
Yellow peeling

Yellow peeling
Basic rules for using yellow peeling. Skin care after it

It is always beautiful to stay so difficult, but this requires a lot of time and effort, so every woman carefully monitors her hair, body and face is invariably in excellent condition. The skin of the face needs every day attention and thorough care, which involves a variety of rejection and recovery procedures. One of the most effective ways to combat aging signs is yellow peeling. With this cosmetic procedure, many women and girls returned their skin a beautiful and shining kind of absolutely harmless to their health in the way.

Types and features of yellow peeling

Yellow peeling or retinuery belongs to the type of cosmetic sessions after which the skin is restored for a short time and again acquires a blooming view. Artificial similarity of vitamin A (Retinoid), which is part of the composition, creates the desired medium to establish metabolism and regeneration of skin cells. Yellow peeling contributes to the activation of blood circulation and the production of protein. It is suitable for the skin of the face, neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline. As the main positive point, it is possible to note the low probability of side effects and rapid return to normal.

Photo of yellow peeling is shown below:


Every year this type of peeling is gaining great popularity among the visitor of the beauty salons, as it may in the shortest possible time to solve many problems that occur on the surface of the skin.

There are two types of yellow peeling:

  1. The composition of the first type is present by retinic acid of artificial origin. The main impetus for its use is that for the resumption period you need only a few days. The average type of impact is softly affected by the epidermis, so peeling is recommended to use girls over 23 years old. Before the procedure you need to undergo some preparation within 14 days. At this time, the skin should be treated with a special tool with the content of the main component of this peeling. After that it gets used to his action and this allows you to make sure that allergic reactions will not arise. On the day of the implementation of the procedure, the face is first lubricated with a solution of glycolic acid, and then only retinoyeva. During the next two days, the skin acquires a bright pink shade and begins to peel. After this transition period, the skin becomes smooth, silky and smooth.
  2. The second type of yellow peeling includes natural retinol, which is mined by processing a tropical plant from the depths of Amazonia - Urukum. In the process of preparation of the composition, it is added to this substance, so cleaning is called superficial. A peculiarity of yellow peeling is the duration of its action, since on the skin it remains at least 10 hours, unlike other types of acid peelings. It should be used no more than once every six months.

Indications and contraindications of yellow peeling

Yellow peeling is classified as a sufficiently soft way to clean the surface of the face from, so they can use women of any age and with any skin type. It is most often used if there are deep wrinkles and severe pigmentation, as well as at first mimic wrinkles, scars, consequences of acne. Surgeons are recommended to use yellow peeling before carrying out an operation to restore skin cover (dermoplasty).

Thanks to the good reviews of many cosmetologists and consumers, it can be judged that the effectiveness of yellow peeling is quite high.


Do not be afraid that a large amount of acids are in the mixture. They are absolutely safe and very often used as part of other skin care products. Yellow peeling is completely painless, but still creates a feeling of small discomfort. Depending on the type of peeling, the rehabilitation period can last from 2 to 4 days.

But despite the presence of so many positive moments, there are also some contraindications:

  • pregnancy or breastfeeding period;
  • liver disease;
  • presence of herpes virus;
  • personal intolerance to some elements.

In addition, you should be aware that if there is a violation of the integrity of the skin, then yellow peeling needs to be delayed.

Preparation for the yellow peeling procedure

Yellow peeling should not be for you spontaneous procedure, so first of all you need to contact a dermatologist for examination and collecting information about the possible development of the skin disease. A professional cosmetologist must determine the type of your skin, and it is also recommended to make several photos before and after the yellow peeling procedure.

After receiving information about the state of the skin, you need to focus on whether you have taken previously preparations, which included Retinol, and what was the body's response. In the event that you had an allergy, that is, the probability that your skin will particularly respond to peeling, and with increased sensitivity of the skin, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of components that are part of.


Retinoides adversely affect the development of the fetus, so before visiting the cosmetic salon, you need to make sure that you are not pregnant. Patients who transferred viral hepatitis and liver failure are also not recommended to use yellow peeling. After the procedure, it should be avoided by the skin of direct sunlight, artificial sources of ultraviolet, so it is necessary to apply special face creams with a high level of protection.

Skin training is usually carried out at home, therefore, a cosmetologist assigns a course of cream applications based on glycolic acid. They help for a long time to soften the skin and prepare it to apply chemical peeling. The process of cooking for the procedure to women with the usual type and color of the skin takes about 2 weeks. But the owner of the dark skin should spend at least 3 weeks to prepare, as it is more sensitive to the effect of retinoid.

There is also a large number of additional funds that are recommended to use in the preparation process is a soft exfoliation with fruit acids or enzymes. It is carried out several times to the main retilation peeling.

7 days before the start of the procedure, to avoid sunbathing in the sun and visits to the solarium. It is better not to expose the skin to external external influence.

On the day of the application of yellow peeling, skin must be mitigated so that all its components can freely penetrate into the cells and cause the most effective effect during the time permissible for you.

The procedure of yellow peeling

Professional cosmetologists use yellow peelings from various firms whose quality has long been tested by time. Based on this, the execution system and the postpill period can differ significantly. The standard peeling option is carried out in 1-2 procedures with a break of 6 weeks with enhanced preparation before and departing after. Many manufacturers are added to the composition of fruit acids to increase the result and to reduce the possibility of manifestation of side effects.


The difference in the drug also exists in application time:

  1. Yellow peelings that interact with the skin for 60 minutes are saturated peelings that subsequently causing itching and burning.
  2. Retinoic peelings remain on the skin of from 3 to 12 hours and the solution cosmetologist their action extends less noticeable. The course of this type consists of 2 procedures per month.

Judging by the reviews after the yellow peeling, there is a feeling of thin film on the face and almost immediately the skin becomes lighter, its condition is improved and the pores are torn. Moreover, all positive changes are accumulated by increasing for 30 days.

Recovery period after yellow peeling procedure

Typically, the skin of the face is processed by the yellow peeling composition in the evening, so the next day you can wash it on your face yourself.

Stages of manifestation of yellow peeling:

  1. Immediately after the procedure, the skin is a little pulling, and the shade of the face will be yellowish-red.
  2. On the second day there will be a light peeling - this is the first sign that the deep cleansing of the skin began and therefore should not be used any moisturizers, since after the end of this stage, wrinkles will become less noticeable.
  3. After 3 days after the peeling procedure increases several times. Sange your skin and do not try to remove separated particles, as you can cause considerable harm.
  4. On the fourth day, light itching and small spots of red will appear.
  5. In the penultimate day of recovery, peeling and the feeling of itching completely pass, the face acquires a pinkish shade. Photo of peeling after yellow peeling below.
  6. For the sixth day, the skin is completely reconstructed and becomes smooth, you have a fresh and rested look.

The effect of rejuvenation lasts for six months, but so that it acts as long as possible use in daily skin care moisturizing creams, enzyme masks, face thermal water and a high level of protection against sunlight, if cleaning was performed during the hot season .

Below is a photo after the use of yellow peeling.


Holding yellow peeling at home

Chemical peeling is mainly carried out only in cosmetic salons, but you can also call the wizard to do the procedure.

In specialized stores for sale a variety of skin care products, so buying yellow peelings is not difficult. Before you choose the species you need, carefully examine the instructions and precautions. Girls under 30 years old do not buy funds with deep cleaning effect.


If you still decide to use yellow peeling at home, then some rules should be followed:

  • clean the skin from cosmetics and urban dust;
  • an hour before the procedure, apply cream against acne;
  • prepare a solution for yellow peeling and apply on the face, neck and zone neckline for 20 minutes;
  • after the specified time, thoroughly wash the remnants.

After completion of the entire procedure, the same reaction will appear - peeling, itching, redness, but it will be for 2-3 days. With the right execution of all actions, in a week, your face will look much younger, the skin will become more elastic and softer.

Some fear to clean the cleaning of the house, while others do it with great success and pleasure. If there are still some doubts, it is better to rely on the experience of professionals and consult them.

However, what would be the result, harmless chemical peeling can only be when you understand the whole process thoroughly and stages, i.e. What changes occur with your skin at a certain point in the procedure. It is necessary to seriously treat the preparatory steps and adapt the skin to the perception of various ingredients. This can only be achieved with the use of long use of cosmetics with ana acids. If your skin is sensitive and prone to allergies, then yellow peeling should be applied only in professional salons, otherwise the consequences will be negative.


The face of each woman is her "cover", so she always needs to pay due attention. Youth passes quickly and in order to save it does not need to save money every time on the plastic surgery. By choosing a professional cosmetologist, you can freeze the process of aging and withering your skin. Retinoyevoy or yellow peeling makes it impossible possible. Many women will be able to return the former freshness of the face and youth, improve the mood and boldly look at their reflection in the mirror.


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