
Shiny hair

Shiny hair
For what you need shiny hair and how to do it at home.

The next progressive stage of development of hair lamination was their molecular gloss. The difference lies in the fact that the improved procedure treats hair from the inside. Therefore, the shiny not only gives hair silkiness and shine, but also restores their structure, and also protects against negative external influences. As a result, your hair across the entire length becomes smooth, obedient and flawlessly well-groomed.

Molecular shiny hair: What is it?


Beautiful and healthy hair that gave you nature, without proper care is extremely difficult to preserve in the conditions of modern ecology. In addition, exhaustion, incorrect care and the use of cosmetics with a large amount of chemistry, sometimes put us in a dead end in hair care. Therefore, modern achievements and progress in the field of cosmetology, which help women achieve the desired state and beauty of the chapelurs are valued.

Such salvation for dry, weakened hair, exhausted daily styling and environmental influence, has become molecular hair gloss. In addition to the visible effect outside, this way of care is still strengthens the hair rods from the inside, gives them a gloss and more pronounced color. The essence of this procedure lies in the complex saturation of the entire hair length with the useful substances after the disclosure of their protective scales. After that, the structural scales are "sealed" at high temperatures. Thus, the useful substances are not washed away, but remain like "sealed" inside the structure of the hair. The essential difference of shiny from phytolamination is that the hair is covered with a special glossy film, which is not easy to give them an extrabler as the fashion photo, but also retains the natural balance of water on the surface of the protective cuticle.

Types of silk glossy hair


In the current cosmetology of hair there are two most popular varieties of shiny.

  1. Molecular shiny hair from L'Oreal.
    A feature is the application of active drugs exclusively on the surface of the hair along the entire length, excluding the area of \u200b\u200bthe scalp and roots. As a result, you get sparkling hair perfectly.
  2. Glossy Cuticle from EVA.
    The means for glossy are also applied to the root parts of the hair and rub into the skin of the scalp. Thus, the recovery occurs along the entire length from the roots to the tips.
  3. Also have positive reviews salon hair glossy procedures using professional cosmetics Emmediciotto and Matrix.

Mechanics Glossing Hair Procedure


Today, no one will not surprise such regenerating procedures as Brazilian ceratage, straightening and glazing hair. The main difference between silk glossy hair is a residual protective film on the surface of the scales.

  1. For thoroughly washed hair, the corresponding, restoring hair structure composition is applied.
  2. The activation of components occurs at the time of thermal hair treatment with iron. It is at this second that the nutrients begin to penetrate deep into the structure of the hair and restore its damaged areas.
  3. After the procedure, the hair becomes elastic, fluffiness is cleaned, smoothness across the entire length appears, and the tips are "searched" during the glossy and cease to be confused. The gloss along the entire length becomes noticeable and brighter, and also increases the resistance of the hair to the effects of the Sun and the Wind.
  4. Depending on the state of the hair to the procedure, the effect of molecular shiny lasts up to 4 - 5 weeks. For damaged by hair colors, it is recommended to carry out similar procedures at least once every 3 weeks.
  5. After staining, it is recommended to pause to 12 - 14 days before carrying out silk glossy hair.
  6. The procedure for shinking of hair on numerous reviews and clinical testing does not harm hazards during heat treatment, since it is made after applying special protecting components.
  7. In professional salons, such a procedure takes from 2 to 3 hours and is quite costly pleasure. However, modern manufacturers produce special comfortable hair shiny sets at home.

Hair shiny at home


Thanks to progressive manufacturers, even procedures such as kerating, and subsequently molecular hair shiny, have become available to a wide circle of consumers for elementary conduct at home.

Molecular Hair Shiny from L'Oreal


Complex composition:

  • means 1: Soft shampoo PURE RESOURCE;
  • means 2: For the treatment of hair with active amino acids and lipids - Renew C;
  • means 3: Protective active milk from the effects of thermal hair treatment - THERMO REPAIR;
  • means 4: Shampoo, restoring the structure of scales - Absolut Repair;
  • means 5: Ambulance for hair removal in order with the complex of vitamins, ceramic and ultraviolet filter - Power Repair B.

Technique of the procedure:

  1. With the help of a means 1 thoroughly wash your hair from pollution. With severe fatty, you can safely use the tool several times.
  2. Clean hair neatly rinse with a dry towel to light humidity. Using means 2, we apply a thin regenerating layer of deep care. It is recommended to start applying from the occipital roar part and evenly move to the forehead and temples. To withstand such a virtual mask up to 3 - 5 minutes and wash off.
  3. Tool 3 is applied to the dried hair along the entire length as the same way as the means 2. Combine and accept for laying the iron at a temperature not lower than 180 degrees. Pull out the thinner of the thicker from the roots to the tips in the direction from above - down.
  4. Thoroughly wash the hair with shampoo at number 4 and rinsed under running water.
  5. It is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe roots of the root 5 and massive the hair onions for 2 to 3 minutes. Pretty rinse with warm water.
  6. Slightly press your hair and romate with a towel. Now you can make stacking.

Cuticular hair shiny from Eva Professional

e-Line Liss

  1. Wash your hair with any brand shampoo. For example, it is well suited for normal hair shampoo with the usual pH level or specialized, for those prone to dryness and hair fragility. The useful composition of the cosmetic means of this cosmetic brand contains amino acids and vitamins, as well as natural cocoa milk.
  2. We apply a special gel-like serum to mitigate the cuticle.
  3. Now it's about the feeding air conditioner JUST 1 manufacturer. It actively restores the structure of hair scales and maintains the water balance in the hair rod.
  4. We wash the hair with a towel to a slightly wet state, you can even dry a little hairdryer. Align the hair along the entire length of individual thin strands with a hot iron.
  5. Without the hair in an even state, until they are completely cooled, and then quite riding under warm running water. Light movements wash your hair with a dry towel.
  6. Applying serum is applied along the entire length of each hairs with uniform movements. Pay special attention to the tips. Due to the composition and proteins of silk, the serum will give the hair shine, and the cross-section will remove from the tips.
  7. Now you can make the hairdryer.

Hair shiny: pros and cons

Pluses of shiny

  1. The shiny gives the hair well-kept healthy appearance and there really has an excellent regenerating effect on a deep level. In addition to restructuring the hair rod, the procedure contributes to the strengthening of the hair, the normalization of its water balance and a decrease in the cross section.
  2. It doesn't matter what your hair is: thick or rare, dry or fat, thick or weakened - the glossy is ideal for any type. Unlike the glazing procedure, molecular shiny is not felt on his hair and does not lose them.
  3. With regular use, hair becomes smooth, it is less spilled, they are not so fast and easily fit.
  4. Your hair looks always perfect, as if you just got out of the cabin. Brilliant, long, ultrasound and smooth - healthy and well-groomed hair of any length.
  5. The glossy does not create the effect of dirty hair, and does not leave the traces of the funds used in the process.
  6. Hair becomes softer and flexible, acquire normal elasticity.
  7. After the procedure, the secant tips in the literal sense of the word "searched" from the inside, which prevents their further bundle.
  8. Hair color becomes bright and acquires more rich shades.
  9. Thanks to the protective film, glazing reduces all negative environmental impacts and retains hair healthy.

Cons of glossy

  1. It is necessary to carefully use molecular glossing for painted hair. For even color, refrain from the procedure two weeks before and after staining.
  2. The procedure has enough short effect, so to maintain the state of health and well-groomed hair, it is necessary to conduct it regularly.
  3. If you strive to put additional volume, refrain from the glossy procedure.
  4. Unlike such procedures, such as glazing or eluting, glossy only enhances the existing hair color, but does not give it additional shades.
  5. A sufficiently capacious procedure for the number of necessary funds, time and sequence of application of drugs, which is not very convenient.

Hair shiny: video


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