
Vitamins for women after 45 - what vitamins take after 45 years

Vitamins for women after 45 - what vitamins take after 45 years
Vitamins for women after 45: Features of vitamin complexes, which is needed and why, types of vitamins and their properties.

Vitamins at any age play a key role in human health. But there are special periods in life when the body in them needs stronger than usual. This is especially true, because the weak floor is not one time for life to survive strong fluctuations in the hormonal background.

After 45 years, a climax appears on the horizon, which threatens the woman with pronounced fluctuations in well-being, mood, reduced performance. But at the same time, this is a very active period of the woman's life, when a family, career, the care of this century requires a lot of strength and perseverance.

Vitamins for women after 45. What happens in the body of a woman after 45 years


  1. Starting from 45 years of age, most women are actively involved in the process of fading the body. Gradually appears gray, the curls are rare, the skin is experiencing a lack of moisture, the number of wrinkles increases, extra kilograms appear.
  2. At such a time to help a woman comes vitamin complexes that help restore disturbed equilibrium and maintain it at a normal level. And to supply the course of vitamin preparations to be preserved at least 2 times a year.
  3. May give heart and vessels, disturb the bones. All these unpleasant phenomena occur due to decreasing the production of female hormones. But this state can be balanced by the reception of vitamins E, C, A, D, K, F, V.

Vitamins for women after 45. What is useful vitamins for a woman

Vitamine Pillen.

  1. Vitamin A - supports the skin in a healthy tail, strengthens the bones and hair. It is used to produce elastin and collagen, improves blood supply and condition of capillaries. Many vitamin A is found in the liver, butter, eggs and fish products.
  2. Vitamin D - makes bones stronger, and skin elastic. It is he who helps calcium to be learned in the right amount. Equal milk products, liver and egg yolk rich in vitamin D.
  3. Vitamin K - regulates blood clotting, strengthens the bone system, adjusts the operation of the urinary system. Dark circles under the eyes may indicate its lack of. Contained in fresh vegetables.
  4. Vitamin F - helps stable work of the heart and the withdrawal of excess cholesterol from the body. It helps to support the figure in normal, as it helps the processing of subcutaneous fat. Affects the reproductive function and helps to get rid of edema. It is contained in vegetable oils, avocado and fish oil.
  5. Vitamin C - protects immunity, regulates metabolism, strengthens the work of the cardiovascular system. He also struggles with free radicals, undermining health and well-being. Many vitamin C is contained in currant, sea buckthorn, red pepper and citrus.
  6. Vitamins of group B - regulate the work of the nervous system, positively affect the work of the heart and psychological state. Unfortunately, completely destroyed with thermal processing of products.
  7. Vitamin E is considered very important for women, which contributes to youth better than all other components. It is a powerful antioxidant, so successfully fights cholesterol plaques. He also keeps moisture in the skin structure than the time of wrinkle appears. Many vitamin E is contained in sunflower and olive oil, nuts and eggs.
  8. It is difficult to say which vitamins are most important for a woman after 45 years. Our body needs in all representatives of the vitamin row, so it is so important to fill their lack on time.

Vitamins for women after 45. Natural sources of vitamins


  1. Of course, it is best to get the necessary vitamins from food. All vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy, meat, fish products and cereals contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements for the normal functioning.
  2. Even a simple stay outdoors in the rays of sunlight already stimulates the production of vitamin D. by the body, also fresh greens, which contains a lot of vitamin K, as well as vegetable oils rich in vitamin F.
  3. But it is worth considering that not everyone has the opportunity to be highly and balanced all year round, especially if a person has no opportunity to grow environmentally friendly products or buy them from reliable people.
  4. In addition, the cooking process often leads to partial or complete destruction of the necessary substances. Also, the number of vitamins in products affects the duration of their storage. All this leads to a shortage of vitamins in the human body, which under stress or physical exertion, as well as the circulation of viruses leads to failures in various organs.
  5. In such cases, you should not ignore the needs of the body. It is better to support your health with the help of vitamin complexes that can be purchased in any pharmacy. This is especially true for women who crossed the age border of 45 years.

What vitamins you need to take a woman after 45 years

Carefree Woman Lying in the Grass

  1. When selecting a complex of vitamins for women over 45 years should first consult a doctor. He will be able to adequately assess the state of the client, as well as recommend the modern drugs on the basis of reviews of his other patients.
  2. If the vitamin complex is sold by plates, then it is necessary to take one to make sure there is no allergy to the drug. And then just take in the specified dosage the desired period of time. In no case cannot independently increase the dosage, thinking that vitamins are not medication. Such experiments can give unpleasant complications.
  3. Choosing vitamins for women aged after 45 years, it is worth examining the reviews of other people. This will help faster and more correctly decide on the drug and choose the most suitable option for its body.

Vitamins for women 45+: complivit


  1. In the complex complivit 45+, all age features of the body are taken into account. It consists of preventive doses of vitamins and useful additives, so it can be taken for a long time.
  2. In addition to vitamins, this complex contains another 3 valuable components: dye extracts, cimicifugi and L - carnitine. Cyminiciflowy extract has a positive effect on the hormonal background of a woman, the motherboard leads to normal the nervous system, L - carnitine accelerates fat exchange and helps in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Thanks to the reception of the vitamin complex, the unpleasant feeling of tides are minimized, the severity of headaches, heartbeats, sweating, dizziness is reduced, the tolerance of physical labor is improved.
  4. Complivates for women 45+ produced in a polymer jar without a doctor's prescription. It contains 60 tablets. You need to take 2 tablets per day in the morning and in the evening.

Vitamins for women after 45: Solgar


  1. Salges is a very serious American vitamin manufacturer, starting in 1947. It produces both monopreparations and vitamin complexes for different ages and needs.
  2. For women, this company has developed a multivitamin complex of the salgerer Omnium, which is wonderful takes care of the female organism. In addition to all the necessary vitamins, it also contains picnogenol, quercetin, soybean ecstasy, alpha-lipoic acid.
  3. Omnium is prescribed not only to strengthen the body, but also as a means that prevents various age diseases and aging processes.
  4. The drug is produced without the use of harmful additives and dyes, does not contain starch and sugar. Packaging consists of 60 tablets. Take 2 tablets a day after meals.

Vitamins Doppelgers for women older than 45 years


  1. Doppelgers Active Menopause is a dietary supplement, which is specifically designed for women during the period and post of menopause. Under its action, such unpleasant phenomena, like sweating, emotional bursts, risks, minimize the risks of development of osteoporosis and breast tumors.
  2. It contains a complex of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as soybean isoflavones, which smooth the symptoms of the hormonal restructuring of the body. Biotin regulates the exchange of carbohydrates and proteins in the body. His drawback can lead to inflammation on the skin, reduce the level of hemoglobin and, as a result of increased fatigue.
  3. Vitamins of group in normalize the work of the nervous system and heart. Vitamin B6 is especially important for this age, as it is able to reduce the alarm, irritability, improves the concentration of attention.
  4. Folic acid slows down the onset of menopause and strengthens the immunity, and the correct combination of calcium and vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, due to which it reduces the likelihood of fractures during injuries.

Vitamins Vitrum for women after 45 years


  1. Witrum Vitamin Complex for Women after 45 years is designed to fill the deficit of vitamins and minerals, strengthen the vessels and bones, improve the brain circulation and memory, normalize the feeding of the skin. Ginkgo Extract Biloba and Lutein protects against the aggressive effect of ultraviolet and tones the skin.
  2. Auxiliary substances, such as inositol, choline, methionine and betaine activate carbohydrate and fat metabolism, protect the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The field of horsetail extract has a diuretic and antibacterial effect, and also has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Silicon acid contributes to the conclusion from the body of heavy metals, restores the skin after wounds and burns, has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair.
  5. Rutin helps strengthen vessels, prevents the formation of thromboms and atherosclerotic deposits.
  6. This vitamin complex has anti-edema, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect on the body.
  7. Women who took Witrum beauty elites note the increase in working capacity, the appearance of cheerfulness and ease in the body. Also describe the positive effect of vitamins for vision and praise them for the body resistance to colds.

Vitamins Cyclim for women from 45 years


  1. A biologically active additive for women from 45 years is specially designed to safely undergo a difficult period of menopause. In the instructions of Vitamins, cycle for women over 45 years old, it is indicated that the drug is not a drug, nevertheless it helps to pacify tides, heartbeat, poor resistance to stress and insomnia.
  2. Hair and skin also significantly improve their condition after the course of receiving these vitamins. Vitamin C contributes to the stable work of immunity, as well as protect the dairy glands and the genitals from the formation of tumors.
  3. Camiciflow and dyeing extract normalize hormonal background, soothes the nervous system and help to get enough sleep well.
  4. The cycle complex is praised for an adequate price, a tide of vital energy, convenience when applying.

Biologically active additive Laura for women after 45 years


  1. Bad Laura from the manufacturer Evalar is called anti-aging tablets. It, like all vitamins for weak floor, leads the skin in order from the inside. The vitamin preparation includes wild yams extracts, ascorbic and hyaluronic acids, vitamin E, which is very necessary to extend the youth.
  2. Wild Yams is a long-term grassy liana, which is responsible for moisturizing the skin. The saponins contained in the plant are called hormone predecessors. Its action compensates for the lack of progesterone and cortisone in the female organism.
  3. A month after the start of receiving the Laura tablets, improve the color and structure of the skin are noticeable, and wrinkles are gradually smoothed. The energy balance is restored, immunity is strengthened. There is no need to apply expensive cosmetics, which only masks age-related changes.
  4. Manufacturers claim that Laura Evalar is an effective anti-aging drug that extends youth.
  5. The best vitamins for women after 45 years should be chosen taking into account their well-being and wishes, as well as based on the recommendations of the doctor. Your body thanks for a good mood and vigor for such care.

As they say in a famous film, in 40 years, life just begins. At 45 years old, a woman opens new horizons, the time is exempt for interests and travel. Take care of yourself with the help of vitamin complexes and do not agree to subtle hints of old age.


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