
How to shave bikini zone

How to shave bikini zone
How to perform a Bikini Zone Procedure at home.

To feel its irresistibility, a modern woman needs a lot of well-kept skin, light makeup, beautiful hairstyle. There is also a delicate detail that affects self-confidence, even if only the woman itself knows about it - the bikini's depiled zone without unpleasant marks of irritation. With the onset of the summer season, the problem of hair removal rises with a new force - many girls want to shine on the beach in Bikini, and "Natural beauty", sticking out of the swimsuit, hardly someone will seem aesthetic.

Hair removal methods in bikini zone

Since ancient times in the east, hair removal on the body, including in the intimate zone, was considered a sign of well-groomed. With the help of bone scrapers, grinding and special pastes, women fought excessive vegetation, the recipes for hair removal were transmitted from generation to generation.

Modern women fully appreciated the benefits of hair removal in the intimate zone. Currently, an increasing number of fair sex representatives, as well as many men prefer to care for the bikini zone, removing vegetation in the intimate zone. The main driving factors in the struggle against vegetation in intimate zones are aesthetics and hygienicity. Statistics show that about 90% of the male population prefer women with a well-kept bikini area. Smooth skin in intimate zones looks neat, allows you to freely visit the pool, wearing beautiful lace underwear and swimsuit, and at the same time feel confident enough.

The modern beauty industry offers a lot of methods and means of combating unwanted hairs in the bikini zone - with the help of laser and photoepilation procedures, a special hair removal cream, wax strips, sugar paste (shugaring), and shaving a machine. These methods are mostly different to the temporary effect, to maintain a constant care and periodic repetition of the procedure. Not every girl will decide to contact the Salon for the epilation of the bikini zone, since this procedure is quite intimate, and many for personal reasons, due to natural shysteriness, do not want to entrust her fulfillment of the beautician. Thus, most women prefer to shave the bikini zone with a machine at home, and not surprisingly - this method of hair removal method does not require special financial costs, moreover, if there are some skills, it is easy to do it yourself.


Bikini Shaving Benefits

If you are going to do such a delicate procedure for the first time and doubt whether you can shave the bikini zone, fearing the appearance of irritation on the skin and cuts, you can not worry. Knowing the features and nuances of this method of hair removal from the intimate zone, it is quite realistic to transform shave into a safe and comfortable procedure.

Despite the fact that the hair shaving of the bikini zone does not slow them down, and they begin to grow already on the next day, the razor machine is the most affordable, convenient and inexpensive device for hair removal. Many women are fairly afraid of the pain of more radical hair removal methods - pulling with wax or frozen sugar paste. As a rule, depilation creams are not suiced, to that actively actively chemicals can cause irritation in such a delicate zone, and after a few days there will be repeated epilation again. The razor machine is always at hand, if there is a small amount of free time, its use will not be much difficult. If there are initial skills, finishing, how to shave the bikini zone with a razor, you can subsequently experiment if you want to experiment, creating various types of intimate haircuts.


How to Shave Bikini Zone: Machine Selection

The success of hair removal in the bikini zone is largely determined by which shaving machine you use. Few people know that such popular disposable, as well as reusable applications (with interchangeable cartridges) machines for women equipped with moisturizing strips of the Gel-Balzam, in this case is not the best choice. Such cute multicolored devices are designed to shave with a wide and smooth surface - for the legs, as well as the armpits. The bikini zone, in contrast to the ankles, is difficult to shave, differs in delicate skin and special sensitivity. It should be noted that the sharp blade of a disposable machine is easily clamped, so such devices are hardly worth using for whipping delicate zones.

Thus, to achieve an optimal result of hair removal in intimate zones, it is recommended to use razor machines for men with interchangeable cartridges - they are designed taking into account the need to shave tight bristles, including in hard-to-reach areas, their blades are tougher and sharp. As a last resort, in the female machine, you can use a replaceable cartridge with male blades.

It is worth considering that the shaving machine is the thing is purely individual use. Taking advantage of a stranger device, it is easy to put an infection with the skin processed. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the Bikini Zones for Shaving the Bikini Zone, since the dull razor makes it difficult and extends the hair removal process will scratch the skin and is quite capable of irritating the hair follicle in the area being processed. Attaching a razor should not be thrown out.


How to Shave Bikini Zone: Select Shaving Means

The end result of hair removal in the bikini zone also depends on the choice of means for shaving. For such a delicate area, you will need to choose suitable care. You can shave the bikini zone using soap foam as a remedy - it will facilitate the procedure, but dries the skin in the application process - as a result, such a procedure can lead to irritation and peeling of the skin. Ordinary men's agents before and after shaving, especially alcohol-containing, are unlikely to suit, since they can trigger the irritation of gentle skin or cause an allergic reaction.

Take a closer look at the sale tools for shaving - gels and foam marked "for sensitive skin" (they are great, helping to shave the bikini zone without irritation - mitigating the hair removal process and protecting the skin from mechanical damage).

If you do not have a suitable shaving cream at hand, you can use the balm or air conditioning for the hair, as well as the usual shower gel either oil for taking a bath. Effectively moisturize the skin and soften the hairs ordinary olive oil without additives - this means is hypoallergenically and will provide soft care during hair removal.

Minimize the unpleasant consequences of hair removal in the bikini zone in the form of irritation and inflammation is possible, picking up a special tool for skin care after shaving, as well as taking advantage of the medicinal herbs made by the prepared and decoctions.

How to Shave Bikini Zone: Useful Tips

In order for the shaving procedure of the bikini zone as smoothly as possible, it is necessary to take into account the following useful recommendations, how to shave the bikini zone:

  • the most appropriate time to shave the bikini zone - the evening. In this case, before bedtime, you will have the opportunity to conduct a procedure without a special rush, in addition, the sensitive skin of the bikini zone will have time to relax and completely calm down until the morning;
  • pre-shave is useful to make peeling processed zone using the washcloth and a soft scrub. This tool will help remove dead skin particles and reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. For sensitive skin, prone to the appearance of irritation, it is recommended to carry out peeling per day before shaving, for normal skin - immediately before shaving;
  • shave dry skin should not be, as there is a significant probability of obtaining significant irritation and peeling. Minimize the traumatic impact of the procedure is to reduce the risk of scratching of the skin, cuts and inflammation is easy, having accepted a hot shower or a bath immediately before carrying out the hair removal procedure. Take the rule to shave the bikini zone in the shower - under the influence of steam and warm water, the sparkled skin is effectively moistened and acquires additional elasticity, and the hairs are softened and easier to shave;
  • as a last resort, if you do not have the ability to take a shower or a bath, it is recommended to attach to the bikini zone for a few minutes with a towel moistened with hot water. Delicate zones prepared in this way will be easier to move the hair removal procedure;
  • the Bikini Zone Hair Removal Procedure requires special accuracy. Drive the blade on the skin smoothly, with the help of light sliding movements. Do not press on a razor machine during shaving, otherwise his blades will shave unevenly;
  • it is unwanted to shave the same place again - try to remove the unwanted vegetation with a razor from the first time, moving along hair growth. If necessary, adjust the result, spend the razor in the right place again, moving similarly in the direction of the growth of hairs - this will avoid irritation;
  • if it still failed to avoid damage to the skin, the appears of cuts and scratches immediately need to be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

How to Shave Bikini Zone: Technique of Procedure

Finding suitable appliances and leather care products can be processed directly to the procedure itself. In the case of long hairs, it is recommended gently cutting them with manicure scissors - such a simple measure will greatly facilitate the epilation process.

To effectively shave the bikini zone, it is necessary to do the following sequence of actions:

  • on the prepared (sparkling and moist), the skin of the bikini zone must be applied to the appropriate means for shaving, avoiding hitting directly to the mucous membrane. Wait a few minutes - gradually active substances funds will begin to act, softening the skin in the processing zone and hairs;
  • shave should be carried out with light smooth movements, strictly in the direction of hair growth. This technique will avoid the appearance of irritation, cuts, inflammation and ingrown hairs;
  • if necessary, for a convenient shave of the folds in the bikini zone should be captured with fingers of the skin in the processed place and pull a little to facilitate the sliding of the razor machine;
  • after depilation, rinse with warm water under the shower and apply after shaving. Effectively soften and calm herbs champs (sage, chamomile, mint, hypertension) - they rinse the skin or impose a compress in it impregnated with such a means. Even if there are no visible cuts on the skin, inconspicuous micro-facilities should be disinfected so that they do not cause irritation in the future;
  • at the end of the shave process, it is necessary to dry the processed zone with a soft towel (it should not rub the skin).

After the shaving, the bikini zones do not rush to wear underwear, give the skin to "Raise", allowing her to finally dry themselves.

How to Shave Bikini Zone: Sex Haircuts


Having learned how to shave the bikini zone correctly, and finishing more or less freely to hover a razor machine, in the future you can try to build a creative intimate haircut in the form of various figures and symbols. The advantage of using a razor is also the fact that such an effect will not achieve in any way with the help of wax or sugar paste.
By selecting a suitable picture, for self-combination of sexual haircuts, you need to cook:

  • acute razor machine;
  • suitable shave tool;
  • helium handle or marker;
  • if necessary, the stencil of the selected image.

Next, you can proceed directly to business. The haircut in the bikini zone is convenient to perform on short-length 2-3 mm hairs. Armed with a writing agent, you need to apply an image outline on the skin. Then, riveting with a razor, it is necessary to outline the island of hair and thoroughly form a drawing. If desired, the hair in this area is stained in various tones with a special paint. Upon reaching the desired result, it is necessary to treat the skin after shaving.

Shaved bikini zone - Photo



How to shave bikini zone - video


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