
Carrot diet

Carrot diet
What is the benefit of a carrot diet? How to lose weight, eating a carrot? Who is contraindicated in such a diet?

One of the most effective diets for weight loss is rightfully considered a carrot diet, reviews about it are the most positive. This is an affordable way to reduce weight. And the main ingredient is carrot, unique in composition and usefulness. This root crop is available all year round, which means that at any time of the year you can sit on such a diet and get rid of extra kg.

In addition to eating carrots during a diet, you can drop 3.5 kg in 3-4 days, such a nutrition is also useful, because the body is saturated with useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, nails. It is the carrot diet that prefers the Hollywood star.

What are the benefits and features of a carrot diet?


  1. The properties of carrots are unique - this is a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals, as well as essential oils and dietary fibers. Fiber should be added to this list.
  2. There is a lot of beta-carotene in the carrot, in the liver it is converted into vitamin A, which is actively involved in redox reactions and contributes to the normalization of metabolism, improves the operation of the immune system.
  3. Carrot is an excellent natural antioxidant that prevents the agency of the body and stimulates the growth of healthy cells. Carrots contribute to the formation of killer cells that destroy cancer neoplasms.
  4. When cooking, this vegetable retains its beneficial antioxidant properties and is additionally enriched with them. So, in boiled root crop of antioxidants, 2 times more than in cheese.
  5. Thanks to the fiber that is part of the carrot, the digestive tract improves. The dietary fibers in the intestines are not processed - they absorb toxins and toxins, as well as excess glucose and poor cholesterol, and then remove them from the body.

How to quickly lose weight with a carrot diet?


It is necessary to eat a consonant special menu compiled for each carrot diet separately. At the same time, it is very important to consult a doctor before starting a diet and find out if you can sit on such a diet. After all, the carrot diet has its own contraindications.

Such food involves the use of carrots for several days. You can make a salad from carrots. To make Carotine better, he is seasoned with sunflower oil. Is it possible to rub carrots during a diet? Even necessary. Due to the large amount of rough fiber, the carrots should not be eaten in its entirety, and in a grated state it becomes softer and is better absorbed by the body.

How to make a salad?

  1. Grate carrots on the middle grater.
  2. Mix honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice, add the carrot.
  3. Divide the salad into three doses. You can eat salad with any fruit - eat it separately or add it to the salad. Within 3 days, other foods are prohibited. On the 4th day, you can add a little fried potatoes and meat to the diet. The fourth day is the day of leaving the carrot diet. During this period, it is possible to reset up to 3.5 kg. After leaving the carrot diet, the use of sweet and fatty should be limited.

Carrot diet for 3 days


In this monodite, orange root crop is the main participant. The diet is a carrot salad. It must be divided into 5 - 6 doses per day. In addition, you should drink non -carbonated mineral water from 1.5 to 2 liters per day. 3-4 cups of unsweetened green tea are allowed. For dinner, drink a carrot or carrot-apple fresh.

Carrot diet salad recipe

Rub a kilogram of peeled carrots on a grater and mix with chopped fruit, season with lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey. Add 1 tbsp. olive oil. Mix everything. Keep the salad in the refrigerator.

It is necessary to leave the diet correctly. To do this, eat a carrot salad for breakfast on breakfast and drink a glass of low -fat kefir. At lunch, pamper yourself with two small baked potatoes, and for dinner - 100 gr. boiled white chicken.

Carrot diet for 7 days


Carrot diet menu for 7 days

  1. Carrot salad.
  2. In the morning, half a glass of kefir or milk, 1 tbsp. sour cream.
  3. For dinner, instead of salad, you can drink carrot-fruit juice.
  4. During the day, in unlimited quantities, you can drink green tea without sugar, mineral water.

Such a diet is recommended to be repeated no more than 1 time per month. In a week, it is possible to lose 11 kg of excess weight.

Carrot diet for 10 days


During this period, it is necessary to eat grated carrots with sour cream. There should be a lot of carrots, and sour cream is a little bit. Once a day you can eat a salad not with raw, but with boiled carrots. In addition, during the diet you should drink at least 3 glasses of freshly squeezed carrot juice per day. In 10 days, it is possible to lose 5 kg of excess weight. In addition, with the help of such a diet, hemorrhoids can be cured.

Beetroot-crushed diet


Contraindications to the beet-carrot diet:

  1. Reduced blood pressure.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases.
  3. Zhelchokamenny disease.
  4. Type 2 diabetes.
  5. Inflammation of the small intestine.

Approximate menu of beetroot-carrot diet

  • For breakfast - green beets and fresh carrots, 1 tsp. olive oil or low -fat sour cream.
  • In lunch - soup from carrots and beets. You can add onions and tomato, as well as zucchini. You do not need to salt. In addition, eat beetroot-carrot salad with olive oil and garlic.
  • Drink carrot or beetroot, and maybe mixed juice at the afternoon snack.
  • For dinner - a salad of carrots and beets with garlic and sour cream. Drink carrot or beetroot juice.

By the way, beets can lead to a change in urine color. Therefore, do not be alarmed if its color becomes reddish.

Carrot-apple diet


This is a very effective diet for burning excess fat. There are many useful minerals in apples and carrots - they activate the correct metabolism and remove toxins from the body. The main plus of apples is vitamin C saturation, as well as a lot of potassium apples. Carotine, which is part of the carrots, restores the retina, cleanses the lungs. This is a great dietary product.

The essence of the carrot-apple diet

It is necessary to eat a salad of apples and carrots, slightly tugging it with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Prepare the salad before use, and not for the whole day. Rub the ingredients on a fine grater. Eating salad should be 5-6 times a day.

In addition, this diet requires compliance with a strict daily routine. Get up at 6 - 7 in the morning, do not eat after 6 o’clock in the evening, go to bed no later than 11 hours. In the morning, drink 2 tbsp. non -carbonated mineral water. Next follow hygiene procedures and breakfast. Distribute the rest of the meals as it is convenient.

Kaporous-carrot diet


Such a diet helps in the treatment of diseases of the intestines and stomach. In addition to the fact that dishes of cabbage and carrots contain enough minerals and vitamins, they improve intestinal motility and help get rid of the body's slagging. In order to not have increased gas formation, use cauliflower. Vegetables should be cooked in a double boiler or in water. By the way, puree from raw cabbage and carrots can be used as a hair mask. Such a tool tones and nourishes your curls, and the face whitens and refreshes, aligns the tone.

Orange carrot-greepefruit diet


This is a double blow to vitamin deficiency. In carrots and grapefruit, there are a lot of carotene and vitamin C. In addition, the composition includes iron and zinc, sugarids and acids. Grapefruit is an excellent tool for anemia and nervous disorders. It is also useful with increased physical and mental stress.

Restrictions for carrot-grapefruit diet

  1. Grapefruit destroys tooth enamel, so after you drank juice or eat a salad, rinse your mouth with warm water.
  2. Grapefruit irritates the mucous membrane, so it is contraindicated for those who have inflammation in the oral cavity, intestines or stomach. With an ulcer, it is also prohibited to use.
  3. Grapefruit changes the effect of many drugs, so eat it with caution if you take medicines.

The diet with such a diet should be full and balanced. Since the vegetable or fruit diet does not include protein use in the menu, its duration should not exceed 10 days.

The results of the carrot diet

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  1. In a few days, excess weight is gone.
  2. The complexion improves.
  3. The skin becomes clean and beautiful.
  4. The intestines are cleaned.
  5. Lightness appears in the body.

When is the carrot diet for quick weight loss contraindicated?

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  1. With exacerbation of peptic ulcer.
  2. Enteritis.
  3. During pregnancy.
  4. If the carrot is allergic.
  5. Weak immunity, exposure to frequent colds.
  6. Children and adolescents are not recommended to sit on such a diet.



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