
Dandruff treatment at home

Dandruff treatment at home
We identify the causes of dandruff and eliminate them!

Dandruff is a common problem among modern people. According to doctors, almost every third resident of our planet is faced with this unpleasant phenomenon regularly.

Dandruff is not life threatening, but causes significant discomfort to its carrier. In addition, dandruff does not fit into the idea of \u200b\u200bwell -groomed hair, a neat hairstyle and attractive appearance.

The scalp cells (like the whole body) are continuously updated, and dead scales are dropped. In a person with healthy skin, this process occurs unnoticed, because exfolved scales are very small.

If the natural process of regeneration is disturbed for some reason, then the skin begins to dump too many keratinized epidermal cells that become noticeable-this is how dandruff appears.

The main manifestations of dandruff are the appearance of exfolved scales on the hair and shoulders. Along with this, dry skin arises, as well as constant itching.

Dandrous treatment: Types of dandruff

Horrified Young Woman Looking in the Mirror

Different factors can provoke dandruff. It is only a consequence of the disease of the scalp or general disorders in the body. Therefore, for the treatment of dandruff, it is necessary to first detect and eliminate the causes of its occurrence.

Dandruffy treatment: dry dandruff

Do not forget that the scalp also needs constant care, like the skin of the face and body. Dandruff appears when the skin is not well moistened.

The air in the room, laying with a hot hairdryer and hypothermia in winter, is poorly affected by radiators and air conditioners.

Dry dandruff is small, easily moves away from the skin, creates a certain “powder” on the hair. Most often localized in the frontal part of the head.

Dandruff Treatment: Fat Dandruff

It occurs among the owners of oily hair due to the fact that the skin lard clogs the pores of the epidermis. The skin irritation begins, itching and a large dandruff appears, which is poorly exfoliated.

Dandruffy treatment: Causes of occurrence 


Dandruff can occur in an adult with any type of hair, but in childhood the problem of dandruff does not occur.

Dandruff treatment: reason - contact dermatitis

The reason for its occurrence is sensitivity to cosmetic hair products: shampoo, balm, mask. The scalp can show an allergic reaction with frequent use of styling products. The first signs of a negative reaction to the care product is itching and redness of the skin.

If you are concerned about the dandruff of such an etiology, then it is enough just to abandon the cosmetic product that caused an allergy, and dandruff will disappear without additional measures.

Dandrous treatment: reason - fungus

Malassesia is a fungus that is present on the scalp of the head of each person and does not show itself. A number of factors, such as stress, an increase in skin fatty, a change in the hormonal background, diseases of the internal organs, can provoke the intensive spread of the fungus on the scalp. Due to the large amount of the fungus, irritation of the skin begins, an increase in its oily, and a large dandruff appears.

Dandruff treatment: Reason - poor nutrition

The lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body can lead to impaired skin regeneration. Vitamins A and V. are especially important for the prevention of dandruff

Dandruff treatment: cause - disease of internal organs

The gastrointestinal tract, Parkinson's disease, immunodeficiency disrupt the metabolism in the body and can cause dandruff.

There are also a number of diseases accompanied by specific dandruff. Such diseases require qualified medical care.

  • Psoriasis. At the same time, a chronic skin disease is too rapid cell division and an accumulation of a keratinized layer at the roots of the hair. Psoriasis affects the skin throughout the body.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. The disease is associated with a violation of the secretion of skin fat. Accompanied by inflammatory processes of the scalp.

Dandruff treatment: how to get rid of dandruff

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To get rid of dandruff for a long time, you need to take a set of measures:

  1. Minimization of negative environmental impact. The scalp is provoked by the constant use of hair dryer and ironing, wearing pressure caps (the natural flow of blood in the skin is disturbed), hypothermia.
  2. Elimination of allergenic factors. Choose quality hair products.
  3. Proper hair care is regular washing the head, compliance with hair dyeing rules. It is important to wash off all cosmetics from hair well.
  4. Correction of the diet. The restriction of the use of fried and fatty foods, sweet and flour - such products cause intensive production of sebum. Include in the menu products containing vitamins and fiber, use a sufficient amount of clean water.
  5. Regular rest.
  6. More often in the fresh air and the sun.

Dandruff treatment: cosmetics from dandruff

cosmetic care

If you notice the appearance of dandruff, then you should think about the proper care of the scalp.

  1. Use special soft shampoos that are suitable for daily wash of your hair type.
  2. Water for washing should be at room temperature.
  3. Massage the skin thoroughly while washing to mechanically remove dandruff scales.
  4. Rinse your hair well after processing with shampoo.
  5. Choose air conditioners and masks suitable for your hair with a moisturizing and nutritious effect.
  6. Limit the use of a hairdryer and styling tools.
  7. Regularly clean your combing with soapy solution and do not use strangers.
  8. Heal the hair and scalp with masks of natural ingredients, oils and natural colors (basma and henna).

Shampoos for the treatment of dandruff

shampoos from dandruff

Many types of therapeutic shampoos from dandruff are sold in pharmacies and stores. Most often, they are recommended by doctors of dermatologists and trichologists to eliminate the causes of dandruff. All of them in their composition have biologically active substances.

Medical shampoos do not contain preservatives and dyes, therefore, they completely exclude the appearance of an allergic reaction, irritation of the scalp or aggravation of the problem.

You can classify special shampoos according to the main active component.

Dandruff Treatment: Zinc Pyrithion

This antibacterial substance with an antifungal effect has a mild effect. On the basis of zinc pyridion, a line of Head & Shoulders shampoos, Friderm Zinc, Danex, Qingcon was created.

Activated zinc is contained in the skin-capable shampoo. The product has a rapid effect, but contains hormonal drugs (which are not indicated by the manufacturer on the package). It is for this reason that this shampoo is prohibited in Europe and America.

Dandruff Treatment: Birch tar

The tar does not completely destroy the fungus, but reduces the exfoliation of epidermal cells, disinfects, relieves inflammation of the skin. Degtyer shampoos are good for people suffering from seborrhea or psoriasis.

It should be borne in mind that the components of shampoo can affect hair color (make it darker). To remove the specific smell of tar, after washing the hair is rinsed with water with lemon juice.

Birch tar contains in shampoos Friederm Dgo, T/Gel Neutrogena, Sebuton and others.

Dandruff treatment: salicylic acid

It has a peeling effect, helping intensively exfoliate dandruff while washing the head. Such shampoos are not suitable for dry skin because of their drying action. Owners of normal and oily hair should use a moisturizing balm or air conditioning after the use of shampoo.  Salicylic acid is enriched with Herbal Essences, Jason shampoos.

Dandruff Treatment: Selena Sulfide

This substance reduces the speed of cell exfoliation and has an antifungal effect. Blond and gray hair can bleach such shampoo, so thoroughly rinse your head after using it. Shampoo Sulsen and Sulsen-Form.

Dandrous treatment: ketoconazole

The antifungal drug removes an excess of skin fat, regulates its production, suppresses the reproduction of the malassesia fungus and thus stops the excessive exfoliation of the epidermis - the formation of dandruff. Keto's shampoos plus, subsided, dandrued.

As additional components, therapeutic shampoos may include complexes of minerals and proteins, which enhance blood microcirculation in the skin of the scalp, and improve the nutrition of hair roots.

The course of treatment of dandruff by medical shampoos


Therapeutic shampoos are used strictly according to the instructions. Unlike cosmetological agents, medicinal should not be washed, it is important to observe the indicated dosage so as not to harm your hair.

The course of treatment with antifungal shampoos is usually several months and involves the daily use of the drug.

The shampoo is applied to the hair with massage movements, and then left for exposure to 4-5 minutes. After that, the shampoo must be washed very thoroughly - with it the scales of exfolved dandruff will behed with it.

You may have to test a few shampoos to identify the one that eliminates your type of dandruff. From the shampoo that suits you, the result will appear already in the first week of application. If the result is absent, seek consulting a dermatologist: the reason for your problem with dandruff is some serious disease.

If the result of therapy is temporary, you can combine two shampoos and use them alternately.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of dandruff at home


  • Darsonvalization is a therapeutic effect on the scalp using a special apparatus. On the glass tube, which is filled with gas, ampulses of alternating current of high voltage, but low strength are supplied.

Thanks to the use of this hardware technique, local blood circulation improves, inflammation is removed, metabolism is stimulated and the skin is disinfected, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and dandruff is eliminated.

A vacuum electrode in the form of a comb is combed for 8-10 minutes. You will feel a light tingling and pleasant warmth. The course of treatment is 15 procedures.

After the session, it is recommended to rub oil or other nutrients into the scalp.

A device for darsonvalization can be purchased in specialized stores of medical equipment.

  • Cryomassage of the scalp can be carried out using ice cubes or a special apparatus. Ice is prepared with various infusions of herbs, essential oils or just from mineral water. If you decide to use this method for the treatment of dandruff, then first study the contraindications and consult your doctor.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dandruff


Folk cosmetology has rich experience in the fight against the problem of dandruff with the help of basic and essential oils, decoctions of herbs, salt and multicomponent masks.

Before using the folk recipe you like, carefully study it, analyze the tolerance of its components with your body. Try to choose a recipe that is suitable for your hair type and will be convenient for you to use.

At the time of treatment with folk remedies, suspend the use of special medical shampoos to trace the effectiveness of recipes and notice the appearance of improvements or side effects in time.

Dandruff Treatment: Home Masks from Dry Dandruff


  1. Egg and linseed with oil. Take 50 g of flax oil and the same amount of rum, add 2 yolks. Apply to wet hair for 1 hour. Wash off without shampoo.
  2. Infusion of coltsfoot or nettles. At night, apply a warm infusion of coltsfoot or nettles on the skin. To prepare the infusion, take 25 g. Dry grass with 200 ml. boiling water.
  3. Calendula tincture. Mix 50 g. Castorks and tinctures of calendula. Rub into dry scalp.
  4. Olive oil and lemon juice. Take 25 g. Olive oil and the juice of half the lemon. Apply a mask 20 minutes before washing.
  5. Honey and onions. Prepare 100 g of onion gruel, add 25 g of honey to it and the same amount of any oil. Apply to the scalp and leave under a towel for 1 hour.
  6. Yolk and castor. Beat one egg yolk well, pour in 25 g. Castor oil and calendula tincture (tincture can be replaced with cognac or vodka). Leave the mask on the hair for 3 hours under a towel. The composition will help eliminate dandruff and nourish exhausted hair.

Dandruff Treatment: Homemade Masks from Fatery Dandruff


  1. Mask with yolk and mayonnaise. Add 25 g. Mayonnaise, 10 g of honey and 2 chopped garlic tooth to the yolk. Mix and rub in the scalp at night.
  2. Fresh nettle leaves. Make gruel from dandelion, mint and mountain ash. Apply the mixture to the scalp for 40 minutes.
  3. A decoction of tea. 200 ml. water 10 g. Black tea - boil steam at minutes. When the decoction has cooled, add 25 casstork. Moisten your hair and leave for 2 hours.
  4. Aloe juice and garlic. Take 10 g. Aloe pulp and honey, add a chopped garlic tooth. Rub in the scalp and leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Mask from mustard. Dilute dry mustard until the consistency of sour cream. Apply to the skin 15 minutes before washing.

Dandrous treatment: essential oils from dandruff

flower Essence

Essential oils are a concentrated source of natural components that can help you in the fight against dandruff.

Do not forget that you can not apply ethers in its pure form to the skin and hair. Use them as part of masks or to enrich cosmetics.

  1. Ilang-ylang eliminates the fungus and inflammation of the skin.
  2. Rosemary deodorizes and deeply cleanses the scalp.
  3. Juniper eliminates fat content, has an antiseptic effect.
  4. Pine normalizes the sebaceous glands.
  5. Eucalyptus refreshes the skin, fights with inflammation.
  6. Tea tree has an antiviral and antifungal effect.

Dandrous treatment: masks with vague essential oils

  1. For oily hair. By 25 g. Shampoo add 4 drops of essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus and Chebrez. Apply the mask to the roots of the hair with massage movements. Massage for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.
  2. For dry hair. By 25 g. Shampoo add 4 drops of lemon and geranium oils. Massage the hair roots for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  3. For normal hair. Heat 50 g burdock oil. Add 3 drops of essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, bergamot and lemon. Rub in the scalp and leave for 40 minutes.

Treatment of dandruff. Video


Schukina 24.02.2016 Answer

Such a decoction and shampoo helps me a lot: lemon water is used against dandruff. Cook the peel of four lemons for 15 minutes. in 1 liter of water. Once a week, rinse your hair with this decoction.

Albina 15.02.2017 Answer

I only trust pharmacy products. Although there are “surprises”. Seias Plick Gel Urelia. I got rid of dandruff. I bring my skin order also with this gel, it is universal suitable for both the scalp and for the hair (eliminates dandruff)
