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How to choose a face cream

How to choose a face cream
Varieties of face creams. Features of choice.

In modern conditions, the condition of the human skin largely depends on the quality of care of it, while the choice of a suitable face cream is important. As a rule, several different factors affect its choice. The effectiveness of the cream is manifested in the results of its effects - by choosing a suitable cream with a high -quality composition, you can give freshness and beauty without concomitant harmful effects on the body, preserve its healthy and radiant, extend its youth.

How to choose a face cream: varieties

For skin care, the face creams are traditionally used. Depending on the composition and purpose, they can be divided into several basic species:

  • moisturizing - to improve the condition of the skin by its intensive moisture, the data contains water emulsion with the addition of various oils. Moisturizing facial creams can also include herbs extracts for a softening and tonic effect;
  • nourishing - used for intensive nutrition of different types of skin, especially dry, normal, as well as struggling. You can choose tools containing a variety of nutrients, including with oils of plant and animal origin. Often, nourishing creams for the face are marked as night, since their active substances are better absorbed by the skin during relaxation, i.e. at night;
  • vitaminized - products enriched with various vitamins, characterized by a lighter structure compared to nutritional creams. Suitable for owners of oily skin, as well as for young girls;
  • softer - create a protective layer on the skin, protecting it from adverse weather influences - cold, strong wind, direct sunlight. These cosmetics contain wax, vegetable oils, medicinal herbs;
  • cleansing (scrubs) - are used for mechanical exfoliation and removal of particles of a keratinized surface layer of the skin. For a softening nutritional basis of scrubs, the smallest abrasive particles are added - for example, the shell of the almond nut. Scrubs should be used with caution to cleanse dry and sensitive skin, since this procedure is a fairly aggressive effect; 36
  • restorative - used during relaxation for intense nutrition of mature, as well as stiff skin. These funds stimulate its regeneration, actively nourish and slow down the aging process, align tone and relief, and also prevent wrinkles. Using the face-lifting cream, you can tighten and noticeably smooth the skin. Some means of this type stimulate the production of collagen skin, which will further favorably affect its condition;
  • coiling - potent means, using biologically active components, intensively affecting the skin. Facial anti -aging creams are recommended for use when age -related changes appear - they must be used in the presence of noticeable wrinkles, you should not use them as a prevention of the appearance of signs of skin aging, since the opposite effect can be achieved.

How to choose a face cream: effectiveness of funds

The human skin carries in the body of the human body the function of the protective barrier from various external influences and at the same time consists of several layers. The vast majority of creams are distributed exclusively among the surface layers of the skin, without having a significant effect on the dermis. Experts say that advertising statements about the ability of the cream to penetrate into various layers of the skin are nothing more than a myth, since almost 99% of the active substances of cosmetics affect the surface of the skin, without falling deep into it.


Due to the modern fine emulsion, the ingredients of the active action contained in a high -quality cream can penetrate the skin to the capillary vascular mesh - the price of such a face cream is quite high. The manufacturer’s statements that the cream they produce effectively affects the dermis (deep layers of the skin), which is accompanied by the penetration of active components into the blood, indicates that this cream should be certified as a drug.

How to choose a face cream: products for various skin types

First of all, when choosing which face cream is preferred, you should take into account the type of your skin. Experts argue that a universal cream for all types of skin simply does not exist - thus, cosmetics should be selected purely individually. To buy a suitable face cream, it is recommended to first familiarize yourself with the assortment proposed by various manufacturers, carefully study the intended purpose of various cosmetics and their composition.


For different types of skin, cosmetic products are developed, designed to solve different problems accordingly:

  • dry skin is characterized by a feeling of tightness after washing, the appearance of peeling under the influence of weather and other adverse effects, a decrease in elasticity, the appearance of distinct wrinkles after 35 years. From the cream for dry skin, it is necessary to provide effective moisture, as well as protection against negative influences of the external environment - cold and weathing. The products containing hyaluronic acid are quite effective, due to the ability of this component to moisturize the skin and retain moisture. Natural collagen and elastin, olive oil, vitamin A favorably affect the dry skin of the face;
  • oong skin is distinguished by a distinct brilliance in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose, forehead and chin (the so-called T-zone), in addition, with increased oily, acne, dilated pores with black dots are often observed. For skin care, it is recommended to choose a face cream with a light and air consistency-such products effectively regulate the water-fat balance, eliminate irritation and normalize metabolic processes. The composition of these creams includes alpha and beta-hydroxyic acids, which have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, free the skin of the skin from excess skin fat. In addition, the skin prone to increased oily, for normal functioning, needs to obtain a sufficient amount of moisture. Having selected the right cream, it is possible to largely normalize the condition of the skin. For older women, it is recommended to choose a face cream with a mild gel -like consistency;
  • normal skin is in an even tone and a healthy look, the pores on it are inconspicuous. At the age of 35 years, cosmetologists recommend using moisturizers for normal skin, at an older age - means that slow down the aging process, for example, with a plant collagen; 7
  • combined skin is characterized by a combination of areas with various features on the face-enhanced sweating and oily sheen in the T-zone area, as well as with dry or normal skin in other areas. This combination is quite common, according to statistics, most women are owners of combined skin. A variety of creams for combined skin of the face combine active substances in their composition, taking into account the needs of various sections of the skin, while the use of low -fat cosmetic agents is preferable. Such drugs have an anti -inflammatory effect, and also effectively moisturize the skin, giving it smoothness and matte hue. For owners of combined skin, it is recommended to pay special attention to the care of T-zone in the summer, and in winter to carefully care for the area of \u200b\u200bthe face most susceptible to dryness;
  • for problem skin, taking into account the age, it is necessary to choose an inflammation and irritation tool, effectively struggling with a variety of rashes, cleansing and narrowing pores, normalizing the fat content of the skin and enhancing their protective functions. Bornaya and salicylic acids, vitamins A, C, E, F, as well as natural essential oils, extracts of various medicinal plants, sulfur, drill, kaolin, campara and alum are as active components of such tools; 6
  • for sensitive skin, hypoallergenic agents containing a minimum number of fragrances and dyes are suitable. In addition, components that soothe and relieve irritation that return the epidermis to a sense of comfort are added to the composition of sensitive skin creams. These include allantoin, vitamins A, C, E, hyaluronic acid, as well as natural oils (including almond, pink and jojoba) and plant extracts that increase the protective properties and restoration functions of the skin.

How to choose a face and night face cream

Depending on the time of day, the skin functions differently. To protect it from the influences of the external environment, nutrition and recovery, day and night creams are used.

The specifics of the application of the face cream, depending on the time of the day, is as follows:

  • during the day, it is necessary to maintain a healthy look of the skin, moisturizing it and effectively protecting it from negative environmental influences - daily cream usually copes with these tasks. This tool is designed to saturate the skin with moisture, quickly absorbed and without creating a fat film on the face. High -quality daytime cream is characterized by a mild consistency, including up to 80% of water in its composition. Tonal daily cream combines the functions of moisturizing and giving the skin a flat healthy shade - such a tool can be used to mask small appearance defects and achieve the optimal aesthetic effect;
  • at night, to a greater extent, the skin requires a sedative, nourishing and restoring effect - thus, a night face cream differs from the daytime with a more dense and saturated structure.

It should be borne in mind that the skin will require different care depending on the season - in winter it is recommended to choose a more saturated consistency face cream.

How to choose a face cream: composition of cosmetics

Cosmetics and skin care products, including ointments and rubbing, various fragrant oils, women began to use at least a couple of millennia ago. During this time, the composition of the face creams has changed largely. To select an effective and safe tool, you should carefully study its composition. To decide which face cream is better to choose, you need to navigate what substances are part of cosmetics and how they affect the skin.

As components of face creams are:

  1. The basis of the cosmetic product is an emulsion - a mixture of oils and water mixed to a homogeneous mass, in which the particles of oils are distributed evenly, so that the cream is quickly and easily absorbed into the skin. Thus, the obligatory components of any cream are:
  • water (at least 50%) - mentioned on the packaging of the first, can be enriched with infusion of herbs. In moisturizers there is a significant amount of water, in the nutrients its share below;
  • fat, or oil, emolet - these components are used as part of cream for nutrition and lubrication. Glycerin, mineral oil, paraffin, dimetikon - data of synthetic substances, penetrating between skin scales, lubricate and smell its layer. In addition, natural oils and fats - for example, olive oil, almond, mink oil, bee wax can act as the skin feeding the skin;
  • emulgator - contributes to the effective homogeneous mixing of oil and water.
  1. Conservatives are substances that extend the term of the possible use of the cream. The more preservatives as part of the funds, the correspondingly the more expiration date is.
  2. A variety of active substances are useful components of creams that directly have a useful effect on the skin.
  3. Thickeners (for example, Polyethylen, Polyacrylate) - components used by manufacturers to stabilize the consistency of the cream.
  4. Various fragrances.

How to choose a face cream without harmful components


Experts do not recommend the use of cosmetics that contain the following substances:

  • formaldehyde is an substance officially recognized by a carcinogens, which is often part of the creams as a preservative;
  • a variety of parabens (according to some studies, these preservatives are carcinogenic substances, and can also provoke allergies);
  • mineral oil and mineral wax, as they are able to clog pores;
  • polyethylene glycol (PEG) - a substance that is part of many moisturizers and capable of causing skin irritation;
  • a significant amount of glycerin - in small quantities, this component is effectively used as a moisturizer, in the event of its presence at the beginning of the list of ingredients, it is not recommended to choose such a face cream;
  • colligen of animal origin - unlike plant collagen, clogs pores.


How to choose a face cream - video



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