
Shielding hair

Shielding hair
Hollywood stars have always entertained us with their luxurious and silky hair. However, not many think about achieving such an amazing effect. It helps a very popular technique - shielding. And what are we with you worse than Hollywood beauties? Let's not lag behind fashion trends.

The technique of hair shielding is primarily aimed at their improvement. Her main task is to achieve maximum hair gloss. Often shielded hair is called "shining" that translated from English is shining. This glossy effect is achieved due to the effects of special components that envelop dull and weakened the hair with a solid invisible film from the external and inner side. It is the restoration of hair on both sides and distinguishes the shielding from a similar lamination technique, where the effects on the hair passes only on the outside.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair shielding


Before applying this technique on yourself, learn more about its main advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of hair shielding:

  1. Improving hair structure, giving them elasticity and softness, eliminate the problems of split tips.
  2. Additional protection against the effects of ultraviolet radiation and temperature drops.
  3. Volume, strength and not fading hair shine.
  4. Hair treatment and troubleshooting.
  5. Presence in the means for shielding only natural components that do not contain ammonia.
  6. The ability to change the hair color during the shielding procedure.
  7. Soft hair combing.
  8. Fragravating effects and giving fresh hair.

Undoubtedly, along with the advantages of hair screening, there are small disadvantages:

  1. Electrification of hair after washing the head. To minimize this disadvantage, you should use a rinse balsam.
  2. Gravity of hair, fast pollution.
  3. Lack of visible effect on healthy hair.
  4. Frequent implementation of the shielding procedure for full recovery and preservation of hair gloss.

Qualified hair shielding in beauty salon


Despite the recent appearance of shielding in beauty salons, this technique of hair restoration has already managed to receive positive feedback among its first and regular users. At your discretion, a professional stylist can offer two shielding options at once: colorless and color. Both of these procedures equally help to give hair the desired shine. However, color shielding will also help make your hair color more saturated or at all to betray them another shade. Visible result Before and after shielding, you can observe yourself.


Stages of hair shielding procedure:

  1. To begin with, the hair is well wetted and special means are applied to them.
  2. Further, the client should wait a bit until the necessary substances penetrate deep into the strands of the hair, after which the hair is thoroughly washed.
  3. Hair give time to naturally dry and apply colorless or colored shielding mixtures on them.
  4. In this position, it leaves the hair for about 25 minutes. The hair is dried with a hairdryer for rapid absorption substances, evenly distributing hot air streams along the entire length of the hair.
  5. After careful drying, a special balm is applied to the hair, which helps consolidate the result achieved when using previous tools. Not flushing with balm, hair gives dry.

The effect of the shiny shine is noticeable after the first shielding procedure. You should hold two days to wash your head so that all nutrients finally penetrated into the hair. The average price of shielding in the cabin will cost you from 600 to 1800 rubles, depending on the length of the hair. The shine and the power of the hair will delight you at least two weeks, regardless of the intensity of the head wash, after which the procedure should be repeated.

Hair shielding at home

Provide hair in the hands of an experienced master, undoubtedly best. However, due to the novelty of this technique, not every beauty salon can provide you with shielding services. But here you should not be upset, because home shielding is no worse than the salon analogue. All you need, pick up a quality set for shielding and follow the following instructions:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the hair with a shampoo of deep purification.
  2. We apply a moisturizing balsam, distributing it evenly along the entire length of the hair.
  3. We dry slightly curls, it is best to do this without the use of a hair dryer.
  4. Apply shielding agent. When carrying out color shielding, it is pre-overs for the skin with any cream along the contour of hair growth. The tool should be distributed evenly, for this it is best to disconnect the hair into separate strands.
  5. After the time specified in the manufacturer's instructions, it should be thoroughly rinsed with hair under an abundant jet of water.
  6. Hair dry hairdryer, exhibiting hot mode.
  7. Next, carefully dispense the fixing agent, starting to apply it from the roots and ending with the tips of the hair.
  8. Consider hair with a hairdryer and enjoy the result.

As you can see, make the shielding with your own hands is quite simple. Strikes remain - choose a special set for shielding. Here you remember the main rule - the quality product will not cost cheaply. So, if you really decided to improve your hair and give them an unprecedented shine, it is better not to save on shielding products, otherwise the result will just disappoint you. The average price of the basic set for shielding will cost 600 rubles.

ESTEL - Ideal shielding products for professionals and home users


Modern cosmetology offers us a large assortment of funds for conducting hair shielding procedures. One of the leading brands in the global market is recognized by funds from the American manufacturer Paul Mitchel. No less qualitative than the American brand is the ESTEL brand, represented by the Q3 Therapy series. It contains such useful components:

  • Amino acids that give hair shine, silkiness and softness.
  • Vitaminizing vegetable components that enrich hair with the necessary nutrients.
  • Restoring structure of damaged hair, soy protein.
  • Special catalysts - ceramic, helping to penetrate into the depths of the hair with all the above components.

Theself Q3 Therapy from Estel consists of:

  1. Two-phase air conditioner.
  2. Regenerating oil.
  3. Butter-glitter with a gloss effect.

The rapid result is achieved due to the content in this series of argon oil, which contributes to deep penetration into the hair straightening and active restoration of the structure of damaged hair. Especially stylists recommend this set of blondes who have the most pronounced problem. Buy an ESTEL set for shielding can be at different prices. The average cost Q3 Therapy varies from 1000 to 1500 rubles. It is not necessary to be afraid of a high price, because one such set will be enough for about 30 procedures, which will significantly save your budget when constantly visiting the cabin.

Prohibition of conducting hair shielding procedures


Both with the use of drugs and during cosmetology procedures, a number of contraindications should be considered. The screening of the hair cannot be carried out with fungal diseases, in particular degrading, severe hair loss, individual intolerance. So the oil-contained oil shielding can become potential allergens and lead to adverse consequences. It should not also carry out this procedure and women who have made a chemical twist or discoloration if less than 2 weeks have passed since this moment.

Screening of hair. Video


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