark cool place.

    Tea Tree oil for hair and body at home - Video


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